Saturday, March 09, 2013

A petition to get Sarah Palin to take back something stupid and incendiary that she said? That's just crazy enough to work!

Courtesy of the Democratic Governor's Facebook page:

Sarah Palin is spreading the dangerous conspiracy theory that the federal government is "stockpiling bullets" to use against Americans. Sign our petition demanding that Sarah Palin renounce her incendiary comments. 

I know what you're thinking, "Gryphen you above all others should know that this lunatic will NEVER take back a comment she made, no matter HOW stupid, illogical, or even insane that people think it was."

That may be true, voice inside my head standing in for one of my visitors, but then again if WE don't start demanding that the people who say things like "the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down," or "the President's birth certificate is a fraud," or " the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun," take that stupid shit back, or at least defend it with actual facts (Not Right Wing misinterpretations of the facts either. REAL facts!), then we cannot expect them to ever do so.

We need to call stupid out for being stupid, ignorant our for being ignorant, and birthers out for being Donald Trump.

Will Sarah Palin see the light and renounce her remarks? Hell, no.

But at least we are bringing attention to the fact that people are tired of this shit and are demanding some accountability from these public figures. Gotta start someplace.

By the way, if you are so inclined, click here to sign the petition.


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Honestly, the more stupid shit that pours out of her blather hole the better as far as I'm concerned. She's become a punch line and every single stupid thing she says just cements her forever into her idiotic irrelevance. I'm among those who really, really hope she runs for president in 2016, though, cause that would be fab. Yeah, I know it's never going to happen, but if it did suddenly the lamestream media would start digging and the awesome sauce would flow like a river.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    what does it take anymore to get arrested for sedition ?!?

    WTF !

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    signed the petition AND donated

  4. blind_dog_smith1:10 PM

    Remember that Palin's use of the term 'death panels' effectively derailed and retarded the passage of the Affordable Care Act for months. About time people started publicly calling this crap out for what it is.

    FYI--the link to sign the petition continues on to the DGA fund-raising page--just so you know....

  5. jcinco1:21 PM

    I signed it earlier today.Since she does nothing & offers nothing it's sort of like pledging to boycott ignorance

  6. Anonymous1:39 PM

    CRAZY BITCH, and just "how" many were at CPAC last night? How much aftermath coverage has it had today? Yeah, that's what "I" thought.


    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      CPAC runs from the 14th-16th.

      Sarah speaks on Saturday, March 16 from 12:00-12:20.

  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    A petition just feeds Crosshairs Sarah's insatiable need for attention, any kind of attention.

    1. Anonymous3:17 AM

      My thoughts exactly. The less people make out of her spewage, the more quickly she will slink back to the shadows where she belongs. All this attention just means she can strike a nerve and that is what she wants. Deny her and she will go away.

  8. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I signed the petition but don't expect her to apologize...she never will admit she's wrong. Remember her blood libel speech after the Tuscon shootings. It wasn't her crosshairs on the map that did it. According to her it was one lone deranged individual and never mind that Gabby Giffords was interviewed by MSNBC where she said words/actions have consequences and asked that the map be taken down. And never mind that innocent lives were taken including that of a young child but she, yes she, was the victim of a blood libel by journalists. What a pathetic POS she is and there is just way too much dirty laundry she has hidden and not to mention dirty wigs as well to ever serve in any office at all. She lost her voice on Fox, even they couldn't stand her.

  9. Anonymous2:10 PM

    You know she gets off on this, don't give her the attention she doesn't deserve!

    Not only would she smirk at this, she'd double down on it. Make that Quadphalange it (cause she doesn't know arithmetic.) Sh does brag her one skeleton in her closet was a D- in macroeconomics.

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    How about petition that we just send her to Mars.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      No way, jose!
      Why should she get the honor and notoriety of being the first Earthling on Mars...

      And, seriously...don't you think that would be unfair to the Martians? What have they ever done to us????

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      I'd rather send her to the Moon, Jackie Gleason style.

