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Palin's last appearance on Fox News before they fired for being too stupid and not hot enough to compensate for it anymore. |
The American Conservative Union (ACU) today announced former Vice Presidential Candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will address CPAC 2013 – the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference. America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists will be held Thursday, March 14 – Saturday, March 16, 2013.“We are pleased to again welcome Governor Sarah Palin to CPAC in March,” said ACU Chairman Al Cardenas. “Governor Palin electrified the crowd in 2012 and we are thrilled to welcome her back this year.”
Sarah Palin was the 2008 Vice Presidential Nominee and is the former Governor of Alaska. Governor Palin first made history on Dec. 4, 2006 when sworn in as the 11th and first female governor of Alaska. In August 2008, Senator John McCain selected Governor Palin to join him as his running mate in his historic presidential campaign. Governor Palin is the first woman to run on the Republican Party’s presidential ticket.
Since her vice presidential run and governorship, Sarah Palin has remained one of the leading conservative voices in the nation and has authored one of the most successful non-fiction books of all time, Going Rogue, An American Life. She has consistently focused attention on dozens of national races that have changed the face of Congress and continues the fight to bring commonsense conservatives to public office.
God they used her entire mythological bio straight from the pen of her publicist/ghostwriter/Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme fetcher.
I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Of COURSE Palin is not going away for good. Where is the money in that?
However it appears that CPAC is using her mostly as an attention getting sideshow act rather than a policy setting performer in the main tent. Palin, much like the bearded lady and JoJo the Dogface Boy, is good for drawing the gawkers but I seriously doubt they want her name assigned to any serious policy debates or strategy sessions.
However it looks like this convention is taking the "let's throw something at the wall and see what sticks" approach literally, as they have invited just about EVERYBODY even remotely linked to Republicans, conservationism, or the Teabaggers to this gathering.
Here take a look:
Previously announced confirmed featured speakers include: U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, former U.S. Representative Artur Davis, Heritage Foundation President-Elect Jim DeMint, Heritage Foundation President Dr. Edwin Feulner, ACU Board Member Carly Fiorina, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, NRA President and ACU Board Member David Keene, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, U.S. Senator Mike Lee, U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Radio Host and Breitbart.tv Editor in Chief Larry O’Connor, U.S. Senator Rand Paul, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, U.S. Representative Paul Ryan, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, U.S. Representative and Republican Study Committee Chairman Steve Scalise, Eagle Forum Founder Phyllis Schlafly, U.S. Senator Tim Scott, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, former U.S. Representative Allen West, U.S. Representative Ann Wagner, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
I think the only names missing are members of the Bush Administration, Rush Limbaugh, and the propaganda spinners over at Fox News.
Gee I'm almost surprised they did not invite abstinence only spokes model Bristol Palin and "Wide Stance" advocate Larry Craig to the party. Maybe their invitations are lost in the mail.
CPAC is a Who's Who of douchebaggery and always has been. She fits right in with that crowd.
ReplyDeleteHere's Gryphen's wonderful writeup of Baldy at last year's CRAP!
He did several post on it...all great...more links...
Where's that stalwart of conservatism,Ted Nugent's name? Or is he just going to be part of the sideshow--- those who make an appearance and give interviews to the conservative media, but who don't actually take the big state? And Michelle Malkin, what about her? And tucker Carlson?
DeleteNeed more Nugent, Malkin, Carlson AND Palin, not more cowbell.
"Yahoo, does everybody here love their freedom?"
Let's get all the idiots there. That will make it easier for the Democrats in the House and those runnning for GOP seats to get all of the sound items they need for their 2014 campaigns, all in one weekend! Because this freak show consists of a bunch of nuts trying to out-crazy one another and establish their bona fides with the RW.Nutter-Bircher bigots. Always a treat!
Seems like you're projecting. I am sorry your life is pitiful and uneventful.
Delete@9:48 AM: ($arah Palin:
DeleteNope. Projecting is what conservatives do best. I bet responding to all of the comments on this blog is the most eventful thing in your life. Sad.
Seems like you are in some kind of alternate universe. Why don't you come back when you have something to say. All you are doing is making yourself look stupider.
DeleteSo much for the GOP attempt at "re-branding". They are hopeless.
ReplyDeleteGOP is not only hopeless, they're also pathetic.
DeleteOh well while being hopeless & pathetic, 2014 Dems will retake the house & 2016 we'll elect another Dem for President.
They invited everyone except GOProud, the single group of conservative gays.
DeleteIn fact, I think they're banned...
Haha so much for rebranding.... Ding ding that's a winner
DeleteGOProud? Isn't that an oxymoron?
Deletegop just want to use talking points which are lies. They haven't working for the last 2 elections. They can't rebrand shit and their narrowminded, racist ideology. Can't polish a turd.
DeleteI didn't see Bobby Jindal's name on the list. I guess they didn't want him yelling out "Stop being the stupid party!" when the likes of West, Palin, Cruz, and Paul start flapping their gums.
DeleteI can't wait to see what Bush says so we can see how much he's going to have to shake that old etch-a-sketch to look more moderate later on.
Forget clown car! This is going to be a clown convention!
And poor GOProud - they remind me of abused partners who can't leave abusive relationships. For heavens sake, move on. Become IndeProud or something if you feel you can't be the fiscally conservative wing of the democratic party. But get the heck out of that fetid cesspool before you lose all self-respect. Sorry, but it's pretty obvious that they really, really don't like you.
very good comment - they are going to rebrand so they bring in their biggest failure to help that along.
DeleteSo proud of our President!
ReplyDeleteOn Israel trip, Obama to get medal – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/02/18/on-israel-trip-obama-to-get-medal/
Wow! First US president to be so honored. Way to go President Obama!
DeleteWell, the way he kisses Israel's ass he sure does deserve a medal! Why we give that country 6 billion a year is beyond me. Hello, we have starving children in America and we pour that amount of money into a country that uses it to kill innocent civilians in other countries. Sure, that deserves a medal?
DeleteYou stupid bagger, the money is automatically allocated before President Obama even thought about running for president.
DeleteYou idiots didn't mind when bush caused the worst recession in our history. And please with the starving children bit, your side wants to eliminate foodstamps (SNAP) program which the increased in role is a directly tied to the bush's economic crash.
