Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Your dose of nausea for the day. SarahPAC digs under the couch cushions for spare change in order to produce another web video begging for money to support their discredited leader. Update!

Courtesy of TPM:

SarahPAC, the super PAC led by former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, released a web video Wednesday to rally supporters and raise money for the 2014 midterms. 

The video features a number of commentators and politicians heaping praise on Palin's ability to endorse winning candidates. It ends with a shot of a grizzy bear standing upright and growling.

God that was pathetic!

"We haven't yet begun to fight?" Fight what, creeping irrelevance?

Trust me that fight was lost long ago.

I don't care what kind of soaring music they use, and production values they utilize, they are simply NEVER going to make this woman...

....seem politically viable any more.

She is literally fading away from the public arena, both figuratively and, considering her frightening weight loss, literally.

If these people really cared about her they would stop encouraging her to continue saying stupid things in order to attract attention, and grifting from the paint ship eaters, and instead encourage her to go into rehab and possibly eat a damn sandwich or two.

These people may be actually killing her with, what they perceive as, kindness.

Update: Jesus she even activated the Greta to help shear the sheeple. "Is she running?" The only thing running on her is her ass from taking all of those laxatives to help her lose weight.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    >>These people may be actually killing her with, what they perceive as, kindness.

    I like the 'killing her' part, a lot.

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    She must be broke, scrounging around for cash so she gets someone who doesn't know shit about putting together videos to put together this hyped up piece of garbage? Time for some new face lifts and botox treatments I guess. She likes to think that she had such a hand in these people being elected, when she always just jumps on the bandwagon in the last few weeks and then takes credit if they win. Same ol' shtick to bring attention to herself. Taking credit where no credit is due. This isn't 2010 anymore, Obama was RE-ELECTED by the majority of voters and has a huge track record that he didn't have in 2010, and the GOP party is in the toilet. She doesn't have anywhere near the chops that she was once given credit for, if you notice, most of those clips were not recent ones, but dating all the way back to 2010. It's a new day, a new time and Sarah is obsolete politically, even CPAC didn't do more than get her a blip in the news. Desperate measures, I'd say. And to use that stupid Mama Grizzly reference is so outdated, are they so stupid that they can't even come up with a current campaign slogan? Yes.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      She does the same last minute jump ins at road races, too.

      At least she is consistent. And that is the last and only good thing that I will ever say about her.

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Oh god, can't someone just put a muzzle on this fucking bitch permanently? Now we have to deal with another stupid season of her vile and disgusting racist dog whistles and nasty sexual innuendo's, her filthy wigs and her ignorant blather. Can't someone PLEASE shut her the fuck down????

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Anon@2:12 I hope this doesn't sound mean or condescending but just about the only places where you hear about Grifticia are here and the peepond of course, maybe the odd rightwing blog.
      Whenever I need a break from the toxic fumes of all things Palin I stay away from the few places I know where she is mentioned.
      I never and I mean never hear her name at: work, school, social gatherings or the news.
      She is DONE.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      She's done in politics, for herself. She simply is not knowledgable or mentally fit to run a campaign for any office. Just read "Game Change" or in between the lines in Nicolle Wallace's book "It's Classified". Palin is mentally ill and doesn't know a thing about government or policy.

      The bots like to believe that Palin can run for President, however, those that couldn't exactly say what they really wanted to say about her after the McCain "campaign" would come forth and say what needed to be said regarding her mental ability to run for higher office.

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      "The bots like to believe that Palin can run for President,"

      Yep...this is what one of the nuts wrote at the Asylum...

      "Michael_from_Michigan • 6 minutes ago −
      Sarah is attempting to set the stage for her campaign and presidency by assisting true converative candidates into Congress in 2014/16. This way, when she is president, she can get to work dealing with the issues that will be facing our nation with Congress members who will follow her lead with conservative solutions.
      2016 will not get her fastest enough!
      Palin today, Palin tomorrow, Palin 2016"




      Oh my...those poor souls don't even realize that the video is for THEM!! The message is....

      Baldy needs more MONEY for fucked up wigs...fucked up plastic surgery...payment for nannies for Trig 7.6...VERY large payment for Birth Control shots for Beefy & Wallow...sorry're ass OUT! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Gina, she simply can't run for anything without someone letting the "cat out of the bag" so to speak regarding her mental and educational fitness for higher office.

      It would be a sideshow for the ages if Palin ever ran for anything as those who know her best would have no choice but to spill guts. That woman has 99 Problems, and NOT being Trig's Mom ain't even one of 'em.


  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sarah Palin Returns To Help Democrats Win More Elections In 2014

    The video mentions her record of picking winners in places like Texas, Arizona, and South Carolina, but it doesn’t mention that her meddling also gave the party losing candidates like Joe Miller and Christine O’Donnell in 2010. Palin picked a lot of winners in a Republican landslide year (2010), but she also donated to lots of losers in 2012.

    In this video Palin tries to position herself as the tea party outsider with the strength and skill to go up against Karl Rove and the Republican establishment in 2014. Keep in mind that this self styled right wing kingmaker was fired by Fox News because her lunatic ramblings hurt the image of the network and the Republican Party.

    The idea that the perpetually trapped in 2008 Palin is in touch enough with the country to pick candidates that will appeal to a broad spectrum of voters borders on insane. Palin is so out of step with the times that she is still questioning Obama’s birth certificate.

