And she received plenty of laughs.
She made a joke about her fake breasts:
Oh you should have seen what Todd got me for Christmas. Well, it wasn’t that exciting. It’s a metal rack, a case for hunting rifles to put on the back of a Four-Wheeler, then though, I had to get something for him to put in the gun case, right? So this go-round, he got the rifle, I got the rack.
She got big laughs over that, especially when she followed it up by going down on a Big Gulp.
Classy lady, don't you think?
She also received a huge response when she went all "birther" at the idea of having more background checks for gun owners in order to save more innocent lives:
And background checks, yeah, I guess to learn more about the person’s thinking and associations and intentions. More background checks? Dandy idea Mr. President – should have started with yours.
Nothing makes the folks over at the Right Wing tent revival laugh harder than the idea of making fun of a plan to stop gun violence while simultaneously suggesting that the President is not a US citizen.Yep, that's a knee slapper.
But perhaps it was Palin's old, overused joke about the President using a teleprompter that demonstrated the bone chilling depth of her hypocrisy:
Mr President we admit it, you won. Accept it. Now step away from the teleprompter and do your job.
Seriously, does anybody even laugh at this anymore? Well they certainly did at CPAC. You betcha!
But here's the thing, THIS is what what was standing in front of Palin as she read that joke.
That's right folks, those are teleprompters directly in her line of sight.
But that's not all. According to Wonkette, those teleprompters were not there for everybody:
But, her most ridiculous moment of all ridiculousness had to be when the jabbering hockey-momming-lip-glossing-pit-grizzley-bullying 2008 reject read an Obama-Teleprompter joke, throwing out there a tired four-year old remark to the effect, “Hey Mr. President, its time to step away from the teleprompter and do your job.” Nothing new here, just some old rotted raw meat for the crowd, like the rest of her speech, but the amazing thing was, she read her Obama teleprompter joke FROM A TELEPROMPTER.
Yes, just before she was to take her turn with the talky-hatey thing, something very odd happened, for the first time all day. The stage crew appeared and set up … teleprompters. NO ONE had used them up to this point, they weren’t even on or near the stage for anyone else at all. Not even Michele “one L, two crazy eyes” Bachmann had used a teleprompter til then, but Sarah had to have them, because her speech was too long to have written on her hands. Talk about your choots-pah!
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CPAC crew installs teleprompters right before Palin's speech. |
You know due to the fact that some people consider me something of an expert on Sarah Palin I have been asked more than a few times just how low she is willing to go?
After seeing this, I think you all can see that that question quite literally has no answer.
Update: Okay seriously Sea O'Pee?
I have never been more insulted as an American in my life.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, $arah hasn't hit bottom yet. Something to look forward to...
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Deni. Pretty ghastly what a mere five years of hatred and jealousy have done to her looks-wise alone!
DeleteHa ha. Good point and one I completely agree with. Mrs. Palin is in for a truly wild downward spiral.
DeleteYou mean Sarah actually has farther to fall?
DeleteI'd have to disagree with regards to politically, because we've already heard that distinctive "thud" and seen the little puff of smoke as she hit the ground, a la Wile E Coyote. I guess personally there's more room to drop, but hopefully an intervention can prevent a catastrophe there. I just want Sarah to go away, but not necessarily in a pine box.
She's a minor irritant in politics as a whole, maybe a bit more important with her sway of the crazy, low-intel/low-info voters from the extreme right fringe in extremely close GOP primaries, but anyone who accepts her assistance will smear themselves by association. That doesn't bode well in a general election, in which SP is a liability many times over the value of her "help".
People will still watch her pull up her dress and show her panties, but she won't be invited to the backyard BBQs and swimming parties, because no one wants their photo made with her unless they are truly desperate or a total con, shilling for their puppet masters, too. In that case, they've both already given up their reputation anyway, and it's just a gig for the money.
She's dropped into a class with Herb Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and others without jobs other than getting money out of the pockets of the Kool-Aid drinkers or the truly stupid that have more money than common sense. These are non-public service political beings, which is a nice way of saying 'The usual gang of Losers' or Fake Politicians who talk about how great they'd be but never have to back it up, because they know they'll never be elected.
This may not be her flat bottom yet but it can't be that much longer. OMG... the big gulper looks like an old granny trying to feed self with a little straw, homage to her pimp husband I suppose.
DeleteThose photos are forever and she couldn't have given the world a better look at the real Sarah Palin growing old and out of step. History books can use that slurp image to ID her for future generations.
8:26 am: $he won't go away in a pine box anyway. $he is so toxic, they will have to put her in a lead-lined one...
DeleteWell said all. she thinks she can get away with anything because Alaskan is pretty corrupt. Man ak, if it weren't for the few good alaskans here...gawd I would be, what a beautiful place filled with slime.
Deletethe insufferable bitch is at her first stage of four stages of a total crazy fool.
Stage 1: she is looking in the mirror thinking she can get away with anything. she is humming happily, probably "Singing In The Rain" to herself.
Stage 2: she is putting lipstick on her lips, ever so carefully, she has to get the most out of old white men, racist idiots and crazy assholes. Humming is a little louder and she does a little ho-down dance.
Stage 3: she is putting on her lipstick but its all over her face. she is singing louder through her tears.
Stage 4: she is putting lipstick on the mirror. Total crazyass fool. Ain't no coming back crazy.
her political career is Stage 4. her personal life Stage 2. You can tell it's coming (I thought it was going to be the end of last year) because she isn't aware of her stupidass flatass self yet. she doesn't realize that we are laughing at her not with her. she deserves that shock into reality. Don't expect any announcement from the President, you stinkin dirty bitch.
Stupid careless bitch.
From GOP VP nominee to CPAC Fluffer Girl in 4 short years: The Sarah Palin Story.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Except, she's really been nothing but a fluffer all along, all the way back to her 2008 RNC speech.
DeleteIn fact, trying to coax a little tumescence out of the old pasty white GOP males comprises her entire skill set.
I wonder how she'll top herself next year? Jokes about her butt implants while pole-dancing on the teleprompter.
DeleteExcept now she is a Fluffer Grandma
DeleteDidn't 'Juicy' give tiny, two-tone Toad an ICE SCREW for X mas last year? Hey! I left the Christ out of X mas! That happened way back in the '40's, if I recall. $creech and her ghost don't have one original thought between the two of them.
DeletePoor little bottom-feeding serpent, TWICE elected President Barack Hussein Obama is NEVER going to acknowledge you!
ReplyDeletePoor little bottom-feeding troll, governor half-term quitter, VP loser & Presidential never ran Sarah Lou "The Rack" Heath Palin is never going to acknowledge you.
DeleteThat's the difference between POTUS supporters and palinbots, we don't need acknowledgement. We have the satisfaction of 2 election wins. You have the satisfaction of a disgusting display of boob jokes and straw sucking while reading a teleprompter. Immediately followed by an e-mail begging for money. Pay up troll. Granny needs a new pair of butt implants to go with her new rack. She might even send you an auto-pen signed thank you so you can get the personal acknowledgement you so desire.
