Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sobering checklist of the day.

Trying not to panic here.


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Yes, it's here and wrapped in the American flag. Or, in some places, the confederate flag.

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Yeah, seig frikken HEIL, eh?

    Earlier today, I saw something about some butthole senator from Montana introducing a bill to allow corporations to VOTE.

    The fact that no one took him out behind the building and slapped some sense into him, means the entire gang of them are guilty of treason.

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Disdain for democracy. Eliminationist.

    Virulently opposed to homosexuality, abortion.

    1. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Fear and hatred of anything scientific.

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I'm in my sixties and I can't remember a time when one or more of these was NOT the case in this country. But then when you consider that a lot of the time it's been Republicans that are running things, it's not surprising, though there are plenty of Democrats that follow suit, too often.

  5. Anonymous5:01 AM

    This is why I'm so very skeptical of Obama. Socially he's liberal, which lulls some people into believing he's an all around good guy, but when you look at the rest of his record, his appointees and associates - it's obvious what agenda he adheres to and it's not good. Its obsequiousness to Wall Street, big banks, the Pentagon and the CIA, and using the DOJ to brutally repress opposition and whistleblowers who try to bring their crimes and lies to light. Right now Obama is once more offering cuts to Social Security as part of a proposed sequestration deal with Repugs. THAT is the REAL Obama. Oh and think he won't approve the rest of the environment destroying Keystone pipeline? Guess again. Of course he will.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Obama is not a liberal. He's slightly-right of center. The problem is that the conservatives are so balls-to-the-wall batshit fascist, anyone looks like a liberal compared to them.


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