    If Palin donated the super PAC money that she raises to candidates, she could be taken seriously. However, SarahPAC has a long history of spending money on Sarah Palin. An election is coming up, so Sarah Palin is back to line her pockets while pretending that she is interested in helping the conservative cause. SarahPAC took in more than $5 million in 2012, but the PAC only donated a little over $300,000 to candidates. The PAC spent nearly as much money on Sarah Palin’s travel ($260,000) as it donated to candidates ($311,000).

    Palin easily cost Republicans at least two Senate seats in 2010, and while the arrogance in this latest SarahPAC video is laughable, any involvement on her part bodes well for Democrats in 2014.

    SarahPAC Expenditures

    1. How in the world this does not violate some sort of IRS regulation is beyond my comprehension. This should be illegal.
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous4:06 AM

      She spent nearly a million dollars on postage/shipping????? WTF????

    3. Anonymous4:09 AM

      And half a million on Campaign direct mail???? 1.5 million on mail related expenses??????

      Again, WTF????

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Almost all of that video shows Palin when she at least looked somewhat healthy in old clips. It does not show the botoxed stick she has become. She's even covered up by the CPAC podium.

    This is now all over the Internet. So the media promotes her veiled quest for more money for her "brand" and her need for attention, rather than focusing on her endless fleecing of how much she actually takes in and how little she gives to politicians. The video has nothing to do with 2014, and everything to do with Palin.

    Not everyone in TX is a Palin fan--

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    The fact that Obama got re-elected shows that Sarah has NO power whatsoever. He was her number one target, and not only did he beat the Republicans, but he beat them down bad. Ha. Ha. Sarah Palin is a joke. I just wish someone would put us all out of our misery and expose her already. Looking at the people she helped elect, all of them are losers who have done nothing but further damage our country.

  7. WakeUpAmerica2:23 PM

    ROFLMFAO at the grizzley at the end. OMG that was just sad!

  8. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hurry up and donate $$$! Sarah's running out of money to pay for Trigg's nannies. It's God's wish.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I honestly do wonder how much money she actually has. I think she's paying out of pocket for Trig's healthcare and treatment as well as his full time childcare. Unless she and Todd legally adopted him, they'd have to lie about his origins (not to mention his birthdate). She's not raking in what she used to and she has to support all the kids, since none of them are gainfully employed (and Bristol has likely depleted whatever money she's grifted or is close to doing so).

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM


      Trig ain't gettin' no treatment, he has old lady babysitters. Why do you think he can't speak more than 4 words? Palins think that what was good for the rest of their retarded brood was good for this one, but this one is more special than the rest, and that's saying something.

  9. Anonymous2:26 PM

    As my old lady friend would say, she would gag a maggot on a garbage truck. John McCain needs to stand trial for putting this particular maggot forward into our collective consciousness. Damn him.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      That is a hoot and so correct!!!

  10. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I don't care for Karl Rove, but I am going to enjoy him tearing her apart.

  11. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Palin/Nugent 2016

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      My God, would THAT make for interesting debates. Oh, I forgot. Palin is afraid to even talk to another human being, let alone anyone with three working brain cells.

  12. Anonymous2:31 PM

    She must be low on "postage" money.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Exactly. Over a million dollars is not enough..must get more..must get more..

  13. angela2:31 PM

    Why are you trying to deny Sarah money, Gryphen?
    Don't you realize her neck looks like she's turning into one of
    those poor turkeys that got pulverized behind her back that long
    Thanksgiving ago? She NEEDS the money.

  14. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I am trying to help ... I drove by her house and tossed three sammich in the yard.

    Hope she eats them before the birds and bears get em.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      2:34~ stop it..lmao..great com..

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      She could use a sammich.

  15. Anonymous2:37 PM

    How can she take credit for helping anyone get elected, when she gave paltry sums to them? When is the IRS going to investigate her Pac for tax evasion, plus investigate where her money goes that she grifts from people? Is she really trying to outdo Rove, with his multi million $$$ fund raising scams?

  16. Anonymous2:41 PM

    aha ha ha aha ha haa hahahahahah aahhha hahahahahahahhhaaa hahaha haa hahaha ha ah ha ha ha hahahaha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha

    1. I am LOVING THIS TOO!!

      I'm munching on so much popcorn it's actually falling out of my mouth from laughing so damn HARD!

      Between Limpballs going after O'Loofa...and the letter posted at Baldy4America...along with this latest BaldyPac "Begging for Dollars" video...and the Gay Marriage thing that has the entire Republican party screeching and hollering at each other....I need strength and a paper bag to breath y'all!


    2. FJ Dandy11:17 AM

      Gina, you make me laugh so much, but I have to tell you, just the sight of the Tundra Tart has you beat! She looks and sounds like she's possessed! Someone get that witch doctor back...

  17. SHARON2:42 PM

    This is so predictable.....she got fired from Faux, hates Karl, so what is next? She needs money to continue her Hollywood lifestyle and money to pay all the people raising her family. Todd isn't working anymore so..grifting the idiots with sound bytes 4 years old is all she has. We need another SNL Tina Fey skit showing her begging for money for her wigs,etc.... now that would be funny.

