Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sarah Palin: "Activism truly Is for the children."

The headline is taken from Palin's Facebook page, on which was posted with the above picture of a much younger Trig uncharacteristically wearing his glasses. (Which Trig is this one again?)

Here is the full quote:

As cliche and annoying as it may sound, activism truly IS for the children.

 I have no idea what the point of it is except perhaps she has noticed that almost all of her support has dried up and she is hoping that trotting out her most successful prop will loosen some purse strings.

I guess the current version of Trig is just not deemed cute enough to accomplish that anymore.

Of course as we have seen Palin's activism has been exclusively focused on furthering HER agenda and bringing in as much cash as possible.  And the evidence is pretty clear that when she HAS given speeches for charity she makes damn sure that she gets free airfare and hotel commendations, and most often also charges a fee for speaking.

So if I may take the liberty of correcting her title, it undoubtedly should read, "Screw the children, activism is for making the big bucks baby!"


  1. Sally in MI5:34 PM

    What is the matter with this woman? That picture must be four years old. Who cares that trig once wore paper (?) glasses and looked at picture books in his high chair in stead of on Mama's lap? Is she calling herself a child now? I mean, she claims she is an activist for God, guns and freedom from the tyranny of the big bad government that fed her family for all the years she was pretend Mayor and grifting Governor. Now it's bad? And what about that nice government health insurance she enjoys? She is a flippin' fool. No more, and maybe a lot less.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Dude, why are you judging one picture? How do you know what HC she has? She's isn't native therefore couldn't reap those benefits and she doesn't have a govt job.

      Get a life. Stop overanalysing pointless things and go research all the lies your democratic leaders IN POWER tell daily.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      All you DEMONCRATS are all just alike evil

    3. A. J. Billings3:14 AM

      hey, RAM, Willow, Bristol, Brancy/Nancy/$arah:

      oops, you forgot the independents, conservatives, and libertarians who read and appreciate IM.

      Why are you posting here? Did the C4pee get too boring with all the $arah worship, Todd adoring, and begging for money?

    4. Anonymous4:32 AM

      @idiot@8:23. She did ave it the times she was carrying a native child.And all her kids have it as does Toad. That's a HUGE chunk of change.

    5. Anonymous5:32 AM

      @Anon 8:23 Ypu are incorrect Shall we refer to the custody paperwork between Levi and Bristol page 8 line 21.when we find out that Tripp is enrolled in the Curyung Tribal Council within the Bristol bay Native Consortium through his mother who is enrolled through her father and also has healthcare. So you are to say that he children without special needs are enrolled but her child without special needs is not. Even Sarah Palin has stated on more than one occasion her husband is native. Facts have a liberal bias.

    6. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Troills at 8:23 and 8:49: Trig is part-native, so he gets his medical care--including GLASSES--at no charge from the US GOVERNMENT. Too bad the Grifter Granny is too lazy to make sure he gets the medical care he needs to thrive. Instead, she's creating a permanently-helpless dependent.

    7. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Wow, wow wow! G pushed a button here! You've got the whole payme family in a uproar!
      First off maybe all the payme kids GET native beni's even though they don't have a drop!
      Yep, TriG, Piper,Track...who were spawned by other than Tawd!
      Keep bitching, b/c may one of us will write and demand DNA tests on all of them!!!
      How about that?
      And why is Triggy bear 4.0 up for viewing?
      Where is the latest version of TriG?
      Any palins here FUCK YOU ALL BITCHES!

    8. Anonymous7:54 AM

      also, too, she is a pitiful actress and liar. Example, the Frank Elan film.

      Who has documentation about the entity known as Trip Palin? There is no way to know if Todd Palin is his bio dad. This is a family that is only too glad to lie and cheat about all kinds of matters. The other son, Track Palin, looks like lover Curt Menard. They have a history of faking who is real father to sons. Families that commit fraud so constant and easy would do so for insurance purposes.

      It would be more Palin ugly to have a special needs child who is covered by insurance and then go ahead and neglect getting the child adequate care, including glasses.

      Sarah Palin is a monster for showing the world how she uses children and vets as props and how she often showed Trig neglected. As hard as Palins at times try to do the cute photo ops there have been too much of the neglect photos as well. For Trig's sake the authorities must look further at the fraud from Wasilla.

    9. Awww damn! I see I'm super late to this thread! Sure looks like ole Krusty left some dooky for us all to step in!

      Krusty is use to leaving dooky for other folks to step over...ask her sis Mindy how much she hates to clean up Krusty's nasty ass room! Poor girl has to wear a haz mat suit and everything! Right Krust! LOL!!

      Okay about this picture of Trig 2.3...WTF is Baldy up to now! "activist"...Baldy??? I thought her new gig was as a CORSPE Chaser™? Trig ain't HE??

      Poor little some one said earlier...those glasses looked like Baldy finally figured out how to work the Paint function on her computer and she drew those glasses on the Trig picture!

      And I agree with whoever said that this picture and caption from the bald headed alkie is a message to Baldy's new mark!

      I mean how many different schemes can this bag of bones come up with? Doesn't the fool know that her only option is to CONFESS!

      That's right Baldy....tell us the truth about Trig...I mean ALL the damn Trig's and while you're at many damn kids did your trampy daughters give birth too? Once those questions are answered then maybe we'll stop pointing and laughing at your dumbass! LOL!!

    10. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Gryphen and everyone,

      I heard that SkiDoo dropped sponsorship of Todd and not the other way around. Do you have any comfirmation of that?

    11. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I meant it the other way around. Arctic Cat dropped them. Or, maybe SkiDoo paid them more.

  2. Janice5:48 PM

    OT... she is losing it badley. Her brother just posted on her FB slamming Field and Stream for lying about their article on Sarah and her hunting. Sarah, of course, called the writer a SOB...
    Why doesn't this woman sue the magazine and shut up.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      "Why doesn't she sue...?"

      Because she would have to answer embarrassing questions in either a deposition or in court with an opposing attorney that would not email her the questions in advance do she could ask RAM to answer for her. The video of any deposition with Sarah would surely leak, just as it did for Rick Scott, and then she would be toast forever except for her last 10-12 C4P idiots who would never admit that they are fools and have been taken for a ride. But they're broke now, so all they can do is talk and whine and cry.

      After all, sock puppets don't contribute money, they just try to stir shit and encourage others to give. Sales of her creepy father and brother's book are an accurate barometer of just how far The Quitter has fallen. Did they sell 3.5 million copies at Christmas? Have they sold 3.5 million total since the book was released? Have they sold 1 million? Have they sold 100,000 ? Have they sold even 10,000?

