Sunday, March 31, 2013

This Croation man wants Jon Stewart to hire him as a correspondent. I think he might actually have a shot at the job.

Courtesy of this guy's YouTube account: 

There's an old joke in my country. Guy looks up at the sky and says: "God, why can't I win the lottery?" 

God replies:" Because you never bought a ticket, you idiot!" 

I've been watching Jon Stewart / "The Daily Show" for eight years now. Since day one I was completely blown away by the show. I wanted to be a part of it but for obvious reasons and the fact that I live thousands and thousands of miles away I couldn't just walk up to him and ask him for a job. But the idea of working with Jon Stewart side-by-side was something that was bugging me all along. So I finally called up some of my friends, and we shot this video. Posting this online was the hardest thing because to be honest, I'm f*cking scared. Some comedian from Croatia is trying to get a job on the most successful TV show in America? That sounds like a really, really bad joke. But if I hadn't done this, I would have regretted it, so I posted it online. 

If you like it that's awesome! If you don't ... WTF, man! Like it, come on! 

The idea of this video is so ridiculous it might work, I had to try. I made my own lottery ticket and just by clicking on it you helped me a lot! 

Maybe if this video goes viral Jon will see it, be amazed by my awesomeness and I'll get the job. Or he will see it, think I'm an idiot and I won't get the job, either way is fine by me (no, it's nooot!) When I get the job I'm going to buy you a bagel! Thanks for watching! And its gonna be a really nice bagel, not some old sh*t that's been lying around in the store for two days and nobody wanted to buy it... If you see me in the street and say:" Hey man, I watched your video and I posted it on Facebook and Twitter!", I'm going to buy you a bagel! F*ck that, I'm going to buy you two bagels! Now I made myself hungry... I have to go.

Well I think he is at least better than that Al Madrigal guy. (I never liked him much.)


  1. Balzafiar6:17 AM

    I disagree; he has no idea what funny is in America. He should keep his day job at the petrol station.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      You must be short and homely.

    2. Balzafiar9:40 AM

      @8:19 am

      And you must be trolling the boards looking for a date. Give it up; no one wants you. You'll just have to be content with giving blow jobs behind the 7-Eleven.

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Lucky us that humor is universal. I'm so happy I was born with a great sense of humor. Laughing is good.

    As Jimmy says: "If we couldn't laugh we'd just all go insane."

    Happy Chocolate Bunny/Egg Day to all.

  3. Very funny, I hope it works.

  4. hedgewytch8:52 AM

    The joke goes like this... Every day a man prays at the statue of the Virgin, "Oh Holy Mary, please, please let me win the lottery." After months of this daily prayer, one day as he is praying, "Oh Holy Mother Mary, Please, Please let me win the lottery", the statue comes alive, looks down with exasperation at the man and says "My Son, Please, Please, buy a lottery ticket."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.