Another thing your idiot ilk don't think about protecting children when it come to assault weapons.
Does you head hurt from being so stupid?
@10:27 AM:
"Waaaahhhhh! Why is that black man getting ANOTHER award?!?" I bet you're still pissed off about his Nobel Peace Prize, too?
ALL American presidents kiss Israel's ass, but Barack Obama isn't the worst of them. If Barack Obama's was really kissing Israel's ass so much, than why the fuck does the Prime Minister dislike him so much?
Hey, this is 10:27 am and you folks are funny; I'm a registered Democrat! What's wrong with wanting that $6 billion to go to our underfed children in America? Sure, our Israel donation is "business as usual" since Obama is just following the status quo but why NOT question this expense? Why just keep bleeding our dollars to them? This could be stopped, it's not a constitutional mandate, so why not stop it? Israel has plenty of money to run their military and their country. It's high time to untie the apron strings. It will happen in the future for certain, but why can't this administration be the one to enact the change?
DeleteI agree. israel doesn't need our money to run their concentration camp a.k.a. Gaza. Shame on us for giving them a cent while they massacre women and children and ours at home are starving and homeless. Too bad our politicians are too cowardly to say this and end the handouts to israel.
DeleteSomeone doesn't understand that appropriations are done by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives, not the President.
DeleteI agree with you 12:11 in that I question why we're giving Israel so very much financial support, something we've been doing for a long time. Israel is Israel's friend and we're like the friend they're constantly hitting up for money because they're a 'little short this month'. I can still remember an old 60 Minutes report about all the money we gave them for their defense and all the innovations they were making as a result and then not sharing the innovations with us, although we funded it.
DeleteI'm very ambivalent about Israel. Nice of them to give Obama an award though. Still, I'm wondering if they're using that sort of maneuver to publicly discourage him from aiding the Palestinians in their situation.
I agree with those saying we're giving Israel too much financial support. I also don't believe we should support them whenever they attacked Palestinian's and take their land. Israel has no right to that land, and every time they attack and take the land from the Palestinian's, they just generate more hatred towards themselves and us. I can understand why we're hated in the Middle East. I honestly wouldn't feel bad if we completely abandoned Israel and left them to defend for themselves.
Delete" one of the most successful non-fiction books of all time".
Archie Butt
If only every author could have a PAC to buy the books in bulk to run up the sales?
DeleteI will say it's weird to call ANYONES book that. A book is subjective, written with a purpose. Hit pieces never mean to be fair and biographies can only in good conscience be written by the person they're about. There is no one in the world whos qualified to reflect on our pasts except us. I feel bad for all the celebs in LA whove voiced frustration against hacks who milk their names for a buck, and end up writing fiction simply because it's impossible to write an accurate account of another's life.
Deletereply to 9:47 - You're against the whole literary tradition of biography, then. To quote Liz Winstead: "You seem smart."
DeleteKP, you need to go to Female First and be part of the SP forum. That's a site that applauds fan fiction, which is your genre. Do it. You'll be so happy! You'll have graduated from fairy tale troll to fan fiction!!!
@9:47 AM ($arah Palin):
DeleteThen why didn't $arah Palin write her own biography? I know why: because she is too fucking stupid, and lazy. $arah Palin isn't worth shit. Not even Fox News wants her anymore. She is past her sell-by date.
DeleteI think you might want to lay off that cough syrup. You seem to have had too much.
Anonymous9:47 AM
Delete...biographies can only in good conscience be written by the person they're about. There is no one in the world whos qualified to reflect on our pasts except us...it's impossible to write an accurate account of another's life.
Your entire comment is stupid beyond belief. Don't you ever feel embarrassed by flaunting your ignorance and stupidity publicly? There is no excuse for saying things so moronic.
1) Biographies written by the person involved are autobiographies. In your stupid world, no one could ever write about a hero tragically killed saving the lives of others.
2) Sometimes the person least qualified to write about a life is that person. Their own biases and desire for others to see them in the best possible light can prevent them from addressing their life honestly.
3) It is not impossible to write accurately about someone's life. There may be an abundance of material to draw from.
Seriously, you write the stupidest comments I have seen on the internet, an impressive accomplishment, mostly because you think you are so brilliant in your idiocy and complete lack of logical thinking skills.
You are an idiot.
Last year when she "spoke" (I use the term loosely, just like her garbled jargon) wasn't it at about 9 am, and no one was in the audience?
ReplyDeleteYes, it was a bit of a joke amongst CPAC attendees, and it was not one of the bigger speeches. The attitude in the crowd was, "Well, I guess as long as we're here, let's see what SHE has to say..."
DeleteAnd, weren't there attendees who walked out when she spoke? Will she parade the whole family? I am sure Trig would get her some extra attention.
DeleteBrisdull and her erstwhile sister, Willing, were there, remember? That was when Brisdull was filming her highly rated, reality TV show, 'Brisdull Palin and her filthy homophobic-mouthed son"
DeleteRemember? Willing even admitting she didn't even know what Syria was???
The place was packed but Im not shocked you're spouting unverified comments. Typical of people here.
DeleteAnonymous 8:42, which is why she was swarmed
DeleteBut thanks for speaking for thousands of people like you are inside their minds. Sigh, Praying for mental sanity and intelligence to find you.
9:44 - Sigh, praying for you to find a way to utilize your prolific posting talents where we don't have to read your boring verbal tells ("mature," CAPS, ad hominems) and "same ole, same ole" content.
DeleteSeriously, SP at CPAC is one of the key reasons the GOP is faltering. But it's great she'll be there. She's destroyed her own brand and taking "conservatives" down with her. Ha.
@9:43 AM ($arah Palin):
DeleteStop lying. There is video, and pictures. Typical Palin delusions of grandeur.
Isn't that when Brisket had a book signing near by and they advertised ahead of time for people to come and get a free book so there would be people to film?Then they got a half dozen people to show up.
Delete@9:43 AM ($arah Palin):
DeleteStop lying. There is video, and pictures. And, not everybody there was there just to see that imbecile ($arah Palin). Delusions of grandeur. Typical of the Palins, and their bots.