      I'm told that they sold less than 1000 on their entire tour. In fact, way less than 1,000. Where are all those Facebook fans? Sarah can't afford to fill up her warehouse with all of their books, too. Her second book was a dog, and Bristol's was a steaming pile of dog shit. The jig is up on the Palin-Heath grifters. They should've had the sense to cut their losses, but we know them-- they are always going to double down and lose all their winnings x 2. It's the fool and their money thing. And Sarah and Todd still have indictments awaiting them very soon. Gee, it sure sucks to be them. Karma.

    2. BabyRaptor9:35 PM

      The same reason she just talks shit instead of suing anyone else who talks about her life: You should only sue if the stories you're suing about are actually false. Otherwise, lots of discomfort is guaranteed to follow.

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    that child is truly pathetic looking. i don't mean to be judgmental, but that child is seriously not right.
    what is she trying to gain from posting pictures of a very disabled child on her so-called facebook page?
    i've always been under the impression that sarah is actually embarrassed by this special needs child. does she really take care of him, or does she farm his needs out to hired help?

    1. I disagree - the babe (and in this picture he is still a babe) looks animated & interested in the book. Trouble is, as he grows, he no longer has the "baby" appeal that Sarah used in the past to raise money.

      The few demented remaining fans need to be reminded why they gave away their savings to this woman - that is why the picture is so old.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      You aren't helping either side by this comment.

    3. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Very disabled child? You're such a judgmental dumbass. I truly feel sorry for you. You're like the losers the Palins call out for calling these precious angels retarded. Fuck you. Theyre' FAR classier and loving then you could EVER hope to be. It shines on little Trigs face.

    4. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Re 6:40 comment: this is my two cents or how I read the comment is that the child was an infant (babe) when Palin was put in the national stage holding her infant up to then cheering crowds.

      I am thinking of my grandsons 3 1/2 and 4 years old. Literally they can't be on your hip or held like Kunta Kinte. Children grow passing the sack of potatos stage. I did not take the comment as a point about Trig. A 38 pound child, bored, on the hip is not conducive to
      speechifying as a young infant.

    5. Anonymous8:55 PM

      You stupid Idiot! he has down syndrome

    6. Anonymous9:45 PM


      There are no "sides" to this situation. Only right and wrong, and shame on you and Sarah oth for exploiting a developmentally disabled child for financial gain. It is Sarah's fault that the child has not had a full-time mother to nurture her child because she has fucked over Trig the same way she has all of her other kids as they've grown past infancy. The truth must eat away at Sarah. 90% of the pics of Trig have been without her in the picture and of those where she was pictured, only a handful were of her holding her "baby". He is almost never pictured with either his corrective glasses or hearing aid. It must be "too much trouble" for Sarah to put them back on him when he takes them off. After all, it would take a real loving PARENT to make sure her child had the best opportunity to make progress with his eyesight and hearing.

      Sarah is all about Sarah, and fuck anyone else that gets in her way, including her kids, husband, and other associates. She is finally reaping all of the hate and evil that she had sown for so long. She deserves scorn and ridicule, and that's exactly what she will receive every time she seeks the spotlight to grift a few bucks. And she's too stupid to know that she can't dig her way out of a hole. It's sad that all of her kids have had to suffer so much to this point in their lives. It's no wonder that they aren't all in jail by now, but then again, if not for Sarah's corrupt cronyism, two of them would be convicted felons already. But since none have made it to 25 yrs old nor have any even graduated from their high school or attended even 1 semester of college, there's plenty of time for their actions to catch up with them. This next time they fuck up, they will be tried as adults, and Granny Grifter will have any influence to get them off. In fact, Granny Grifter and Toaf are only one step ahead of the law themselves, and the gap is getting narrow. I hope Fox News is there to get the perp walk. The only one happier than me will probably be Riger Ailes. Or maybe Bill OReilly. They despise that idiot, whereas I just dislike her actions and lack of integrity. She's made her bed, and now it's time to lie in it.

    7. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Anonymous8:24 PM

      Very disabled child? You're such a judgmental dumbass. I truly feel sorry for you. You're like the ....blab,blab,blab....
      TriG IS disabled! In fact dear Sarah changed his name from Tripp to TriG as in Trisomony-G.
      You know how "smart" sarah is with scrabble and all.

    8. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I have always suspected the point of posts like this is to "dirty the place up" -- diverting discussion and making the IM community look bad.
      Don't bite.

    9. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Sarah can't talk as she did when Levi was at their house. I would not put it past her to write the Anonymous 5:48 PM crap herself. She doesn't always use a ghostwriter.

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    This message, posted on another site, is for sista sayrah since she obviously reads here:

    "There is only one thing left for her to do to raise money without actually working for it - tell the truth about Trig's birth. Doing that would bring her the attention (from the media, but not from the President) and the money she craves, but if she waits much longer, she won't get much of either. She's fading fast, and her antics, though amusing to us "Haters," aren't drawing the attention they once did in the media and the in the public eye. If she waits much longer, many won't care, although I'll be happy to have the truth about Trig's birth exposed."

    Might want to give it some thought sayrah, for the tall tale might be better received from your vantage point, rather than from a traitor finally 'leaking' the truth...which in my view would be poetic justice for the innocent child.

    Either way, you won't get away with this ruse much longer. Btw, how old in that photo and which child was used to prop up your fading narrative?

    1. sewnup6:40 PM

      I wonder if that photo is actually of Trig or whether she's lifted it from somewhere convenient? Doesn't really strike me as "right"--face not flat enough, and when have we seen a picture of him that included any creature comforts/safeguards for him--such as the high chair liner? Looking at other photos of infants claimed to be Trig, at about the same age, almost all show the right eye to be less open than the left, and slightly more slanted up at the outside edge, not the case in the picture above. I'd guess that with her afore-noticed lack of understanding she's just grabbed any picture she thinks is representative of an infant with Down Syndrome. Nothing new for her.

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM

      It hardly matters. It is at least 3 years old. Similar to when Sarah released a picture of "Trig" on his birthday that was actually from one year earlier, to give the appearance that the family "celebrated" his birthday that day. But why would someone post one picture that's a year old, that had in fact been released a year ago? No current pictures, perhaps. Only a handful of Sarah's bots are rubes dumb enough to pull that kind of shit on and get away with it.

      The rest if us are laughing at you for being a complete idiot and fraud. And we pity your children. They deserved better, but instead all they had was your sister and mother to try to help care for your kids. And they suffer all their lives because of it. But hey, Sarah WAS a half-term governor, before she quit under pressure because of her crimes committed in office. It's been downhill ever since, and there's still room for her to drop. She's toast, and has been since 2009, coming up on 4 years.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Palin has consistently publicly claimed she did all and everything for her children. Sometimes she mentioned Todd being a good dad or dude. Palin even credited herself with hunting for their meat to feed her family. She does not give credit to or recognize even her mother for doing anything, no sitters. Like Bristol, being away from Wasilla four days a week to months spinning she is working full time in Alaska what they say defies physical possibilities.