DeleteI think there might be a bit of dissociative cognizance here. Anonymous @6:36 AM isn't trolling on behalf of Palin, rather, against the "bottom feeding serpent" Palin.
Delete6:36 AM here. I was speaking to Her Heinous. She soooo wants him to make even the slightest comment alluding to something she's spewed. It's going to be a long wait. She is NOTHING.
DeleteI think there's a bit of cognitive dissonance here.
DeleteAnonymous @ 6:36 AM is not trolling on behalf of a Palin - rather, Anon slams Palin for being a "bottom-feeding serpent".
Sometimes other IM Anonymouses should just back off and re-read comments they are so eager to respond to.
Hey Anonymous7:06 AM
DeleteI do believe that the 'bottom-feeding serpent' that is being referred to is Sarah, and the point being made is that no matter what she does, Barack ain't givin' it any attention.
The way the sentence was written, it could have easily been misunderstood, but in fairness, I don't believe that was a troll at all, if you had read and understood it as it was meant.
So KaJo thinks that it's only Anonymous commenters on IM that suffer from reading comprehension problems? That's a rather broad brush you're painting with, ma'am.
DeleteWhat makes this flat assed, skanky BITCH think she has the right to talk about out elected President this way? Uneducated, dirty, wig wearing, Botoxed slut. I remember when the Dixie Chicks had their careers destroyed after saying they were ashamed that W was from Texas. These were hard working, talented women. This low life grifter comes along, spewing her vile hatred, and it is supposed to be funny? I hope the President puts someone in charge of exposing ALL the Palin family files that McCain had sealed. PUT IT ALL OUT. Who is REALLY Trig's mother? Who is the father? Who covered up for the birt? When was the birth? How many more have there been to any of these low lifes? Put the dept, of Revenue to work investigating the financial records of the entire grifting clan.
DeleteDoh! My Bad!
DeleteI was taught as a youngster, to never get into a pissing contest with a skunk. POTUS has taken this wise philosophy to another level when it comes to the BITCH. He will never get into any contest with an imbecile.
DeleteI left a comment before from DailyBeast blog. She is a "peddler of resentment."
ReplyDeleteThe queen of middlefinger one liners. The Ted Nugent of nightmare nothingness who can only beg and belittle.
Big hair, loose jowls. Palin is a dead ringer for Monica in the fat suit from Friends. Old is not working out so well for Grandma Sarah
ReplyDeleteThe woman is mentally ill. There is no other logical explanation.
ReplyDeleteA Fan From Chicago
AGREE. She clearly attracts the severely troubled mentally ill supporters.
DeleteAt least she stopped making those "jokes" about writing on her hand.
ReplyDeleteSome say the reference to the murders in Tucson and Sarah's rifle cross hairs was inappropriate, but to Sarah Palin, enough time has passed for those grieving and they need to laugh too.
ReplyDeleteThat Sarah, always thinking of others. Bless her cold heart.
Sarah Palin's one liner at CPAC:
"Obama’s takin’ our guns! Hey Crowd! Where’s the liberal media? We got some surveyor marks for you guys, why dontcha stand up? Where are you liars?" Sidenote — honestly, it is sort of terrifying to be called out in a crowd full of rabble rousers when your rabble is the one they are actually getting whipped up to rouse. It just is.She also went kinda slutty, “Todd’s got the gun and I’ve got the rack!” Gross.
Well, in Mrs. Palin's defense, her addled brain can't remember where she put her children, let alone some speech.
ReplyDeleteNever mind forgetting where she put her children, she can't even remember which ones are her children and which ones are her grandchildren. Also too she has trouble remembering the paternity of those children that she actually birthed.
DeleteWhich Trig was born in Anchorage? Which Trig was born in the Valley?
DeleteWiggy and her sippy cup ... pretty much sums up her essence. Bwahahaha!
ReplyDeleteHypocrisy, thy name is Sarah Palin. The funny part is that she and her followers are too stupid to realize it.
ReplyDeleteO/T... but a real head banger..
ReplyDeleteSteve Katz is a conservative Republican from Albany NY, who has a history of voting down even medical marijuana legalization.
Guess who was caught with MaryJane IN HIS FUCKING CAR?
ALBANY — Assemblyman Steve Katz has railed against illegal drugs and voted against the legalization of medical marijuana last year.
In a mailing to constituents, the Yorktown Republican, who serves on the Assembly Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee, warned: “Our community has been stricken with an increase in drug use and drunk driving by our youngest citizens.”
On Thursday morning, Katz was ticketed near Albany, accused of speeding and marijuana possession, state police said Friday.
Katz, 59, who was first elected to the Assembly in 2010, was pulled over on the northbound Thruway in Coeymans for driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, police said.
The state trooper noted the smell of marijuana when he approached Katz’s car, police said. Katz turned over a small bag of what appeared to be marijuana, state police spokeswoman Darcy Wells said.
"By our youngest citizens"? So are fetuses drinking, driving and lighting up now? Since, you know, conception is life with rights that trumps a living woman's in the GOTP's mind.
DeleteOr is he just throwing insults at teenagers?
Sarah Palin the queen of one liners.
ReplyDeleteExcept when it comes to retards, promiscuous son and daughters, family divorces, pimping cheating husband, homeschooling, scams and con jobs, one night stands in college dorm rooms, interracial sex, education, underage pregnancies, pregnancies before marriage, dropping out of school, breaking and entering, school bus tampering, stealing clothes, ....
Why is that?
Too close to home?
Heh. Hypocrite being hypocritical. Shocking.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, professional sociopath Karl Rove knocks Gov. Half-Term:
CAT FIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, but, Karl's never been picked on like Sarah was. He's never demanded a transparency in Government and then had it backfire when his actions were scrutinized by constituents. Karl doesn't know what it's like to be held accountable and found so wanting that he had to quit his job! Karl's life has been easy, but poor Sarah, her life has been hard....
Sarah Palin's hate-filled (hate-thy-neighbor Christian) rant shows quite clearly her role in the conservative movement. Her snark. Her cheek. Her one liners written for her by her clever little minion. She is carving out a new personna and it looks like her goal is to be the dim-witted, dumber incarnation of Ann Coulter
ReplyDeleteAnd uglier but w/more boob.
DeleteAnon. 8:10 ehhhhh... I don't know about that. I mean, they both look pretty cracked-out. That'd be a really tortuous choice to make: would you rather Palin or Coulter.
DeleteNoticed lately that Cuntler got herself some new or reformatted boobettes too. Not that surprising as most guys aren't born with potential cleavage.
DeleteUh oh. She's done pissed off Karl Rove! Oh this should be good! Get the popcorn!