@9:44 AM ($arah Palin:
DeleteWho cares if $arah Palin was "swarmed" by a bunch of mouth-breathers, who only represent a minority of the country? $arah Palin's small crowds don't even compare to the crowds that greet President Obama.
@9:44 AM:
DeletePraying that mental sanity, and intelligence never finds $arah Palin, so that she will jump into a frozen lake.
I was there. 9:43/9:44 is lying. People walked out when she started talking. There were maybe 20-30 people left in the audience. The only swarm was the people trying to leave when they heard her screeches.
DeleteAll this invite to Baldy tells me is that the ugly tranny man still has some blackmail cards to play! Whoever she called to get this invite must be scared of that video tape the pimp made of Baldy and (?)...right RAM? LOL!!!
DeleteCome on, Gina...you're not gonna leave that comment hangin' out there, are ya?
DeleteWhere's the love, girl? Videotape? Of Baldy?
Do tell.
Since the Palins never miss an opportunity to grift, maybe Chuckles and Chuckles Jr. will be there, hawking their (non selling) book all about their $carah?
DeleteCan we all just hope that the next meteor hits during CPAC, when all the douchbags are gathered in one place?
ReplyDeleteHa, I thought I was going to be original with that comment, but I'll say it anyway.
DeleteThere's never a good meteor when you want one.
It would be a target of opportunity....
DeleteCPAC, stands for Conservatives Parading Asinine Concepts.
ReplyDeleteA perfect place for Granny Grifter, Caribou Barbie, or any other Fox News Dropouts.
Today is President's Day? Let's remember our president right now for what he is and what he does:
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama May Go Down As the Only President Who Excelled In the Face of Racism.
...What sets President Obama above previous leaders is that he advocates for all segments of American society. Little regarded, and rarely praised, is his contention that for America to succeed and prosper as a nation, all the people must be given the opportunity to succeed. Republicans decry his “all the people” agenda as opposition to business and capitalism, but Wall Street is thriving, corporations are posting record-setting profits, especially the oil industry, and despite oil magnates the Koch brothers tripling their worth during his first term, they fund Republicans who harangued him as anti-business and worse, anti-American. Republicans have openly derided the President’s attempt to help low income and middle class Americans succeed with jobs programs, education opportunities, and equal civil rights, and for his trouble conservatives inspire ignorant poor people to deride him as tyrannical and giving “his people” special treatment at the expense of real Americans (read white religious men).
...Hopefully, for Americans who recognize that today is a day to celebrate past presidents, they will take stock of the current President’s achievements and recognize that although not perfect, Barack Obama stands out among previous presidents for myriad reasons. Of all the good things President Obama has accomplished, what sets him above the rest is that despite a concerted effort by Republicans and their corporate, religious, and racist backers, he continues successfully advocating for America. Possibly the greatest attribute of this President is that when he advocates for America, he includes every American and despite the Republican anti-government, anti-people, and anti-democracy agenda, he was re-elected because a majority of this nation’s people understand what the President means when he says “when all Americans have an opportunity to succeed, America succeeds.” They also comprehend that the President’s enemies are America’s enemies, and after four straight years of Republican assaults on the people, democracy, and equal opportunity for all, they know the only thing standing between religious oligarchy and American democracy is Barack Obama, and for that alone he deserves recognition as a great President on the day to celebrate great Presidents.
Here's the link:
And, in remembering our wonderful president today - recall that no matter what the obstructionists throw out there against him, he always wins...i.e. the Hagel situation...being one among many.
DeleteLove the fact that President Obama and Tiger Woods kept the press away from them today while playing golf. And, the press cried like babies as IF they have the sole right to be there! Jerks!
I can't wait until 'Former Half-term Governor and Failed GOP VP candidate Day' is here. Anybody have a calendar handy to look up that date for me?. In honor of Sarah, I will donate $20.09 to her Presidential campaign, since 2009 was the last time she actually had a job.
DeleteIf I recall correctly, she didn't speak at CPAC before because they wouldnt' pay her outrageously high speaker fees.
ReplyDeleteShe must have dropped her price.
Oh I remember when Baldy was at last year's CRAP...uh I mean CPAC! She had on that red shiny blouse with the miss matched boobs...and that tight ass black skirt with her chalkboard flat ass...walking in some stilleto's!
DeleteThey showed it on Beefy's fucked up "Life's a Trapp" show! They had some kind of paid protester there so Baldy could deliver one of stupid responses!
The question this year is...since Baldy is an actually walking corpse...what kind of clothes can they put on a skeleton to make it look ALIVE?
And the Toad...last video showed him literally holding Baldy up...is he going to walk out on stage with the bag of bones?
I must admit...I can't wait to watch this....I'm heading to the store for popcorn...right NOW! LOL!!
Like the grateful dead video, just a skeleton behind bendy straws with toad Pimplin in the wings.
DeleteToadie will be there will Shaileigh Tripp's kids.
DeleteI thought that in the past she refused to attend unless she was paid? Did she change her mind, since it is the only way she can garner attention? Her followers will still think she is important, and send more money. Will Toad be there, holding her up and pimping (literally) for johns for his girls?
ReplyDeleteIn the past she still had her high-paying, no-working, lie-spewing job with Faux. Now she's got to get her face out into the public view even if she does it for free.
DeleteApparently Sarah is busy giving updates on the Iron Dog Race as well. My, she will do almost anything to keep her name out there. The only way she will leave the public arena is feet first.
ReplyDeleteWe'll just have to put up with her feeble attempts at relevance until she gets her ticket punched.
I think I forgot the link:
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama May Go Down As the Only President Who Excelled In the Face of Racism
lol, shrew is screeching for relevancy...cpac is for wack-a-doodles these days..maybe she can bounce up and down like butt boil rushbo..haha
ReplyDeleteWhat a difference a year makes since the 2012 CPAC...
ReplyDeleteBreitbart is dead.
Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, West are all last year's news.
Palin is a skeleton of herself - politically and physically.
They are going to find her not as physically attractive as she once was...plus, look at all the speakers...she will not have the significance as she will appear as one amongst many!
ReplyDeleteshe looks like olive oyl these days.