      From experience with dysfunctional to maybe disordered personalities they claim "all" for self and will try to convince those who do the work they did "nothing". When anyone does not agree or go along with the grandiose distortions they are enraged and spin the other person is a liar, makes things up. The false image manipulates people to revere them and despise people they deceive did nothing when in reality they did the majority of work.

      Not buying into or repeating grandiose distortions, e.g. "energy expert" or expert hunter triggers rage and assignations of "liar".
      It is a pattern I observe.

  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Her agenda? YOu mean the agenda of people who just want to be able to live free from govt bull and democrat deceptions

    And you're STILL pushing a bizarre Trig theory where there's 2 of them???

    THAT is called crazy, something you're fully acquainted with.

    1. Her agenda? She is the master of deceptions, from a faked pregnancy to pretending she can fire a gun; hunt. And yes, I think there was at least two babies/toddlers passed off as Trig. Unless a child can change the color and thickness of their hair and the shape of their ears in a matter of a day or a week ... then there is photographic proof there were at least two babies known as Trig. You are the one who is crazed ... a crazed, delusional poor little pbot.

    2. emrysa6:49 PM

      5:58, that lunatic faked a pregnancy, strapped on an empathy belly, and continues to use this disabled child as a meal ticket. and you want to criticize people for calling her out? check yourself in, dumb shit.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      5:58 PM Living free of Government Bull? Do you mean Todd's Sex Trafficking? Certainly the Government is looking into that. No one should be free to commit crimes and Tax Evasion without the Government watching. Grifters are always caught, it might take a long time, but the Palins are GOING DOWN.

    4. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Daisy, considering all the times in her childhood and just 10 years ago that she hunted/went to shooting ranges, I'd say she knows how to shoot. (HUNDREDS of pics)

      Grow up, stop judging, stop acting like a moron and educate yourself on what crap democrats have been trying to pull.

    5. Anita Winecooler8:55 PM

      Your false outrage has been duly noted, but you still don't get it. We're not posting old photos of a child called "Trig" on facebook, Sarah Palin is. Look at the photo of Trig and Tripp (The one with the boots on the wrong foot) and ask yourself one question. Is that "Trig" the same child presented as "Trig" here?

      Why post old photos of him but recent photos of everyone else?

    6. BabyRaptor9:38 PM

      Free from government bull, eh? So you're perfectly fine with the government saying who can and cannot marry, who can and cannot vote, what women have to do with their body, what religion everyone has to follow, that your boss is perfectly within his right to deny you medical care that he disapproves of, ETC?

      Well, yeah, actually, I bet you are. Because you see nothing wrong with those things. Small government my ass.

    7. Anonymous5:38 AM

      "Why post old photos of him but recent photos of everyone else?"

      Makes it a lot easier to throw everyone off when photos are not published in any chronological order. If someone looks not quite right, the excuse "it's an old picture" puts all the suspicions to rest.

    8. Anonymous6:28 AM


    9. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Anon 8:25 -- "considering all the times in her childhood and just 10 years ago that she hunted/went to shooting ranges, I'd say she knows how to shoot. (HUNDREDS of pics)"

      WHERE are these HUNDREDS of pics? The only ones (few as they are) that i can find of Sarah holding a gun are either photoshopped or obviously posed. Her defenders keep citing these alleged photos that no one else has seen.

      Show 'em if ya got 'em, otherwise, STFU.

  6. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Pathetic, but not at all surprising from this grifter. How anyone could not see that the picture is not recent is beyond me. Sad to say that the fools who send her money will continue to do so.

    I don't get how she can keep collecting money in her PAC when she is not supporting anyone nor is she running herself. Jesse Jackson Jr was finally brought down and I hope we see the day that this grifter will be brought down as well.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Why does it matter that is not an old pic? She knows her FANS love seeing ANY pics. If she had an agenda and didn't just post pics, she'd stage a sitting with Glasses glued to Trig's face so he can't throw them off like a typical 4 yr old and place 100 books around him.

      Grow up.

      It's incredibly hard to get small children to keep glasses on.

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Anon 8:29: Actual, loving, CARING parents make sure their profoundly handicapped children get what they need, whether its glasses or hearing aids or early childhood therapy. The Paylumps did none of these things for their cash-cow.

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM
      "I don't get how she can keep collecting money in her PAC when she is not supporting anyone nor is she running herself. Jesse Jackson Jr was finally brought down and I hope we see the day that this grifter will be brought down as well." what's keeping Baldy Louise Heath Palin up at night posting comments on IM! The old tranny face woMAN is waiting for that knock at the door from the FEDS!

      Remember how JJjr tried to hide from the Feds by playing at being CRAZY! Well that shit didn't work because look at his ass NOW!

      So Baldy...if I was's time for you to start throwing some folks under that big ass bus of yours...because if the DOJ came after a prominent Chicago Congressman...what makes you think they aren't coming for your half-term quitting...fired from Fake News...CORPSE chasing...anorexia having....mean ASS? Good luck dummy! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Her followers live in the rainbow-colored world where Trig is a perpetually cute two-year-old, Bristol works at a medical office and the whole happy family is seen at the Wasilla Applebees or Olive Garden or whatever happy, happy, fun, fun, family place the mouth-breathers imagine that the Palins frequent.

      Don't confuse them with realities. It just makes them mad and they will call you "immature"--gasp!

    5. Cracklin Charlie9:33 AM

      Brava, GinaM!!!

    6. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Anonymous 8:29, It's incredibly EASY to get small children to keep glasses on. Just use a strap that holds the glasses on the head. Simple solution that is used for millions of parents.

  7. Janice6:06 PM

    Where was Sarah four years ago when she should have been making speeches and talking about her child and his disability. She chose, instead, to make reality shows, write books, make big bucks on the speaking tours, ect. She never in four years spoke about Trig to interested groups. So, how come now she comes out with this crap.....

    1. Until Politics entered the Susan G Komen charity, no-one noticed how much they made & how little was distributed & that the executives made a large income from the charity.

      If Sarah had a brain or listened to an adviser with a brain, the reality of Trig could have been a similar charity for disabled people. If she had kept politics OUT of it - she might have achieved something worthwhile - and had a life after politics as something other than a loser.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Every day, we read where D.S. kids are graduating from HS and advancing into unique positions in our society. What could Sarah have to say? Nothing. Not one of her kids has finished HS.

    3. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Well, you missed the times when she volunteered for charities because it was private (though pics were posted in the orgs websites). There's a ton of her life she's hasn't publicized. Why are you a stalker?

      Dont you want her to go away? Why are you constantly wanting to know where she is?

      It's sad how much she consumes your life when you realize there are thousands of people who dont even know her husbands name or how many kids she has. There ONE book of the 10o about her that only mentions 3 kids, including TRig.

      You're just a stalker with a problem.

    4. Hahaha 8:32 - If Sarah was volunteering for charities she wouldn't keep it "private" - she would be telling everyone. What is quiet is how much she charges for EVERY appearance.