"If these experts who keep losing elections and keep getting rehired and getting millions -- if they feel that strong about who gets to run in this party, then they should buck-up or stay in the truck," Palin told CPAC Saturday, referring to Rove. "Buck up or run. The Architect can head on back to the great Lone Star State and put their name on some ballot –- though for their sakes, I hope they give themselves a discount on their consulting services."
Rove pushed back in an interview with Fox on Sunday.
"I'm a volunteer and I don't take a dime with my work from American Crossroads and pay my own travel expenses out of my own pocket and I thought she was encouraging volunteer grassroots activity and I'm a volunteer," Rove said. "Second of all, look, I appreciate encouragement I ought to go home to Texas and run for office and, it would be news if I did to have her support. But I don't think I'm a good candidate -- a kind of balding, fat guy. And second, if I did run for office and win, I would serve out my term and I wouldn't leave office midterm."
Karl neglacted to mention one of the main reasons he will never run for elected office - his homosexuality. He divorced his wife (beard) as soon as W left office. He was known in DC gay bars as "Miss Piggy" no doubt due to his strong resemblance to a hog. We never did find out who Jeff Gannon the gay prostitute was visiting all those overnight stays at the WH. Or even if he was doing double duty!!
DeleteYour right! I forgot all about that and Jeff Gannon...the uh- hum...'journalist.'
DeleteA disgraced republican kingmaker mocks a has been half-term governor. Too funny.
DeleteSkunks spraying one another. Watching these people cannibalize each other is a beautiful thing.
Boink! Finger stuck in her wonky eye. Advantage Rove.
DeleteAli Akbar is a former (current?) love interest of Rove. Not that there's anything wrong with that, other than the obvious hypocrisy and lies.
DeleteI'm personally a hell of a lot more concerned about Rove's role, along with Cheney/Bush, Wolfowitz, Pearle, Kristol, and the other Neocons and their roles in screwing up our country's foreign policy, whilr hijacking democracy in the process to gain wealth and power for their clients and themselves.
A person's sexual orientation is their own business, until they think they can mock others for the same behavior. Rove married a woman to provide cover for himself, much like McConnell did and others, too. THAT is what I find disgusting. The hypocracy is mind boggling.
DeleteWell who knows? Maybe she is mad b/c Rove had a tryst with tawdry?
DeleteAnyway it just shows her stupidity b/c she just might end up in a plane crash!
That's how Rove rolls.
And he probably knows all her Secrets if he DIDN'T roll with Tawdry she better watch her ass.
Bet he could tell the news a thing or too.
Do you notice last time she got in a fight with Rove he apologized...? And the press savaged her. They posted the shittyist pics of her and quoted and "Noticed" her most idiotic quotes.
As long as the applause keeps coming from the horny, smelly, ignorant, white, viagra set,it won't stop. Accuracy and truth has no place with these idiots.
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out why they are still campaigning. They must be assuming that since the President is so popular and effective that the law will be changed and he will be elected a third time. Or more likely, they don't know the law exists.
Karl Rove Responds To Sarah Palin’s CPAC Thrasing, Rips Her For Quitting As Governor
ReplyDeleteRepublican strategist Karl Rove responded to the harsh comments former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin had for him at CPAC on Fox News Sunday this morning. Before taking a shot at Palin for not completing her term as governor, he said that Palin was actually in agreement with him on former Senate candidate Todd Akin and that he actually works pro bono for American Crossroads.
Palin said that consultants like Rove needed to “buck up or stay in the truck” so Chris Wallace asked, “Are you bucking up?”
“Well, first of all I live in Texas and not Washington. Second of all, look Sarah Plain should be agreeing with this. She didn’t support Todd Aiken and when he said the reprehensible things he said. she said he ought to get out of the race,” said Rove.
Rove continued that Palin endorsed in primaries and got involved in other races around so he didn’t understand what the problem was with other people doing the same thing. He defended his work for American Crossroads saying he doesn’t “take a dime from my work” with them and actually pays all of his travel expenses for the group out of his own pocket. “I’m thought Sarah Palin was about encouraging grassroots activity. I’m a volunteeer,” said Rove.
Then he took a shot across her bow.
“I appreciate her encouragement that I ought to go home to Texas and run for office. I would be enthused if I ran for office to have her support but I don’t think, I’m a particularly good candidate, a balding fat guy. Second of all, if I did run for office and win I would serve out my term and I wouldn’t leave office midterm,” said Rove.
Democratic strategist Joe Trippi chimed in and said you never want to see a political party fighting with itself like this. Saying that it “doesn’t bode well for 2014 and 2016″ for Republicans.
“These two or three wings are going to have a fight for the presidency,” said Trippi.
Rove called the fights “nothing new and nothing exceptional” for a political party that is out of power.
Hey Sarah, Karl knows you use your PAC as a personal ATM. Here's hoping he spills all of your secrets!
DeleteP.S. Karl's still FOX. Ha ha ha
Palin and her ilk have successfully destroyed all cohesion within the Republican Party and Karl Rove knows this but can't do a thing about it. The wedge was already there since the inception of the Tea Party and Palin and her band of misfits keeps hammering it deeper and deeper. The Republican Party is finished.
DeleteGulp, Sarah Palin's back! The wild woman of Republican politics stuns CPAC with barrage of jokes about soda bans, President Obama... and her 'rack'
Back again a huge fucking joke and LiAR! How many teleprompters did CPAC install for her heinous? Oh yeah back alright.
Giving head to a straw√
making a funny about her fake boobs√
Seditious talk√
Insulting other republicans√
Insulting the Koch with Socialist talk √
She's back alright. As the Teabaggers dumbest of dumb and a loose cannon.
I expect her to be with Breitbart soon.
swimming with the fishes.
Especially the way she is attacking Rove. Dumbass.
vulgar, bitter shrew...
ReplyDeleteUnprofessional to say the least. And that matters, whether the emaciated former half- term politician with the bad wig realizes it or not.
DeleteHow come no one has mentioned her fucking jeans?
They put out a DRESS CODE just for YOU, Bitch.
She has no idea what "professional" means.
That's exactly WHY she wore the jeans. She's telling them they can't tell her what to do. They deserve it for being so fucking stupid.
DeleteOMG - over at C4P they are comparing Palin holding up "Big Gulp" to the Statue of Liberty. They are tweeting it all over the internet. These people have to be the dumbest people on the face of the earth.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me you're joking. There are not that kind of idiots who worship, mediocre fake politicians in our country. Are there? I pity those who are that ignorant and easily deceived.
DeleteBwahahaha!! I love c4p,it is the most hilarious site on the Internet!
DeleteThe rubes are still giddy and so OBLIVIOUs to reality,they have convinced each other that the world laughing at their cross eyed imbecile idol means THEY FEAR HER!
I envy your ability to see the humor in it all. My parents, grandparents, and younger sister are all big Palin fans >_<
DeleteI hope they keep it up. Those dwindling bots are the only ones that don't process what foolish suckers they are. Sad that they disgrace the USA but they are free to do it.
