Monday, April 08, 2013

Chelsea Clinton opens the door for possible future political career.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

In a surprising interview, Chelsea Clinton told "Today" that she is open to the possibility of running for public office one day. 

"Right now I'm grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative," she said in an interview that aired Monday. 

Clinton continued, "If at some point that weren't true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I'd have to ask and answer that question."

With all this talk today about female politicians, and the passing on of mantles, I thought it appropriate to talk about the REAL future of female politicians in this country.

Personally I think the idea of a Chelsea Clinton political campaign in the next ten years is almost as certain as her mother running in 2016.

Yep not only will Hillary get the Presidency that Sarah Palin so coveted, but her child will likely achieve far greater things than all of the Palin litters put together.


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Disagree my friend. Chelsea's swanning around on network TV is one degree of separation from Bristol on DWTS. Time for Chelsea to make her own way and start contributing to society. She is wasting that Stanford degree.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      5:09 You assuredly don't know anything about Chelsea. Suggest you do some research. There is no comparison of her to Bristol Palin - makes me laugh! Chelsea is and will be a far bigger success in life than Bristol (she already is!!!) ever thought of being. Chelsea is well educated already and smart! She has parents that taught and guided her well too! Plus, she has a husband that is sharp, well educated and financially secure himself.

    2. I agree with 5:09. She's on a much higher level than Bristol of course but Chelsea has done nothing but chase the big money. I would like her better if she had done something with that silver spoon like join the Peace Corps or something. She's just a wealthy New Yorker with not much of a clue about the real lives of most people. Except maybe her chauffeur and doorman.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      5:09 & 8:02


    4. Anonymous11:15 PM

      5:09 & 8:02 & 10:05 (below)


      bill was an extremely gifted charismatic leader. hillary has been a successful bureaucrat, but she will not be president. (sorry optimistic hillary fans). and speculation of chelsea's future here, simply based on who her parents are, is laughable.

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I love the idea of Hillary running for President. I love Bill Clinton, in spite of some bad programs that took place during his presidency, and some bad behavior on his part during his presidency. The few times that I've seen Chelsea on TV were unimpressive. She's probably bright, and she comes from a numero uno political family. But, that isn't enough for her to be running for office, not yet. Let her work on her mother's political campaign. Let her take an active role in community outreach projects. Let her get some experience, first.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      It did not sound to me like she was in any hurry and she left herself LOTS of wiggle room. I would suspect she would do exactly those things as the time passes before she would EVER consider a serious political run.

      And besides, 'running for public office' does not immediately translate in to a president or even a congressperson. She names ALL kinds of political offices, so to jump to the conclusion that she is hot to get on the political circuit makes no sense to me.

      And OF COURSE she looks at being a public servant, she's been around it all her life, it's in her blood. I don't think we'll see Chelsea running for anything, any time soon, but down the road, I could see it, after some time, seasoning, experience and making her mark in the world. She doesn't strike me as someone who behaves rashly.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Thanks 6:23 That's was my response too.

      Frankly, if she said she wouldn't run I wouldn't necessarily believe it. What does a young 30-something know about what she might do in the future. Ronald Reagan didn't know he would run for President at under 35. Nor did Eisenhower and a whole bunch more. I have a neighbor who said he'd never run for county representative. That was a few years before he ran and won. It's occurred to me I might run for School Board. Hmm. Never know.

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Why does she need to work on her mom's campaign (BTW, she did work on her primary campaign) to run for school board, county rep, dog catcher?

    4. Anonymous8:47 PM

      @ 7:07 She did work on her mother's primary campaign. GWB got his start in politics working on his father's campaigns. Tagg Romeny is thinking of running for office, and his only experience is working on his father's presidential campaigns. That's where some people get started. Meghan McCain used her campaign experience to write a blog and land a job writing for Daily Beast. One of the Huntsman daughters writes for Huffington Post. It looks like a pattern.

    5. Anonymous11:19 AM

      The thing that distinguishes all of these young ladies from Bristol, aside from their education and intellect, is that key ingredient, WORK.

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    If she combines her father's political instincts and persuasiveness with her mother's work ethic, along with wicked smarts from both, we should see some successful campaigns. What a legacy horse in the race!

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Totally OT, sorry! But, article about a 4 year old using an off-duty police officer's personal gun to shoot the officer's wife.

  5. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Sorry, OT again, but here's another article about the toddler using a sheriff deputy's gun to shoot the deputy's wife:,0,537977.story

  6. Why have the Clinton's become the media's darlings - If you are a democrat you have to be out of power for the media to approve. If Hillary attempts to run - wait for the reaction - it will not be nice.

  7. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I think she has grown into quite the lady...attractive, well educated, well spoken and the product of wonderful parents. I would love to see her run for office. It's going to be fun watching her in the future.

  8. Anonymous7:39 PM

    With the Alaska GOP set to meet Monday evening to decide the fate of party chairwoman Debbie Brown of Kasilof, she has seized the Republican headquarters in Anchorage and is threatening to arrest anyone who tries to enter the building.