    5. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Hey Anon @ 8:32 PM

      Try reading the following sentence slowly:

      "There ONE book of the 10o about her that only mentions 3 kids, including TRig."

      Dropping out of school does have an impact on your communication skills.

    6. our lad4:30 AM

      Nah, nope and uh uh, no stalkers here. Just folks who are truly amazed that this dog and pony show continues and that the long arm of the law has not embraced Mrs. Palin. Anyone who is marginally cogent and has been walking this earth for longer than twelve years can see this dopey hustler as just that. Stalk schmalk,this carelessly orchestrated charade does have a shelf life, bonehead, we're just watching the parade as it heads toward the inevitable fucking cliff.

    7. Anonymous8:30 AM

      our lad--Word

    8. Anonymous8:48 AM

      why does she keep posting pics of Shaleigh Tripp's kids?

  8. Janice6:11 PM

    I would love to know if Trig is involved in any special programs or school where he can interact with other kids with disabilities and have teachers there who know what is best for teaching him? Or, do the Palins just keep him in the house with no professional help.

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      He has friends, kids his age. Hence why he's in daycare part-time. Why don't you let these people live privately and post a simple picture every once in awhile for their fans. You don't judge those you support. This is no different.

    2. 8:45 - has such a great knowledge of the family - maybe he/she can tell us why those "sample pictures" are 4 years old

    3. Anonymous1:04 AM

      Oh,don't be an ass.If they wanted to live privately they would.But they don't.They want all of the attention and notoriety they can muster up,trying to keep you little P-bots sending in the grocery money so Sarah can take another vacation and Todd can maybe afford to give his current hooker more than the $300 a month he gave the one who wrote a book about her experiences with the pervert pimp.

    4. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Hey Anon @ 8:45 PM

      "Hence why he's in daycare part-time".


      Please try to avoid words like "hence". You need to focus on basic sentence structure, not words you think will impress. And when people post pictures for others to see, they post RECENT pictures.

    5. our lad4:34 AM

      Hey 8:45 "let them live privately" !!!!! Are you SERIOUS?! These crazy fuckers have hustled their EVERY BREATH for public consumption!! What cave have you been living in?!?! Goddamn!!!

    6. Anonymous4:43 AM

      We let them live privately when they live privately. Here's a simple definition of that since you seem to need one:
      -No more ficitonalized reality sows tat broadcast their lives.
      -No more TMZ/People exposes about personal events that they solicit.
      -Announce a retirement and returning to private life and mean it.
      -Practice saying "no comment."
      -Make facebook page private for family and friends.
      -Cease grifting via PAC.

    7. Anonymous8:13 AM

      8:45 PM Let us say there is only one Trig that she uses for a prop. That Trig needs stability and to attend his part-time daycare on a regular basis. It would be nice if his parents were a stable part of his life, that would mean being home with him and seeing he stays with his routine, including the part-time daycare.

      As anyone can see the Palins are all over the place. At the rodeo car show when Todd had to hold Sarah up so she could walk, you want us to believe Sarah in that condition was also being a stable mother caring for a special needs child? One of the Trigs is often shown to be on the road with the Palins. How is that giving him stability and getting him to part-time daycare on a regular basis?

      Sarah sounds like bull pucky and her trolls are full of the same shit.

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    OMG - who would put a pair of white round glasses on their son. Those are probably Piper's glasses.

    First she posts a picture of a much older Trig and then this. The fools that post on her Facebook don't even notice it. What idiots!!!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Those look like specialized frames that can take a beating from the wearer, and not hurt the wearer. Probably very expensive.

    2. Actually, I figured the glasses are much more appropriate than the gigantic metal frames he's been pictured in before. At least, being rubber, they should not hurt him if he falls or lies down in them or whatever things toddlers tend to do.

      Of has been a few years since this mythical child was a toddler...

    3. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Anon 6:47 - yeah right. As if she would spend money on high specialized frames as opposed to money for herself. Run back over to the pee pond.

  10. Anonymous6:20 PM

    What an adorable picture! Is that child TriG or another stand-in? Picture looks professional to me.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Looks like he's reading material the McCain aides tried to school Sarah with in 2008.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:01 PM

      Exactly, Anonymous 6:47!

      Notice the book is open to the Elephant, the symbol of the Republican Party. Trig's mouth is round as if he's saying "Oh", the same reaction Sarah had when Nichole tutored her on politics,
      Nicholle:"Sarah, this is an Elephant, the symbol of the Republican Party"

      Sarah: "Oh!"


    3. Anonymous4:58 AM

      I think that's the message here, ANita. It's $cara's public response to someone in the GOP.
      $carah: I want to run again for national/state office.
      GOP: NO, you alienated too many people.
      $carah: But I WANNA!!!
      GOP: Well, you need to show us and voters you are serious and not just a grifter - maybe some grassroots activism to start. Then maybe we can support another run.
      $carah: elephant (GOP) in photo book- activism is for children.
      In other words a big boney middle finger to the GOP.

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      maybe it's a current picture of Willow's kid...


      seriously, there are so many babies in that family, who can keep Track? pun intended.

  11. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I hope those are toy glasses because if they're not he's definitely wearing the wrong kind. There are special glasses made for down syndrome kids where the bridge is placed lower so the lenses correctly align with the eyes.

    Has Palin donated any funds towards special needs / down syndrome organizations?

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM


    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      "Has Palin donated any funds towards special needs / down syndrome organizations?"

      Forget that!

      Sarah Palin won't even buy her kids condoms or birth control!

  12. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Why is Trig reading Sarah's books?

    See what kind of animals you can shoot from a heelicoptet

  13. Do those glasses even have lenses in them?

  14. Anonymous6:59 PM

    A couple of days ago, both Bristol and Sarah posted photos of Todd getting ready for his Iron Dog Race. The photos showed Trig posing with different members of his family. Scroll down a bit at Bristol's blog and Sarah's Facebook and you can still see these pictures. Trig is not wearing his glasses in the photos, and his eyes turn in badly. He really does need some kind of corrective glasses, and he isn't wearing them.

    Some of those photos showed up somewhere around the internet, along with the comments that you just read. The kid has a problem with his eyes. Sarah must spend her free time checking everyone's comments about her because it is quite a coincidence to see a photo of Trig wearing glasses. The problem is that photo is years old.

    Some time ago, the same thing happened. We saw a photo of Trig, eyes turned in, no glasses. There were comments that he should be wearing glasses. Then, what a surprise, there was Trig, all alone in an empty auditorium or Bible Camp, wearing glasses that didn't fit him. Gryphen had a photo about a year ago, again showing Trig wearing glasses that don't fit him.
    There are hundreds of photos of Trig around the internet, but only a couple show him wearing glasses.

