Saturday, April 20, 2013

For nineteen years woman works as PE teacher at Catholic school without incident. But the publication of her mother's obituary, which identifies her as a lesbian, results in her firing for being "immoral."

Courtesy of Opposing Views:  

The firing of a physical education teacher from her job at a Catholic high school in Columbus, Ohio, could be a violation of a city ordinance. 

Carla Hale, 57, worked at Bishop Watterson High School for 19 years. She says school officials handed her a letter from an anonymous parent who had clipped Hale's mother’s obituary. Beside Hale’s name was the name of her female domestic partner. The parent was outraged that Hale would be allowed to teach at the school. 

"I was totally shocked," Hale said. "I mean, I think it was just one of those where everything was drained out of me." 

When she was fired on March 28, her dismissal notice explicitly referred to her same-sex relationship as the basis of her termination. 

Students and other supporters rallied around Hale, starting an online petition to have her job reinstated, which now has more than 10,500 signatures. (As of this post it has 21, 275 signatures. Including mine.) The petition asks the diocese of Columbus to “reinstate faculty member Carla Hale and apologize for discriminating against her on the basis of sexuality.” 

A contract between the Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus and the Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators establishes that teachers can be terminated on the grounds of immorality or serious unethical conduct. 

The school found Hale in violation of Diocesan Policy 45116.1, stating that Catholic school personnel will set an example of moral behavior, upholding the rules of the Catholic faith. The Church does not support homosexual lifestyles and teaches that people who feel they are attracted to the same sex must never act on those feelings. 

The woman works at the school for 19 years, Does her job very well, and is liked by both students and fellow teachers, And yet suddenly because of who she loves she loses her job?

And this happens right after her mother passes away?

Such Christian compassion on display don't you think?

Well as it turns out there are laws to protect employees from this type of blatant homophobia and discrimination.

There is a city ordinance in Columbus making it illegal for any employer to discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation. It carries up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. 

"We're fortunate in Columbus to have a municipal ordinance that was passed in 2008 that does protect people and there are no exceptions in that ordinance for religious institutions," said her attorney, Tom Tootle.

This is why, for all you Libertarians out there, that we have to give government the power to protect its citizens from unscrupulous, and unethical business practices. 

The woman's only "sin" is that she loves another woman. And by the standards of these primitive superstitious assholes that makes her unfit to educate their children. Personally I am getting tired of this bullshit.


  1. It's even against their own tenants.

    "They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided." Catholic Catechism 2358

    I too signed the petition this morning. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Signed. What ridiculousness. I hope this woman sues and gets a handsome sum.

  4. Randall7:48 AM

    Excuse me, but Ms. Hale worked for 19 years at an institution that totally and vehemently believes that she, herself, is an abomination - and fosters that idea in children...

    then when it comes back to bite her in her own ass she's all of a sudden saddened and surprised?

    Fuck YOU, Ms. Hale.
    YOU, dear, are part of the problem.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      No, Randall, dear. The problem is the hypocrisy. For instance, I would suspect Ms. Hale is Lesbian from her picture alone. If I had the oportunity to work along side of her for 19 years, hand her her paycheck, socialize with her, I would be pretty sure of her orientation. Her firing is just another CYA moment in the corrupt Catholic church.

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Good ol' Randall. Never disappoints,, does he?

    3. can tell by just looking that someone is gay? Very impressive skill. Well practiced too, it seems.

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Oh, Randall, you never disappoint. What a tool.

    5. Anonymous10:06 AM

      First Randall, not everyone has the luxury of choosing a workplace that completely fits in with their overall ethics. I'm actually applying for a job at an organization for whom I never thought I would work but financial needs often trump personal ideology.
      Also, I happen to know MANY people who are gay and also are very devout Catholics.
      Like Gryphen said "This is why, for all you Libertarians out there, that we have to give government the power to protect its citizens from unscrupulous, and unethical business practices." The government and unions are in place to protect the little guy.

      Fuck YOU, Randall.
      YOU, dear, are part of the problem. Because why? Because someone like you thinks that it's not important or doesn't matter or people like HER get what they deserve.

    6. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Anon 9:01

      Just by the picture alone I wouldn't have suspected she was a PhysEd teacher. LOL

      Sorry I just had to say that. I'm bad.

    7. Anonymous11:07 AM

      @9:16 AM You evidently don't get out in the world much. It's not an "impressive skill" nor is it "well practiced" I am homosexual myself and obviously know what I'm talking about. You seem to be self-righteous but I'm not going to say it because I don't know for sure.

    8. Randall4:08 PM

      Yes 9:01, hiding behind Anonymous (Randall is my real name) - hypocrisy IS the problem: Ms. Hale is a hypocrite. She takes a paycheck for 19 years from an organization that teaches that homosexuality is an abomination.

