Saturday, March 02, 2013

In a capitalistic society it is easy to see why the gun industry has such power.

Here is more from Business Insider:

 It’s all “Guns ‘N Roses” for the multi-billion dollar firearms industry, still blossoming in the United States. With strong lobbies, like the National Rifle Association, guns ‘n ammo are big business with big influence. 

The NRA’s best known spokesman,Wayne LaPierre, has pulled down an annual salary, close to a million dollars. In addition to fighting against gun control legislation, the NRA frequently takes its firepower to the courts, backing people and groups to expand gun ownership and access rights. 

I still think that those of us advocating more stringent gun control laws have the wind at our back, but it is important to remember that we are facing off against a behemoth with swimming pools full of money to spend. 

(Click the link at the top if the image does not expand for you.)


  1. Better to say “firearms" or “small arms industry" perhaps, since cannon makers are being squeezed by the ascendancy of missiles.

  2. Leland6:14 AM

    Like any good detective trying to solve a crime will tell you: FOLLOW THE MONEY!

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM


  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Stick with the Palin issues which you know, Leave guns to the sane adults, which you don't know.


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