    Here are some links to those recent photos of Trig without glasses:

    Now, out of the clear blue sky, Sarah Palin says that activism has to truly be for the children. In the past five years, since we were first introduced to Sarah and Trig, I haven't seen any evidence of her active role in advocating for children. Her high profile could raise awareness and donations for DS organizations. She could educate people about the kinds of therapy options available. We have never heard anything about the kind of therapy that Trig receives (if he receives therapy). What we do know is that one thing that might help him see better is not a consistent part of his life.

    We also know that Sarah is very sensitive to criticism, and it is quite a coincidence that she rushed out an old photo of Trig wearing some glasses, as if to say, "He does too wear them. And, I did shoot that caribou, even with the gun sight 'way off. And, I didn't ask my Dad it it kicked. What I said to him was "That gun looks wicked." And the Washington Post screwed up on an old story from February 3. And, I did call Barack Obama a community activist but if it's for then children, well, then......"

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Do you know how hard it is to keep a young childs' glasses on?

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Anon at 6:59 pm. You are probably right about the timing and the purpose of the photo. I had completely forgotten about Sarah Palin and President Obama's early work as a community organizer. Well, Sarah Palin has never in her life tried to work for the good of anyone else so there is little hope that, at this point, she'll begin any sort of "good works."

      I'm sure it's difficult to get little children to wear glasses but we know the grandmother of a darling DS girl and we've never seen the little girl without her glasses. As a two year-old she seems perfectly comfortable with them.

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      What people forget is that Obama's organizing was to get work for unemployed steel workers. What better way to help children than to make sure their parents have jobs that pay enough to take care of housing and food and a little extra to save for college?

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Anon at 6:59 and Beaglemom--thanks for the insights. I agree.

  15. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Sarah Palin knows as little about activism as she does about anything else. She's merely trying to get some shit going so that the monkeys don't notice that that they get nothing for the $25 a month that's coming out of their bank account.

  16. Anonymous7:08 PM

    First off to say, Trig is very sweet.

    Second, since Sarah has lost her relevancy, people barely think about her. So why posting personal photos on her facebook, it's disturbing. Responsible parent celebrities do not place personal family photos on their facebook when they know they can attract all kinds of strangers. Her fake naive small-town girl theme doesn't work anymore. Sharing baby pictures for all to see, even though endearing for a moment, doesn't fool anyone anymore. The hockey mom with adorable family persona is being relived and relived again in her mind. These kids are growing up and the whole family dynamic, like every family's, changes as they grow in teens and school-age kids. Moms who love their kids will make sacrifices for their kids and while Trig needed her in the most important months and years of his life, she was doing something else, seeking stardom. Now, she's bored and needing to relive those early stardom moments when everyone loved her with baby Trig on her hip. Sarah is seeking to relive those moments and posting a lonely photo of her child in a high chair is very curious.

    This is a cry for attention and a need to relive the glory days.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      why is why she gains hundreds of fb likes a day. Im compiling a list for a month to see just how many.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      He's such a sweetie and looks JUST LIKE my cousin, who's 6, with DS. Such angels. Trig is certainly happy and blessed. WHo wouldn't be in his position

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      The photo is a couple of years old, probably to remind us of those days when Trig was on her hip. And 7:08 is right about people guarding the privacy of their children by not posting their photos on a public Facebook page, especially since the Palin family seems to attract their share of stalkers and weird fans.

    4. Anonymous5:48 AM

      8:38, you are a creepy stalker.

    5. Anonymous6:38 AM

      She's shittin' out these fakebook bullshit faster than her exlax works, because she knows...the end is near.

      Gone will be the monstrous cavern in the desert
      the mystery house of wasilly, only will be bars and indictments and more indictments etc.

      Ailes muzzled her ass so she has nothing but to shit out fakebook posts.

      pretty funny. As funny as Krusty, wallows, and beefy here bitching. Bwhahahahaaaa, suck it bitches!

    6. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Hey y'all...don't pay any attention to this escapee from the Asylum! This is the idiot who post Baldy's Fakebook likes every hour on the hour in the he's some kind of town crier for Palinbots!

      Too bad the patient doesn't have two nickels to rub together and send to BaldyPac...but he feels like he's doing his part to help the Baldy gravy train continue to derail off the tracks!

      Shit none of the patients have loose change anymore..they are too busy sending it to the bald fella who laughs at them for being stupid enough to buy all her LIES! Play on playa! LOL!!

  17. Anonymous8:03 PM

    When will Sarah give that child back to Bristol? Sarah knows thst she would rather travel with all her millions instead of having to take care of Bristol's mistake.

    1. Anonymous1:39 AM

      Grow up. Mature people don't spread lies about strangers. Just because a blogger fosters a community where liberals are give anonymity to spread lies, doesn't mean you should

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Anonymous1:39 AM

      Grow up.
      Krusty you sound like a 5 yr old screaming out demands! You must of been a bully 50 yrs ago on the playground. Just like sarah.
      Do this! Do that!
      STFU and take your own advice...GROW THE FUCK UP! AND STFU!

    3. Anonymous11:19 AM

      1:39 AM Got out of bed on the wrong side and stepped into your bedpan? Don't take it out on us. It would be interesting to know what Drugs you are on, because you are a MESS.

  18. Anonymous8:06 PM

    You know that Willow is doing the nasty in Europe or wherever she is. It's built into her DNA.

  19. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Great grandma Sally did it, grandma Sarah did it, Bristol and Track did it... you know Willow is doing it and it is just a matter of time before Piper does it.

    Gotta love that Palin Christian family value.

  20. Anonymous8:15 PM


    It got tired around here listening to Bristol moan like a wounded moose every time somebody tapped that ass.

    It was like listening to a rooster crow several times a day.

  21. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "Do you have any tips to getting kids to wear glasses? My Devin will be 3 this August and has glasses for 4 months now. He won’t wear them longer than 3 or 4 minutes at a time. Please help!"

    Before you judge, inform yourself for ONCE In your life. Hating jackasses

    1. Anonymous1:16 AM

      So you're saying that if it is difficult to get a child to accept the glasses that will allow him to function and enjoy life life better,just never mind,give up,don't be a loving responsible parent who pays attention,buys a nice discreet retainer strap for the glasses,gets them fitted properly so they are more comfortable,and gently insists and assists the child to wear the glasses ?My grandson has the same problems with his eyes and vision,loving attention and parenting have made it so that he is now 13 and has worn his glasses since he was 2.If he took them off,we replaced them,and rewarded him with an activity.If he kept them on,we made sure he did fun activities that were much more fun if he kept his glasses on.In short,we acted like caring,responsible parents and grand parents.

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Thanks for the well-thought-out response, Anon 1:16. I fear our troll lives in a fantasy world and won't pay any attention to what you say but I appreciate the effort!

  22. Anonymous8:18 PM

    McCain if you had a chance to go back in time, would you have stayed out of Alaska?

  23. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Good thing they're prudes, which is why the girls are cheated on by their ONE long term boyfriends.