      I stand by what I said (even if I did say it poorly):

      She profits for 19 years by working for an organization that teaches that her lifestyle is an abomination. She is complicit in propagating the idea that homosexuality is an abomination.

      ...and then feels all hurt when - OH NO! - they treat her as though she's an abomination.

      I have no sympathy for her: 19 years of children were indoctrinated in that kind of thinking and not only did she do nothing to stop it - she was tacitly complicit.

      (Glad I didn't disappoint)

    9. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Well, Randall, why did the school not 'out' her years ago? What were they waiting for?

    10. Anonymous4:42 PM

      I went to Catholic school. She looks like one of the nuns, who I always thought were gay. So are the priests for Pete's sake. How can they turn on one of their own kind? The Catholic church had quite a racket going. The gays went into the ministry and lorded over society. While gays were hidden from society this worked. When children started complaining about being molested by "God's agents" it started to fall apart. When gays came out of the close and we saw that they were our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins etc. the whole lying deal fell apart. How dare they fire her for being "one of them"?

  5. Anonymous7:51 AM

    OF COURSE, she was guilty of immoral behavior!!!

    She was in a monogamous, loving relationship with another adult!!!

    Oh, wait...

    (And this is exactly why I stopped going to church decades ago)

  6. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Jeez, even back in the 60s, we knew most of our girls' PE teachers were dykes. What's the problem?

  7. Don't make stupid assumptions that she was fostering that idea in children. Anyway, the Catholic Church is the last organization that should be throwing stones at anyone.

    Oh, yeah, and Fuck YOU, Randall, DEAR.

    (I signed.)

  8. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Meanwhile, in Newton, Connecticut schools......

    And in Atlanta.........

  9. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Yes, it's best to follow the moral behavior of the pedophile priests. After all, the church did nothing to remove them from their positions. So I guess being is a lesbian relationship is wrong but being a pedophile is just fine. Hypocrites!

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I think it's only okay to be a pedophile if you are a priest seeking forgiveness and control (wish I had an emoticom for an eye roll)

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Out of high school 37 years now, my little podunk hometown in eastern Washington's junior high and high school girls' phys ed teachers were in a committed lesbian relationship. They even (gasp) lived together. Everyone knew it, no one cared.

    I'm sick of it.

  11. Good for Columbus...home to The Ohio State University. From a proud Buckeye. ;-)

  12. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Still, all religious prejudices aside, I have to wonder why this woman spent 19 years in a dead-end job, a job with no hope of upward mobility, for an organization that makes no bones that she is a "sinner."

    1. It's entirely possible that she sees the job of phys. ed. teacher as somewhat more rewarding than you might. Some people actually like teaching.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      8:53 I disagree w/your thought!

      Most coaches teach other subjects too. I know my favorite coach also taught history/civic classes when I was in high school.

      Coaching is not a 'dead end' job! Far from it! Some of my most favorite thoughts of teachers in high school (and, I'm 70 now!) include our wonderful coach (State winners in basketball my last year of high school!) as well as our outstanding English teacher.

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Hey 8:53

      Whether you teach phys ed or collect peoples garbage, a respectable job is exactly that. So get off your high horse jerk. Not everyone needs or wants a McMansion house and $300 leather shoes!

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I'm of mixed feelings on this.

    ON the one hand, I feel a great deal of compassion for the teacher. To be terminated because of one of the rituals of the death of her mother!

    On the other hand, the Catholic Church isn't hte government, and if they are stupid and rigid enough to think that homosexuality is a sin, that is their prerogative. It's one of the reasons I hate the Catholic Church, but lots of people hate lots of other reasons for lots of reasons. Doesn't mean people don't have a right to be stupid.

    On the other hand, what kind of place has a rule that you "must behave morally or be fired." Do they fire teachers who have affairs? masturbate? don't pay child support? cheat on their taxes? lie to their employer (I'll note - she never lied. She thought everyone knew)

    But I still think the Catholic Church has the right to do this. I just think it's incredibly unChristian.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      No one should lose their job, their livlihood, based on the mere fact that they are homosexual.

      And isn't it ironic that the Catholic Church, of all institutions, would do this. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I'm not sure if you are responding to the above post. I think the above post agrees that no one should lose their job based on homosexuality, and the Catholic Church is not being very "Christian"

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM


      What's next no gays in restaurants? It's a civil right to hold a job and if a Catholic Institution wants to have no tax bill then they need to play by the rules. Just like the birth control issue. They can't have it both ways, they are employers and they have to jive with the reality that hiring professional qualified people may meant that they can't always get perfect christians who suit their idea of morality.

    4. Anonymous3:37 PM

      11:16 - do you not see a difference between public establishments disallowing gays, and a private institution setting it's rules.

