Monday, March 18, 2013

So whose sexual orientation is "unnatural" again?

Personally I have NEVER understood why Catholics would take direction from a bunch of old guys, in gowns, who isolate themselves from the day to day responsibilities and interpersonal relationships that make us human beings.

Especially since they get their guidance from a book written thousands of years ago.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    It is a well-known fact that sexual drive is the strongest there is and there's absolutely nothing in the Bible that instructs "men of the cloth" to be celibate.

  2. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Their guidance is not from a book. Nowhere in that book does it say that man should vote on a leader to intercede for them with God. nowhere. Let alone that that elected by the few leader then decides on a bunch of other intercedants to tell the rest of us what is holy. They made the whole thing up...sorry Catholics, but the Pope and his red-clad followers are not in the Bible.

  3. Leland4:18 AM

    It may not be in the bible, but they sure succeeded in bamboozling billions of people into BELIEVING that crap!

    Can you say POWER GRAB???????

  4. Personally I have never understood why women would take advice from a bunch of gay men in the fashion design industry, either. ::shrug::

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Because if thy took it from straight guys, we'd be a bit cold, as clothes would not exist.

    2. fromthediagonal6:31 AM

      Oh, you all are on a roll... a good one with which to begin the week! I agree with all of it, needless to say.

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Yea, but you know these guys are practicing celibacy!!

    1. fromthediagonal6:39 AM

      ... and when they fail as is a given, they may confess and promptly get another try, because, you know, they are fallible human beings. As in all things, rank has its privilege in all matters secular of religious and on and on and on, urbi et orbi,ad nauseam, ad absurdum.

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Come on, now. I'm pretty sure they update the text when the "book" is reprinted. Right? Right?

  7. Leland7:09 AM

    Careful, 6:31! Don't you know that some believe the bible NEVER changes because god wrote it and therefore it can't change? (SNARK!)

    What ridiculous BS!

    If anything, it should be taken as an example of what should NOT be done!

  8. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Did anybody catch the story that Rock Center did about the real reason Benedict resigned? The butler did it. Turned over a bunch of private documents to a journalist, I think, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Anyway it sounded like there was more sex going on inside the Vatican than a Las Vegas brothel. Also more than a few dirty dealings going on at the Vatican bank.

    Don't you just love the holier than thou? Assholes! How dare they even suggest how others live their own lives?

  9. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Celibacy is a lose lose proposition. You don't get any good lovin' and the organization tends to die off.

    Look what it did to the Shakers.

  10. SHARON8:52 AM

    I love that graphic, there is undeniable truth in all it says. The entire idea of that religion is in conflict with all natural laws, the wonder of birth, life...human beings and all life forms seeking love with all it's complications. It is based on the fear of God's wrath, not his love...going back centuries and just feeding itself on the weak until you have this over the top pageant. This despicable display of wealth and supreme elevation of these old men is beyond my feeble brain. The consistent revelations of pedophiles, thievery, and most every crime we low level humans commit is on display here in the light of day. It is built on a house of lies, a Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme on steroids, sigh religion the enemy of critical thinking and responsibility.

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    So true! This reminds me of one of my grandmother's comments about the priests and celibacy and their disgressions....what makes them any different? They have the same apparatus as other men do! Therefore, the same tendencies and needs. Some things you just can't pray away.

    1. Leland11:39 AM

      You mean, like ta gay?


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