  11. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Instead of giving the bitch the attention she so craves, don't sign the petition. Ignoring her is the only torment she deserves.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I agree, plus they only want money once you sign. I've unsubscribed to all of the Democratic Party emails and other Dem emails that only want dollars. Even signing the Pres's birthday card they then wanted money! No Thanks, that money is what is the problem with politics today. I don't participate except to vote; that is what is important.

  12. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Although she is fun to mock, I'm tired of Sarah Palin and her BS. I don't want to read about her stupid crazy ass rants anymore. Not going to sign any petition that gives her any sort of attention.

  13. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Well, The gov. probably has all the ammo it needs, but I was shopping at Sportsmans Warehouse in Anch. last week and someone is definitely stockpiling ammo and reloading supplies. The shelves are ravaged.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      The guns-n-god types are buying it all up because they are afraid of a few common sense gun control rules. I'm sure the gun suppliers are loving all this propaganda put out by the nra an palin.

    2. This is exactly why we need gun safety/reform. Too many nuts and idiots.

  14. Whether the remarks come from Palin, Bachmann, Feinstein or others, I share the disgust of our elected representatives committing outright deceit and malfeasance.

    The answer, I believe, lies solely in compelling the media to call these officials on their remarks, when and where they are uttered. Petitions are like [most] blogs....they're a venue to vent, but ultimately rather powerless in shaping public opinion.

    1. Just ask DailyKos, Media Matters, Color of Change. It matters more than you give it credit. And what we can tell, the insufferable bitch and her dysfunctional family definitely read this blog.

      A whole lot of money is collected via the net too. Which matters.

      So this new media is much more powerful than a venting apparatus.

    2. Anonymous6:21 AM

      $carah is an "official" nothing. Like Nugent, just a big mouth blowhard trading on some long ago notoriety to make a few shekels.

  15. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Introducing Sarah Palin dum dum bullets!

  16. our lad3:46 PM

    Her bullshit stops not when we sign petitions or anything else, her shit stops when she is fucking dead or in jail. This crazy cooze will never cease and desist until the long arm of the law steers her into a ten by twelve or the skeletal arm of the grim reaper takes hers and he escorts out to trip the light fantastic and eternal. Fuckin wow, this
    strumpet has staying power, does she not?

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Direct, to the point, true and Americans remain hopeful. The 6x8 would work for boney boo boo.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Palins and their large gang in Alaska have been stock piling for years since they are a militia. I cant wait till charges are filed on them and the rest of the evil in Alaska. It is such a beautiful place.

  17. erica from dallas3:53 PM

    We have the most sophisticated military in the world. When Sarah and her friend start their uprising I am sure they won't be able to stop the tanks and drones headed in their direction with all the ammo and guns in their closets.

    1. Anonymous5:15 AM

      In 1776, the only firearms were single shot, muzzle loaders, bombs, and cannon.

      The Americans had less of those than the British, but the two sides were at least on the same footing.

      These fanatic Teaparty types who think they could stand up to the government by buying more ammo for their pea shooters are just nuts.

      In 2013, how many white supremacists with AR-15's does it take to equal one helicopter gunship with 16 hellfire missiles and 20 mm cannons at 6000 rounds per minute?

  18. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Again, lets concentrate on our state legislators who repeat this crap and propogate legislation out of it, i.e. Reinbold, Chenault, Millette...

  19. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Why are people calling Piper Palin the name of a farm animal PIG Palin? Did Piper's parents really give that poor girl the initials P I G?

    What kind of parents would do that?

    Wikipedia - Todd Palin

    On August 29, 1988, Palin married his high school girlfriend, Sarah Heath.[33] The Palins have five children: Track Charles James (b. April 1989), who has enlisted in the United States Army and deployed to Iraq on September 11, 2008; Bristol Sheeran Marie (b. October 1990);[34] Willow Bianca Faye (b. 1994); Piper Indy Grace (b. 2001);[18] and Trig Paxson Van (b. April 2008), who has Down syndrome;[35][36][37] and two grandchildren: Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, born in 2008 in Palmer, Alaska, to Bristol and Levi Johnston[38] and Kyla Grace Palin, who was born to son Track and his wife, Britta, in 2011.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM


      They sure did name that girl Piper Indy Grace Palin.