    And....that last statement made by Ted Cruz should really help turning Texas blue, too funny.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I really hope that Tina Fey really follows the idiot Sarah in these days - begging for money, etc. Would be a hoot to watch...and be put out there across the nation!

  18. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Money be low at Palin house.

    No more Fox gravy, no more $300,000 speeches in Hong Kong, no more reality shows.

    Soon Toddy will have to get Bristol and Willow to service some Johns.

    I heard Todd is making Sarah learn how to work a stripper pole.

    Life be good.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Your post be pretty cool.

  19. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Most of that footage is OLD. She has not drawn a crowd like those crowds in years.Anyone who believes that drivel has to be slow witted. Who says she "helped" the repubs? I think she helped the democratic party more, just by being herself. Why didn't they include her sexual innuendos like "limp" "no cajones" "my rack" and all the classy little sayings she uses? Her day came and went, now it is time for her to GO.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      They didn't include my favorite either, the one at the b-ball game, with her comatose stare and the dirty chik-fil-a shirt.

  20. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Since when does giving an endorsement cost money? The video seems to imply that without SarahPAC funds she won't be able to endorse 2014 candidates.

  21. Comment from the TPM article:

    "yeah...she still shits in the woods."

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Oh my I smell a bumper sticker loading up to the printer!

  22. Anonymous2:54 PM

    If you click on the photo of Sarah (holding the soda) several times, it enlarges and enlarges. Then, you can see that her wig is a very good match for her real hair-- same color. And, you can see her real hairline under the wig, which she seems to have just plopped on her head.

    Sarah does need the donations. She could use a new wig, and a new wardrobe. All that she has to tease her fans that she might run (oh, be still my heart), offer to endorse a couple of candidates, and get invited to a couple of political rallies. What a cheap way to get donations-- which are poorly regulated. As someone pointed out: 90% for overhead and 10% donations is not a good model-- except for Sarah, excuse me, $arah.

  23. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The stupidity of the 'few' that would follow this idiot is amazing to watch. Sarah Palin, the proven liar and fraud!

    They are running old photos of her. We are seeing very few current ones that reflect her aging process during the past four years. She looks awful today! The inside evil of the woman has moved to her exterior. Thank you IM for posting nothing but current things and photos. We know you have a huge following throughout the nation.

    She didn't support many winners in the last election (except for Ted Cruz - yuk and big yuk - who should be an huge embarrassment to and for her!) and I wouldn't suspect she will this time!

    Screw the Palin klan!

  24. Anonymous3:04 PM

    She may not be politically viable but she sure has the old anorexic with substance abuse issues vibe.

  25. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Can't wait for the next GriftPAC report.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Yeah, I hope that will tell us why she is begging again.

  26. Anonymous3:09 PM

    She's "prairie dogging" it for cash and attention.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Thought that was worth looking up. TMI! Aiiiiii!

    2. poop daddy7:18 PM

      I always wondered if she had some anal retentive traits....

  27. Anonymous3:14 PM

    At least they have finally admitted that all Sarah can be is a cheerleader for other far right candidates, rather than a candidate herself. There are too many reported accounts of Sarah's mental illness that would disqualify her for any office, much less the highest office in the land; she simply has neither the policy credentials nor the mental fitness required for even the lowest elected office. If she would have said "NO" to McCain then perhaps her inadequacies could have remained secret for a while longer, however, they could not have remained unnoticed for very long, especially if she were to have attempted any national campaign, i.e., senatorial campaign, even in AK.

    Sarah is simply a cheerleader for the far right fringe, and they will use her until she is depleted, and by the looks of her she is getting ready to pass her "sell-by" date.

  28. Anonymous3:20 PM

    If she wants to take credit for being a so-called King Maker (Ted Cruz??), then she can also take credit for the extended "vetting process" that the Republican presidential candidates went through. Wasn't she the one who kept encouraging the republican on republican dog fight? Some Republicans think that's one of the reasons they didn't win the presidency.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Exactly! Sarah the king hypocrite!

  29. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I had to cut out of the tape, whinny voice with brains stuck to the bottom of her butt. Come 2014 I only hope the Wasilla street cleaners don't overlook the local garbage.

  30. Anonymous3:26 PM

    What Sarah Palin has yet to have sink in is that her big 'heyday' in life is over.

    She will NEVER AGAIN reach the heights of that media frenzy of the election and her book tour. Never.

    She was unknown to most, physically appealing, and mostly kept 'mysterious' from the voters in those last few weeks, other than the orchestrated appearances, so curiosity was a big driver of the attention she got. Then, once the McCain/Palin ticket hit the dust, she became more and more known, and less and less popular.

    She has only downhill to go from the epic peak of attention she was showered with when she hit the national stage.

    I can track the 'Blood Libel' Tucson event as when things came to pretty much a screeching halt. Oh there have been blips and spikes here and there, but short lived and never with the crowd appeal she once enjoyed. Once she realized she couldn't string everyone along with her dance of running for prez, that put her in the dustbin of political history.

