Friday, March 15, 2013

Rachel Maddow offers some new, and troubling information about the Sandy Hook massacre. She also informs us as to why Dianne Feinstein was exactly the WRONG person for Ted Cruz to lecture about gun violence or the Constitution.

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You know I usually see Rachel as being the more measured voice on MSNBC.

She is less bombastic, or histrionic, than Matthews, O'Donnell, or Schultz.

However THIS time you can hear in her voice how upset she is by these deaths, and Senator Feinstein's treatment at the hands of Ted Cruz, which by the way matches my anger and frustration almost perfectly.

The fact that if the Republicans had not let Dianne Feinstein's assault weapon ban expire it could have saved many of the lives at Sandy Hook, or perhaps even prevented that tragedy altogether, makes my blood boil. Dianne Feinstein and the Democrats tried to protect our children from being massacred, and the NRA, the GOP, and the gun nuts might just as well have been the ones that walked into that school and put those bullets into those babies themselves.

Their blood is on their hands, period!


  1. Carli6:38 AM

    I really wish I could view MSNBC videos from my smart phone.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Me, too. But I appreciate the recap G does and the discussion by all.


    Same topic - different day

  3. Pat in MA6:47 AM

    Lawrence O'Donnell's rewrite segment of his show last had a good take down of Mr. Cruz as well:

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    My Senator Feinstein really schooled that Texas ass**** Cruz.

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I love Rachel Maddow and rarely miss her show. She gave us a great history lesson last night! I recalled that shooting in San Francisco, but had no clue that Senator Feinstein had been such a major part.

    History becomes more and more important to me the older I get and I'm 70!

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Rachel always provides an historic context to the issues of the day and that context is what is needed to understand the madness in our world. I always watch Rachel - I am a senior citizen too and agree with you.

  6. Anonymous7:13 AM

    That Cruz from TX needs to be brought up short by a good kick in his balls. He being one of the newer members in Congress has lots to learn and part of it is to keep his arrogant mouth shut UNLESS he has something worthy to say. He has one huge ego that I suspect is going to get knocked down quite abit in the next couple of years. He's off to a very bad start!

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The Rest of The Feinstein Story

    Feinstein was on the scene at one of the biggest American political assassinations of the post-60s era — the murder of George Moscone and Harvey Milk in San Francisco in November 1978. Feinstein was actually the first into Milk’s office and made a momentary and vain effort to revive Milk who was clearly already dead.

    The other part of this story was that Feinstein was then head of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. So Mayor Moscone’s death meant she was the new mayor.

    I was a little boy growing up in California at the time, 9 years old. We lived in Southern California. But it was still a very big deal even there. And it came just a week or so after the Jonestown mass suicide, which was in Guyana but grew out of San Francisco and California, which added somehow to the sickness and horror of it. I remember the whole thing vividly. A very surreal and obviously tragic story, and even more surreal because the murderer wasn’t some random loner but a guy who himself had just resigned from the City Council.

    The story is obviously part of the story of Harvey Milk, who was then the first openly gay person elected to anything anywhere in America. But Feinstein was also deeply part of it.

    Here’s the clip many of us remember when Feinstein came outside City Hall to announce Milk and Moscone’s deaths …

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I watched the TPM videos. Very interesting. Senator Feinstein has more real-life experience in her little finger than the entire body of GOP legislators in Congress.

  8. SHARON7:58 AM

    It was a great show, as usual. Listening to the actual details about Newtown was sooooo sad, truly sad knowing how those 30 round clips allowed all that carnage. 5 min ended 26 lives...and these idiots really think an armed guard could have stopped this? Now that the media is reporting on the daily senseless deaths due to guns....everywhere, it is just overwhelming this has taken so damn long to address. Just like Biden with the VAWA, Feinstein is the one to slam Congress for allowing this important law to many lives lost because of our lazy paid for Congress. Ted Cruz is such a blow hole, I hope he keeps making an ass of himself along with all the GOP idiots, hahahha...silly me, of course he will, he's from Texas.

    On another note...make sure you read the cover story on Vogue this month about the Obamas. I find it so enlightening about how they view the stupid beltway press. The GOP wants this man to kiss their pompous asses while he views their elected office as their "jobs"!!! What a concept, that he would rather be a great father/husband in the evenings instead of stroking these whining babies. The fact he remains so graceful and civil with these name calling idiots is just another tribute to his Michelle always says, steady and true. You can imagine both of them remaining very engaged with the fight to bring America back long after he leaves office.....just like Carter and Clinton. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Bush is painting himself in the tub and shower,now that is inspiring.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Cruz is a slimy lump of shit. His face showed such contempt while Feinstein was talking it sickened me. Where do these slugs come from?

  10. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Politico annoys me so much because of the idiotic comments there, but they have an article up about how much of a loser Sarah Palin is...peepond meltdown imminent! Sorry, I can't link from my device.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Here's the link!