DeleteC4Pers live in a Homer Simpson world.
DeleteFans of what, exactly?
Every single thing people *think* they like about her is a lie, so I'm actually asking *WHAT* it is they like about the lying, loser quitter?
The thing is... HOW MANY of her 'adoring fans' over at the Sea of Pee are actually HER sock puppets, i.e. only FAKE accounts, just like when she was mayor and 1/2 quitter GINO?
DeleteKarl Rove Responds To Sarah Palin’s CPAC Thrasing, Rips Her For Quitting As Governor
Rove pushed back in an interview with Fox on Sunday.
"I'm a volunteer and I don't take a dime with my work from American Crossroads and pay my own travel expenses out of my own pocket and I thought she was encouraging volunteer grassroots activity and I'm a volunteer," Rove said. "Second of all, look, I appreciate encouragement I ought to go home to Texas and run for office and, it would be news if I did to have her support. But I don't think I'm a good candidate -- a kind of balding, fat guy. And second, if I did run for office and win, I would serve out my term and I wouldn't leave office midterm."
Rand Paul Becomes The Latest CPAC Straw Poll Winner Destined to Not Be President
ReplyDeleteThe votes are in, and Sen. Rand Paul has defeated Sen. Marco Rubio in the latest CPAC straw poll to determine which Republican won’t be president.
Except for the Iowa straw poll, (Hello, President Bachmann) there may not be a more meaningless political exercise than the CPAC straw poll. Some in the mainstream media will try to read the non-existent tea leaves and determine what this means for positioning within the Republican ranks in 2016, but the reality is that the only time the CPAC straw poll has ever been interesting was when Mitt Romney was so desperate for a win that he rigged the poll last year by buying votes.
The CPAC audience is always full of Paul supporters. It is estimated that 52% of CPAC’s audience was young libertarians, which demonstrates the problem with the CPAC straw poll. It doesn’t reflect who actually votes in Republican primaries. If GOP primary electorate was a majority young Libertarian, Ron Paul would have been a two time Republican presidential nominee. But the people who vote in Republican primaries are actually old and white.
Rand Paul is already more of a mainstream Republican that his father ever was, but the CPAC straw poll is a better indicator of who isn’t going to be president than who is. I suspect that Rand Paul will do equally well in 2014, 2015, and 2016 too, and it will mean absolutely nothing.
Paul finished with 25%, Rubio 23%, Rick Santorum 8%, Chris Christie 7%, Paul Ryan 6%, Scott Walker 5%, Dr. Ben Carson 4%, Ted Cruz 4%, Bobby Jindal 3%, and Sarah Palin 3%.
The two potential candidates that didn’t do well in the straw poll who are the most likely contenders for the 2016 nomination are Chris Christie and Paul Ryan. One can easily imagine Ryan thinking he is next in line for the Republican nomination, but Christie is more of a wait and see.
CPAC is not good at predicting eventual presidents. According to USA Today, “Since 1976, only Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have won the CPAC straw poll and gone on to win the White House.” No one should be surprised if by 2017, CPAC is 2 for 40 in picking winners. The lesson here is that any Republican who wants to be president would be wise to avoid CPAC.
And Jeb Bush---knowing about the jinx made them take him out of the straw poll.
DeleteWhat a bunch of dummies at CPAC. Ted Cruz was born in Canada, therefore he is not a 'natural born' citizen, just like Jennifer Granholm and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ted Cruz can never be president.
DeleteThe argument regarding Cruz's eligibility for office is that same as that over John McCain. Both were born on foreign soil but to mothers who were American citizens. McCain was deemed eligible to run for POTUS. The same argument would stand true for Obama. Even if he had been born overseas, which he was not, but even if he was his mother was an American, making him American.
DeleteIf I had the authority I would get the Palin records of births, marriages, divorces and jobs all exposed. Let the world know what a disgusting hate filled filthy slobs they all are. Liars to the core. I hope McCain is disgusted, but I do not think he is capable of any feelings, except the same ones as $carah. The entire family are bottom feeders, no CLASS, no self respect, no morals.
ReplyDeleteToo bad he couldn't feel disgust when he moved in on the Johnstons and messed with all the records he wanted covered up. Oh well, that is just who he is and enough Arizonies keep him lying and cheating in DC.
DeleteWe may not have any official authority, but stay the course in trying to expose her. Chip chip chip way and all will be just is taking a lot of time. She is not Tri-G's birth mother..right MatSu Regional? Right CBJ?
DeleteExcept, you CAN'T... All the records OF HER WHOLE FAMILY (!) have been sealed. Unprecedented for a private citizen, and even for a 1/2 term governor...
DeleteThey Can’t Help Themselves: Fox Contributor Trashes Ashley Judd At CPAC With Rape Joke
ReplyDeleteGOP leaders have made a lot of hay post-2012 about the need for party leaders to stop discussing rape, but it seems Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder missed the memo during his CPAC speech Saturday.
Making a joke at actress and rumored Kentucky senate candidate Ashley Judd’s expense, Crowder asked “what is this obsession with Ashley Judd and rape?” referring to Judd’s criticism of Apple products. “It’s pretty unnerving.”
Crowder, who frequently appears on Hannity and Red Eye, made the rape joke under the guise of a breaking news alert, saying Judd had just tweeted that buying apple products was “akin to rape.” It is unclear whether Crowder’s awkward joke was him just having fun, or if he was under the impression Judd sent out the tweet (she didn’t).
Crowder’s comments might have hit the right note with the CPAC audience, but will surely drive GOP leaders crazy as rape was not a topic they wanted to come up as their official re branding effort kicks off.
Watch Clip Via CPAN:
She's like a two year-old who does something funny for relatives and they all laugh, and the toddler wants the crowd to laugh again and again so she keep doing the same cutesy thing for attention until the parent has to tell her it's enough.
ReplyDeleteDoes it enter her adult mind that telling the same old zingers becomes annoying? When she finds something that gets people to react and applaud to, like the marker handwriting thing, she couldn't stop using it, because it plays to her crowd and it gives her a buzz when she metes out her bully punishing attacks at liberal media, POTUS, or anyone associated with POTUS. And the crowd just laugh at her repetitions because they are polite.
Her teleprompter hypocrisy tells something about the woman's deep-seated problems with either reality or an addiction to making a crowd love her, even at the cost of appearing to be conflicting. Her projecting her acts on others in an effort to tear them down is not only pathetic, but it begs psychological evaluation.
Does Sarah have a child willing to lose their weekly allowance by telling Sarah enough is enough?
DeleteWe know Todd won't do that. He needs his weekly allowance for his prostitute fix.
She forgot to mention that to buy her a Christmas gift, Toad had to ask her for the money. When was the last time he had a REAL job??
