Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Republican party have found their savior, and behold, he is brown.

As we know the Republican party found themselves reeling from political attacks during the 2012 election identifying them as in the pockets of big business, that they are racist, that their policies are anti-woman, and that they are a party mostly made up of wealthy old white men.

Since most of that is unquestionably accurate the Republicans were at a loss for how to make themselves seem more know more cool...less old fogey like.

So they looked around and found a brown guy, Marco Rubio. Who will now give the next Repuublican rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union speech. See? All fixed.

After all we remember how well that last brown guy did with the rebuttal speech in 2009. (Nailed it!)

But leave it up to the folks over at Maddow Blog to find something to complain about with Rubio: 

Rubio doesn't accept climate science, thinks the age of the planet is a theological question, and opposes marriage equality. Remember the Blunt Amendment that would have empowered employers to deny birth-control coverage to their employers? It was originally known as the "Blunt-Rubio Amendment." 

Rubio is part of a shrinking fringe that opposes the Violence Against Women Act, embraces strange conspiracy theories involving gun control, and thinks George W. Bush was a "fantastic" president. 

Rubio tells teleprompter jokes while reading from teleprompters, has been caught lying about the basics of Republican budget policy, has suggested TARP recipients shouldn't have to repay bailout money, and in 2011, argued programs like Medicare and Social Security have "actually weakened us as a people."

Okay well as usual Maddow brings up some good points, but she, and her so called "research department," missed the most important truth about Marco Rubio (And the only one the GOP even cares about!), he is brown. Not very brown, but just brown enough to get those liberals in the media off their damn backs, and to hopefully get those Latinos to start voting for them!

Besides how smart can the Latino community be? Didn't most of them just crawl over the fence, and into this country, yesterday?


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Uh oh, Baldy's gonna be pissed..,

    You know that when the former half-ass Guv gets out of bed and goes to K-Mart to buy her National Enquirer (studyin' up), she's gonna see Marco Rooooobio on the cover of Time mag. That means 6 more weeks of the red ass for the wretched, emaciated one. Poor Toad. LOL

  2. Well, at least we know his nose is 'brown'.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    He ain't fringe enough for the deranged far right, the pee ponders (all ten of them) are up in arms against roooobio, as they call him, you know, 'cause they's so clever and all.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      What a hoot at the pee-pond..*i stand with Sarah* roooooooooobio is stealing sarah's thunder...lmao

  4. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Bobby Jindal did it one year and sounded like an idiot. The GOP is all too willing to trot out their token minority folk and then double down on their meanness to all who are not part of the 1%.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Bobby Jindal, aka the man who decried the need for volcano monitoring 30 seconds before a volcano erupted in Iceland and paralyzed air traffic in Europe, can sound like a reasonable human being until he slips and lets his true colors show.

    2. Anonymous9:08 PM

      so can Kenneth the page...

  5. Think Progress also has some reasons...some of the same reasons:

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM

    this is not a shock. after years of denying equal rights and discriminating against those that are not white, the repubs have finally saw the writing on the wall.
    enter a hispanic, who inexplicably threw his hat into the republican mix..for reasons unknown.
    i've wondered this before, and i'll wonder it again: do african-americans, hispanics, asians...join the repub party in an effort to stand out because there just aren't that many of them in the party???? re-j.c. watts???

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      I have a one word answer for you......NO

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      As mentioned by several people below, Rubio is Cuban-American. Many affluent Cubans fled Castro and started businesses in Florida. By and large, Cuban-Americans in the U.S. are middle class or upper middle class. They have more in common with Republican business interests. They have little in common with Mexican-Americans. Different food, different culture, different skin color and appearance (more European and less Native American looking). So Rubio has no appeal to Hispanics in Texas or elsewhere who are Mexican-American.

      Even his name is not a common hispanic name. Henry B. Gonzalez and Henry Cisneros were Mexican-American politicians and worlds apart from Rubio. Another politician tea partier/dominionist of Cuban descent is the new Senator Cruz from Texas.

