Friday, April 05, 2013

Ever since Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy, now every famous pregnant person is suspect. Update!

Courtesy of The Hollywood Gossip: 

The National Enquirer screams on its latest cover that Kim Kardashian is faking her pregnancy because her "baby bump seems to change size and position… as she travels around the country." 

Why would Kim possibly conduct such a hoax? Straight cash, of course. 

Alleges the newspaper: 

“A source close to Kim believes the star might have hatched a sensational scheme with her money-hungry momager Kris Jenner to fake her pregnancy while secretly having a surrogate mom carry a baby for her and her lover Kanye West." 

Well... sure. 

Asks the newspaper: “How convenient is it that Kim got pregnant just as she was making a mad push to wrap up her ongoing divorce from Kris Humhpries?” 

And also: 

“It also would be an insane coincidence that Kim just so happened to get pregnant soon after she learned the girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush - Lilit Avagyan - is pregnant.”

Okay now I don't think that Sarah Palin was the FIRST person to fake a pregnancy, but clearly her  audacious, and successful, attempt to fool the public has meant that certain media outlets have scrutinized famous pregnancies with a particular eye out for frauds. (I have spoken to TWO different writers for the National Enquirer and they both accept as fact that Palin faked her pregnancy.)

Now as you know there was a lot of controversy surrounding Beyone's recent "pregnancy" as well.  In THAT case I am on the side of that being a potential hoax.

However in Kardashian's case I really am not convinced that she is faking it. After reading this I Googled some images and it looks like her entire body is expanding, and NOT like somebody simply strapping on a empathy belly to fool the media.

However I would like to say that considering the fact that Klondike Kardashian seems to have based her life after leaving the governorship on the business model laid out by the ACTUAL Kardashians, it would be rather ironic if Kim were returning the favor by taking a page out of the Palin playbook as well.

I'm just saying.

Update! You know the first thing I think of WHENEVER anybody questions the validity of a pregnancy, is that if the local press in Alaska had demonstrated even a fraction of that kind of skepticism about Palin's pregnancy she would have been quickly found out and it would have dramatically changed the face of politics in the country today.

Kind of makes you pissed off at the ADN all over again doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I think most people recognize that she faked her pregnancy, but there is no way to legally prove it and she knows it and feels comfortable that she got away with it. But, let her run for office again and see how fast it makes the headlines.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM


      dunno that $he's gotten entirely away with it because knowing the $kank fraud it won't be long 'til $he really pisses whomever off that knows the truth combined with the possibility of running outta hush money, errrrr, postage/consulting money

      that and her little circle of dipshits that do know the truth will someday figure out that there's a lot more money to be made by exposing the fraudulent $kank_tard - that's what i wanna see

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM


  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Kim needs advice from Sponge Bob's mother of Tight Ab pride. Seriously, if you are going to fake a pregnancy better to go with the square pillow then look so weird. Kim has designers plus do her outfits and she looks AWFUL. She makes the pre-skin 'n bones Sarah Palin look good. A good fake job that is.

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Kind of makes me po'd at the whole crime syndicate that the ADN is only a part.

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Kim Kardashian is way too fucking vain to go around looking like she presently does...her whole face, boobs, butt, and thighs have exploded...if she wasn't pregnant. This bitch makes her money on her looks and image, and pregnancy has taken a vicious toll on hers. She would not ruin her looks just to expedite her divorce...she's way too into herself for that. Plus, having Kanye Wests baby ensures a whole lotta extra cash for the next 18 years.

    Virginia Voter

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Virginia, KK sure is vain but she is also a media whore and I think she sees the writing on the wall re: her falling popularity and for her vanity < attention.

    2. Leland3:45 PM

      Personally, I have never found her the least bit attractive. She has always appeared vainglorious and artificial to me. WAY too much makeup and far too much emphasis on her boobs and the rest of her figure.

      Quite frankly, as I see it, if it weren't for Bruce Jenner marrying the mother AND Kim having that sex film "leak out", she probably would have gone nowhere in the public limelight.

      She's as bad as Paris Hilton - except Hilton didn't need to grub for money.

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      I believe she is faking it. Two day ago she had a huge belly, then the next day her belly was flat, then today it is big again.

    4. Anonymous6:13 AM

      when this baby is born, it will be Kris Humphries according to law.

      Any child born in a marriage is of the marriage. Kim screwed herself.

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sarah should tell Kim to wear scarfs to hid her pregnancy just like she did with Trig...this way no one will know how much weight she's gained.

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Sarah Palin made a lot of mistakes regarding her fake pregnancy. Starting with the flat square seat cushion, traveled to Texas and wanted people to believe she leaked amniotic fluid across America, couldn't get her stories straight when her family first found out that Tri-G had DS and who delivered him and who was at the hospital and... on and on and on....