DeleteJC, based on her smell as well as her looks, I was going to say *piss and vinegar*, but Olive Oyl is probably a better visual. Hopefully, it will be windy outside when she makes her mad dash from the limo to the hotel at CPAC. Having her 'de-wigged' would definitely make the highlight reels.
DeleteOh, I bet she gets new lips in time for the screech. Just watch. : )
DeleteYou know what I find amusing?
ReplyDeleteAll during 2008, whenever I typed Obama's name, there would be a "spelling incorrect" line under it. No matter what blog, letter, or whatever, it was always there.
Same with Palin.
NOW, however, you can type Obama's name and the wise internet wizards know that you MEAN to spell this great man's name that way. Doesn't matter WHERE you type it, no SP line.
And Palin? Well, type it yourself and see...
Apparently, the Google-Gods know a mistake when they see one...
I can only hope that the media thinks twice before sending hoards of cameras to cover the throng of conservative love sick Palinbots swarming around their princess. Then again, it would be lovely to see Palin walk in being ignored by her former minions.
ReplyDeleteIt is difficult to understand how a collection of people can be so utterly stupid and get votes. It is not only a mystery but very, very sad.
ReplyDeleteWe so need to have the Independents grow and be active as another party as it is not reasonable to conduct a country's business without IDEAS, SOLUTIONS AND checks and balances from more than one group.
The democratic party does all the work, the Rethugs tear it down when they gain power and then the democrats have to clean it up, yet again,to keep us floating.
It gets harder to right the ship each time if you look back in history. When only one party has ideas and energy to move us forward there is something terribly wrong with the deficiencies in the other party, and maybe past time for its demise.
The unethical approach the Rethugs have used for decades is their untiring slogging away at getting their way, though it is wrong. Again, check their history and you can see they have neither cleaned up their act nor changed their unconscionable behavior. Time for them to go the way of the Whigs.
In spite of the Rethugs yelling about too much spending by the "Libruls" check out our history and it is undeniable that the biggest deficits, debts and spending has ALWAYS been when the Right wing is at the government's helm.
No one ever publicly gives credit to H W "Poppa" Bush for forfeiting a 2nd term by raising taxes to bail Reagan's butt out of the hole he put us in by giving us the biggest debt in our history. The ignorant Rethugs continously tout Reagan but they cannot even be aware of Reagan's policies and administrative history or they would know more of his staff was convicted of crimes than any other American president's staff.
Rethugs are proud of what? Oh, $carah Paylin? Is she bringing her pimp husband along to make sure all those listed as attendees will be entertained after a long day of saying, "No?"
WTF? $he "remained one of the leading conservative voices in the nation and has authored one of the most successful non-fiction books of all time, Going Rogue, An American Life."
ReplyDeleteThis must have come straight out of her own a$$ or that of her brother and pedophile dad.:(
What do you want to bet that $he will cancel at the last minute?
I bet she contacted CPAC and asked to be included. She is hoping for some media coverage...trying to stay relevant.
DeleteI'm betting that Sarah Palin will collapse at hear next public appearance.
DeleteIf she makes one.
Here's a great opportunity for another faked pregnancy, water break, wild ride. Bet she's digging through the closet looking for the pillows
DeleteOh, I don't think Miss Thing is going to cancel this time around. Miss I'm-All-That-Really-I-Am is a tad more desperate for attention than she was just a few years ago.
DeleteWonder why Lynn Vincent is never mentioned as Palin's ghost writer?
DeleteIsn't Vincent proud of her work?
Iron Dog Race and the Palins. Toad hasn't won the race for a number of years now is pretty insignificant as to the race. You notice the press is NOT covering him anymore! It's just the idiot Sarah trying to keep them relevant, but it isn't working! It is so apparent that Alaskans are sick and tired of them!
ReplyDeletePalin says that Obama's SOTU was more recycled rhetoric; I say that's a self-imposed challenge that she actually come up with something substantive in her CPAC speechifying.
ReplyDeleteFox had to continually relabel her position with Fox News since it was apparent "Analyst" didn't fit. Fox News Contributor, Mama Grizzly, Former Governor, Former VP Candidate. . .she hasn't had an original speech since her first run for Wasilla City Council where she bragged about being a taxpayer as a qualification to run for office.
Let's see what she's gotta say, if it sounds exactly like her Tea Party Convention speech, then she's no threat to the 2016 election cycle.
I can see the fireworks from her cult site from my house..bless their ugly mean little hearts.
ReplyDeleteI hope that this insufferable BITCH continues to appear at these GOP/Tea Party events. Her appearance will continue to highlight the ignorance, stupidity and bigotry of their agenda. This will further galvanize, Women, Black, Brown, Asian, and LBGT voters. All of the demographics that cleaned their clocks in 2012. Keep up the good work assholes.
ReplyDeleteWill Hitler and the Grand Wizard of the KKK be there too, also?
ReplyDeleteShe invited Elvis.
DeleteIf she gets wind of Rove sharpening his knives, she'll cancel. She's a coward.
ReplyDeleteGame Change DVD sales will surge, too. Sarah's Teflon costing is scratched and dinged up pretty badly, and she ends up stinking up the place every time she tries to cook something up. This might be the final scene, a la Wicked Witch of the West meltdown. If she has the guts to show up. As it gets close to the date, she will be drinking and tweaking so much, she might not even be able to make the trip. But I sure as hell hope she does, because she won't get the type of reception she's expecting.
DeleteWhat, no Mitt the Twit Romney invitation? Oh my.
ReplyDeleteRep. Todd Akin appears to have snubbed also, too.
DeleteLet's see, now if you search 'Going Rogue' this is what you get:
And if you search 'Sarah Palin' this is what you get:
So they are full of shit.
But look who IS there:
The Greatest Nonfiction Books Since 2000
20. Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama
79. The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
87. Change We Can Believe In by Barack Obama
101. America by John Stewart
Search Going Rogue. Check out the descriptions of the book genre.
No Sarah here:
You're the one who has failed to report unbiased, truthful, legitimate information devoid of catty remarks. Can you REALLY talk about the desperation of others?
ReplyDeleteOh that's right. Liberal is synonymous with hypocrisy. You call people who've never uttered a negative word in their online lives nasty yet get your shiz&giggles from namecalling and fabricating fictional stories to somehow make your obviously boring lives mean something.