      The Republicans don't care enough to learn about the various cultures, sub-cultures and ethnicities. Another epic fail.


  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    He's not old enough to be a statemans yet. He's only 41!!

    1. Anita Winecooler9:07 PM

      Somehow "Rubio" and "Statesman" in the same sentence is pretty funny!

  8. Anonymous4:27 PM

    If they run this guy for POTUS, he won't win...he's too young and inexperienced for crying out loud! Especially if he goes up against Hillary Clinton! She'll crucify him!

  9. Anonymous4:33 PM

    No Latino in the USA will vote for Rubio unless they are Cuban, very few Cubans live in the USA.
    Rubio needs to self deport

    1. emrysa5:15 PM

      "Rubio needs to self deport"

      lol good idea.

  10. But...I don't think he's he? I thought he was of Cuban descent. Does the GOP really not get that these are two different races of people?
    At least, I thought they were. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, so I don't continue to sound like an idiot.
    And...not to be racist or anything, but would this be considered the GOP's "Great White Hope?" (As in, the hope of the white members of the GOP to recruit minorities?)

    1. Anonymous2:39 AM

      Cubans are Latinos, but most Latinos don't consider them Latinos.

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Cubans living in Cuba are Latinos. The Cubans in Miami are the top 1% of the 1% who fled Cuba, the former slaveowners. Much of the Latino world finds them spoiled and arrogant.

  11. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Oh and let's not forget that Marco has that pesky problem with the truth... I'm not sure he ever managed to get his story straight about when he emigrated, the sequence of events in his parents' lives, and a few other details. He's contradicted himself on the basic facts of this narrative on several occasions, many in print or on the record. In other words, pretty much the perfect savior for the GOP idiots and assholes, who are so often revealed to be liars, thugs and thieves

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      To the best of my knowledge, Marco Rubio has yet to fake a pregnancy to further his career. And I've never noticed that he looked pasty white one day and orange the next.

      Maybe those are the reasons that the GOP likes Marco but refuses to even acknowledge that Sarah was their sweetheart just a couple of short years ago.

      I don't mean to flatter Sarah by saying this, but Marco isn't much better as a candidate than Sarah was.

  12. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Nope. Cubans and hispanic don't really relate all that well to each other, and aren't particularly simpatico regarding politics, culture or economics - given that their experience as immigrants has been so vastly different

  13. Yes, and Herman Cain worked out so well for them too.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      You made me chuckle, Lynne. I wish we could talk more about 'Herb' here at IM, but he seems to be layin' low these days. He could at least make an appearance and sing the Pokemon song or just say "9-9-9". The dude cracks me up.

    2. Anonymous2:43 AM

      Yeah! Good ol Herb Cain, who somehow forgot he was paying this nice lady $30,000 a year, just cuz they were frens and such like.

      You betcha that Mrs Herb was tickled pink to find out about that the nice lady

  14. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Its kind of sad how democrats race bait as their only political argument. What, scared to actually dissect the lies and ridiculous statements from your own side?

    Shame. Keep in mine that just because a person doesn't fall for the lies of a poltician (who happens to be black) doesn't make them racist. It makes them capable of listening and not drinking easily accessible koolaid.

    1. emrysa5:17 PM

      "Its kind of sad how democrats race bait as their only political argument."

      riiiiight, the fact that he's an opportunistic idiot has nothing to do with it.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      "Keep in mine"....



      I hope you don't "mine" if I laugh at your dumbassery(new word...look it up!) trying to lecturing us "libruls" about "race baiting" when you can't even bother to proofread your stupidity before posting!

      Poor troll..."A "mine" is a terrible thing to waste" isn't it....LMAO!!!

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      "... keep in mine..."

      Is that like an IED, Einstein? What are you, some kind of terrorist?

    4. GinaM,
      4:55 is very lacking in energy; even the spelling is sagging. Is that flunky waiting for a long overdue paycheck? I don’t see much spark there.

    5. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Shut up Serrah and go tend to your fleeced sheep, they're clamoring and praying to the baby Jesus for your Second Coming.