    No matter how many speeches she screeches, how many videos she pays people to produce, how many books she 'writes', twits she tweets, fb posts or radio just won't matter because she isn't new anymore, she isn't shiny anymore and she ran out the clock.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      You hit the nail on the head! The GOP is having to entertain the far right fringe these days, for votes. However, when Palin and her ilk show up to the "white tablecloth" GOP lawn-party fundraisers demanding Budweiser and wearing jeans, tees, flannel and boots, the powerbrokers must romance them and treat them nicely, for votes! That's what I find so amusing is the richy riches must entertain these policy-ignorant dirtbags, whose leader is Sarah Palin, in order to keep their party alive! You invited them, and now they are pooping on your lawn and throwing up in the manicured shrubbery.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Pardon the pun, but right on the money, 3:26 PM! Beyond pathetic, of course we all knew it was a matter of time.

      WHAT is it is her ET-sized head, except dollar signs, that she whores herself as she does? She's not running for anything, she's a worldwide laughingstock, and she still can't help herself.

      Someone awhile back (can't remember the site) said maybe she's going the political comedy route. She's no comedian (remember Leno?). She's just PATHETIC and in need of some serious intervention.

  31. Go near the end of this Conan clip for Palin melded with Honey Boo Boo:

    1. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

      Good One! Honey's voice is perfect for her.

  32. Anonymous3:37 PM

    They send her millions and she dupes them by living high off the hog as she donates a few measly thousand to a candidate or two.
    But "there's a sucker born every minute" certainly fits her fan base of idiots.

  33. Anonymous3:38 PM

    You know, somebody didn't think that all the way through. The video demonstrates how much she has aged, how she no longer pulls in crowds, what a huge mess she's become...because those shots were really OLD, except for CPAC where she was behind the podium. Although they think they are PROMOTING Sarah, they are in fact reminding us that her appeal is from the past, not now.

  34. Anonymous3:44 PM

    One of the saddest parts of her legacy is all the other women who tried to copycat her shtick. Who can forget the lovely Jan Brewer, the bewitching Christine O'Donnell, the vivacious Teddy Cruz and who can forget the hilarious Virginia Fox. Even Renee Preibus got into the act. Fortunately there will only be one Sarah from Ahlaska and not for very long it would appear.

  35. Anonymous4:11 PM

    This video is an overreaction to all the realistic observations about her
    declining health all over the net.
    It's chock full of 5 year old clips of a healthy Palin
    and it rushes by her Big Gulp,
    sickly body CPAC appearance.
    And.. the... voice...- the high pitched ,
    nails on a chalkboard , screech
    spouting the same old, same old.
    The whole thing is extremely pathetic
    and only Breitbart , Limbaugh , Levin and
    some geriatric bots are buying her sad shill.
    Political Science classes will be studying the decline
    and rapid fall of Palin for decades.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      You're right 4:11, all of the (very few) clips from her recent CPAC appearance are given the briefest of flashes so there is no time to compare her current emaciated appearance with what she used to look like. All the other clips like you say are years old. Not even any from last year (because she had bugger all appearances last year anyway) And her voice as always is so horrible. Yuk! I shudder!

  36. Anonymous4:27 PM

    That was one boring video. Nothing was new, fresh or appealing about it. In fact, it's pretty much a copy of another Mama Grizzly video they did before. Same format, just substituting some of the headlines. The style is outdated, just like Sarah is.

    It's clear that she is reacting to her political death knell by desperately scrambling for attention, trying to recapture days gone by...and by...and by. It's telling that they are using such old images of her, the crowds, since none of that has happened for years now. She hasn't pulled in crowds on her own, without piggybacking on another event, or giving away free food and booze.

    She keeps trying to be relevant, but what she can't seem to understand is that people are done with her. She overplayed her hand, over stayed her welcome and she doesn't have the self respect to bow out gracefully. She just keeps carrying on as if she is relevant, important and current. She's not. And the sadly pathetic thing is that her bots just enable this pitiful act. She's on a desperate downhill slide that's going faster and faster...

  37. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I gotta say that video was truly cringe worthy! Who does she think she is? The way they are carrying on it's so apparent that she has no where to turn but reliving her past and making up videos to remind herself that she was once popular. How sad and pathetic can you get in your quest for attention? I guess we'll witness it in the personhood of Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Well she has to remain a politically active person in order to keep SarahPAC legitimate. In other words, the new video is just another part of the ongoing grift.

  38. Dinty4:36 PM


    I read your Facebook page after being directed by one of the links on another site you comment upon. There was a comment that has had me puzzling for a couple of days that I need to ask you about. In this comment you stated that you were previously a Hillary Clinton supporter but once she was denied the nomination you were "blown away" by Ms. Palin's speech at the Republican Convention and have been a die-hard Palin supporter since.

    My question is how do you reconcile the policy differences between the two candidates, who quite obviously don't have much common ground policy wise (abortion, energy, global-warming, regulation, health care, etc., etc.). Do you just prefer to support powerful female candidates no matter what the policy implications of their winning an election, or did you change your viewpoint on the policies where the two differ when you started to support Ms. Palin?

    Note to fellow IMers: I would actually like to get an answer to this, so if we could keep the sniping and insults off this commentI would appreciate it.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      I think that it's a fair question. I think that McCain chose Palin, in part, to attract the disappointed Hillary voters. The problem is that Hillary is a very smart woman who had moved in national and international circles for a long time. Sarah Palin is not smart, and it was obvious during the only two interviews that she gave during the 2008 campaign. "In what regard, Charlie?" and "Any and all of them." The Bush Doctrine was the excuse to invade a country which did not attack us, and Palin showed that while she could make a mean-girl speech, she was not qualified to serve as vice president to a 72 year old man with a history of recurring cancer. While there were other qualified Republican women, the Republicans chose Palin.