DeleteTad has a real job. It ain't easy being pimp even if you have some high rollers for patients. He makes more than she can earn. Problem is too much goes for hush money.
DeleteDoesn't she have a new book coming out about commercializing christmas, the reall meaning of christmas, etc. etc. ? Yet they are buying 'christmas gifts'. her hypocrisy knows no limits.
DeleteIslamophone smacks down birther queen. You just can't make this stuff up!
ReplyDeleteOrly Taitz At CPAC: Birther Queen's 'Inappropriate' Questions Criticized By Pamela Geller
Yes, more Republican infighting! Keep driving that wedge and fracturing your party! Democrats won't even have to campaign any more if this keeps up.
DeleteSo-duh! Sarah Palin's jab at Mayor Bloomberg's proposed big drink ban backfires at Conservative Political Action Conference's annual gathering
ReplyDeleteFormer vice presidential candidate cracked Big Gulp is safe to drink since mayor wasn't around. But Bloomberg's would-be ban on sugary drinks never applied to 7-Eleven
Read more:
Oh there you go again with your pesky facts! The dolts at CPAC 'don't need no stinkin' facts'
DeleteAs long as the Conservatives in the Republican party put someone like Trump or Palin on their list of speakers, they will continue to turn off the moderate and independent voters, and they will not win the presidency. They will attract the same people who watch Honey Boo Boo and think that fat little reality TV kid is "cute." (Hint, no, Honey Boo Boo is heading for juvenile diabetes, and Palin's encouraging people to drink lots of sugar laced soda is just as dumb.)
ReplyDeleteUnited States, Wasilla, Los Angeles, and Anchorage(CREEPY JR) please defend poor PIMP DADDY Todd's Prostitution Ring and Sex Trafficking allegations? What? You are not allowed to address those subjects? Is that why Sarah does not wear her wedding ring? BWAHAHAHA, she has now pissed of the Powerful Karl Rove, get your popcorn ready.
ReplyDeleteshe has now pissed of the Powerful Karl Rove, get your popcorn ready.
she has now pissed of the Powerful Karl Rove AGAIN, get your popcorn ready.
There I fixed it for ya :) :) :)
Please keep pissing off Karl Rove. I would love to see all the dirt come out cause we all know it's there. It won;t be long before they realize that need to shut her up if they want to ever win another election.
ReplyDeleteIt is for this reason and this reason alone that i hope she does not go quietly into that good night.... (yet).
DeleteRove will protect McCain who is entangled with Bristol's "hot mama". Sarah goes down and the others go with her for their part of promoting her or remaining silent when they knew the truth. She was a ho they thought they could control and work.
I love this photo of Palin:
It is so clear that she is wearing a mess-up wig. It's too bad that Willow hasn't finished hair school, because there is someone in Wasilla who really needs some help.
In case that photo doesn't open up, here's another version: WIG!And she can't move her face, either.
Now that Rove has struck back at her, I would hope that others would as well. Until they do, Palin would continue with her idiocy thinking that she is "winning". What a pathetic, vulgar POS she is.
ReplyDeleteBoth Davide Letterman and Jon Stewart made fun of Bloomberg's Big Gulp law. So, it looks like Sarah must agree with those two comedians.
ReplyDeleteWhy would she open up her comedian act now? She is only funny when she isn't trying to do comedy. This was a horrendous failure for her no matter how much denial she wallows in.
DeleteGuess who TMZ says should read a magazine or newspaper for her big gulp stunt.
ReplyDeletePretty bad when they are making fun of you as well.
Delete"attempted to mock"
What did one Palin retard say to the other Palin retard?
ReplyDeleteBristol: Mommy those CPAC jokes are funny. Do you have any more?
Or Willow "Mom are you too old to give birth to another grandbaby? I just found a used pregnancy test of Bristles, and it's positive"
DeletePoor Gulp Girl.
ReplyDeleteGryphen was right a long time ago--the next step is the stripper pole for Palin. The sad part is she was vying for laughs from zombies. They'll react
to anything simpleminded---cause you know---zombies.
"...step away from the teleprompter and do your job".
ReplyDeleteRead from a teleprompter by someone who is jobless because she quit her last real job half-way through, years ago.
You can't make that sh$& up. You just can't.
Palin Demands Transparency in Government; Give Her What She Wants!
It's remarkable what makes someone a star in the Republican party versus what makes them a star in the Democratic party. Republicans gorge themselves on venom, paranoia, and pessimistic self-righteousness, while Democrats look for leaders who express ideas of unity and progress.
ReplyDeleteConsider President Barack Obama's 2004 DNC speech, where he spoke of his heritage, his hope for the future, and unity. He went on to be elected President twice by comfortable margins.
Consider Ted Cruz, who advocates extinction of animals and education. He says Republican ideals are under attack and offers nothing to back it up. He attacks government even though he is one of the most powerful members of government, and offers no ideas for how to make government better or any explanation why, for example, abolishing educational standards will make a country consistently lagging behind in everything from hard science to English more competitive. Republicans now think he could be president.
Consider Sarah Palin, whose speech was full of ad hominem attacks and references to her tits, her husband's dick, and how other people are stupid because they use teleprompters (as she read from a teleprompter). Republicans still think she could be president.
Consider Ben Carson, who was instantly elevated to hero status for using a prayer breakfast to talk about how Barack Obama sucks and money is the single most important thing in Carson's life. Republicans are begging him to run for president.
Consider Donald Trump, who says that Latinos are a lower class than, and should be discriminated against vis a vis, "Europeans." He was actually a front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination within the last 12 months.
Republicans are doing a great disservice to this country by making people like Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump their face and their voice. They should man up and take their party back.
DeleteBottom line - hatefulness, divisiveness, bombasity and snark a 'star' conservative makes.
They do not have anyone in their party with enough intelligence to get elected. Dirty tricks is all they know. People are wise to that now, so the last time dirty tricks failed. John Huntsman was the last intelligent pol they had, and look how they treated him!
DeleteThe pic of Queen of Morons next to the Statue of Liberty is a riot,what a goofy skank!
ReplyDeleteHolding up a big gulp,perfect poster child for American diabetic stupidity.
Once again,the world snickers.
No kidding! She doesn't care, she just wants the attention and doesn't care how big an @ss she makes of herself.
DeleteIt's her idiotic base that confounds me. Blind to all of it, still sending money when they're being played for the fools they are.
I wonder if there was any booze in that big gulp
DeleteCopied from TBOGG ...too good not to share.
That picture captures so many great things about Palin!!
Delete1) crypt-like complexion
2) wonky eye doing its darndest
3) turkey-waddle neck
4) inappropriate nail color (Piper's?)
5) old and stinky "bracelet"
6) star of David trying to run away
7) wig that is as thin and overprocessed as the bitch herself
8) toothless maw that surely smells of Bailey's and controlled substances
God how I revile this piece of shit.