  15. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Speaking of Republican Saviors...
    Palin made a huge deal about endorsing Sarah Steelman in the Republican Missouri primary for the McCaskill seat.
    Palin made a personal and no doubt paid appearance
    to endorse Steelman.
    Who can forget her street walker attire and Frankenstein shoes as she endorsed a woman she
    repeatedly called ,
    to her face , Sarah " Stillman " .
    Ms Steelman owes Missouri vendors almost one million dollars.
    Steelman says she has no money to pay them.
    That's odd, I thought a Palin endorsement was worth millions upon millions .
    Will SarahPAC step in and repay the beloved Missouri small businessmen
    left holding the bag
    for the candidate she so enthusiastically endorsed ?

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Palin got HER money. Fuck everybody else.

  16. emrysa5:13 PM

    yeah, they're trying to promote him because they think he will get them more votes. the problem is that he believes the same dumb shit as the other republican nutbags (as maddow points out) so their plan isn't going to work like they hope it will. until they change their thinking and ideology, they will remain on the road to obscurity - the world is moving forward, and they're going in reverse.

  17. He's "brown" and yet they've lightened his skin to the point where you'd have to be told he's Latino. Typical GOP minorities-are-the-enemy, making sure not to scare them racist rednecks by backing a guy that's TOO dark.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      My first glimpse of the cover was only Rubio's head: I didn't recognize it immediately as him, and would not have taken him as Latino.
      John Boehner is darker than that, for Pete's sake. Maybe they should work on teaching him Spanish.

  18. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I know for sure Mexicans do not like Cubans..strike one. Mexicans outnumber Cuban voters...strike two. Democrats have Hilda Solis, Antonio Villaraigosa, and Julian and Joaquin Castro, who are very popular in the Mexican American community....strike three. You're out Rubio!

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Villaraigosa has some skeletons in his closet. Female type skeletons. And not so closeted as all that.
      Not to mention he's kind of a shrimp. Shrimps don't do so good in Presidential elections, as a rule.
      These things aside, he is indeed brown. And not such a bad mayor.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      I don't saying this because I don't want the wrong people to notice this, but I think people assume Mexicans care most about immigration policy and I think that was a mistake.

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      I didn't say Villaraigosa will run for President, but I'm more he and the others will be surrogates for whoever is running 2016.

      I live in L.A. & Villaraigosa dirty laundry has been made public and he still managed to win re-election.

  19. Anonymous5:50 PM

    This little prick doesn't have a chance. He thinks because he's brown he can skate on that. Private sector Marco, Private sector. Adios

  20. Emulation: But the poor guy is nowhere as intelligent as Barack, and he’ll get his ass handed to him, especially if he tries to go up against the best Democrats. Oh, and his skin is browner than that picture.

    Marco, do your own self a favor and grow up a bit. You come across as handsome but kind of dumb.

    1. Anonymous2:39 AM

      He's a brown Scott Brown.

  21. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The Republican party have found their savior, and behold, he is brown.

    But has he ever won a local beauty pageant?

    Can he blow a flute?

    How does he look in a one piece bathing suit?

    Does he have the fancy pageant walk... stop... turn and show his flat booty pose like the winner of Miss Wasilla does?

    Is he married to a pimp?

    Is he the mother to a bunch of retarded kids?

    If you are lucky enough to find a candidate with all those credentials then you might have a winner!

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Hopefully this guy can win DWTS instead of just laying on the floor and letting some sweaty guy dry hump the shit out of him?

  22. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The GOP tried a tranny granny.... tried a black pizza guy... tried a rich white guy.... and failed.... so why not give the Cuban white puppet a shot at the American dream?

    1. emrysa7:16 PM

      yeah! great observation. and that's just what is going on.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM

      They're going for the Gloria Estfan fans, that's got to be it!!!

  23. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Can they pick a poorer looking brown guy?

    Sheesh.... at least give the guy a shirt with the same sleeve length or a suit coat with one longer sleeve...