      It would be nice to compare other women who serve in public office: Jan Brewer vs. Ellen Warren, for example. I can tell the difference between a qualified woman and a woman who stumbled so badly in her own debate that she sounded like an idiot.

      As for Kristy, I've seen her comments on other Facebook posts, and they sound like a devoted fan, rather than political commentary.

    2. Dinty8:08 PM

      This is a serious question. I will ask this elsewhere if I don't get an answer here

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Don't mind me. I'm just popping more popcorn.

  39. Anonymous4:37 PM

    One of SarahPAC recipients
    HSP Direct:

  40. London Bridges4:38 PM


  41. Dinty4:40 PM

    OT: Ashley Judd has decided not to run for Senate:

    Sorry Gryphen, I know you have the hots for her as much as I do, but lets look on the bright side - had she been elected to Senate she would not be making any more movies that highlight some of the qualities that I really like about her.

  42. ManxMamma4:42 PM

    Are you kidding me?!!! "We haven't yet begun to fight?" They haven't begun to fight since 2007? Too late to the party Sarah. Bring it on....BRING IT ON!

    1. I thought she was "The Undefeated"?

      How can you "not yet begin to fight" and be "undefeated" too?

      This is another example of Sarah Palin saying whatever inane blather comes in to her head, no matter how nonsensical it is, and her fans and supporters just lap it up.

  43. Anonymous4:46 PM

    All I needed to hear was Ted Cruz say that "he would not be in the US Senate today if it wasn't for Governor Sarah Palin" to know that she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

    Are there even grizzlies at all in Arizona? Perhaps she should rebrand as a "Gritty Gila Girl" or a "Rattler Ruffian", or a "Desert Dwelling DoucheBag", or perhaps just a "Twitter Tumbleweed".

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      I looked into this a bit and found that the last Arizona grizzly was killed in 1933. Or 1935. Or 1939. There seems to be some confusion about this.

      In 1935, a hunter named Richard Miller killed the last grizzly in Greenlee County. In 1939, a hunter named B.B. Fold killed the last grizzly on the slopes of Mount Baldy. I don't know who killed the last grizzly in 1933.

      Whoever it was seems to have baited that bear with a dead cow.

      I couldn't find anything that said the government hunter tracked the bear through New Mexico, Mexico and finally to Arizona. Maybe he did, but I doubt it.

      Grizzly bears once roamed over the western United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.

      The present range of grizzlies in the continental United States is primarily in the area of Yellowstone National Park and maybe a few sports in the northern reaches of Montana, Idaho and Washington.

    2. OMFG! Okay....I thought you were kidding about the "Mount Baldy" I followed your link and HOLY SHIT!

      As Baldy Louise Heath Palin has always said....

      There are no such thing as COINCIDENCE!!!

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      GOOD CATCH Gina! I hadn't even noticed that until you pointed it out, and I'm the one that posted the link. OMFG, I LOVE the symbolism of that one. Dead Grizzly on Baldy! Ha!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

      Excellent Point!

      The Palin Curse is older than she is!

    5. Anonymous9:47 PM

      5:16 I think you mean the "contiguous" U.S. states, as Alaska is part of the "continental" U.S. states and there be grizzly bears in Alaska.

    6. Anonymous4:20 AM

      It's Spring and Mama Grizzly just came out of hibernation. Mangy, skinny, mean and hungry, she growls, and snarls and heads for the SarahPAC dumpster. It might be a good time to bait that bear with some dead cow.....

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  44. Anonymous4:57 PM

    What's clear for me is that she is scared shitless that she is fading away fast from the media's political consciousness, so she has to feed them a rah rah video about how great she is. With Fox kicking her down the road, what else has she got? The CPAC buzz is over. She's got the NRA gig and the dead girl gig. Big deal.

    and now look what ReGreta is drumming up already:

    1. LMAO @ Gryphen's update!

      Wonder how much change did the she devil have to break off from BaldyPac and give to mean Greta for this shit? Or was "A Night with the Toad" sufficient payment?


    2. It surely seems like her CPAC appearance (especially the Big Gulp), Scottie Hughes' public complaining on her blog about Palin allegedly not hanging around after her speech, the Palinbots' blowback on Hughes, and now this video is all an orchestrated 4 point scheme to keep Palin's name in the news for a week or so (in other words, Hughes was "in on it").

      It's all she has left now that Fox has turned her loose.

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:18 PM

      Greta does Sarah's bidding for free, Gina.

      Sarah owns Greta. And it has a whole lot more to do with Tripp, than it does with Toad. Greta will pay for her afternoon with baby Tripp for the rest of her life.

    4. I agree with you all of it is fake and contrived. Now she believes she's on a roll, I guess she didn't hear the thump.

      Wow the insufferable bitch with her same tired, failed, proven idiocracy needs more thumps. Let's give the skank what she wants.

      ps I couldn't bear to watch the same old mess again. But tell me is that stinkin dirty bubble wrapped Paul Revere vacation bus in the vid?

    5. Anonymous4:26 AM

      Greta's husband is Palin's agent and adviser. He is the deal maker, he owns Sarah.