You have plenty of company in that, believe me. She is useless, a has been who never was. A failure at governing her city, state, family, herself. An over the hill grandma desperately trying to stay relevant. Her jeans hang on her bony ass like Toad hangs onto her purse.
DeleteWhy, Sarah, what is that big shiny thing in the photo with you? It looks like a teleprompter. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
ReplyDeleteSarah's fans have done her a great favor, comparing Sarah holding her Big Gulp to the Statue of Liberty. They provide another photo of Sarah and her teleprompter.
Okay, that final pic of Stupid juxtaposed with the Statue of Liberty looks like something straight off comedy site 9gag. All that's missing is 'Murica' typed underneath.
ReplyDeleteOther nations are laughing so hard at us...
nd palin4america has another of the 5 pee'ers that went in the same pose.
DeleteFive fat white asses
what happened to her ass. She looks like one of usgrrls now.
ReplyDeleteWow. Just Wow.
ReplyDeleteYeah, WOW, somebody did a shit photoshop job on that one.
DeleteThat photo of Reagan on a horse is from US Gov. archives; no one else in the photo.
DeleteHe was dead in 2010. It must be a miracle her prayer was answered. Her mind is so far gone she would believe that happened and she can tell you the details like Jodi Ariass.
DeleteSarah rides a horse like she shoots Caribou. The harder she tries she always just looks more dumb and fake.
ABC’s Matthew Dowd Torches CPAC: ‘It’s Like A Flintstones Episode’ And Stuck In ‘Mesozoic Era’
ReplyDeleteABC contributor Matthew Dowd heavily criticized the Conservative Political Action Conference during a segment on This Week for including Sarah Palin as a major speaker at the convention and for being out of step with modern conservative politics. He described the conference as being stuck in a Flitstones episode and said that “its time has come and gone.”
Dowd took dead aim at Palin for her reality show remarks about Washington’s political class by nothing that she actually had her own reality show. “Between Palin and the Kardashians, there’s ten reality shows that have been built around that,” he said.
The imagery and the attendees of the conference struck Dowd as being completely outside the current political climate saying that it is increasingly filled with relics of a conservative movement from a different time. “It’s like going to the Land Before Time, it’s like going to a Flintstones episode. It’s like a bunch of dinosaurs. Most of them are throwbacks in time. It’s like who’s running for Grand Poobah of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes,” he said.
“CPAC’s time has come and gone and it’s time for somebody to put together a 21st century conservative agenda,” he said.
When asked about having conservative ideas hashed out public he said he’s fine with but “I just wouldn’t do it in the Mesozoic Era.”
Blue jeans? Are you freakng kidding me?
ReplyDeleteWell,she doesn't really have any nice clothes. She had to give them all back, remember? And before the McCain campaign dressed her, all she had was dirty crappy clothes with food stains on that she wore over and over. She never has known how to dress herself without looking like a streetwalker.
DeleteShe never gave them back. She wears them regularly.
very cheap jeans at that...
DeleteIs it safe to say that no serious conservative contenders for 2016 attended CPAC?
ReplyDeleteReeking of Obama Hate and Desperation, Sarah Palin Was the Joke at CPAC
OMG--this is the best line!
Delete"From a potential heartbeat away from the presidency to willing to be the right wing’s rodeo clown for a buck, Sarah Palin is living on the Skid Row of American politics."
9:40 Palin was NEVER a heartbeat away from the Presidency! John McCain was and thank God, President Obama and VP Biden have won TWICE!!
DeleteShe didn't even dress to the CPAC guidelines! The woman is a joke, liar and fraud!! She will rot in hell - no doubt about it!
ReplyDeleteCPAC is some pathetic abused mate. They were lied to and tricked and they take the abuse. I only hope they support her and bring her back next year, if there is a next year for any of them. She really is a curse to all she touches.
DeleteThe gun/rack joke was as much a veiled shot at Todd's 'gun' as it was a vehicle to say 'hey, look at my new big boobs!'.
ReplyDeleteShe's destroyed her face, look at some of the OMFG shots from yesterday. All that's left is a Kim Kardashian butt and she'll have achieved her "perfect look."
DeleteTodd's teeny little two toned penis is front and center...LOL!!!
DeleteTodd has the tiny no bendy thang and she has the obvious twin fakes.
DeleteShe has no butt. The least sexy thing ever is her with the little straw sucky attempt. Sure half blind Viagra dopes will take anything but they are dying off. The next generation of that club will have other sex idols.
DeleteI just don't see her trademark bad posture hunching over the little straw in a big prop cup as anything other than repulsive. Like if grandma gave a fat boy with a little one a blow job in front of cameras on a public stage. Really that is sexy?
Here's another good one Liberty -vs- Big Gulp
I've noted on more than one occasion her sorta subtle work with her hands when she speaks. In the first photo she's clearly cupping her Belmonts for the boys in the audience. Nice. But they that's really all she's got. Fake hair, fake face, fake boobs. Isn't interesting how rarely she and her minions come here anymore? The PAC must be running low on funds and they've stopped paying the help. And what ever happened to Brisket? And Willow? And Toad? Have we seen the last of them for now?
ReplyDeleteThey will never give up trolling for reality shows. Anything rather than work for a living. No talent, no looks, no brains.
DeleteI actually think that Krusty got a visit by some cops or even the FBI... She threatened Sunny and Levi Johnston's baby the other day - wanted to kill her according to Sunny. She was reported to all different types of law enforcements.
DeleteMaybe that's why the trolls are laying low lately...
G -
ReplyDeletePolitico did one of their in-house polls.
"Do you think Sarah Palin could make a political comeback?"
Definitely 8%
Possibly 8%
No way 81%
Pat Padrnos
RE: Sea O'Pee
DAMN! Even the Statue of Liberty gets defamed by the Tundra Turd.
Sarah referred to Lady Liberty as "The Statute of Liberty," the gift from foreign leaders to warn us not to make the same mistakes that Europe made. No, seriously, this is really what Sarah Palin said. You can't make that stuff up.
Is there a photo of Sarah's shoes at CPAC? Just curious as she always wears tacky ho shoes.
ReplyDeleteIn this photo, they look like big clunky shoes:
DeleteSarah's jeans are too long. I guess she doesn't think about looking in the full length mirror before she goes out.
When I was looking for full length pictures of Sarah, I saw this one. There is such a thing as too much botox. The sign that you have had too much botox is when you start to swallow your own face:
In one shot she seemed to be wearing a flat, non jacked up, shoe of some sort, but I couldn't be totally sure. They definitely didn't look like her typical, knock-me-down-and-fuck-me types.
DeleteShe needs to lose some weight, Fatso.
DeleteWait - so does that mean that SP is now French? Because the Statue of Liberty sure is. And a Big Gulp is the flame of Enlightenment?
ReplyDeleteI know that SP gets into the Fraternité part of it--as does her hubs.
Track researched everything for her and she is right on stupid.