Think about the kind of people with whom you associate online. It ain't pretty over here.
Well Sara, then you should stick with Drudge.
Delete"You're the one who has failed to report unbiased, truthful, legitimate information devoid of catty remarks. Can you REALLY talk about the desperation of others?"
DeleteTypical conservative. Always projecting.
CONSERVATIVE is synonymous with hypocrisy. (There. Fixed it, for you.)
"You call people who've never uttered a negative word in their online lives nasty yet get your shiz&giggles from namecalling and fabricating fictional stories to somehow make your obviously boring lives mean something."
How is that any different than what YOU are doing? Why are YOU here? Your life must being pretty boring, too.
Pathetic asshole.
Aw, you don't like us? Go write some fan fiction at Female First. We won't miss you and you'll be so welcomed there.
DeleteAnd hey, please get back to us about Todd and Shailey Tripp, since you care about hypocrisy sooooooo much.
@ ano 9:42, Well, golly gee whiz, you must have a pretty boring life, also, too, if you're here reading this blog. As far as "fabricating fictional stories" that would be Sarah and her faked pregnancy and all the other lies she's told.
DeleteSo, Scarah isn't going to be at CPAC? That's false???
DeleteIf they are smart, which they are not, the Republicans would put some daylight between themselves and Scarah Payme. She is a big reason why I left the Republican party in 2008 after supporting them since 1977.
Sorry, 9:42 AM, that's what we're HERE for to make SURE people don't forget what a LOSER and FRAUD she is as well as her whole family. It's on RECORD, you dumb@ss!
DeleteBack to the pee pond you go, and jacking online polls to make the skank seem more relevant than she is, speaking of modus operandi.
Be gone, GNAT!
Whine, whine, whine. Find 75 cents and a pay phone and call somebody who cares and is willing to listen to your asinine sniveling.
DeleteReally? Again?
ReplyDeleteHasn't she stood them up, like, twice already?
Do they *really* want a buffoon to represent them? Like their party isn't in enough trouble?
Who else? Karl Rove?
Excellent news! Makes for an even better drinking game:
ReplyDelete"Big government" "Christian values" "Tea Party patriots" "God's will" "Founding Fathers" "Traditional family values" "Lamestream media" "Guns! Guns! Guns!" "Socialism" "Drill, baby, drill!" "Job creators"
Better buy a few more bottles of your favorite spirits.
Warriors also, too!! Also God opening doors.
DeleteThat should fill her 15 minutes... That's right - they each get 15 minutes to speak. Can she even complete one of her word salad sentences in 15 minutes?
DeleteAll of those Facebook posts and tweets were Sarah's way of saying, "Please invite me. Look at my following. I will not be ignored." Good, she and the Republicans and CPAC deserve each other. If Sarah made Fox look bad, she will also make CPAC look foolish for including her. She has nothing to say except for her long-running hatred of President Obama. Fox News didn't even want her any more. She cheapens the show, especially since she was not on the A-list of invitees.
ReplyDeleteBloggers and late-night comedians rejoice as the Grisly One raises her head in the air space above the Annual Fake Conservative Party of Fellow Grifters Convertion (CPAC). Sarah's relentless pursuit of credibility and pocket change will be entertaining for everyone except for the serious politicians of Republican persuasion.
DeletePersonally, I can't wait for her reaction and the blowback from demented blowhards whenever Karl Rove goes on Fox to deride the lack of seriousness of CPAC by promoting nitwits like Sarah Palin to sell tickets for the freak show side of the shill circus. Of course, CPAC is really just part of the RW nutter echo chamber whose business model fepends on stupid people that don't actually read to buy their books. Once Rove pops off, Sarah's victim hood nature will rule the Facebook and Twitter "media sphere" (lol) for at least one news cycle of entertainment and ridicule.
Stock up on popcorn now so you aren't caught short once the show starts.
This doesn't surprise me one bit. The EASIEST way to manipulate conservatives is to criticize or ridicule them about something and they will invariably double-down on it in defiance.
ReplyDeleteSo, the more Palin is publicly mocked, the more they're going to hold her up as an exemplar just to "piss off the liberals".
Their destruction is in the bag. I wonder if the Whigs will return to take their place? ;P
I'll publicly mock that dingbat ANY time I want to and so will plenty of others I know!
DeleteThe troops are fighting for MY freedoms too, RIGHT, $arah?
If the target of ridicule were anyone of average intelligence, I'd shush you for divulging our simple, time-proven strategy. But you're right, and those idiots like Sarah take the bait every time. This is just TOO EASY, like shooting fish in a barrel. If it were anyone but crazy Sarah, it would get boring pretty fast. But she is such a willing participate and it is so much fun to see her melt down every time. Sarah is like a sitcom except for the same jokes are funnier each time you watch the reruns.
DeleteWouldn't it be funny if Sarah was scheduled right behind Karl Rove or maybe better if she was first and he could make fun of her speech?
ReplyDeleteIs CPAC what Sarah meant by taking her message to a larger audience? Does she consider this venue broadening her audience?? She's so full of sh!t.
ReplyDelete"I encourage others to step out in faith, jump out of the comfort zone, and broaden our reach as believers in American exceptionalism. That means broadening our audience. I’m taking my own advice here as I free up opportunities to share more broadly the message of the beauty of freedom and the imperative of defending our republic and restoring this most exceptional nation. We can’t just preach to the choir; the message of liberty and true hope must be understood by a larger audience."
“You just can’t fix stupid.”
ReplyDeleteThat should be the Arctic Dunce's motto.
DeleteI thought the GOP wanted to get away from the anti-women image?
ReplyDeleteThen why invite Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin who charged women and children for rape kits?
Why invite the spouse of a pimp who is featured in former prostitute Shailey Tripp's book Boys Will Be Boys?
It would sure be nice if a Stop Violence Against Women group would be there to meet Sarah, with protesters picketing against her silence about her husband's pimping activities. I'll bet that ther contributions would increase due to visibility increased among the majority of those who know Sarah well enough to realize that she is a grifter, not an activist for women's issues. It would also bring needed attention to her husband's criminal enterprise.