      There is no civil right to have a job. Maybe there should be, but there isn't.

      Actually, I like your tax implication. I hadn't thought of that. I don't know if it would work, but I think it should. And I would love to get rid of tax breaks for churches. If God provides, he can provide taxes.

    5. Anonymous4:57 PM


      Not all discrimination is illegal? possibly immoral (I imagine there are some kinds of discrimination that are moral, and I don't know how easy it is to draw the line).

      Do you really want a world where no private decisions can be discriminatory. It's sounding a little 1984.

  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The kids don't care - they like and respect her for who she is!

    Eventually, as time moves along, these issues will no longer be important and being gay will stop being an issue across the US! I think we just have to move through a couple of more decades ...

    Things are changing and the Catholic Church and Republicans are not going to be able to do a thing about it!

  15. linda9:09 AM

    that city ordinance has no teeth in it. a school administrator can step up and accept the blame for violating it. the school can pay the $1000 fine and the administrator will get 6 months in jail, but the sentence will be suspended in lieu of performing some community service. the teacher will still be without a job.

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Can you say 'big settlement and early retirement'; I can and so will her lawyer.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Yup. Probably the best thing to happen for her!!!

  17. Anonymous9:59 AM

    This school really stepped in it. The kids like her and they know a person who is cool to them without judging her on her sexuality. Now their own religion targets this neat person and fires her. Who do you think the kids are going to remember with positive thoughts, teacher or school/church?

  18. Balzafiar12:24 PM

    So an "Anonymous Parent" complained. I would think if one wants to complain about what they consider a major issue having to do with a teacher they would at least have the balls to sign their name.

    If I were a Principal and I got an anonymous complaint I would just put it in my Pending file until someone manned up with their real name. Then and only then would I consider their complaint.

    Oh, before I forget: Randall, thanks for your input; it's very clear you are a bigot. Now don't go away mad, just go away.

  19. Anita Winecooler6:44 PM

    Signed. Firing her based on her sexual orientation is immoral, especially the way they found out, a death notice and some lame bigot who anonymously sent a letter voicing her outrage.

    I was raised in Catholic Schools, and we never discussed teacher's sex lives. And I couldn't "suspect" nor "deduce" who was gay or straight by how they "looked".

    I'm glad you posted this one, Gryphen. It's nice to know which commenters are bigots and proud of it!

  20. Anonymous8:24 PM

    As others indicated, if she were a he found guilty of pedophilia, everything would have been fine.

    The catholic church has a tradition of trying to link pedophilia and homosexuality. The are using homosexuality as a lightning rod to try steer the public away from the true causes and problems of pedophilia by appealing to their core prejudices (i.e. blame the gays - everyone hates them anyway). They don't want address the real causes such as forced celibacy and exclusion of women from the priesthood.

    In reality, there isn't any relation, as far as I'm concerned. Some of the most respected and respectable people I know are gay. And they simply want to live life as others do. They can be teachers and scout masters and councilors and control their urges just like any other.

    I have personally never seen anyone I know to be gay going after kids. It always seems to be heterosexual men committing these heinous acts (as a couple of distant relatives have done).

  21. KatzKids11:50 PM

    Is this the same woman whose Priest refused to conduct the Funeral service for her mother because he found out that she was gay? The Mother and Daughter had been Catholics all their lives & attended and supported that Church faithfully. Hate in full display and unpunished. Hopefully this case will provide SOME justice. I signed the petition & hope all will do the same.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM


    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      From a legal standpoint, I don't really understand why she's surprised or upset. She signed an employment contract agreeing to the school's "morals" clause and lived in violation of the contract. Her school and the diocese probably knew she lived in a gay relationship and overlooked it until she outed herself by putting her partner's name in the obituary. She probably would have been able to work there as long as she wanted if she'd just kept it to herself.

      Ms. Hale knows the Catholic Church is never going to change its teachings on homosexuality and as soon as she made her relationship public she risked losing her job. Bishop Waterson is never going to give her back her job and Ms Hale certainly knows it. What Ms Hale will probably get is a nice settlement from the school and the diocese and when she gets that settlement the only thing we'll ever hear from her again is, "No Comment".

      So who's the immoral person here? Hadn't she made her own deal with the devil to work for an employer who abhors her lifestyle and lied when she signed her contract and every time she renewed it? What kind of self-loathing does it take to work for an employer who you know will fire you unless you lie about who you really are? Should an employee who violates her contract and gets fired for it profit from that violation? If the reason for her firing something other than being gay, would people from 5000 miles away sign a local petition?

      Also, whether the City of Columbus ordinance applies will never be tested in this case. The statement there's no exceptions is probably incorrect though, especially when there's a contract and she'd agreed to the contract's terms.


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