Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hopes that the new Pope might usher in a newer kinder Catholicism crushed as he reenforces crackdown on "feminist" nuns.

Courtesy of Time: 

The Vatican says Pope Francis supports the Holy See’s crackdown on the largest umbrella group of U.S. nuns, who were faulted for focusing too much on social justice instead of issues such as abortion. 

American sisters had expressed hope that Francis, a Jesuit whose emphasis on the poor mirrored their social outreach, would take a different approach than his predecessor. 

The Vatican last year imposed a reform of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious after determining the sisters took positions undermining Catholic teaching on the priesthood and homosexuality while promoting “radical feminist themes.” 

And what caused this rift and resulted in the nun being referred to as "radical feminists?"

Obamacare of course.

This from Slate:

The organization speaks out on policy issues, especially those pertaining to social justice and provides leadership training to the approximately 57,000 nuns it represents. The original religious disagreement between the Vatican and the LCWR focused largely on the end-of-life and abortion debates in the U.S., especially in the context of President Obama's health care reform law.

So essentially the Pope simply cannot tolerate the American nuns recognizing the importance of women being allowed to have a say over their own reproductive system, and continues to demand that they submit to the will of the men instead. 

So much for progress within the Catholic church.

You know might be a good time to remind everybody exactly WHY the Catholic church remains so adamant against abortion and birth control.

Here is hint, it has NOTHING to do with babies and EVERYTHING to do with perceived infallibility.


  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Many of my Catholic friends and family thought this pope would be different...yeah, not so much. Well, no matter cause they all use birth control and most are pro-choice, but for some reason they still send their kids to Catholic schools or CCD, at least until they get confirmed. Which makes no sense to me if you disagree with their most basic doctrine.
    Virginia Voter

    1. Why does everyone think every pope will be different - old white men who want women in subservient positions - they will not change - people will simply leave the church - nuns and priests are becoming fewer each year.

  2. Leland3:18 AM

    BIG SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!

    Those shits are not going to change. They are "smart" enough to see the death of their power if things were allowed to change. They actually will get worse.

    Only when the catholic church is essentially dead will they even begin to wonder what went wrong.

    And as you intimated, Gryphen, papal Infallibility is part of it, but only a part in my book, because they have been like this for almost two thousand years. That encyclical isn't that old. It is the result of the First Vatican Council, circa 1869-70.

    They are one of the single largest impediments to real social progress in the history of the world - not to mention one of the deadliest.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      You are so right about the catholic church being an impediment to social progress. All my friends who are/were catholic describe themselves as "born catholic" but not "participating catholic". For most organized religions,particularly catholics, lutherans, and mormons, it is all about money and power and keeping women in subservient roles.

    2. Are they "smart" enough to realize that they'll lose their power if things don't change?

  3. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Knew it. Don't care for the new Pope and the Church. Everything remains the same.

  4. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Why did he make such a spectacle washing a woman prostitute's feet then?

    What a typical catholic male dick.

  5. WakeUpAmerica3:46 AM

    The result of this will be that people will continue to leave the church in droves.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      I left the Catholic church years ago after my mother rammed it down my throat as a youngster and teenager. No discussion - you go to Mass or you are grounded!!!

      I raised a daughter in no religion - decided to let her select one if she so chose as a teenager/adult. She still hasn't done and shows no interest in it at the age of 40..

  6. SHARON4:03 AM

    It has never been more apparent how the so called "church" has developed its power for centuries. For those of us with about the Borgias (the original crime family),Da Vinci Demons, The Pillars of the Earth, all the Robin Hoods,the God Father..... talk about a successful ponzi scheme. They have managed to obtain their own city, thousands of properties, millions and millions of $, and world wide sheep to keep it all going, all documented. So they expect this pope to be any different?

    1. Money and property yes, but the one thing they are lacking is manpower. They are having a difficult time recruiting young men to the priesthood. Used to be devout Catholic families had plenty of children and would dedicate (I.E. force) one son to enter the priesthood. There would be perks especially if you were a poor family.

      But now there is an increasing priest shortage, especially in the U.S. as many young men are just not willing to embrace a life of celibacy and become priests. (Probably also the root of the pedophile problem and why the hierarchy turned a blind eye for so long.) So the U.S. has been importing their priests.

      But even Ireland has seen a fall off in sons sacrificed to the church. Priests are getting older and there aren't enough to replace them.

      So the church is going to be forced to change. Either allow priests to marry or allow women to be ordained. They are going to be forced to do one or the other. Otherwise they are going to have a lot of money and a lot of property but no priesthood to serve the church and brainwash more people.

  7. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Then there is the treatment facility for pervert priests not too far from Buenos Aries. The one where the perverts go to be "rehabilitate" and serve their penance by working in a soup kitchen for hungry children. They called it Mary's house.

    The pope should be asked what he knows about this.

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Just another big business profiting by marketing fear the masses. My heart goes out to the brainwashed and fearful, someday may they find their freedom from religion.

  9. How dare those nuns get uppity. I guess they needed to be put in their place.


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