  24. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Why in hell would McCain pick Sarah Palin as his vp?

    All he had to do was look at her kids to figure out that Sarah Palin is a worthless piece of shit.

    1. Anonymous1:36 AM

      Funny, they're all healthier, more mature and more balanced than 99% of the people here.

    2. Anonymous1:38 AM

      Well, he's similar. His daughter was bullied in schoolbecause of HIS social status just as hers were. Teens are jealous when other teens possess things or status they do now. Why do you think so many lies/exagggerations come from teens?

      In comparison, her kids are much more mature than the average teen. doesn't make them immune to making TYPICAL mistakes though. NO ONES EVER claimed perfection. The opposite in fact. ;)

      Grow up. Stop hating.

    3. Anonymous6:22 AM

      I'm the 1% that is more healthy, more mature and more balanced than the palins, and I say they are worthless imbeciles.

      So there.

    4. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Anon 1:36-1:38 (aka troll)--In what world is having multiple sex-partners as an underaged teen (not to mention babies), dropping out of high school, numerous run-ins with the law and not holding down a steady job evidence of being healthy and mature? Is this that alternate reality that the right wing lives in?

    5. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Well, in Palin world getting pregnant in HS, having babies out of wedlock is not a MISTAKE, it is what they call TRADITION!!Same with lying about everything. Repeat after me - TRADITION.

    6. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Anonymous1:38 AM
      bla,blab,blab, sos~

      Grow up. Stop hating.
      stop judging?

  25. Anonymous8:23 PM

    What a shame, Sarah has all those grandkids and no son or daughter-in-laws.

  26. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Sarah is a gun enthusiast not a gun activist. Only kids can be activists. No gun for Trig yet.

    1. Anonymous1:36 AM

      This is random and makes no connections to the quote of this post.

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM
      Sarah is a gun enthusiast not a gun activist. Only kids can be activists. No gun for Trig yet.
      Do you realize that makes no sense whatsoever? Or is it snark that I missed?

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      It is only krusty being retarded.

      if that bitch gets TriG a Gun we better fly up to Alaska and get the CPS on her ass!

      Nefer, unfortunately its not snark...its just Krusty.

    4. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Why wouldn't she get Trig a gun one day? He lives on the frontier. Shooting guns is the best therapy for Republicans. The wealthy Nancy Lanza was an active mother and used guns to bond and to help her son get out of his problems.

      The very wealthy hero, Chris Kyle, was confident that the gun therapy activism for troubled souls is the way to go.

      Sarah can afford to take Trig to a gun range like the one in Texas. The very high class Rough Creek Lodge.

  27. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I don't get it. All Track and Bristol had to do was look at their grandparents Sally and Chuckie and then look at their parents Sarah and Todd who had to elope in the night and have Track eight months later to figure out that their family is very fertile and that they need to wear protection. Wasn't Aunt Molly pregnant before marriage too?

  28. Anonymous8:34 PM

    They do it like rats and then has to be taken out of school and sent away to live with auntie for several months for.... what did they try to say Bristol had?


  29. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Do a lot of kids in Wasilla get pregnant before marriage or is this just a Heath and Palin epidemic?

  30. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I feel sorry for all of you. You're attacking a child. Luckily, his family's amazing and he is never without love. hopefully you all can someday mirror that love and NOT judge a person based on ignorant bias or superficiality.

    1. A. J. Billings2:55 AM

      Kristy, Willow, Ram, whoever


      How long will you uselessly post on IM?

      Why do you defend the Paylin grifters?

      Please, just go away!

    2. Anonymous4:43 AM

      No one is attacking a child. Everyone is questioning the point of Sarah Palin's statement, or rather, the idiocy of it. If she wants to show photos of her kids, fine, but why top the photo with a meaningless statement. Once again she's using Trig as a publicity stunt and that is just wrong.

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Nobody is attacking Trig. They are tired of Palin using him as a prop.

    4. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Still hiding behind her children. "You can't criticize ME--I have a DS child! If you criticize me you are attacking him! Wah, wah, wah!" You sound just like Sarah.

    5. Anonymous11:07 AM

      8:37 PM You are not a part of the Palin Family, and they Hate you. You are a Poser and are lookinf for attention. Pimping Ain't easy, just ask Todd.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Just about all of the indications we have to judge Sarah's ability of raising children seems to point to she's a lousy and selfish mother who neglects her kids, and is only concerned about herself. Certainly, the final result of how her older kids ended up is another indication of a poor mother. Hopefully, Track will be straighten by the military. Also, look at what Levi said about her relying on her older kids to take care of her younger kids, and what he said Todd would find after returning from the north slope. And despite how much hatred the Palin clan and her followers have towards Levi, I have yet to come across anything he has said that was a proven lie. Things like Levi describing how Sarah would lock herself in her bedroom with a sack of food from Taco Bell is a classic case of anorexia, recent photo's of Sarah recently, and what they said about her eating habits while campaigning, all lend support of her having an eating disorder, and most likely of other psychological disorders.

  31. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Sarah Palin is a liar and fraud even as to being the supposed mother to that retarded child. Those glasses don't even look like they are fit for they show him as a baby and he assuredly is no longer that young. Plus, remember, when he was in photos years ago, he never had glasses on when he should have. That child will be behind even further because of her poor parenting! Sarah Palin is the poorest example of motherhood in the entire USA! Fuck her!

    1. Anonymous1:35 AM

      Nice logic. Grow up, act like an adult. Normal people dont judge, period.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Au contrare, Anon 1:35--adulthood is characterized by an ability to make judgements based on observation and research. And by not accusing people you disagree with of being "abnormal." And if you think the Palin family is "normal," I seriously question your judgement.

    3. Anonymous7:55 AM

      1:35 Who are you judging, you fucking idiot?!!! Sarah needs to be judged - she has judged so many (wrongly) for the past years.

      As the majority know in America, she is a liar and fraud (proven on many, many occasions) and is and has always been a horrid mother. Look at how the majority of her kids have turned out - except for Piper and this last child that probably isn't even hers from all that is known about her fake pregnancy.

    4. Anonymous12:25 PM

      I believe the glasses he's wearing are made for toddlers who would destroy a regular pair of glasses in minutes.

  32. Anonymous9:02 PM

    The only connection I can make from her quote or caption is this photo is of a child because she referenced children. It is the case with Palin to figure out wth she is talking about. Activisim is child's play? Picture books of animals is activisim? Only children seek change? It's up to toddlers to change and take action for change?

    Sarah Palin is an idiot...sums up the photo and caption:)

    I am no expert but common sense dictates that corrective vision is necessary for acquiring gross and fine motor skills, recognition of objects, people, etc. It strikes me that it must be more important to not be seen wearing the eyeglasses than be able to see.

    1. Anonymous1:34 AM

      She does love babies. And has donated to children's charitirs via monetarily and hands on.