DeleteIf anyone knows of any active organizations where CPAC is held (Wash. DC?), and has any contacts, I hope someone will float the idea to see if they are interested, because although the VAWA recently passed the Senate, 22 Republicans opposed, and most of these were Tea Party/Fake Conservatives like Ted Cruz of Texas, and each of these men deserves a slap in the face for being such misogynistic twits.
Droopy Dawg Walker with his own kind. Sarah also, too.
ReplyDeleteWill Bristol and Willow tag along just to look for new "daddies?" Will Pimp Daddy Todd be taking advantage of the "entertainment?" Will John McCant escort Sarah Palin to the podium to the sound of thunderous applause? Will Sarah wow the men with her newly acquired curves?
ReplyDeleteLet the circus begin!
Wait - I thought the Republican party wanted to get rid of the "stupid"! Do you think this is a Carl Rove ploy to get all the wac-a-doodle conservatives in one place and then have an "astroid" hit them? Wouldn't that be something!
ReplyDeleteLooks like CPAC is trying to pull a McCain 2.0 and wants to attract the Palin followers.
ReplyDeleteIn close Republican primary races, GOP candidates might need the 5% of the truly demented or very low-information dimwits who support Sarah religiously, in order to beat an opponent in a Rep primary where they always try to go farther right than their opponents. She will meet the wrath of Karl Rove head on, and she will lose badly. Her endorsed candidates might win, regardless of having her pulling them down, but Rove will smear her by spreading the truth about her, and he won't lose a wink of sleep. I can't wait for this duel!!!
DeleteThis group is all over the place trying to appeal to so many different GOP "bases" that there truly is no commonality amongst attendees. This group has always seemed to be the basest of the base of the GOP which is why I find it rather amazing that Jindal is attending again. If he truly wants to take the stupid out of the GOP then he certainly shouldn't support CPAC, which is the flagship of the stupid within the GOP.
ReplyDeleteHope there's enough water within reach!
DeleteTeen Shot Dead Hours After Sister Attended Obama Gun Speech
Four years ago, CPAC begged Sarah to speak at their convention. She thought she was just way to important for them, and didn't show up. Same for the next year. In 2013 she has to send out a series of attention getting tweets and a couple desperate Face Book posts so they will notice her and invite her AFTER they have already invited everyone else. Pretty funny really. If Sarah had an ounce of self respect (ya ya I know), she would refuse to speak. Who wants to be invited as an AFTER THOUGHT?? Oh how the once popular have fallen!
ReplyDeletePreviously she refused to attend because they would not pay her! Now maybe she has paid THEM?
DeleteClinton's Next Move Unveiled
You know Sarah Palin wet her grandma panties when she was asked to speak at CPAC.
ReplyDelete"one of the most successful non-fiction books of all time,".
ReplyDeleteCan't find her listed anywhere.
Are they really suggesting that she is as popular as the bible?
Of course! It's almost a given that Hillary is running in 2016, so Moronica of the North has to keep her name out there to tantalize those with small brains and big mouths to keep donating, donating, donating--in fact, didn't Gryphen just run a post on a video for an "Oh, please send $$ so we can run some kind of bogus Alaska-Sarah survey, and you'll get a Chuckles Jr. book"? Maybe they're trying to put together her vacation spending money, or a bit o'cash for a pre-flight Botox treatment? I was under the impression that she wasn't invited to CRAPAC from the comments at the Sea for the past couple of months--guess after the rumors about Hillary, her Dominionist handlers (if there are any left) or RAM got to work and begged for an appearance.
ReplyDeleteOH, but LoveAndKnishes! The pee pond is also CONVINCED she'd beat Hillary in a debate with one hand tied behind her back! Praying FERVENTLY they are while they're being milked for every last nickel they have.
DeleteAs Larry O'Donnell said, she is NEVER running for president. Nothing but a "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show."
Amazing that anyone would compare Sarah Palin to Hillary Clinton..Hillary is far better educated, has much more 'poisitive' political experience and is well regarded where Sarah, the idiot, absolutely is NOT!
DeletePalin will never run for POTUS and she wouldn't be nominated to do so! No way in hell. She will just continue going after money that the old, fat, white retired people will provide her. They are dying off, so that will stop more and more. She already isn't receiving near the donations she use to.
Sarah is nothing more than a proven liar and fraud! Everything can be verified too!
Oh, I like Moronica. :)
DeleteAlaskaDispatch has posted pic of Lego Hair with funny lips making @ Iron Dog race, apparently she stayed in her truck never got out to.
That's because Sarah doesn't want to be seen with a pimp.
DeleteI've seen bass fish with smaller lips than Sarah Palin's botoxed lips.
Delete"Sarah was at the Big Lake start on Sunday to bid her husband goodbye, but didn’t appear to leave the truck she drove that was parked on the ice."
ReplyDeleteCan view her pic sitting inside her truck are lips seems to out of shape.
If the last time we saw her "walking" with the assistance of her husband (in name only)is any indication, she wasn't able to get out of the truck and walk on her own.
DeleteReiterating Archie Butt. "One of the most successful non-fiction books of all time, Going Rogue, An American Life."
ReplyDeleteAre you fricking KIDDING me?????
They've got NOTHING if they're calling in the imbecile!
The three faces of the GOP:
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost you have your Country Club Republicans; successful businessmen and women who grew up Republican and always will be Republican in order to protect their bottom lines. They don't care about God, Guns and Babies (GGB) they just want to remain wealthy. They will not attend CPAC and would in fact rather let someone wax the beemer with sandpaper before they'd attend something like CPAC.
Then you have the Karl Rove Republicans, the group that he had to hold his nose and pander to in order to get GWB elected twice. They are middle and lower middle class and care deeply about GGB and will follow the lead of the Country Club Republicans even if it is financially detrimental to their class. They will be at CPAC.
Then you have the Sarah Palin/Tea Party/Other Third Party Republicans. This group is all over the place. You have your disenfranchised lower middle class individuals that love GGB but do agree with Democrats that poor Americans are being raked over the coals by the 1%. However, they will vote against any agenda that Obama presents, often to the detriment of their own fiscal well-being (many of them are on social welfare programs but will help to vote them down despite their dependence).
