Wednesday, March 27, 2013

If you think that either Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush are the GOP answer to Hillary Clinton in 2016, you might want to run that by Florida first. Also some bad news about Ashley Judd.

Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush for 2016? Yeah, that's cute.
Courtesy of Public Policy Polling:

Raleigh, N.C. – Hillary Clinton now leads Florida’s own Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio by double-digit margins in 2016 presidential match-ups as her popularity continues to climb in the state, according to PPP’s latest poll. Clinton leads Bush by 13 points (53/40), Paul Ryan by 13 points (54/41) and Rubio by 16 points (56/40). 

This is a significant gain from January, when Clinton led Bush by 5 points and Rubio by 4 points. Clinton now claims 20-24% of the Republican vote and 55-58% of the independent vote against each of her potential Republican opponents. Her favorability has jumped to +19 (56/37) from an 11-point spread (52/41) two months ago.

As you know Jeb Bush was a pretty popular governor of Florida, being the first Republican to win two terms, and Marco Rubio is one of their two current Senators, so if THEY cannot put a dent in the Clinton political lead that certainly does not bode well for the rest of the party.

And just think that is a gain of almost ten points in only two months. Imagine how much larger the split will be by 2016?

Look, I'm NOT saying that a Clinton victory in 2016 is a sure thing. I am just saying that if you look up the word "Juggernaut" there is a picture of her next to it to help illustrate it.

However, and I say this with a heavy heart, along with this good news is some truly upsetting news concerning 2014.

Oh that is just depressing.

I wonder if Bill Clinton got to her?


  1. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

    Steve King and Breitfart, aka scum suckers divulge Sasha and Malia's location on spring break. WTF is wrong with these idjits? How DARE he put the first daughters in peril.

    "Today, the representative from Iowa—famous for such gems as saying that minority students “feel sorry for themselves" and comparing immigrants to “dogs”—launched another in a series of unprecedented attacks on President Obama. But this time, he picked a more personal target: the president’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha."

    More Here:

    (it's the daily beast, wouldn't give breitfart the clicks)

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hillary is going to bet their asses and I can hardly wait!!!!

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I am thinking that Ashley Judd may have been a decoy, just to keep the rethugs off balance. They were all so focused on her that they weren't watching what else was happening in the state.


    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Could very well be, Scorpie, and many ways to interpret what she said. She's talked to many and decided against it or talked to many and wish she could?

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      wow, THAT'S a very interesting take on things. I could make sense.

    3. Anonymous3:42 AM

      I suspected she had decided against running when she showed up on the first night of DWTS to support her sister. She was shown after Wynonna's performance jumping up and down and waving her arms in the air. Looking great, as usual, but acting more like an entertainer than a serious politician.

  4. So what else is happening in the state?

  5. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

    It's only 2013, and Hillary already has a jump start on these clowns! Jeb Bush was the Governor, but the last name has too many bad connotations, even the gop doesn't mention GW.

    Yeah, I thought Judd was going to go for it, but she knows what's best, I hope she runs some time in the future.

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Ashley suffers from depression and the conservative press would eat her alive because of it. At least Ashley is medicated for her problems unlike Sarah who self medicates.

    2. Anonymous12:22 AM

      Ashley Judd suffering from depression doesn't concern me at all, Lincoln suffered from that ailment and he is considered one of the best President this country ever had. What would be of great concern is someone suffering from a bi-polar mental condition and/or someone who is know to be a narcissist (like Sarah Palin).

      Ashley Judd stated after careful consideration her family comes first which is not what Palin did when she accepted the VP slot in 2008.

      Knowing her daughter Bristol was pregnant and with a DS baby (not birthed by Sarah) who would be more needy of motherly love and attention didn't seem to faze her one bit.

      She knew damn well Bristol's life would come under heavy scrutiny and would have to deal with attention that any young teenager would find hard to handle. She then tried to make it up to Bristol by making her the abstinence spokesperson so she could cash in on her shame.

      As for poor Trig, she used him as a prop till he was no longer manageable. She traveled about to and fro from one speaking engagement to another without any concern for his developmental progress which is crucial to a DS baby.

      I'm sorry Ashley Judd isn't running but I believe her family is more important to her than Sarah's family was ever to her.

  6. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Early polls like this are fun, but I wouldn't put too much stock in them. Once Hillary announces, the BIG GUNS will come out, and I mean anyone who ever had a grievance with her or her husband. They'll yell Benghazi alot, dredge up anything and everything 'clinton' they can, so it will get very, very ugly.

    Money will flow, in a much more focused fashion this time around, since they saw that just throwing money at ads, willy nilly, didn't get them what they wanted last time. They'll be a lot 'smarter' about how they do their ads, run their debates, plan their convention.

    They will be 'borrowing' from the Democratic campaign, using the technology and social networking scene like they never did during the 2012 run. Obama's team had a HUGE advantage in both those areas, and the GOP is hot to get their hands on anything they can use.

    But make no mistake, Hillary is a strong, genuine, heartful, smart, savvy, sharp, educated, deeply experienced woman and politician, leader and world presence. None of the little pipsqueaks that are drooling for 2016 can hold a candle to her. But we don't know who is in the shadows, who isn't making any noise yet about running. Where the REALLY big money will come in.

