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President Obama with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu |
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Touring the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem |
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Meeting with Palestinian children. |
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The children know, they always know. |
Friday, on the last day of Obama’s trip to Israel, Netanyahu finally called Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to apologize, as Obama has urged since 2010. The three-way call ended with a bit of goodwill and some policy changes: Israeli payment to the families of the victims, an easing of the Israeli embargo on Gaza (which the flotilla had sought to break), the “cancellation” of Turkey’s “legal steps” against the Israeli military and, most importantly, the restoration of full diplomatic relations. It’s a big deal.
Gee no WONDER Fox News refused to report on this visit. It must burn their ass to know they just lost one of the favorite avenues of attack.
I am proud of my President and I don't care who knows it.
What's more, I think ALL of us should be proud of the job he has done, and yes, that also means the Republicans, who if they were honest with themselves would HAVE to admit that the country is certainly a HELL of a lot better off today then it would have been if their candidate had won in 2008 OR 2012. ESPECIALLY in 2008!
(Photos courtesy of the Obama Diary.)
Beautiful, Gryphen, thanks. It does my tired heart good to see these lovely photos.
ReplyDeleteHave a great Sunday. :-)
I share your pride in our President. President Obama deserves another Nobel Peace Prize. He will be remembered in history as a remarkable POTUS.
DeleteChuck_Jr. just awoke with a ferocious hangover after passing out on the couch during the basketball games. And what Gryphen posted made him feel even worse... Good job, Gryph!
DeleteI saw just a snippet of Fox News yesterday evening, and the 'title' was "Failed Diplomacy"...meaning of course, Mr. Obama's visit to Israel. It was all about the heckler...and nothing after that. They did not show or air the president's response to the heckler or the standing ovation the crowd gave him. Unbelievable, but not really when it comes to Fox News. It's absolutely no wonder why Fox News viewers are so misinformed.
ReplyDeleteThat is taking something and twisting it to a negative. So much for fair and balanced news.
DeleteAnd do you know what has Sarah's panties in a twist? And therefore, her tens of followers? Obama said something about how we work out our differences with Canada with diplomacy, and how it would be better if Israel and the Palestinians could do that. My God! How could he compare Canada with a Palestine who has sworn to end Israel? How stupid is he? And where is the press? Rant on, Sarah. Your little band of misfits will rant and rave along with you..you, who couldn't even go over the border when you had your photo op with Netti. Poor jealous Sarah.
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason why the only two presidents who have been able to make any headway into this mess are Carter and Obama. They are both good men who care more about humanity then about themselves and the pocketbooks of their buddies.
ReplyDeleteNow if he could just convince BiBi that America really can't afford to keep subsidizing Israel to the tune of 6 billion bucks per year then we'd really feel good about their personal peace deal.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteThat first picture, with the president and Prime Minister Netanyahu with their arms around each other must get Sarah's panties all up in a nasty smelling wad.
ReplyDeleteShe's been wearing her Star of David necklace since her 'blood libel' speech that didn't go over very well with the Jewish people and this must really chafe her skinny ass.
"Todd! Throw that fucking necklace in the toilet. Fuck those Jews! Look at them, clapping and loving Obama...And get me another Redbull! Piper! Get the fuck out of the bathroom...I need to throw up my Cheerio. Somebody, go feed Trig some more baby food and a Zanex so I don't have to deal with him....
Oh John...Johnny Mc...Mc daddy...war hero...true patriot...why couldn't that have been me over there in Israel...getting all that attention and adoration...and good press. All I get is a photo op at a basketball game wearing a Chik-fil-A T-shirt and a filthy wig that barely stays on....Oh the inhumanity..."
I wonder what Mitt Romney thinks of the photo of our President and the Prime Minister with their arms around each other. I so love it!!!
DeleteI can only imagine what the moronic bigot is calling Netanyahu behind his back. Imagine what she really calls Jews, African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, etc. when she's holed up in her lair swigging the spirits. She is REPULSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI have always been proud of President Obama. The top of the list of greatness!
ReplyDeleteProud to say, me, my family and friends voted for him both times.
I am also proud of President Obams and get tears in my eyes when I see how much class he has.
ReplyDeleteAre you proud when he makes us all look stupid with another ignorant rambling "talk?"