    Maybe they want the poor immigrant look?

  24. Anonymous7:12 PM

    The GOP better borrow Sarah Palin's tanning bed if they want to make Rubio browner by 2016.

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Let's be real: The "savior" lost more votes than he won in 2010, and that was a year with a high GOP turnout.

  26. Anonymous8:48 PM

    O/T. Am watching the last 3 episodes of Last Resort on Hulu. It is an ABC drama killed after 13 weeks. Does any one else out their wonder if it was cancelled due to censorship?

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Excellent show... they should of kept it.

  27. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Will Karl Rove go after him??? I think so.

  28. Anonymous9:17 PM

    They are repeating 2008: we had Hillary, so they put up another woman: $arah PayMe. After all, they both have vaginas, don't they?

  29. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I was skimming channels and stopped briefly on Fox news as they were discussing Rubio and his press release that he 'wasn't a savior and there was only one savior'.

    One of the commentators tried to make a HUGE deal out of the fact that Rubio was MORE (I forgot the description he used... aargh) selfless or something then the President who NEVER renounced people calling him 'The Savior'.

    The other commentators sort of shrugged it off and kept talking about their views on Rubio but the little twerp kept trying to interject his opinion on how President Obama never spoke against the title placed on him. Moron.

    Here's the thing, the term 'Savior' placed on Rubio for the Republican party wasn't meant maliciously or anything, because the reality is... they need someone to 'SAVE' their party from extinction and 'Time' decided to crown the guy.

    However, the term 'Savior' placed upon our President's head started as an obnoxious disrespectful, sneering comment from many of those in the 'RIGHT' (media and party) to explain why the President was elected and how many throughout the Country were excited for change. There was no objective view that the Democratic party needed help and was struggling, it was just a flat out, sneering, same old, crappy attitude heaped on our President's head, so yeah, he didn't respond to him being 'The Anointed One' because he knew it was used in a derogatory way.

    So once again to Fox news.. go to the gutter where you belong. Your ratings are heading there quickly~

    1. Anonymous2:37 AM

      Rill 'Mericans know their only true savior, and great Queen Mother is $arah Paylin.

      No other human who ever lived is so good, so wise, so perfect, and suddenly and relentlessly conservative as Our $arah.

  30. Anita Winecooler9:28 PM

    Love the cover, it looks like a mugshot gone wrong.
    I'm going with the fox news viewer's mindset.
    "He isn't "brown" enough" to be hispanic.

    I doubt many hispanics will buy into it. There isn't much "there" beside his skin tone. Reminds me of when GWB ran and trotted out his his "hispanic" nephew.

  31. cuppajava3:13 AM

    Hey, Gee-Oh-Pee.... I'll "see" your Rubio, and "raise you" two Castros, those good-looking, well-educated, intelligent Texas twins who will whoop your collective asses, especially if Hillary decides to go for broke as a presidential candidate in the next few years.... What a dream team!

    One pissy Republican had this to say about the Castros in a local Texas publication recently:
    "The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas"

  32. Anonymous4:17 AM

    This Cuban disgrace considers himself as being "elite" Spanish, and does not consider himself part of the "brown races." Latino's are already wise to this tea bagger joker.

  33. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Rubio isn't brown. He just happens to have a Spanish surname. Most Hispanics consider themselves white.

  34. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "....Based upon the refusal of Mr. Chaney, Todd Palin, and Homeland Security to produce these documents, it is obvious that the meeting between Todd Palin,David Chaneu, and Shailey Tripp did occur. Otherwise I am sure that your client and Todd Palin would be anxious to clear their names, and expose Shailey Tripp as a liar...."

  35. this note is from a florida cracker,the brain behind Rubio is non other than W's brother Jeb......

  36. from a Floridacracker,the brain behind Rubio is W's brother Jeb. Enough said as far as I'm concerned

  37. Hilarious!
    Marco Rubio suffers from premature campaignation.
    If he doesn't slow dow a bit, he will be 'spent' before he can cast his vote for himself in 2016.


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