    2. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Bullshit! Dumbass at 1:34am

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Anon 1:34--examples, please, not just made up wishful-thinking.

    4. Anonymous7:56 AM

      The reason that Sarah rushed out a photo of Trig wearing glasses is because on another blog, someone commented that in the photos we see of Trig, he isn't wearing his glasses. Does Trig need glasses? You betcha! Look at the way that his eyes turn in. He probably needs some therapy, too.

  33. Anita Winecooler9:13 PM

    High Chair, 80 bucks
    Rented Prop Child, 23 bucks a half hour
    Blasses, 29.9
    Munch Bib, 1.99
    Cameo appearance from Bristol's old chin, .04

    Hair professionally done by Aunt Willow, complete with Brazillian Blowout


    Anyone picking up what Sarah's putting down? Hell No!

    1. Anonymous1:34 AM

      LOL Seek mental help please Anita.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Anon 1:34--ad hominum attack much? Is that all you have? You can't refute the argument so you attack the poster with inane remarks? They taught you well in troll-school.

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Anon 7:42, you're right about Anon 1:34 not being able to refute what Anon 9:13 wrote. Palin's fans never refute anything with facts, but instead attack the writer. I'm glad you brought that up.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:44 PM

      Krusty feels inadequate... can you blame her?

  34. Isn't activism being a community organizer? This insufferable worm wants to steal all of the WHs sayings.

    Anything juvenile and immature because that's the nature of her mental illness.

    1. Anonymous1:33 AM

      Love your irrational logic

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Anon 1:33--Game of Life's comment makes sense. It is your attack that is irrational.

  35. Anonymous10:47 PM

    As annoying as it may sound, You got that right. STFU

  36. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Hell, those glasses don't even have lenses. They are toy glasses.

  37. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Are those glasses real? I have never seen a pair of children's glasses that look like that. Do they even have lenses in them?
    I hope that Trig is getting the education and support he needs to succeed. I'm guessing he would need someone with special education in early childhood training.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      I think the glasses are a company called Miraflex. One of my sons had a congenital eye defect and required glasses at 6 months. These were recommended because they are somewhat flexible and more durable than other glasses.

  38. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I hate to be a stickler, but "cliche" must have an article in front of it to be a noun ("a cliche") or something at the end to make it an adjective ("cliched"). So, Sarah needs to go back to elementary grammar school; plus, the second part of her sentence makes no sense. Why is it "annoying" to say that activism is for children? Also, does that mean we are acting up for the children, or are the children acting up?
    Please cite examples, Sarah, of when you acted up on behalf of a child, or any children. Is that why you're so annoying?

  39. Anonymous12:55 AM

    You know you've hit pay dirt, Gryph, when a troll is ALL over a thread.

    Well done, sir, well done!

  40. Anonymous1:36 AM

    activism is for the puppies!/live-cams/player/great-dane-service-puppies-indoor-puppy-room

  41. Anonymous2:24 AM

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      You are a stalker. Get help.

  42. Janice3:35 AM

    I would say the vast majority of Sarah's FB crowd and readers are not her followers. Everyone reads her FB to see what she is posting and they are definitely not fans. Sarah has lost her original following and her donations are going down.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I agree w/you 3:35 - if you read the commentary after something is posted about Palin, the vast majority are negative about her.

      She has lost her luster (in every way, shape and form) that made the fat, white, ugly Republicans get a hard on!

  43. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Do those glasses even have lenses in them?

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Based on the fact that there does not appear to be any distortion of his face through the lens, I would say no.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      "Activism is for the children who don't have real glasses to wear..."

  44. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Activism is for the children she says. But how come she hasn't done anything for children with Down Syndrome?

    Palin is so full of shit.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I doubt she even knows what "activism" really means....

    2. Anonymous7:53 AM

      What has Sarah done for children, period? Her activism has consisted of supporting Tea Party candidates, who would deny government spending for health care, for kids and adults.

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      "She is the worst mother in the world."

      ghostwriter Curtis Menard

    4. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Activism to sarah means "Give mo' money" asap!

  45. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Mercede didn't get preggo in HS? In fact she ACTUALLY GRADUATED!

    More than most of the paylumps can say.

  46. lostinmn7:09 AM

    I guess you must have exposed a new strategy since the last of the trolls are out defending her. I suppose donations are down so they came up with a renewed effort to market the kid in hopes the couch cushions will get one more going over. What a pathetic way to live, grifting is hard work eh Sara? Especially when your star is dimming. I've noted the complete lack of articles about you on places like HP where on any given day back in the good times there might be three or more articles about you and one or two on your unmarried daughter and her latest flameout. Now? If there is an article it's about someone making a joke at your expense. I can only imagine your fury at being not just ignored but ridiculed.

  47. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah Palin Activism:

    Sar·ah Pa·lin Ac·tiv·ism [ak-tuh-viz-uhm] Show IPA
    the doctrine or practice of vigorous action or involvement of a selfish ignorant person who uses her daughter's DS child as a means of achieving money, political or other goals, sometimes by demonstrations, protests, photo ops etc.

  48. Many former office holders have gone on to distinguish themselves in the private sector or as advocates for causes. Sarah Palin had a perfect way to establish her leadership post-governor by taking up the cause for Down Syndrome. She could have been a powerful force to educate and bring attention to these special children. She could have focused her reality show around the challenges and joys of raising a special needs child. Instead, she chose to put herself in a starring position and the audience got to see her and her family behave like the uneducated idiots that they are. Trig was barely mentioned and has remained far in the background once his campaign days were over.

    Another wasted opportunity by the narcissistic grifter.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      She is not in a position to use Trig to promote help for DS, since he is not her child. People who know (and there must be many of them) might be tempted to expose the "secret". It might prompt the organizations that paid her to appear and talk about DS to demand their money back.

  49. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Is that the only photo of Trig Wearing Glasses that Sarah could find? Why doesn't that kid wear glasses? Is he getting therapy?

  50. Anonymous8:01 AM

    "Good thing they're prudes, which is why the girls are cheated on by their ONE long term boyfriends."

    Who is a prude? Willow trying to sneak her boyfriend upstairs or Bristol in the tent with the wine coolers?

  51. Anonymous8:56 AM

    "As cliche and annoying as it may sound, activism truly IS for the children."

    Who knows what the mistress of Word Salad means or is trying to say. Her last word salad about prop Track was a flop. She may have felt a need to go back to the other prop.

    Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change. Activism can take a wide range of forms from writing letters to newspapers or politicians, political campaigning, economic activism such as boycotts or preferentially patronizing businesses, rallies, street marches, strikes, sit-ins, and hunger strikes.

  52. auntieruth9:10 AM

    In the Iron Dog photos, Trig (who will be turning 5 in 2 months) is using a sippy cup and wearing diapers. He looks very, very happy though. And Piper is all grown up!!