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Not to mention the stream of photos showing how un-pregnant she was before suddenly donning the fake-pregnancy tummy. How dumb can someone be to think that "tight abs" could be a rational explanation!

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Sarah Palin makes a lot of mistakes because she is incompetent. Stupid, also, too.

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I get furious everytime I read anything about a fake pregnancy after Palin pulled it off. Tabloids said the same about Beyonce that they are now saying about Kim. I personally think that Kim is just fat and not pregnant.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Bey faked her pregnancy too. No talent bitch was just in it for the money, same as when she lip synched during the inaugural. All these women faking shit for money because they have ZERO talent.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Who is Bey?

  8. Anonymous12:33 PM

    OT, There is a kid over at C4P who is trying to get Palin to talk at her college and the booking agent told her $90K plus, hotel, meals and wifi for at least 3 people.

    She's too naive to know she can probably talk them down to $5k and a night with a local basketball player.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Hmm, that's interesting. 90K?? What a waste. I guess some colleges can't fix stupid.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      What, no private jet or bendy straws?

    3. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I wonder if that's how much she's getting for that Terri Schiavo gig. If so, now wonder they upped the price for a "visit." Palin wasn't that much of a draw and they're hoping for one or two suckers so they can at least break even.

    4. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Private jets, big gulps and bendy straws would be compliments of SarahPAC.

  9. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Another punch in the throat for Sarah Lou.
    We know.

  10. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I don't think Kim is faking a pregnancy. I just so happened to watch a episode of her show recently. In the show they didn't discuss her being pregnant so I think this show was tape before she announced it. But what I noticed right away was her veins in her breasts were very pronounced. I have seen this on myself when it happened in early pregnancy and I have guessed that other women were pregnant based on this before they announced it.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      I'm built similarly to Kim (small waist, wide hips and biiiiiig butt--- sadly no boobies, lol), and when I was pregnant I carried very low. Even at 41 wks the doctors said I did not show much-- although it seemed pretty obvious to me. But seeing how/where she's gaining the weight (like Gryphen said: filling out, not just a little basketball) I'm inclined to think she's actually pregnant.
      I see a lot of photos of the Kardashians because I enjoy seeing their choice of style (hard to find inspiration for my body type in magazines, lol), and she's gained not just in the face, but her upper/inner thighs. She does have a horrible maternity style though.

  11. OT -- Gryph, this gem was dropped by a college student who posts at C4P. Seems she's trying to get Griftzilla to speak at her school.

    Regarding the speaking fee: "The booking agent told me $90,000 plus hotel (1 day I'm assuming) meals, and stuff like wifi for up to 3 people (Todd, a kid, and her)."

    I wonder if that's what she's getting for the Terri Schiavo gig.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      That's the same peekid who volunteered at CPAC and didn't get even a look from her queen, unlike the peebots who have trailed her for years.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      A couple of days ago, it was reported that they had sold 150 tickets @$300. For $2500, you can get an audience with Quitter but so far no takers. At this rate they will be in the hole after paying Payme.

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    She has come down from her $100k plus for speaking fees and no private jet... She is falling - just not fast enough.

  13. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The NI article does photo comparisons, just like the ones you see of Sarah Palin - except more pics:

  14. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I think Sarah got the idea from Katie Holmes. There was a lot of speculation that Katie was already PG when she hooked up with Tom, and that she wore an empathy belly for a few months after the delivery to make it seem plausible that Suri actually was Tom's kid. That happened in 2006, and we know Sarah was a religious reader of tabloids, so she definitely would have been aware of the whole thing. Katie's belly didn't always look too convincing ( -- you can Google "katie holmes fake pregnancy" for more suspicious-looking photos). Sarah probably figured that if Katie could get away with it under the close scrutiny of tabloids, it would be even easier for her during the winter/spring in Alaska. And she was even more careless about creating a remotely credible pretense.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      I could believe that after remembering another Scientologist with the same rumors. John Travolta's wife, Kelly Preston.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Wasn't it a plotline on Desperate Housewives that she saw in early '08?

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      HAHA this is an Anonymous posting.

      Yeah that Scientology is some WHACK ASS CHIT! The Loons that follow it make Sarah seem sane. Hey butt puppets of Xenu hows your WHACK ASS drug treatment scam been working lately?

      I hear its been a FAIL in the courts.

    4. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Plus Suri is the spitting image of her Asian biological father.

  15. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I think one reason that no one really hit the Palins hard about a faked pregnancy is that this was one way the families hid an out-of-wedlock pregnancy by claiming the baby was a new brother or sister. It worked back then because people did not live as exposed lives. They did the best they could for their daughter and child. It might be whispered about in the community.