  9. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

    Hey, not all politician's daughters can cut losing on DWTS, failing at reality television (I know, right?) nor master the vigorous intellectual exercise to master hair school, let alone birthing them babies!

    When the time comes, I'm sure Chelsea's got what it takes to be in politics.

  10. And she's already had the cosmetic surgery that will ensure her success on TV!

    Has anyone been paying attention to what the Dims have done to us (working hand-in-glove almost with the Rethugs) since Bill and Hill? My god.

    Seems we deserve what the 1% has planned for us.

    Do you think Hill and Chel will soften those Social Security and Medicare cuts?

    Not to mention all that new war spending and increased tax cuts for the rich?

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM



      is that what it sez on breitfart ?

    2. You haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.

  11. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I am very happy to have another liberal in public office and the Clinton pedigree will most assuredly get her far. But honestly, weren't she and her new hubby reported recently as having bought a $10 million pad in NYC? That could feed a few homeless Haitian kids......I mean does anyone really need a $10 million-dollar home? Especially someone who supposedly cares about the homeless? What is she, 25 years old? Come on.

  12. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Let's look at this la "Game Change." Does anyone seriously think that articulate Chelsea sat with note cards writing down the names and locations of foreign countries, policies, etc., when her parents discussed politics at home? I think not.

    She knows a lot more than people give her credit for, and whether or not she wants to get into the mix is her decision and hers alone.

    Compare her to Liz Cheney, Meghan McCain, Bristol Palin, Ben Quayle...there IS no comparison.

    1. DetroitSam6:32 PM

      Chelsea traveled around the world extensively throughout her life with her parents, so I'm positive that she knows that Africa is not a country. Unlike someone else we know.

  13. Anonymous3:08 AM

    I remeber when she was a teen in the White House and she had the ambition of being a "pediatric cardiologist". She is definitely smart enough to do anything.
    I guess there wasn't enough draw in medicine for her. Too bad.

  14. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I'm a big fans of the Clintons and hope that Hillary runs in 2015, but I just don't get on the Chelsea bandwagon -- at least not based on what I know so far. She is obviously very smart and educated and articulate (unlike the Palin kids), but all this "charisma" that everybody keeps talking about just evades me. Her work on NBC was cut short due to poor ratings & she is a fine but pretty uninspiring speaker to listen to. That's great if she wants to run for office and probably can do some good, but this big Saint Chelsea bandwagon seems contrived & a bit unrealistic to me.

    1. DetroitSam6:33 PM

      Stop yer' whining. Give her time to grow.

  15. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I don't get the negativity. Chelsea seems like a nice young woman. She was brought up in a family that can open doors for her. Her father and mother can bring in lots of money and crowds to help with a credible candidacy. And all she has said is maybe someday she'll run for some office.

    Now people are complaining she's buying homes that are too expensive (like it is somehow selfish and immoral to live in Manhatten), not paying her dues, wasting her elite education (that she hasn't yet finished - she's in a doctoral program), and following in Bristol's footsteps.

    I have no idea if Chelsea would make a credible candidate. I don't even know what sea she MIGHT run for someday. Her comment seems more that of a person who is wise to politcs. She made no committments. She specified no office. She said she MIGHT run someday. I see no downside to such a statement except sniping. If she said she wouldn't ever run, that could come back to haunt her. Lots of politicians never thought they'd be doing what they are doing today when they were 30-something.

    1. DetroitSam6:35 PM

      Who would rather have in public service, Chelsea or the spawn of the Koch brothers, Karl Rove or Dick Cheney?

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Much as I think that Chelsea Clinton is a lovely and intelligent young woman and a credit to her parents, I would like to see her with a law school degree working for social justice somewhere. Or perhaps doing social work. The financial world is not a good first step for a career in national politics. If Chelsea has such a goal, and nothing is clear at this point, she needs to be out there working with and for ordinary people. Organizing annual meetings for the Clinton Global Initiative is not quite the ticket.

  17. Anonymous9:46 AM

    @7:50 - Chelsea hasn't even finished her education yet. And if I had Hillary & Bill for parents, I might avoid comparisons by not going to law school. She has a Master's in Public Health, worked on INterfaith issues at an Institute, and has used her financial background to raise funds for her dad's philanthropic foundation. She's still in school, and still discovering what she is going to do with her life.

    Just ask Elizabeth Warren if understanding the financial world is a good background for politics.

    HOly MOly. Someone asks Chelsea a question (she didn't bring up the subject) about future political plans, she says Maybe, someday, while she goes about following her interests and talents and people are all critical.

  18. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I want Bristol to run for the Wasilla village idiot opening, now that the Bitch resides in Arizona. She would be a natural shoe in. She could get Gino to be her City-Manager, since he failed as trial husband.

  19. Chelsea Clinton is a class act -- unlike anyone named Palin.

  20. DetroitSam6:24 PM

    Who wants to bet that Chelsea did not need a ghost writer to write her comments. Such a classy person, unlike the Palin brood.


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