Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chris Hayes interviews MHP about the Right Wing freakout over her MSNBC promo.

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I think my favorite part of this is hearing Melissa Harris-Perry giggle in the background as Hayes set up the spot and describes how irrationally upset the Fox News became over her innocuous statements.

And some of the faces on those Fox New contributors while they are ranting about this makes me wonder if a number of those people should not be institutionalized.



  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I saw that story on Chris Hayes, and started to worry about those that have to watch Fox News for reporting. Fox News is bizarre!

  2. angela6:43 AM

    At this point right wing media is just babbling. They've destroyed the GOP
    brand with people like Limbaugh, Malkin and Palin acting butthurt and insane everytime a liberal opens their mouth. They need to keep it up though. I like the idea of no republican presidents for about twenty years. But lets face it--they are all just trying to make a dime off the idiots who take them seriously.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Every time one of the geniuses on the right has a mouth fart over something innocuous, I can almost hear Jon Bon Jovi's 'Blaze of Glory' playing. I guess that's what the regressives think they're doing. Sadly as they go down, they're going to try their best to take as many people with them as possible.

  3. SHARON6:45 AM

    This interpretation of MHP goes hand in hand with all of their insane views, and I use that term loosely.
    Faux is a show, entertainment for the hate loving morons with negative IQs. You have to think these guys are laughing their asses off when they go off camera, knowing how many actually believe this krap and the amount of money they make spewing it. The funny part is they are the ones that need a community to raise their kids...the only hope they would have at normal, whatever that is.

    1. linda8:54 AM

      i think the same thing. it's all just an act and they don't really believe what they are saying. maybe i'm naive but i don't think that many of them are really that ignorant. if they have a brain, they know what they are spewing is nutso, but they put on the act for entertainment. limbaugh does the same thing.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Beware of the twenty second sound bite! Fox is practicing that age old ploy of taking something out of context then bending it to suit their agenda. This is something that conservatives have long accused the media of doing, and to be honest they have, but Fox has shown a definite mastery of the art.

  5. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The right wing propaganda machine would have made Goebbels proud. Just utter lies in small sound bites and repeat them often and loud enough to get the uneducated masses stirred up (e.g. "LESS GOVERNMENT!!!!!").

    Unfortunately, MHP got caught up in the right wing propaganda machine. Actually, though, she should wear it as a badge of honor. What she said resonated well enough with the reasonable majority that the right wing had to find a way to mangle the message into their own hate-filled rhetoric

  6. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Coming in a little late to the initial kerfluffel: our community is turning into a retirement/recreational community, what with all the manufacturing jobs leaving, along with the workers and the factory heads.

    We thus have a smaller base of children for the public school system, but our elementary school is woefully outdated and falling apart. In order to build a new one, we need a bond issue passed by our residents -- many of whom have no children who will be affected, and never will. It is their willingness to pay for the welfare of the community that makes us all work together. They will benefit tangentially by having citizens who were better educated and cared for when they were growing up, and by living in a community that will attract homebuyers and builders, which will affect their pocketbooks when they want to sell their retirement homes.
    None of us is cut off from the community in a democratic society. No one is talking about Maoism, Nazism, collectivization, or any of the other straw men the fox people threw up. We're talking about what has made America work, as a cooperative society, since the very beginning. All men are created equal.

  7. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I feel bad for the Fox crazies as they obviously didn't have the enjoyment of living in a neighborhood where everyone knew who you were and who your parents were and had full permission to sort you out f you misbehaved. Darn that collective parenting i endured. Guess that's why i bought a house in a neighborhood where everyone knows your name and the kids are well behaved because thy know their parents are a phone call or a short walk away.

    OT just saw a picture of the very petite tight abbed Halle Berry who at 3 1/2 months is bigger than a certain half term Governor was at 8mth.

  8. Dinty9:14 AM

    OT: Sarah Palin has spoken out about the tensions on the Korean Peninsula:

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I can't help but think that the GOP and their RWNJ's are testing out an attack on "it takes a village" to see if it might be a means to derail Hillary's run in 2016.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      When I saw this attack on MHP, I immediately thought of the kaniption the right wing had when Hillary's book came out. I remember growing up in the 60's and 70's that the neighborhood watched out for everyone's kids, both to keep them safe and in my case, occasionally, to let their parents know when they were acting up. Do that now and you're in a fight.

  10. I've chosen not to have children of my own, but I do care about children as a whole. I'm a very devoted auntie and I've done a lot of volunteer work on the behalf of children. I love talking to the young people at my church and learning about what's important to them. I think one of the reasons why I do this is because I grew up surrounded by self-absorbed, greedy adults who didn't give a flying fig about anybody or anything beyond them including children. I refuse to treat younger generations in the same shabby manner.

    More on-topic: I adore MHP. I have a total girl crush on her. I love reading her pieces in "The Nation." And her laugh is so genuine and contagious.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    I got into this awhile back in a conversation with an elderly neighbor whom I help run chores and do her taxes. She went into this tirade about how she shouldn't pay school taxes because all her kids are out of school. I tried explaining that part of her property value is based on the schools in her area, that elderly people and childless people were paying taxes to support her kids schools, etc etc.

    For some reason, she never asked me to do her taxes again. I wonder what channel she gets her "news" from?

    I love both Melissa and Chris's shows, but what was he thinking when he named his show? "All In" is the title of Petrayus's girlfriend's book.


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