  45. Anonymous4:59 PM

    It's all about K-Rove. If her response to him is to advertise herself and beg for money it's clear that she has nothing left except panhandling on cable TV.

    I noticed that Tina Fey got way more publicity for screwing up her face and talking funny than Palin did for making a jackass of herself at CPAC - so expect another comedy capers bus tour for one tenth of the media attention of 2011 ... as soon as Palin finds another American hero to malign with her stupidity.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I bet Karl got to Barstool's ghost writer at her blargh. That's why that little Trig slip up.

  46. Fight of the Century! The Turd Blossom vs. Moose Droppings!

    I saw a clip of Sarah's screech at CPAC and she does indeed look stoned. Her eyes are those of a druggie. Whew.

    Of course, Jon Made mincemeat of her, Bachmann and Trump.

  47. Anonymous5:04 PM

    She is done. Some of those poor souls who worship her are not and will continue in their fruitless adoration.

  48. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Someone please explain this to me. Why does Sarah think that she gets the credit because she endorses someone? What about the OTHERS that have endorsed that person besides Sarah? Why does her endorsement carry any more weight than other political pundits? It's so convenient for Sarah to take credit, and even for the media to give her credit, but when it comes down the brass tacks, it's anybody's guess who pulls the most weight in these things, and I would think that it's mostly the candidate, not the endorsements.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      That's classic Palin. She doesn't do shit then steps in at the last minute, makes a spectacle of herself, and takes all the credit.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Yeah 5:13, I agree totally. The candidates themselves are the ones out there doing the hard work, campaigning, making speeches and granting interviews. If they win the credit is absolutely their own. What proof is there that just because Sarah Palin endorses a candidate, that's why he wins? Are there exit polls on winning candidates where voters state why they voted for them? Such as 'why did you vote for Ted Cruz?' 'Becasue Sarah Palin said to.' I doubt it. And like 6:11 comments, Spewlin does wait till the last minutue to endorse, when it is fairly clear that said endorsee will win. She probably has political advisors who tell her to place her bets on whomever is most likely to win. All part of her fake fake fake persona.

  49. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sarah Palin's Ad Sure Does Use a Buncha Media Clips to Show the Media Are Idiots

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Thanks - great article. Who does Sarah think she's fooling?

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:51 PM

      Miss Wonderful cannot SURVIVE without parading her withered form in front of the media as much as she possibly can. Unfortunately, her Asylum groupies cannot process this bit of irony since their motto is: "Who gets to use the brain cell today?"

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      >>since their motto is: "Who gets to use the brain cell today?"

      THAT made me howl with delight! So funny! I'm still laughing, trying to catch my breath!

  50. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Although I know Palin is not running in 2016, it would be so much fun watching either Hilary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren mop the floor with Palin. The Ding Dong from Wasilla wouldn't stand a chance against either one of these women.

    1. No. That would not be fun. That would be too many steps backward for real politicians. Clinton and Warren deserve better opponents than that. Some other less-than-bright 'hocky mom' could mop the floor with Palin, a more even match.

    2. Dinty8:11 PM

      I'd prefer Ms. Warren, she's a bit less corporatist

  51. Anonymous5:51 PM

    $ for another family vacation, it will be summer soon.

  52. Anonymous5:56 PM

    What is it with this grizzly bear thing?
    Anyone who knows anything about them knows that they're vicious killers who slash first and eat later.
    Anyone who uses this really, really wild beast as a political emblem has lost her marbles -- or lacks the cajones to say and do what she wants to do when she's not using a bear as a substitute.
    A good friend was mauled by a grizzly in Yellowstone, with no warning, on a hiking trail. Barely escaped with his life, and is severely scarred forever.
    The use of a grizzly as a fearsome warning demonstrates to me how totally irresponsible the Palin camp can be.

    Are we scared of grizzly bears: yes, and with good reason.
    Are we scared of pint-size Sarah with her drugged-out eyes and the screech of a night owl: it wouldn't be a fair fight, Sarah. Go home and get some food and some sleep. We'll save our resources for real battles and real enemies.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      "the screech of a night owl"

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....and soon we're all going to be going...

      "WHO WHO"...when Baldy's name is mentioned! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      She's trying to make people believe she's protective of her children. It's a lie, just like everything else in her life.

  53. Anonymous5:57 PM

    the only issues sarah supports are her own fu**ed up issues and she supports them by griftin money from the pond to pay for "procedures". you can have all the procedures you want skank, you will not be able to erase the hater that you are.
    take your issues and slink back under the rock you slimed your way out of..........your fifteen minutes are over. no one even thinks about you. really, with the exception of this blog and the few others out there that are pro palin, there isn't anything out there about her except satire.
    when people comment at huffpo and politico and tpm, etc. and ask "why are you writing about her? no one cares." they are being sincere.

    if i mention anything about her to any friends they just stare at me and say "who cares about her, she is history." in fact, i don't really even mention her because it is embarrassing.

    how far does one have to go before other people are embarrassed to mention your name. seriously, it would be embarrassing for me to talk about her to most everyone. they would think i was really not with it in terms of current news/events/politics.

    she is so old news and so old and has been and has been used good and hard that really, no one cares.

    she can run for whatever she wants to run for but there can't be more than a few hundred, or be generous, a few thousand people who would even care.

    besides, her husband was/is a pimp. like that would not be covered by the "lame stream media" with glee? or the truth about trig? oh let her try and run..................ailes would be the first to make money off of exposing her skank azz.

    fox first look at the first dude doing the dirty with tripp!! can't you see the headlines?
    scary sarah and her battle with meth-read it first here.
    sarah palin, presidential candidate, meth addict, pimp ho', mother of 4 grandchildren, holder of no college degree, i.q. of 75 (that is 5 points less than george w. bush).

