Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Finally the gay agenda revealed!

Oh my God! it is even more insidious than we were led to believe!


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:04 AM

    Saw this last night on one of the photo blogs and thought it was sheer genius. Now watch the feather brained commenters at our favorite delusional websites take 7:45pm seriously: "See, Madge, I KNEW them perverted sexual deviates were coming for us! Right after dinner too...oh well, at least they'll let us have our super-sized Chick-Fil-A and Big Gulps before they try to tempt us with their unholy sins...we'll have to hunker down in the double wide before they can find us...I'll go load the assault cannon, you grab the bazooka, OK? Alright?? Madge? What are you doin' standing in the front yard, Madge??"

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Bill O'Reilly: Gay Marriage Foes Can Only 'Thump The Bible' In Their Arguments (VIDEO)

  3. SHARON8:21 AM

    I am so happy to see this reality in all the media, that sign really sums up how ridiculous those people are. I really believe that all the hatred from the right aimed at gays and the Obamas is sheer jealousy. They have no way to embrace the idea of happiness.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Jesse - Just stop with this gay agenda. They've had their way and they've won. Let it go. I'm tired of hearing about it. Thanks.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.