They feel that the DC elite is standing on their backs and the entire process in Washington must be shaken up and redefined before they can ascend the ladder of American Exceptionalism. They seek to do this thru some sort of Third Party Ascendent, who some see in Sarah Palin. They are predominately white and undereducated and are threatened by educated society. They are angry, but often times not sure why, but usually because Fox, Rush, or Beck told them to be. Some of them believe that civilized society is on the brink of collapse and seek to form utopias of conservative freedom where they can ride out the "storm". (see Beckistan and The Citadel). All believe that Obama is here to take their guns.
These people will not just attend CPAC, they will attend CPAC armed with teabag hats, patriot costumes, Gadsden flags and misspelled signs. These people are the beating heart of CPAC.
She'll gladly take the publicity, but she'll never show. She's far too spun out for a gig like that.
ReplyDeleteThat bitch would eat dog shit if it got her publicity and a photo op.
DeleteWill people be able to see her? Has she put on weight? I am interested in the superficial stuff since that is who she is. I am looking forward to her latest "hair" (wig, extensions). Who will be dressing her?
ReplyDeleteWill they tape the word salad? A transcription always helps.
I am so glad the Republican Party is still all about connecting and hooking onto Palin. Both are doomed. They need each other to expedite the demise.
Based on the list of attendees, I am convinced that welding the doors of the venue permanently closed after this circus begins would vastly improve the future of this country.
ReplyDeleteYES! YES! YES!
DeleteWhy didn't Sarah Palin get out of her truck at Iron Dog?
ReplyDeleteIs it because Todd is a pimp and Sarah knows that Alaska hates Sarah and her family?
Sarah is NOT making public exposures anywhere in Alaska and hasn't been for a long time. She knows the majority in the state absolutely think her an embarrassment to their state! Don't forget, they also know she is a proven liar, fraud and takes their tax dollars for the benefit of her own!
DeleteHell waits her and Toad!
She was trying to show off their big, black, shiny truck. You know, the model most of her fans also own. She is just like them.
DeleteThis is simply terrific news. Palin and the rest of the lineup are the ideologues whose beliefs trump facts, i.e. "the stupid party" the saner Republicans are trying to push back into silence.
ReplyDeleteThat the rest of the country (the clear majority) disdains them is clear.
This lineup makes clear that the nutters are are still powerful in the GOP, which is synonymous with "Conservative". They are so oblivious and blinded by their beliefs, they don't even recognize the damage they do.
The sane Republicans tolerated them for their enthusiasm and now reap the consequences of opening Pandora's box, of giving them a stage and a microphone and media attention, legitimizing them.. Created a monster there, GOP. No sympathy for the sane ones now, who thought they were just using the rubes; now having to desperately scramble to wrest control of the Party back. Lots of luck with that. Once out of the box & onstage, in the spotlight, they won't be shoved back to the back row.
I say hurray, let them lead the GOP...right over the cliff into oblivion. It isn't worth saving now, it's too far gone..
I wonder if the organizers are aware of how bad she looks these days. Those young conservative pups are going to be sadly disappointed when a gooogly-eyed, emaciated, juddering crack head takes the stage and starts screeching incoherently.
ReplyDeleteYou read it here first!
ReplyDeleteTodd Palin's snowmobile will be found on the Iron Dog trail with no Todd.
After searching and not finding him, Todd will be presumed dead.
Did the Palins send Todd out of the country to fake his death to avoid sex trafficking prosecution?
Contrary to Republican Myth, Obama is a Better President for Business than Reagan
ReplyDeleteIt’s Obama v Reagan as the Business President.
Republicans like to claim their party as the party of business, even though their policies (like refusing to lower taxes for small businesses unless too big to fail got some as well) aren’t exactly helpful for the economy. So on President’s Day, I thought we should pit Reagan against Obama and ask whose presidency was better for corporate profits?
In January, Bloomberg reported that corporate after-tax profits had grown 171% under President Obama. That’s more than any president since World War II.
In fact, “Profits are more than twice as high as their peak during President Ronald Reagan’s administration and more than 50 percent greater than during the late-1990s Internet boom, measured by the size of the economy.”
Corporate profits under Obama are more than twice as high as they were under Reagan.
Corporate profits are “now at their highest level relative to the size of the economy since the government began keeping records in 1947, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.”
Before conservatives busy themselves unskewing the math, the business community did it for you, my friends. No need to jump off of a building, business leaders say they are doing this well, but guess what, it’s all due to their greatness, low labor costs and low interest rates. They say Obama doesn’t deserve any credit, and no, they will not share their toys with you even though you bailed them out. Fungu.
It’s not a surprise that business leaders are surly and petulant in the face of their huge profits. You see, everyone wants to have their egos stroked and President Obama snubbed them during his first term. Liberals might not believe this, but business leaders say that the President’s refusal to sit down with them and hear them out alienated the community.
But Obama has sat down with them.
Here's another right wing whackcase spewing hate:
ReplyDeleteBuster Wilson Claims Obama Wants to Declare Christians to be Mentally Ill and Lock Them Up
The American Family Association’s Buster Wilson is fascinated by his meat. It might seem reasonable, therefore, for him to worry about being classified as mentally ill. Yes, Buster Wilson lets go of his meat long enough to claim Obama thinks he’s crazy and wants to lock him up. Must be one heck of a fantasy. Just sayin’.
If you don’t remember Buster’s meat issues, here’s a refresher from last July:
Buster seems unaware of this and claims that the reason we left-wingers use terms like “right-wing fanatics” and “radicals” is not because Buster and his friends, are, in fact, right-wing radicals, but because if we can somehow make the label stick we can get the CDC to launch “attacks against Christians based on some form of mental illness diagnosis.”
This is what Buster had to say:
Well, they ARE whackcases and probably are mentally ill, but that doesn't mean that President Obama is doing anything about it.
I hope somebody stands outside the venue and shrieks "Stop raping people" until the police take him away. That would be a fitting memorial.
ReplyDeletePaul Ryan Calls Eliminating Food and Healthcare for 600,000 Kids ‘Smarter Cuts’
ReplyDeleteWhile trying to blame President Obama for the sequester, Rep. Paul Ryan referenced the smart cuts that the House passed. Those ‘smarter cuts’ would take away food and healthcare for hundreds of thousands of kids.