Delete8:37, Do you feel stupid when he talks? Gee, I'm sorry about that. All I can say is maybe you should have gotten that GED after all...... You're really missing out.
DeleteI love that Shit-for-Brains put “talk" in quote marks, and with the question mark inside them no less! Speak of yer “rambling" wrecks...
Delete8:37, I'll bet you hate the fact that the country and the world don't buy your hateful propaganda. Good luck with that.
DeleteChuck_Jr., my remarks about your hangover inadvertently were posted above. Word.
DeleteI'm extremely impressed and proud. That speech and the wapo article blew me away.
ReplyDeleteI feel that President Obama left the middle east a better place than it was when he got there. This could be the start of something big!
To quote Jace, "Yes We Can!"
And to quote VP Biden, "That's a big f*cking deal!!
DeleteI'm with you 1000% Uncle G and thank you for your frequent reminders to appreciate our President and his efforts to bring about a semblance of peace and maturity to this country and around the world. I, like you, see his wisdom in reaching out to children and younger voters hoping to protect the future of Democracy.
ReplyDeleteThose, especially the liberal and progress ones, with imaginations vivid enough to describe his list of 'failures' should also be able to easily envision what things 'could have been' and where we'd all be sitting today. Very scary scenario. Gag.
Your world doesn't have to be negative. Life is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIf you need a laugh, just watch President Obama speak without a crutch. He is living proof anyone can become President.
You're beautiful. In the biblical sense.
DeleteNow, now, try not to show your petty, ignorant bitterness and stupidity so much. It's not becoming at all. Tone down the jealousy, too.
DeleteIt's not your fault you can never be as intelligent, educated, and cultured as President Obama. But projecting your obvious limitations on him is ludicrous.
Unfortunately, your opinion does not match with reality. And yes, anyone can become President, who is wicked intelligent, articulate, kind-hearted. And Black. Sorry that the country has changed and racist assholes are now the minority.
DeleteYou must really hate yourself.
DeleteLife sure is beautiful with President Obama in it. And it is truly wonderful that someone brought up by his white mother & grandparents - with a black father - became President of the USA. Against so many odds - with hope alongside him - he is the most remarkable of men. The US is so lucky to have him.
DeleteHeyyyyyyy, $arah, have you laid that Big Gulp "Statute" Of Liberty schtick to rest and observe how MATURE people behave?? Of course you haven't.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn''t the national media showing these photos? I've not seen them - has anyone else?
ReplyDeleteI'm very proud of President Obama - he ALWAYS represents America beautifully. And, yes, I voted for him both times!
Yeah, me I only voted for 'im once, just as with President Carter--only in both cases it was for reelection. I did tug votes for Obama in 2008 though as in 2012, of that I'm both glad and proud; and Turkey sure is the BFD, btw.
ReplyDeleteI used to read the news sites first, then click on to your blog.
Now I go to the MSM after reading your posts.
I too am very proud of our President, but it burns my ass every day to think what he could be accomplishing domestically if even a few of the Republikons in Congress would learn to walk upright and be cooperative for a change.
ReplyDeleteFox will always have Benghazi to flog.
ReplyDeleteAnd the rest of us will always have Iraq and the thousands and thousands of lost lives there ... needlessly.
DeleteYes, indeed, Gryphen, and thank you. His skill, understanding, intelligence and compassion show through every time; I'm never disappointed in his grace, humor, and love of children. Aren't we just so lucky? Yes, stupid Republicans, yes, insufferable teabagger, yes, we are, not that you deserve his service on your behalf.
ReplyDeleteIf the GOP would step up and serve their country in the truest sense of the word, we would all prosper and Obama would be judged to have been one of our very best presidents. He makes me prouder than I can say. Okay, I'll admit it, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the man and, much more importantly, I TRUST him to always do what is right for the United States.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud as an American that President Obama is in the White House. I have felt so much safer with him leading the country than I ever did during the Bush administration. When George W. Bush was president I felt ashamed of our country - every minute he and his cohort of bandits were in charge.
Rise and Shine…….A photo essay.
What, no blog post about President Obama's embarrassing statements on Israeli-Palestinian relations?
You are referring to ... ?