    1. No glasses for "Trig" this week. Apparently it doesn't matter to the Palin Prop Machine if Tril can see his "mother," "father," or "sister."

      And he is not allowed to stand up for a photo like any other 5 year old. He must still be held up on a hip like a prop.

      And yes, sippy cups and diapers.

      Sarah Palin is a monster. The family history, still being written, is a horror story of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Trig is 4 to 5. I know young down syndrome children that are not still in diapers. There must be a good reason if Trig is still in diapers.

      Why would Trig Palin be in diapers at age five?

      His wealthy parents and family are responsible for his opportunities for learning and growing up.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Piper is all grown up? Oh oh, I see MS in her immediate future, it is Palin family TRADITION, doncha know?

    4. Anonymous11:39 AM

      In Palinbot speak.... "all grown up" means pregnant. I don't know what age but Palin would have her kids get abortions before anymore pregnancies to hide at this time in her life.

    5. Anonymous3:11 PM

      auntieruth9:10 AM


      Using her VERY own words in GR exposes her lies b/c Mat-su regional is not equipped for a birth such as described in GR. They are not ACCREDITED for such a birth!
      The child known as TriG v1 was born earlier in Anchorage! Oopsie and how do we know THAT FACT? Sarah slipped up and let it rip. Loose lips sink ships.
      G here put up a pic at Barstool at the iron dog,2008 she looks post pardum.

      And tawd and track are twins, you keep that little fantasy going also. NOT!

    6. abbafan6:13 PM

      Grown up, my ass! It was not that long ago that the idiot was using flash cards to "teach" her little snot basic math! Gee, homeskoolin' is great dontcha know! The little snot is a poster child for dysfunction; who needs a fuckin' GED?

  53. Anonymous10:40 AM

    ot and related
    Mother and son bonding

  54. Anonymous11:13 AM


    Dear President Obama:In the elections of 2008, and 2012, the majority of voters who voted for you were women. You rewarded our vote of confidence in you by passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  Women were thrilled when you appointedSonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the United States Supreme Court.  While Congress struggles to pass theViolence Against Women Act, Shailey Tripp is one woman you can help right now.In January of 2011 the National Enquirer published a story about Todd Palin and a prostitute by the name of Shailey Tripp.  Ms. Tripp took three lie detector tests before publication of that story which asserted that Todd Palin recruiteDear President Obama:In the elections of 2008, and 2012, the majority of voters who voted for you were women. You rewarded our vote of confidence in you by passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  Women were thrilled when you appointedSonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the United States Supreme Court.  While Congress struggles to pass theViolence Against Women Act, Shailey Tripp is one woman you can help right now.In January of 2011 the National Enquirer published a story about Todd Palin and a prostitute by the name of Shailey Tripp.  Ms. Tripp took three lie detector tests before publication of that story which asserted that Todd Palin recruited Ms. Tripp into a life of prostitution. Todd Palin has never denied the assertions in that story.d Ms. Tripp into a life of prostitution. Todd Palin has never denied the assertions in that story.....

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Hey Sarah, don't you mean:

      Sarah Palin: "Activism truly Is for the WOMEN and children."

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Wow what a send off for pimp daddy Todd Palin before he starts Iron Dog.

    3. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Hey bitch Todd what do you have to say for yourself now?

  55. Anonymous12:19 PM




    Bristol Palin: I’m More Than Just A Palin

    12:45 pm, May 3rd | by Laura DonovanDespite the rocks on her finger, big time pop singer Jennifer Lopez is still “Jenny from the Block.” Similarly, “Dancing with the Stars” finalist Bristol Palin is still the huntin’ and fishin’ girl from Wasilla. More importantly, she is a child of God, says the “Not Afraid of Life” author.In a new blog post titled “What’s Better Than Being A Palin?”, Bristol says she is known by many as “Republican Sarah Palin’s daughter” and to locals as “Iron Dog champion Todd Palin’s kid” but that there’s much more to her than that. Referring a packet she recently received on single parenting, Bristol says she appreciated the information and notion that single parents shouldn’t limit themselves to that title alone:“Robert D. Jones writes that we should mainly view ourselves as Christians, not as ‘single parents.’ …Many times, people try to define me by my parents and my family, which is wonderful. I’m so proud of all of them! But my true spiritual identity is even better than proudly wearing the last name of ‘Palin.’ How much better is it that I’m a child of God?”No matter your views on religion, it’s rather heartwarming to see a famous figure state that her credentials and visibility don’t define her and that there are much more important facets to her than her name recognition. She adds that being a single mom is her situation, not her identity, and that could very well send a ray of hope to young mothers who worry they’ll never be viewed as anything other than that. Bristol is still a Palin girl, but if she were to fade into obscurity, she’d be just fine.Of course, she did sign on for Dancing With The Stars, so…

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Bristol is your daddy a pimp?

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      God called Maury Povitch. He wants Bristol to take a DNA test.

  56. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Will multimillionaire Sarah Palin show up at the starting line of Iron Dog for her photo op knowing that everybody is looking at her and pimp daddy Todd and thinking how disgusting they are?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Will Bristol have enough cajones to show up at the starting line knowing that all of Alaska knows that her family lived off the backs of true struggling single mothers who were pimped out by her father?

      We'll see

  57. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Who is going to play Todd Palin in the movie Boys Will Be Boys the Shailey Tripp story of a single mother in Alaska who was pimped out by Alaska's sex trafficking lord?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Will Bristol and Sarah try to collect from the Alaska Film Tax Credit program when this movie comes out?

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      They are gonna have to get an actor that has a bigger dick than Toad! Otherwise, the movie will not sell to the American public!

  58. Anonymous4:08 PM

    mous8:36 PM

    YES! Check out the Uncle
    Creepy2. He can't even keep his pants zipped up at the grade school. Those kids are doomed to screw up like their elders.

  59. Is Palin trying to sell the idea that she's some sort of activist now rather than than the fast-talking, slimy, hateful, lie-spewing re-activist that we've suffered with all these years???

  60. Anonymous4:43 PM

    No matter what the bitch tries to sell, it ain't agonna work!!! Screw the Palins and Heath klans...they do NOT represent the majority of Americans. Proven liars and frauds!

  61. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Nothing is authentic about this photo of the retarded child...he is no longer a baby first off - he is now five years old and he is NOT the child of Sarah Palin! Plus, she has never cared for this kid and he will grow up to be nothing like other children afflicted as is he. The glasses are not prescription as is obvious and they do not fit him. He has not worn glasses most of his life. Sarah Palin will go to hell as the worst mother in Alaska - just look at this poor child under her care, Bristol, Track and Willow. Alaskans should be kicking this family out of Alaska in their totality! (To include the Heaths!)

  62. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Look closely at the edges of the glasses and where they sit on his nose. Someone photoshopped the glasses on the picture after the fact. Pathetic.


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