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      "ailes would be the first to make money off of exposing her skank azz."

      I think you are on to something with this line of thinking...something I've been noticing while reading at the Asylum...that FAKE News commentators won't bring up her name...not Sean InSannity...Greta and even Rush Limpballs won't mention her name! One of the nuts said that InSannity didn't bring up her "HUGE" CPAC speech at all on his show...he was going on about Uncle Ben Carson!

      Me thinks that Ailes has so much dirt on the Retard of Wasilla that she her only way to make money is to beg from her bots...too bad her bots are so fucking stupid they have no clue that they are being taken!

      WTF is Baldy going to do when 2016 gets here and she has to announce...AGAIN that she ain't running? Are the bots going to storm the desert in Arizona...or take to the ALCan looking for the "BUS"?


    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Oh, she'd get than a few hundred. Just don't believe any online polls. They show her running dead last, and the 4pee-ers are all over it voting over and over like they did for no-talent Bristol on DWTS.

      The $$ are running out. Pure and simple the reason for this.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      The only thing I'm waiting for is for babygate to spill. That and the orange jumpsuits for Toad, Serror, whatnot and whosoever. How about Dairygate, that's still curdling isn't it?

    4. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Ailes isn't the one that knows all her secrets. Think more Wallace, Schmidt and Sheunemann. They know and after 7 years they can share. Patience grasshopper, patience.

  54. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Sarah has a great game going. She teases people into thinking that she is going to run. She can keep that going for another 3 years, just like she did the last time around. "If you donate, she will run," will be a common theme. Sarah will give whatever speeches she can line up, always dressing in a provocative way and saying something equally provocative to get attention. It's a cheap, easy way to collect donations. She doesn't have to work hard or even memorize a speech. All that she has to do is spew some more hate, get a few laughs and count the change. She will give a couple of donations and offer a few endorsements, so she will be "political" justifying her PAC. The FEC doesn't keep track of how people spend their PAC money, so Sarah will continue to use it to support herself (postage, consulting, printing, more postage, speech writing, and some mysterious companies). It's a great gig, and she doesn't even have to work very hard.

  55. our lad6:44 PM

    I wanna hate this woman, I have always since she first showed up, but this is fucking sad, it really is. And now I don't feel like I'm above it all, I feel like a bad person, to witness this shit and hope for the worst.

  56. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    Shes's so predictable. Christian Sarah puts this out on Easter Week, hoping her "true believers" are in a "giving" mood.
    What's she got left? Her little prop has outgrown his usefulness, she's lost so much weight, she can hardly hold up a Big Gulp.
    Some crackhead gets stock footage of the constitution, that poor Grizzly, m
    mixes it with old clips of "semi healthy" Sarah and "stick figure bobble head with a sweaty wig" Sarah

    And right before tax season. Guess Todd's "business" needs some money laundered.

    And Greta Van Mushmouth asks "Is she running"?

    Not just "No", but "Hell No!" The prune can hardly walk!

  57. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Pretty funny that Sarah Palin is grifting money for SarahPac so she can endorse others but seems like no one wants to endorse former vice president candidate Sarah Palin for any political office or official positions with the Republican Party. Nobody is telling Sarah Palin to run for Congress or for anything.

    Now why is that?

  58. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sarah Palin the grifter wants money to help and endorse others for political office.



  59. Anonymous7:28 PM

    " Palin says. "It's time for We the People to break up the cronyism, and that goes for finding candidates...."
    -Sarah Palin video

    Does that mean Sarah Palin won't put incompetent unqualified Wasilla High School BFFs into high paying jobs that fucked up Alaska's agriculture?

    Or hire her son's girlfriend to be the governor of Alaska's personal executive secretary?

    You mean that type of cronyism?


    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Sarah is the best example of a candidate who wasn't properly vetted. Even the McCain campaign realized that after two weeks, Sarah still couldn't learn anything, let alone everything that she should have learned in school. Sarah is the last person to talk about inside politics and vetting candidates. How DID she get selected? What kind of cronyism went into that selection? (It's called pallin' around religious conservatives in order to get their votes).

  60. DetroitSam7:58 PM

    Just posted this comment at the funny looking lady's site. Want to take bets on how soon they take it down? There are some really delusional people in this country.

    Palin will not run for office in 2014, 2016 or any other year. She if just grifting for money to support her travels.

    What are her qualifications for running for, say President? Her journalism degree (or is it a communication degree) from which it took her that five colleges to graduate? Is it her lack of the ability to speak the English language? Surely no one believes that she writes that crap she spouts.

    Palin lacks the intellectual, analytical and rhetorical skills to have a competent discussion about policy or much else of substance. This woman will never put herself in a position to have to discuss issues with anyone, even fellow republicans.