    However, the motive in this case was not to protect the daughter but to boost grandma's political future. The whole thing was too um personal that the press considered it female troubles and they weren't going there. Lies should never be this convoluted if people are expected to believe the story. Hard to prove without science when evidence appears to be based on "creationism." I would trust not a birth certificate at this point in time.

    If the McCain campaign had vetted her before tapping her, it would have been a game change and we wouldn't get to play after all these years.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I absolutely AGREE!

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      >>>If the McCain campaign had vetted her before tapping her,<<<

      Oh I think that John spent a lot of time thinking about tapping her, and whether he did or didn't, only Sarah and the FBI know.

  16. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Did either of the Enquirer writers say why their mag never wrote about Palin's pregnancy hoax?

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      I believe the Enquirer wrote about the "rumor" of a questionable pregnancy early on after she was nominated. A family member of mine read the story in the supermarket and then mentioned it to me. I loathed the snarky Sarah from the get-go, but I thought that anyone who would think she could get away with a stunt like that must be really ignorant.

      So, I researched on-line in order to dispel her gullibility, and instead began to see that what was really harder to believe was that Sarah could have given birth to that child....after seeing the flat-bellied photos and considering her crazy birth story.

  17. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I suspect McCain and Palin have major dirt on each other and that is why he will never say anything negative (in other words, truthful) about her. Maybe when he dies all the Palin lies and illegal activities will finally be exposed.

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      I suspect McCain was a client of Todd's.

  18. Anonymous1:50 PM

    There was a blind item a few weeks ago concerning a starlet that had a miscarriage but was still pretending to be pregnant because of the publicity. The Kardashians are such trash that they just might go this route to keep the bucks flowing to them; the Family that is Famous for No Good Reason. (except for the sex tape...I really hope there is no kid because how do you ever explain to that kid that Mommy Got Famous for Being Urinated on by a D-List singer???)

    1. Dis Gusted3:33 PM

      sounds like Beyonce - she really was pregnant the first time, and didn't get beyond 5 months along.

      She didn't want to go through it again, so hired a surrogate from Brazil to have their child.

      KK could possibly be faking it....she was always overweight and looked pregnant for years.

  19. Anonymous1:52 PM

    It's pretty hard to be pissed off at ADN now that they put up their paywall and simply NO ONE visits there any longer. ADN killed themselves with the paywall, and the whole time they thought that Alaskans were gonna pay for their crap news. Same with Frontiersman, no one is paying. We all read whatever we can get for free and then move on....

  20. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The difference between Palin faking a pregnancy and some of the other celebrities faking a pregnancy is Bristol. Sarah wanted to be chosen as the Republican VP candidate. A cruise boat full of neo-cons had come up to Alaska and they liked her. She was probably on a short list. But, having a pregnant unmarried teen aged daughter would not play well with the religious conservative base of the GOP.

    Maybe the original plan was just to have Bristol give up the baby for adoption. She dropped out of sight for a while when she had "mono." However, the baby was born prematurely with a number of health problems. That meant that the baby wasn't going to be very adoptable. When it looked as if he was going to survive and that he had DS, Sarah saw this as a gift from God. Sarah would claim the baby as her own. (The conservative Gina Loudon had adopted a DS child, and the conservative world thought that was great!) After a relatively short pregnancy which Sarah disguised with scarves, she could produce the DS child as her badge of honor of family values and right to life credentials. For Sarah, it covered up Bristol's pregnancy and provided Sarah with the ultimate political prop.

    The other celebrities may have wanted a child but being pregnant might get in the way of their career. Maybe they had trouble conceiving. Let someone else carry the child that they could claim as their own. They weren't covering up for anyone. Do mothers cover up for a pregnant unwed teen aged daughter's pregnancy? Bobby Darin, the pop singer, learned as an adult that his older sister was really his mother, and the woman who raised him and whom he called "Mom" was really his grandmother. It happens.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Good luck! Do you have a recording device!

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Same thing with Jack Nicholson.

  21. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Seriously, would Kim look like this if she wasn't pregnant?

  22. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Is Kim still married to the fake wedding guy? Why did Kanye want to knock her up before she finished up her old business?

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Same reason Gino or any guy wanted Bristol who is on the hunt for a trial daddy for Tripp?

      They wanted snatch and they're stupid.

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      The fake wedding guy was - and is still - being difficult about the divorce. His stupid greedy fake wife needs a divorce in a hurry, or her baby will legally be a child of the marriage when its born. Couldn't happen to a nicer tramp, could it?

    3. Dis Gusted4:30 PM

      that would be funny. KK's baby would be a Humphrie legally, and he could file for custody. Won't that go over well?