DeleteFormer GOP Congressman On Fox: ‘Just Voting No’ On Everything Is What Makes Tea Partiers ‘Chuckleheads’
ReplyDelete...LaTourette proceeded to reiterate his point saying that the Tea Party members are an important part of the GOP but that they can’t just throw their hands up at everything and say no. They have to work together with others if they want to get anything done, he said.
“Just voting no and then holding your nose and saying ‘boy if it passes I can go home to my local Tea Party groups and say ‘I voted no!’ that’s ridiculous. That’s what makes them chuckleheads,” said LaTourette.
Watch clip below via Fox
OK, I know I will probably get slammed for saying this, but here goes……
ReplyDeleteI am not a GOP troll and yes I hope Ashley Judd beats Owlface McConnell and she is brave to publically draw attention to sexual abuse in our society & what we need to do to prevent that and the FOX commentator’s “joke” was out of line.
AND I tend to agree with his sentiment though. She does talk a lot about rape and over the top statements like this are not helping her cause. Buying an Apple consumer product is like rape? Really? Comparisons like that are an affront to men & women who have experienced rape for real. Lets discuss that topic in appropriate context that reflects the true seriousness of the issue and what can be done to prevent it.
Her comparison to rape here IS a bit odd and just gives the GOP more ammo against her.
Ashley Judd said no such thing.
DeleteYou make a valid point, it was a bit over zealous on her part, AND I agree she is very committed to helping victims of sexual abuse. She IS an actress so her over dramatic tweet was just that, over dramatic. Further, you are correct, it does give the ready-to-jump-on-anything-they-desperately-can-to-take-down-liberals GOP will use it as fodder.
DeleteI will dance in the streets when Ashley wipes the floor with ol' Turtleface.
She is all just zingers. She has no bonafides or gravitas to talk about real political science. She is basically like a Jeff Ross comedian except for a very specific, angry, low brow, unintelligent group of older white men.
ReplyDeleteHer eyes appear to be sinking further back into her skull.
Is it the result of:
A) Plastic surgery causing the illusion as she attempts to deny yet another reality: She's gettin' old?
B) The continued retraction of her brain, as it atrophies, causing suction behind the eyes?
Please Vote Now! sarah "failin'" palin is calling obama a reality tv star.
ReplyDeletewhat was sarah palin's alaska then?
what about "bristol palin: lifes a tripp"
and what did your hubby do on "stars earn stripes" again?
Bri$ket was on Dancing with the Stars, also too.
DeleteHard to get a message of "rebuilding our country" from a speech with so much disdain for the constitutional process of electing a leader and supporting him or her. Ms. Palin is still campaigning and waging war for the 2008 election, and her rabble rousing against everything Mr. Obama does sends a message that she would rather destroy the country if she can't be the leader. Hot air does not build an economy. Supporting "job creators" who walk home with a paycheck that drains the company's profit sheet is identifying the wrong size business. Corporate America is still the darling of conservatives, but it is harming our economic strength rather than building anything.
ReplyDelete"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my BIG GULP beside Todd's whorehouse door!"
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin - March 2013
CPAC Attendees Lament Exclusion Of Christie But Still Make Fat Jokes
... And I betcha a bridge to nowhere that $HE was the ONLY ONE who violated the CCRAP dress code with her sweatshirt and jeans and hooker shoes and gaudy 'jewelry'...
ReplyDeleteNo one is going to tell Sarah what to drink or what to wear. The irony is that the Conservatives who want to get government out of our lives, put out a restrictive dress code for their own event. It was a Republican mayor who tried to stop people from drinking too much sugary stuff.
DeleteAs much as I loathe her presence in the media, I am trying to find a positive reason for the suffering we have all been subjected to by Palin and her hatred.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope that her very public descent from rising star to side show object of derision has taught the people in control of our political system an important lesson. Never again should we come so close to having a dangerous train wreck of a candidate be one old man's ill heartbeat away from the White House. Never again should we allow someone so clearly incompetent, uneducated and downright lethal into the top levels of our government. I shudder to think what could have happened if McCain had won and become incapacitated while in office, a situation that was all too probable, considering his medical history.
Let the rise and fall of Sarah Palin be a very painful lesson to all of us - the political parties, the media and the voters alike - to pay attention so we may never again come so close to the brink of disaster.
We don't have to look too far back in history to be reminded about this wise message. GWB served two terms as President of the United States. He was foisted on us by the Supreme Court one time, and by crooked voting in Ohio the second. He did not read. He wasn't smart. He let Dick Cheney and Karl Rove run the show. When he spoke without a script, he sounded dumb. The
DeleteRepublicans must have thought that it was such a good trick that they tried to do it again. As GWB said, "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...ya can't fool me twice."
For a quitter to tell the President to do his job is hilarious. Also, I'm waiting for her to tell Obama to quit for the good of the country just like she did for the good of Alaska...LOL!
ReplyDeleteShe's not even funny with those one-liner zingers. It only shows how hateful she is.
For all her love of God and Country why all the hate Sarah?? Guess that was all fake also too, ubetcha!!
ReplyDeleteIf her being the MAIN attraction over the internet after CPAC, you would think some of those wussies that also appeared would get sick of her shit and say something. If they don't, then she will just continue to be invited and her idiocy will continue. Rove, whom I can't stand, finally had enough. It is time that others followed his lead.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the liberals who are afraid of Sarah it's the establishment GOP.
Delete"Give me your tired, your poor,
ReplyDeleteYour huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
These are the words inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty -- offering refuge for immigrants seeking to find a better world. The Statue was built, as a gift, by France.
Everything about this iconic historic monument is antithetical to Palin, who uses it for her own purposes. The beacon the statue holds, to light the way of pilgrims, Palin replaces with a 4-pt. soft drink, which not only would Lady Liberty not drink, but neither would her French benefactors, or the millions of starving refugees who arrived at Ellis Island, and elsewhere around the country.
If we are to fight for our freedoms, the least of those freedoms is the size of soft drink containers we can buy at a ballpark. There's no limit on buying two, or three, if one is really thirsty. Drink up, Sarah. No one's stopping you.
The ridiculousness of this image of Sarah, in her skank jeans, holding aloft a take-out soft drink, is the unspoken challenge that we can tear it only from her cold, dead hands. Our country has come to this.
I can't wait for her fitness book, which will undoubtedly feature a chapter on the benefits of enormous amounts of sugary drinks to one's fitness and overall dental health.
I wonder if the "get out of the truck" line was in response to her allegedly not getting out of the truck at the Iron Dog
ReplyDeleteMaybe she should take her own advice go back to Alaska and run for office. I think she would make a great Coroner. Pronouncing the right wing dead.
Somewhere in Sarah's ghostwritten book, she used her father's favorite expression, something along the lines of "shut up or get back in the truck." (Hey, you kids, stop crying. We're all gonna touch the moose eyeballs, do you hear me?)