      PIG Palin

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Do all people in Wasilla name their kids after dirty filthy animals that eat slop?

  20. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Don't be surprised what Sarah Palin says.

    Sarah Palin has the blood of. Heaths running through her veins. Sarah is not only doomed to look like an old wrinkly leather bag but will have the brain of her dumbass father.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Creepy Chuckie Palin Sr has to be hands down the goofiest looking dork in Alaska. Give him a paper bag with a bottle in it and he would look like a homeless derelict.

    2. Anonymous10:41 PM

      You are so right...he does look like a derelict.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      He looks like a happy drunk

  21. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Isn't this the same woman, Sarah Palin, who said as commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guards she is the only one protecting America and Alaska from the Ruskies when they raise their heads warning the British that her buddies the North Koreans will ring their bells?

    Something like that.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM


    2. Anonymous10:39 PM

      OMG! That is so funny!

  22. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I'm surprised that her husband and children let Sarah wander around America unsupervised talking about shit she doesn't know anything about. I guess they don't care as long as she keeps that paycheck coming and isn't at home.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Are you kidding, they are happiest when her bipolar stinky ass is out of the house for long periods of time.

  23. Excellence write-up on these regressive ignorant conservative assholes Grandpa G. they are actually trying to pass off truth, honesty, and common sense as being liberal concepts while the gop's concepts are suppose to be the opposite. I call bullshit on their bullshit also, too. The opposite of the truth is a lie not a pile of idiotic bullshit.

    Their concept is maddening and changes everyday from bagger to bagger. It gets more ridiculous as new faces jump in their often-used, overly-stuffed, crazy, decrepit bandwagon. the old sloppy white guys like graham and mccain can't be out done they are putting on a sorry, lying, boring clown show certainly of great hollow proportions. Who can keep up with gops' messes?

    repubs' ideology isn't the opposite of Dem's ideology Of course not they are a hot unprincipled, etch-a-sketch, unpatriotic racist fools.

    Maybe it's time to put these ignorant, racist, sexist, dangerous, stupidass bozos out to pasture via the whig party. they are deliberately clogging up our systems on our (taxpayer's) dime. they have infiltrated our system with cheaters, liars and clowns, all you have to do is look at the embarrassing, sad, idiotic repubs' presidential candidates. Remembering romney performance makes me itch and shiver, talk about being mentally ill.

    A two party system has to be for the people and not for the money. For the betterment of the United States of America and not for treason, secession or bullshit.

  24. Anonymous10:08 PM

    What does PIG (Piper) think of her name? Now we know naming Tri-G after his handicap is no coincidence.

    That Sarah Palin is one evil sick person to that to those kids.

  25. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Naming Piper after swine is not that bad once you put lipstick on that pig.

  26. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Naming Piper "PIG" is not that bad, could of been worse. Sarah could of named Track another name like Penis or Two-Tone Jr?

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Naming Track either Two-Tone Jr or Curt Menard Jr would a been a toss up.

      Sarah had a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

  27. Anonymous10:33 PM

    What did Todd do with the Iron Dog Loser's prize he got?

    Did Todd take by his $5000 and head out to Anchorage for a girls night out in town?

  28. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Naming Piper "PIG" is not that bad, could of been worse. Sarah could of named her Piper Pork Rinds Palin.

  29. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I look at it this way. The only reason she gets away with this is because she is no longer considered a mainstream political figure in any way shape or form (for many of us she never was). She is on the looney fringe and everybody knows it. Just look at her. How can anyone take her seriously when she dresses like a teenager looking to hook up.

  30. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Palin does not have the character to apologize.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      There isn't a Palin or Heath that can spell apologize.

  31. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I posted this link in a comment to your March 5 Senator Begich post. It does look official:


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