    With entities like Breitbart and WND and the ease with which they lie, and how rumours fly around the net, they are going to do everything in their power to take her down...and lying is just the beginning. She'll be disrespected as a woman, she'll be attacked for working for Obama, she'll be mocked and ridiculed about her hair, her clothes, her skin, her stone will be left unturned.

    Do I think she's up to it? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY! Will it break my heart to watch her go through that onslaught? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Just like you said...

      >>They will be 'borrowing' from the Democratic campaign, using the technology and social networking scene like they never did during the 2012 run. Obama's team had a HUGE advantage in both those areas, and the GOP is hot to get their hands on anything they can use.

      Republicans Launch Technology Catch-Up Effort To Challenge Obama Advantage

      Republicans are moving aggressively to repair their technological shortcomings from the 2012 election, opening a new tech race to counter a glaring weakness against President Barack Obama.

      With the blessing of party leaders, a new crop of Republican-backed outside groups is developing tools to improve communication with voters, predict their behavior and track Democratic opponents. After watching Obama win re-election with the aid of an unprecedented technological machine, GOP officials concede an urgent need for major changes in the way they reach voters. They are turning to a younger generation of tech experts expected to play a bigger role in the 2014 midterm elections and beyond.

      "I think everybody realized that the party is really far behind at the moment and they're doing everything within their realistic sphere of influence to catch up," said Bret Jacobson, a partner with Red Edge, a Virginia-based digital advocacy firm that represents the Republican Governors Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Heritage Foundation.

      Alex Skatell, former digital director for the GOP's gubernatorial and Senate campaign operations, leads a new group that has been quietly testing a system that would allow Republicans to share details about millions of voters – their personal interests, group affiliations and even where they went to school. Democrats began using related technology years ago, giving Obama a significant advantage last fall in personalizing communication with prospective supporters.

      With no primary opponent last year, Obama's re-election team used the extra time to build a large campaign operation melding a grass-roots army of 2.2 million volunteers with groundbreaking technology to target voters. They tapped about 17 million email subscribers to raise nearly $700 million online.

      Data-driven analytics enabled the campaign to run daily simulations to handicap battleground states, analyze demographic trends and test alternatives for reaching voters online.

  7. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Jeb Bush and I go way back. Great man. And Ashley Judd is a ridiculous human being who needs to keep to her "thing."

    Why can't the country be honest? We elected a national embarrassment twice. A man who cannot articulate intelligent statements unless they've been written for him. Shame America

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      This is either brilliant satire or one of the dumbest things I've ever read in these comment sections (you and Jeb Bush go "way back?").

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      You got it 8:02pm we elected George Bush TWICE and he drove this country over the cliff! Dude still won't show his face at the GOP convention or at CPAC. He just hangs out drinkin' whisky and paintin' kindergarten level "pitchers" of dogs. Is his brother Jeb special too?

    3. BabyRaptor9:32 PM

      The country WAS honest. Not agreeing with you doesn't mean lying. You're not the ultimate arbiter of truth, despite what the GOP likes to tell their minions.

    4. Anonymous4:11 AM

      The mere thought of another Bush family member anywhere near the White House simply terrifies me. That family should be outlawed. It will take another twenty years for this country to recover from the damage done to it by George W. And Jeb, by turning the Florida vote into a fraudulent debacle in 2008, is partly responsible. He should be in prison for election fraud and his brother for all sorts of crimes, including among others lying to Congress, starting a war for no reason, bankrupting the country while paying off his friends, etc. The list is almost endless.

  8. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Why Ashley Judd Flipped Against Run For Senate

    Former Sen. Wendell H. Ford is 88 years old, but still in full possession not only of his faculties but also of his role as the godfather of the Democratic Party in Kentucky. His conversation earlier this year with Ashley Judd may, in the end, have helped change the actress's mind about running for the U.S. Senate in 2014.

    Judd had told at least three political allies in Kentucky that she was planning to run, The Huffington Post reported earlier this month. After that story appeared, she issued no denial. In fact, Judd's spokesperson claimed that she was receiving steady expressions of support from voters.

    But Judd had also discussed with Ford, the state's former governor, her fast-developing plan to seek the Democratic nomination to oppose incumbent Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell.

    "She asked me what I thought and I told her," Ford said.

    Ford, who is revered by Democrats, was friendly but noncommittal. And remained so.

    In the weeks after that chat, he had little to say publicly. Privately, others in the party expressed doubt and opposition, on the theory that Judd was too liberal, too "anti-coal" and too Hollywood, and that she had not lived in the state for many years despite her loyalty to University of Kentucky basketball.

    If Judd was going to make a go of it, she needed the blessing of at least a few of the higher-ups in the state's Democratic establishment. She didn't get the Godfather, and she didn't get any of the other party elders outside Louisville who could have helped her avoid a killingly divisive primary in May 2014.

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I tried to tell you people that Ashley wouldn't run..but you wouldn't listen to me..You people (Gryphen) got all wet between the ears thinking of her being a United States senator from Kentucky...but it was never going to happen!


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