In 1968 Leonard Nimoy received a letter from a young fan, that he thought not only required a response but that the response be reprinted in a teen magazine called FAVE so that other bans dealing with similar problems could read it.
Here is how that letter appeared in FAVE in 1968:
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You know I am ALWAYS more impressed by individuals who stood up for equality when it was still risky to do so. In 1968 Leonard Nimoy certainly ran the risk of turning off certain fans who were not yet ready to treat all people the same, but clearly he did not care.
He felt this young person's pain and responded to it like a human being. (Despite being half Vulcan of course.) And that is admirable on ANY planet.
I have always been a fan of Star Trek, and Spock was always my favorite, this just reinforces that I have good taste in TV shows and the actors who work on them.
(H/T to
My Star Trek Scrapbook)
I apologize for the OT post but have any of you seen this:
Nice photo Sarah... may I suggest a padded bra?
O/T, but yet another religious Taliban hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteWhat? another Christian pastor who pretends to be a religious leader?
he has a little secret!
He seduced a 16 year old girl who attended his own personal mega church in Indiana
How many of these sanctimonius ignorant feckless idiots are living on the fat of their followers, and secretly are bedding the young girls, and doning whatever else they want.
ReplyDeleteGood post. Thank you for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteWhile I wasn't a Star Trek fan (I watched it with my dad every now and then), I liked Leonard Nimoy and the message here is valuable to any one of any age. I was glued to mags like Fave, 16 and Tiger Beat when I was a kid, and even though they were filled with "kissy pix" and made you believe that yes, girl, YOU could date Davy Jones (at age 10 or so), there were often advice columns like the one here. The Q&A's, with the addition of a teen celebrity or two, were stated fairly simply and actually helped you muddle through the weeds of your pre-teen years. I often wonder what little girls are learning today from the same type of publication--they seem to be heavily geared towards fashion, looks and makeup. Back in the early days of so-called "women's lib," it was self-worth, contribution to society and future goals that were key.
ReplyDeleteBTW, does anyone out there remember Indian actor Sajid Kahn, and how mags like 16 used him to introduce young teens to "other cultures"?
Gryphen, I know the ads give you money, but please get rid of the advertisement for "La manif pour tous", which asks for donations, that your readers in France can see down this post.
ReplyDeleteBecause "La manif pour tous" is the codename for an upcoming anti-gay marriage rally, in France. Yeah, I know, hard to guess... but it's pink and features a heterosexual family with kids. "Mariage pour tous" is pro gay wedding, "manif pour tous" is against. See how devious the homophobic crowd is in France too...
Please ban those ads from your site.
It's gone, thanks, G.
DeleteI wasn't a huge fan when I was young, but watched almost all the reruns and a few movies with my family. Leornard Nemoy's compassion and advice was brilliant.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this message - I think it remains as relevant now as it did then, and speaks to all of us who feel caught between identities.