This smarmy, smug little prick is disgustingly cold and heartless and needs to be smacked down bigtime.
Wasn't his family on gov't assistance after his father died?!?
Deletehis mother collected social security and he was allowed to go to college at a discount.
DeleteI wondered why Bristol and Willow were at CPAC last year, and then I learned about all the alcohol and promiscuous sex available. Few tents, but hey.
ReplyDeleteThey were working for Todd since Shailey Tripp quit hoeing for the pimp.
DeleteThere was a book signing for Bristol nearby.They advertised ahead of time for people to come and get a free signed book so people would show up.Still,only a handful showed up.
DeleteFor her 15 minutes she just might be able to exceed her cost per word with FOx. How much for her private jet, luxury hotel, expensive meals, etc. - all for 15 minutes... You just can't put a price on the value of Sarah :>) Oops, almost forgot - I am sure her PAC will pay for her entourage (family, kids, grandkids- anybody and everybody she wants to surround her)
ReplyDeleteI'll wager she is flying commercially back there...no more private jets for her out of Alaska or AZ. Slight overkill for her worth folks!
DeleteWho invited her? I bet the other speakers are not happy being on the same stage with her. At least she is not the keynote speaker. I doubt the speakers are paid, but they will use their Pac to pay for their expenses.
ReplyDeleteCPAC has probably already received several requests not to be scheduled before or following her... I think she should follow Jindal after he talks about not being stupid and then "stupid" shows up...
DeleteI wonder how much they had to pay her to show up? Plus tossing in a suite and first class tickets.
ReplyDeleteGosh, the USA Taliban sinks to a new low if they still need Palin.
Obama has Gabby Giffords and the Sandyhook parents, the sympathetic ear of a nation.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP has Crosshairs Sarah, Wayne LaPierre and blood on their hands.
Keep digging baggers, keep digging. You think you lost big in 2012, wait until 2014.
Ted Nugent also, too!
DeleteHere's hoping she pulls a Brietbart live on stage.
ReplyDeleteHow come facebook Sarah is giving updates on Iron Dog on facebok when she didn't find it important enough or worthy of her to get out of her truck at Iron Dog?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous10:42 AM "Sarah was at the Big Lake start on Sunday to bid her husband goodbye, but didn’t appear to leave the truck she drove that was parked on the ice."Can view her pic sitting inside her truck are lips seems to out of shape.
Here's the pic you referred to. She is one strange bird.
A real, real supporter of her husband, the pimp! Plus, he's not placed in the race for a number of years now, so has no real significance. She just wanted to be seen on the scene! He probably didn't want her there either!
ReplyDeleteFrom the article on Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteNotice she will speak for free at times and she will donate portions of her money at times.
Palin could only dream of getting these dollars.
"Clinton, who retired as U.S. secretary of state earlier this month, is joining the Harry Walker Agency and is expected to earn fees in the six-figure range. However, Politico reports that she will likely speak for no fee on behalf of causes she supports, and will donate some of her earnings to charity...
Former President Bill Clinton, also represented by Harry Walker Agency, has had a lucrative career on the speaking circuit since exiting the White House in 2001. In 2011, he earned $13.4 million from speaking fees, increasing his total speaking earnings to $89 million over 10 years.
Sarah, you could have had this if you had just done your homework. But, as we all know, Sarah has no need for schooling, learning, homework, or any kind of work.
$carah could NEVER have done what Mrs. Clinton will be doing. Not intelligent enough, will NEVER be intelligent enough. Mrs. clinton is highly respected, speaks with intelligence and authority. Palin could only WISH to be anything like Mrs. Clinton. No reality show would ever even consider approaching the classy Mrs. Clinton.
DeleteIf you go to the CPAC 2013 website under the tab "participate" it says:
ReplyDeleteWe are no longer accepting speaker applications for CPAC 2013.
Obviously these nuts request to speak at CPAC. Wonder what/who she had to do to get "in" at the last minute??
GOP Rallying Around Dr. Benjamin Carson ‘A Sign Of Some Serious Desperation’
Maybe Sarah and Tim Scott can room together since she's so comfortable around African American men.
ReplyDeleteReading the list of attendees was certainly vomit-inspiring for this educated liberal.
“A human Band-Aid on a gaping bullet wound. A 40-something brown face meant to mask the GOP’s age and overwhelming whiteness.”
Does Fox Nation (The Website) Lie As Much As Fox News (The Cable Channel)? Probably!
ReplyDelete...That crafty Time-Travelling Obama went back to 2008 and copied Sarah Palin’s completely novel idea of a political bus tour, which she invented all by herself in 2011, and then he returned to 2012 and copied her again! (It was a flawed copy, too, because Obama actually finished his bus trips).
Read more at http://wonkette.com/499889/does-fox-nation-the-website-lie-as-much-as-fox-news-the-cable-channel-probably#r7oCjuQRhWjzMjSE.99
Well remember, he stole her "Hope" campaign idea also too.
DeleteAnd playing basketball there, still, living it in the White House with aides and people of interest; whereas 'ol Barracuda who wasn't good enough to get a basketball scholarship hasn't touched a ball since. . .Glen Rice.
Todd begged her to get invited. Cash flow is getting low honey boo. Time to put on your hooker outfit, we got some PIMPING to do. Round up Bristol and Willow also, because all you Bitches better get my money. Now move that boney ass Hoe.
ReplyDeleteha ha ha I'm glad she's speaking there. The reich wing continues to show Americans how out of touch they are with wanting to take us backwards. I just love it when the tea baggers, fruitcakes and obstructionist GOP tealibans show off their asses. It only makes Obama stronger and progressives, Dems, liberals, women and all minorities more determined than ever.
ReplyDeleteThanks stupid!
CPAC forgot to invite Crazy Shelly Bachmann, otherwise that list would be complete.
ReplyDeleteI like Michelle's bangs better than Sarah's.
ReplyDeleteSarah's are only connected to her bobble head with adhesive.
DeleteTalk about a cluster-fuck of losers. That lineup at CPAC is disgraceful. Bunch of losers.