  11. Anonymous8:50 AM

    And STILL LaPierre smirks, "I'm still standing!"

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      A cardboard cutout will stand up easily, too. But it's easy to punch holes through, just like LaPierre's shallow arguments.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I wonder if he would be so smug if he was facing the parents of the last 15 children of Sandy Hook who would likely still be alive if the shooter had only had limited weapons and magazines to use that day.

      Go ahead, LaPierre, brag to THOSE parents how you helped defeat the laws that would have saved their children's lives. I dare you!

  12. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Need more Senators like Ted Cruz
    Stop the Kenyan Muslim Marxist from taking your gun
    End Obamacare now

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Anon at 11:22 am. I hope your comment is some kind of joke. What I have been wondering lately is why do Republicans want us to kill one another, why do Republicans want us not to have any healthcare protection, why do Republicans not care about the environmental disasters their grandchildren's generation will face in a few decades, why do Republicans not want Americans to have decent jobs and a chance to retire with some dignity.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      LOL crawl back in your bunker prepper and chew on some jerky while you wait for the end times.

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Pat, can I buy a period? How about three? This parrot is being overloaded with more than one talking point, so out comes gibberish. Just spit em all out before you forget them, even if they dilute your argument, because they're off point. The only one you forgot was,
      " They tuk r jerbs!!!"

    4. Anita Winecooler1:18 PM


      Need more tissue

    5. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Anon at 11:22 am. I hope that you are joking. If not, then I think that you have just shown ignorance and your prejudice.

    6. Anonymous1:39 PM

      You go straight to hell! The only thing Cruz is good for now is selling used cards.


  13. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Need more Senators like Ted Cruz
    Stop the Kenyan Muslim Marxist from taking your gun
    End Obamacare now and pass the Ryan budget


    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Troll, you are a smug masochist too, I see.
      M from MD

    2. Dumbass troll at 12:03 PM says...

      "TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY"...which is racist troll code for...

      "Why can't I wear my white hooded sheet in public anymore"?

  14. Michael Moore has said that the bodies of those slaughtered at Newtown should be viewed. I disagree, BUT I do feel that pictures of the bloody rooms with the bodies removed should be shown.

    From those pictures we could see how horrific the damages were.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      I think that the postmortem photos should be shown to all members of Congress and they should all have to listen to the chief state pathologist who directed the postmortem examinations. I am so tired of Republicans refusing to address the issue of gun violence in this country. I'd lock them in the room to force them to look and listen.

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Anon @ 3:39-

      That should happen just before they vote on the bill. And the families of the victims of Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, etc, should be in the chamber, lining the aisles as the Senators walk up to cast their vote.

      It's much easier to defend an abstract right when you're being handsomely compensated by the gun manufacturers than it is to face the real-life consequences of your actions when it means facing people whose family members have been brutally and senselessly slaughtered.

    3. The country should see the results of this massacre. The public viewing to Emmett Tills mutilated body from the KKK in 1955 put a face on the civil rights movement. The visuals of the concentration camps of Nazi Germany put a face to the millions killed. So long as we don't publicly see flag draped coffins returning from the "conflict" in the middle east then the current war is off the radar. The same goes with the rampant killing done daily with guns here in the USA. Out of sight, out of mind. People remember pictures, they forget words....

  15. Anita Winecooler1:16 PM

    Thanks for doing this post. Rachel's breakdown of the new information is just gut wrenching. The teacher's actions of the teachers that day saved lives, and more would have been spared if the Bush Administration didn't allow the ban to expire.
    I didn't connect Dianne Firestein's experience when I watched her school the idiot the other day, and seeing that short clip brought it all full circle.

    This is so well done, it needs to go viral!

  16. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Ted Cruz is a piece of shit.

  17. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Need more Senators like Ted Cruz
    Stop the Kenyan Muslim Marxist from taking your gun
    End Obamacare now and pass the Ryan budget

    Move Moochelle from the White House

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      As I said earlier, you can go straight to hell. You don't learn do you?


  18. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Awwww...poor little racist troll...still having a tough time dealing with President Obama and the First Lady living in the White House huh! This is the best you can do in your frustrated...racist...warped mind is post this drivel over and over again. But guess what troll when you wake up tomorrow and the day after that and until January 2017....The President will still be THERE! LMAO!!

  19. Leland4:58 PM

    You want proof that the Repube members of Congress (and unfortunately Demos, too) are owned by corporations? This is it.

    It is a well established fact that the overwhelming majority of the people of this country (enough even to pass a Constitutional amendment - 2/3's) are in favor of the banning of these magazines and weapons. It is even perfectly well know that GUN OWNERS for the most part are in favor of banning the damned things.

    Get the members of Congress to acknowledge those facts? Especially the Repubes? Good luck. They are already bought and paid for - by Citizens United money.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.