  23. Anonymous2:50 PM

    My favorite part of the Palin hoax are her emails from April 2008 showing how she and her crack staff had a hard time coming up with a way to stop the rumors that she wasn't pregnant and didn't give birth to Trig. They brilliantly decided to use the AK media--especially the ADN gossip column--to try to shame the gossipmongers. Because it makes sense (to an idiot or to a liar) to spread a rumor in the media rather than offer documents to disprove it.

  24. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Most EVERYONE knows $arah faked it ALL now, from day one when she entered Alaska politics to the present. What's pathetic is her need for the attention at damn near 50. She'll have a junior high mentality until she's in the ground turning to dust.

    Humanity rubbernecks train wrecks. To think that she'd be okay with that as long as money is coming in. Most of us value our reputation, she obviously does not. Whore of a different color.

  25. Anonymous3:12 PM

    OMFG.... Im here!!! Very friendly crowd. Chugged some wine to relax. Wish me luck

    1. Dis Gusted3:35 PM

      good luck and don't get too close....

      Critters can jump you know.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Good luck!

  26. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hey one of Todd's buddy's got busted!

    Florida Department of Law Enforcement officers arrested 51-year-old John Shearen of Leesberg, Florida on Thursday on charges of possession and distribution of child pornography. According to Orlando’s WFTV Channel 9, police found Shearen to be in possession of between 500,000 and 1 million full-length pornographic films featuring minor children.

    Police called Shearron the largest downloader and distributor of child pornography in Florida and with 15 counts of child pornography possession and 15 counts of child pornography distribution. He was booked into Lake County Jail without bond.

    Shearon was at his basement computer downloading still more images of exploited children when police burst into his Leesburg, Florida apartment and took him into custody. Agents identified Shearon in March while monitoring activity on child pornography websites and have been tracking him since then.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      And Piper dresses provocatively for her younf age. These are sick people.

  27. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I am pissed off at the ADN. AND even more pissed off at the GOP and the McCain campaign for abetting the mentally unstable Sarah Palin.

  28. While I do believe KK is pregnant, I would totally believe she'd stuff herself and go through 9 months of looking like a lumpy frumpy. Why? To cash in big time after the birth. Weight Watchers, magazine covers, "how I lost the baby weight!!"

  29. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Haha. The "Make. It. Stop." Anchorage Daily News.

    "Make. It. Stop.

    Posted by adn_jomalley

    Anchorage Daily News

    Posted: April 14, 2011 - 6:05 pm

    Just when the Trig-Isn't-Really-Sarah-Palin's-Baby emails with the capital letters and exclamation points finally stopped showing up, a journalism professor in Kentucky is making the rounds with his "academic paper," trying to prove the roundly debunked conspiracy theory (that haunted most journalists in this state for years) is actually real.

    Please, someone, make it stop.

    Author Joe McGinniss, who has a forthcoming book about Palin, is not making it stop. He has been gleefully tweeting about it all week. He must know it's bunk, but the buzz will help him cash in."

    Continue. Please continue.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Only KP writes "Huh?"

      I get it, 4:10. But the meme is: "Please proceed, ADN."

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      "Please proceed, ADN."

      lol sorry about that it, but was beer thirty two hours before I posted that! The main point was the ABSOLUTEKLY BRUIL:L:AINT story written by some ADFN reporter.

      Please proceed, ADN. Please proceed, Joe Miller. Please proceed, Don "Buttf*cking" Young!

    3. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Oh I forgot the link to

      Make. It. Stop.

      Siccem KP, Alaska Jack awaits you at the link!

  30. Usually respect Julia O'malleys viewpoint, but she dropped the journalism ball on this one. Didn't offer any facts to disprove the rumors, just mocked them. You're better than that, Jilia!

  31. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

    What, exactly, is Kim's Talent? Her father made it big getting OJ off for double murder, then he died. His wife hooked up with plastic fantastic bruce "The juice" Jenner, and suddenly it's "Kardashianapalooza".
    She parlayed the name and gets paid big bucks by companies to mention products on social media. She got married then gets knocked up without divorce. Of course Kim's faking being pregnant, she just padded on the lbs to shill for jenny craig, weight watchers, Trim Spa... whoever pays her the most.
    Then it a line of baby junk, selling photos and stories, and a new reality show.

    I can understand actresses who decide to fake pregnancies or just adopt. Their "window" to make movies and act is limited enough already, but it's their decision and doesn't take away from their talent.

    We all know Sarah's reasons, the quest to win the election (ha ha ha) by deceiving the public, an unforgivable ruse that could have destroyed our country and possibly the world.

    Remember the dj's that she thought was the President of France? Bwahahaaahaaa.


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