Deletethere was a link with a bunch of pics, she's wearing those cork/wood soled wedge things that make her tromp around like my grandma did when she was headed out to slop the hogs and was wearing those big old dirty, stiff hog slopping boots...Of course, I don't think it really had anything to do with sarah's shoes, she always seems to have that weird shit stomping gait. there's nothing very feminine about sarah...
ReplyDeleteIts a man,baby!
DeleteThere are several but what's the one big difference between the Statue of Liberty and Sarah Palin....
What a lowlife tramp she is. Jeans to an important speaking gig? Seriously? The sipping was a version of sucking, if you get my drift. Sarah, you're a tramp and that's all there is to it. You should be ashamed of your appearance and never show your wrinkly face and fake boobs outside of Wasilla!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see all of Palin's supporters saluting her with corn syrup at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The more corn syrup they consume, the sooner they'll be six feet under. Drink up, mindless bots!
ReplyDeleteWhen I have ventured to C4P they see things like Palin does that up is down or black is white. The photo comparison with the Statue of Liberty illustrates this. The Sea article describing Palin's style as casual yet elegant, her dark pamts (jeams) as "elegant" is opposite of reality. Maybe the author is accustomed to People of Walmart style hence Palin by contrast with her tit in display, activewear jacket shewed to be provacative, "skillfully disheveled hair" and jeans scres elegance, taste, class and substance. No mention of her rack vulger joke or Todd's rifle proceeding to suck pop to be provocative.
ReplyDeleteI say she exemplifies Madonna Whore complex to these pathetic men.
I anticipate Palin has not shown how low she can go while spewing Christ, family first, mom publicly prick teasing that will shock street corner hookers. Todd evidently has issues to go along with her public pole dancing for cash. Sick family....
You got had by the Sea of Pee... The comments you read we're written by Sarah Lou and her many, many sock puppets - a carryover from her GINO time, when she would exhort her employees to write favorable opinions of her in the ADN, and vote for her multiple times in local straw polls.
DeleteIf that is so,then she is even stupider than we thought,you mean she WANTS her supporters to sound demented,bigoted and michelle malkin vile like?
Bachmann, Ayotte and Nicki Haley were all dressed in well-fitted unprovocative suits and dressed for the occasion. There is little doubt that Palin wanted to walk on that stage in defiance to the CPAC's dress code.
ReplyDeleteIt goes to show that she refuses to be controlled by anything, nor will she respect rules. She is an unleashed rogue who would rather create drama than help the cause. The woman who walked on that stage in jeans who wanted to create a middle finger effect has the gall to accuse President Obama and Washington creating drama.
OTOH, maybe this WSA her 'classy ' outfit, or even the 'classiest' she has nowadays...
DeleteI was gobsmacked by the few minutes I could watch of this bad stand up comedy routine. Wasn't this a political gathering not a seedy nightclub? She basically retooled her 2008 acceptance speech and made it even more classless and added some raunchy zingers to fire up the non thinking idiots.She was dressed for mucking out the barn-not for a serious speech.And yet, she is getting lots of MSM coverage! We get what we deserve, I guess.
ReplyDeleteO/T: Gryphen, have you heard anything about Krystal Patullo being paid a visit by the FBI for threatening to shoot Breeze Johnston, Levi's baby girl?
ReplyDeleteIs that the reason we don't see her trolling around anymore?
The Republican Party's Anger Mismanagement
ReplyDelete...Policy-wise, the GOP is an entity that literally lacks any new ideas, has no interest in governing and has rejected all of its own policy positions from as recently as early 2008 as "oh-my-God-we're-all-doomed!" creeping Socialism (see: cap and trade, earned-income tax credit, individual healthcare mandate). Rejecting anything right wingers sneeringly see as created by them-there libruls is the secret handshake of modern conservatism.
...This is why that maverick-y maverick John McCain has been able to remain in relatively decent stead on the Right. **The key to McCain is that he legislates via anger. Grudges and perceived slights are what keep him going,** like a much-less-talented and equally over-exposed (Sarah Palin)of politics, with the additional daydreams of carpet bombing large groups of people.
Whether calling his wife some really bad names, bum rushing fellow members of Congress or condescendingly and heartlessly lecturing a mother whose son was killed in the Aurora-Movie-Theatre massacre that he has "straight talk" for her, one thing you can count on is that McCain will bring the bitter with a healthy-helping of McNasty (his high school nickname). This is what allows him to survive his occasional maverick-ness on issues like immigration. Well, that and the fact he switches his positions every six years just in time for re-election.
Pre-pubescent angst fuelling vitriolic rage. Sure, it's not a legislative or legal strategy. But it sure feels good.
This is where McLame and Sarah are 'soulmates'. It's all about their grievances and how to spin up support for outrage.
GOP Strategist On Meet The Press: Conservatives Have ‘Multiple Personality Disorder’
ReplyDelete...Navarro noted that the party could be going in two directions. “If we learned something in these last three days, you could see in one of two ways: There’s a very health debate going on or conservatives are suffering from multiple personality disorder,” she told David Gregory.
Former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating said that CPAC is a “spring stew.” “You have conservatives, you have social conservatives, you have economic conservatives, you have libertarians,” said Keating.
The conservative movement is considered to have three legs and Navarro concluded that two of them, the social conservative wings and the hawkish wings of the party are really struggling.
Watch clip below from NBC
Well then Sarah should fit right in since we KNOW she has MPD.
she's wearing the kmart/toilet paper picture shoes...
ReplyDeleteWhile reading the Sunday paper, I came across a pic of the frontal view of Palin with the big gulp. The word COW immediately came to mind. Lord, she's gotten ugly.
ReplyDeleteWhen we get to her age, we should all be so lucky to look as good as she does. There are women in their 20's that would kill to have a front OR posterior like hers!
ReplyDeleteSeriously? You reallly do need to go and have an eye exam...STAT! This woman oozes hatred, filth, perversion, jealousy, vindictiveness and it is showing in every cell of her ugly body. This is not how a true Christian speaks or acts.
DeleteFat horny old bigot at 1:35..fat horny old bigot at 1:35..
She doesn't look healthy and her real ugliness is inside: her heart and her mind. She has been driven by hatred and jealousy ever since November 2008. I don't think that too many women "would kill" to have her body.
Wanna see something weird? Look at the Statue if Liberty picture and look at the back of Sarah's head.
ReplyDeleteWTF is wrong with her hair?
Lady Liberty has books in her left hand...something you'll never see a Palin hold.
ReplyDeleteSTFU Bristles,don't you have a wine cooler filled tent to get to ya' stunned cow.
ReplyDeleteI bet ya' a 3 dolla bill (in honor of Her Holy Fake Boobs)that Our Sarah reads here and she made a rack funny to get back at us doncha know!
ReplyDeleteLol,can't stop laughing thank you Granny Grifty muchas gracias!