    She may be a favorite of the teabaggers, nut-jobbers and uneducated and low information types in the republican party but no one with a ounce of knowledge will elect her.

  61. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Red Sex, Blue Sex

    Why do so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant?

    The “sexual début” of an evangelical girl typically occurs just after she turns sixteen

    In early September, when Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for Vice-President, announced that her unwed seventeen-year-old daughter, Bristol, was pregnant, many liberals were shocked, not by the revelation but by the reaction to it. They expected the news to dismay the evangelical voters that John McCain was courting with his choice of Palin. Yet reports from the floor of the Republican Convention, in St. Paul, quoted dozens of delegates who seemed unfazed, or even buoyed, by the news. A delegate from Louisiana told CBS News, “Like so many other American families who are in the same situation, I think it’s great that she instilled in her daughter the values to have the child and not to sneak off someplace and have an abortion.” A Mississippi delegate claimed that “even though young children are making that decision to become pregnant, they’ve also decided to take responsibility for their actions and decided to follow up with that and get married and raise this child.” Palin’s family drama, delegates said, was similar to the experience of many socially conservative Christian families. As Marlys Popma, the head of evangelical outreach for the McCain campaign, told National Review, “There hasn’t been one evangelical family that hasn’t gone through some sort of situation.” In fact, it was Popma’s own “crisis pregnancy” that had brought her into the movement in the first place.

    During the campaign, the media has largely respected calls to treat Bristol Palin’s pregnancy as a private matter. But the reactions to it have exposed a cultural rift that mirrors America’s dominant political divide. Social liberals in the country’s “blue states” tend to support sex education and are not particularly troubled by the idea that many teen-agers have sex before marriage, but would regard a teen-age daughter’s pregnancy as devastating news. And the social conservatives in “red states” generally advocate abstinence-only education and denounce sex before marriage, but are relatively unruffled if a teen-ager becomes pregnant, as long as she doesn’t choose to have an abortion.

    A handful of social scientists and family-law scholars have recently begun looking closely at this split. Last year, Mark Regnerus, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin, published a startling book called “Forbidden Fruit: Sex and Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers,” and he is working on a follow-up that includes a section titled “Red Sex, Blue Sex.”

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      According to Levi he didn't plug Sarah Palin's high school daughter Bristol just one time. She went back for more and more and....

      According to Levi's sister, Bristol was a loud moaner in Levi's mother's house and Bristol was told to be quiet.

      Todd have you ever asked Glen Rice if Sarah is a loud moaner like Bristol?

  62. slipstream8:51 PM

    I liked that final frame saying "We have not yet begun to fight."

    Really? You got your ass kicked in the last two elections. When do you think you might find it convenient to begin to fight? What are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?

  63. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Personally, I think she will run for President next time because of her arrogance and maybe as an independent and she may be able to grift another 12 mil from the run afterward. She won't win of course but in her dreams she will be posthumously awarded John McCain's job when he kicks the bucket, hence why she is hanging out so much in AZ.

  64. Anonymous9:50 PM

    $creech only appears at very controlled events. $he will never debate anyone, nor mix with 'rill people'because she is too afraid. Everything has to be scripted and then she runs out the door, never taking questions or hanging around. At CPAC, every picture of her was in a controlled setting with various supporters/greeters. Nothing with the people. Just like when $he went to India, etc etc etc. $arah is the biggest coward on the planet. Always hiding behind social media, tightly scripted events ... Can you imagine her even having a conversation with Hillary or Elizabeth Warren, let alone 'debate'with them. Jeeze, even the 2008 campaign wouldn't let $creech go on any talk shows once they learned what a total ignoramus $he is. Totally delu$ional.

  65. Chenagrrl10:48 PM

    Well that explains the very odd clothing on her "presidential waters-testing tour." Does anyone think her voice is sounding higher and thinner?

  66. Sarah will disappear when you quit paying attention to her. Stop giving her attention if you don't want her to have relevance.

  67. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Heard it last night and it sums it up. "Vanity PAC"

  68. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Best take yet (from the Atlantic Wire):

    "The moral of the ad is as follows: The media is a horrible, horrible thing, unless it is saying nice things about you. Also: Please send money."


  69. Randall3:46 AM

    Hey Gryph - know what's funny?

    Conan O'Brian's people "melded" a video of Sarah Palin and Honey Boo Boo...

    (it's all the way to the end - the last one)

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      And it got the biggest applause!

  70. Anonymous6:28 AM

    That "durr" photo of her holding up the big gulp shows a woman who fucked up her face and her teeth.

  71. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Really Greta????? Still shilling for your best forever girl friend? When will you be interviewing her about her "plans" to run... for something? Another "on the road" with Sarah in her big fat bus to nowhere?

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Bizarre: Greta Van Susteren Reveals Intimate Details Of Her Complex Relationship With 1980s-era Stalker

      Fox News Channel host Greta Van Susteren took to her blog on Thursday where she opened up about her relationship with a stalker who shadowed nearly her every move in the 1980s. In the revealing post, Van Susteren discusses how her stalker made her feel and how she came to have a complicated relationship with both him and his family.

  72. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Can someone tell me when the Feds are going to arrest and charge sarah and todd palin? Why are they letting these people continue to walk the streets? When will alaska expose this family? It is pathetic that they have hurt so many in Alaska and continues to do so.


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