Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Final image of the day.

Our President comforting a crying boy during yesterday's Easter egg roll at the White House.

I know I am an old softie but these images, which demonstrate the President's humanity, always make me so proud that we elected him.

HuffPo has the video.


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    An Eggcellent Hug


    Lots more awesomeness here:


    LOVE our First Family! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. They are such GOOD people.

    1. AKinPA6:23 PM

      I so thoroughly agree. They just radiate genuine warmth, compassion, and goodness.

      I couldn't help but try to imagine what an Easter Egg Hunt with the Romneys would look like when I noticed President Obama's scuffed shoes.

    2. PalinsHoax4:49 AM

      "I couldn't help but try to imagine what an Easter Egg Hunt with the Romneys would look like ..."

      Oh, I can imagine an Easter Egg Hunt with the Romneys. Mitt would make sure that he was the first one to run out and gather all the Easter Eggs. And if any children should happen to have an egg in their basket, Mitt would be sure to swipe it - with his silly "hehehe" laugh, as if his thievery was a big joke.

      President Obama is all CLASS. Mitt is all A$$.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM

      6:23, I was thinking the same thing! Either Mitt or Anne would utter some clueless, insensitive comment that shows just how out of touch and entitled they are. And they'd be so stiff and awkward around all those kids--can't imagine Mitt embracing a crying child; he might get tears or snot on his face.

      I also had one of those, "What if Sarah Palin had somehow ended up being president?" Can you imagine her or her daughters *reading* books to kids?!

      I love the Obamas. So warm, genuine, comfortable with people, and obviously happy with themselves and each other.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "If you know how to read then the whole world opens up to you."-President Obama to kids at the WH #EasterEggRoll


  3. He's telling the boy, don't worry we can take some eggs away from the rich little white girl and hook you up..vgnomesayin?

    1. There was a pic of Obama talking to the little boy on the front page of the Wash. Post too.

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Cool joke, Bro.

    3. Anonymous7:03 PM

      What a fucked up thing to say. Seriously.

    4. Sally in MI7:26 PM

      Moron...I read some of the same crap on HP yesterday...you folks will never damit that this President is a caring, loving man.
      And it really bums you out that kids run from savior Sarah and cry when they see George's fake smile. Tough crap. You can tell a lot about a man by how children relate to him...they LOVE him. Pure and honest. Oh, maybe THAT"S the part you can't understand.

    5. Stephen Morgan6:13 PM

      HowTF did the troll Stephen "sippin' on Captain" Morgan find Gryphen's blog?

      DAMNYUM Gryphen...you pulling in trolls from the DEEEEP South of the Net'!

      Looks like the Klan is all stirred up! The future Beefy's baby daddy must be getting upset with the President...especially since Billybob is reduced to posting hillbilly gibberish...WTF is "vnomesayin?" LOL!!!

    6. emrysa8:09 PM

      totally asinine.

    7. WakeUpAmerica8:30 PM

      Cynic much? Asswipe? Immature? Heartless?
      All of the above?

    8. Anonymous11:48 PM

      @Stephen Morgan Your Mom FAILED at teaching you about life. All you know is Hatred. May the Plague be with you.

  4. Anonymous6:39 PM

    President Obama is such a good, loving guy. He truly doesn't deserve all the crap the right and extreme right dish out to obstruct him. He'll go down in history as one of our best presidents.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I agree. Since the Republicans are so nasty to him it makes me believe they are jealous of him (like they always accuse us of being about Palin). Projection. They can only dream of having someone like PBO on their side. Although it will never happen because repugs don't have those types of personalities.

  5. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The inky black part of my soul has taken over and forcing me to write this:

    the little boy, crying, is about the same age as are Trig and Tripp. The President immediately reached out to comfort him, to listen to him, to hold him.He didn't know the boy's name, or why he was unhappy. He just naturally cared.

    Why have we never seen such empathy from a Palin mother? Trig, who is never shown nowadays with Sarah holding him, comforting him, talking with him. Bristol's entire tv show demonstrated her paying more attention to her split ends than to her son, who was bossed around, but not loved.

    Barack Obama, for whatever reason, grew into a man with the confidence and compassion to reach out to Americans, young and old.

    Thank goodness we don't have any Republicans, or teabaggers like Sarah, who would have told the kid to go cry somewhere else: he was spoiling the party for all the rest of the crowd. Corporations are people, too, kid, and they're not crying, are they? Get lost.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Why inky, why black? Who in that family is a better mother than Sarah Palin? Sally Heath? Molly with four or five last names starting with Heath? Diana Palin? Bristol Palin? No, no, no, and no. Not inky, not black, just the cold light of day.

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Michelle Obama Agrees That Barack Is A ‘Sex Symbol’ On Entertainment Tonight

    “He’s got a little swag, you know. That’s OK,” Michelle Obama said. “I mean, I’m proud of him. He’s a stylish, I think, man who is healthy and he’s smart and he’s passionate and he’s inspiring. And who wouldn’t fall in love with that, you know?”



  7. Anonymous7:15 PM

    He's such a tender man. It is reassuring that the leader of this country has that within him. I give so much credit to him Mom, his Grandparents, for the balanced upbringing they provided, though I'm SURE Barack showed up on the planet as a very special Light Being Soul. And we are so unbelievably lucky to have him as our president.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      No SkankaHo from Wasilla, that does not mean you have a chance with him.

  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Don't recall ever seeing either of the Bush prezes embrace a child without MAKING it cry.

  9. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Stephen Morgan, trolling

  10. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

    The President has a good heart. He took the time to teach this child an important life lesson. We need more people like him.

  11. emrysa8:08 PM

    this is one reason why this man is an awesome president. obama is a good man. leaving mighty big shoes to fill.

  12. WakeUpAmerica8:28 PM

    Can you imagine a President Palin comforting a child like that? Not.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      She won't even comfort her own children. She is a horrible mother.

  13. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I've always loved the photos of how babies and children respond so warmly to the President. Babies and kids have a sixth sense, they know a kind and gentle soul when they see one. President Obama is a kind and decent human being and it saddens me that so many of the wing-nuts will make ugly remarks just because he's trying to comfort a crying child....it really does and they call themselves good Christians.

  14. Anonymous9:27 PM

    That racist fuck "Stephen Morgan" has no legitimate reason for being here, so why is he/she/it here, Gryphen?

  15. SHARON6:23 AM

    I know I am kinda late with a comment, but damn....wouldn't it be wonderful if every child had a parent like Obama? Out of hundreds of people on the lawn, he spied that little boy and without a single thought other than comforting him, knelt down and touched his head and hand...and eventually gave him a warm hug. I believe humans emit an "aurora", that color glow only children and animals see or feel. There is no denying how children flock to him and meet him eye to eye with such trust. If Michelle had seen him first....she would have done the same thing, it is impossible to fake.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      You weren't so late that another late person was able to read you comment and agree with what you said. Could you imagine a world where all parents truly understood what children needed emotionally and gave it to them? I believe a lot mental health issues would be greatly improved if parents were consciously parenting in this way. I see many parents that are concerned about their children's welfare but not give any thought to their emotional well being. I'm not saying this is the case with this child. PBO is a role model for good parenting as evidence by his own loving relationship of his family.


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