Saturday, April 13, 2013

If I were a woman this would absolutely piss me off! As a man I still find it incredibly unfair.

You know if it were the men who got pregnant there would be drive thru abortion clinics and the morning after pill would come in either bacon or pizza flavor.


  1. BabyRaptor2:50 AM

    Speaking as someone whose actually taken Plan B, it's not something women would do for fun. Well, unless your definition of fun is nausea, cramps, and a week plus of soaking an extra strong tampon every two hours.

    People who talk about women turning Plan B into the new Aderol have no idea of what they speak.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      I'm sorry you had to take it. No matter the reason.

      And aren't there legions of women that can't wait also too, to have the State or Federal government pick up the tab for those fun abortions because we forgot to keep taking our pill or glove the love.

    2. Chella7:31 AM

      I've taken plan b too. Twice. Once when the condom broke, and once when the guy "forgot" to put one on.

      I've had a surprise pregnancy before, because I was using birth control, and I was 100 lbs and six years into an eating disorder. The pregnancy was killing me and had to be terminated.

      I'm on the depo shot, and will be switching to an IUD once my two years are up with the shot.

      We as women all have choices to make. Mine just happens to be NO BABIES

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    This does piss me off. I have been asking why Viagra, which does nothing but promote sexual activity, is a covered med and gets no vicious comments from the church or the right, is some miracle drug, while contraceptives, which do nothing more than stop a woman from GETTING pregnant (they kill nothing) are vilified, denied, and never ever without cost. This country is so backward it is getting embarassing. The men on the right need to wake up. Or not. We'll just vote them out one idiot at a time.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I agree! I have asked a bunch of people who flip out about federally funded abortion and Obamacare whether Viagra is covered under Obamacare. Not a single one could tell me. (I don't know the answer either.)

  3. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Sperm is the problem. What we need is a chemical of some kind that works like crab-grass control that prevents the seed from germinating and we have male birth control. Or the guy can have all the Viagra he wants but he can't ejaculate.

    The new Low T clinic that opened recently has a full parking lot. There's something up that probably shouldn't be....

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  4. If men were the ones to get pregnant would we be having a war on their reproductive rights?

  5. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I hate to say it, but if men could have babies, they, instead of women, would be treated as second class citizens.

  6. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Abortion would also be a sacrament!

  7. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Also, you'll notice that none of the "catholic" hospitals and universities seem to be suing to make sure they don't have to pay for their employees' vasectomies.

  8. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Women lose babies all the time, whether we want them or not. The body has ways of 'shutting that whole thing down,' and miscarriages come at all times at every stage of development. Once one of us admits it has happened, every other woman pipes up and shares their experience.

    Sometimes the body gets rid of the loss naturally, sometimes we need medical assistance. I was 11 weeks along when my baby's heart stopped beating. I had to go through a surgical procedure called a D&E, (Dilation and evacuation.) Had I been anywhere else in the country, pro-life assholes would have been screaming at me and my husband as we mournfully walked to the facility to have this sorry, sad but necessary procedure done. Especially if we were going to try again.

    The same kind of people who believe marriage is a sacred institution between only a man and woman are the same kind that believe every sexual act should birth a baby. Life doesn't work so neatly. It's messy, bastardized, offensive, vulgar and cruel. Sex, pregnancy, and partnership on the other hand, can be beautiful, challenging, strengthening, empowering, seductive and rewarding.

    Why are men rewarded with subsidized medicine to get a boner when a female of any age and sexualized under any circumstance (forced or involving wine coolers in a tent) is treated like a murderer/slut?

    Once you quit looking at life in black and white absolutes (not counting hypocrisy that is usually involved by the righteous) the web of life is filled with a riot of colors that make it all worth it.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I'm so sorry for your loss. I appreciate your insights, wisdom, and sensitivity.

      My sister and I both have severe endometriosis and have had two surgeries apiece. Neither of us has ever gotten pregnant, but we rely on birth control for our health.

      My sister doesn't want children. I would like to become pregnant someday, but I'm 39 and that day seems less likely all the time. Single parenthood is not a viable option for me, for various reasons, but I haven't yet met a man with whom I want to share a baby and the responsibilities of parenthood.

      After my sister's first surgery, her doctor put her on birth control to slow the return of the endometriosis. At the time, she worked at a Fortune 500 company. Their insurance refused to cover her birth control, even though she showed them a letter from her doctor, had her doctor call them (which he did willingly), and presented graphic photos from her surgery. She made enough money that she was able to pay for her BC out of pocket, but years later, she's still (rightfully) furious that she had to. The real kicker is that the same insurance company covered Viagra with no questions asked.

  9. Randall5:24 AM

    And yet a breathtaking number of women still vote republican. Are they insane? Stupid? Cowed by their masters? Masochists? All of the above?

    I don't understand how the Republicans can get even one female's vote.

    1. BRAINWASHING by their church, significant others, and conservative parents.

    2. fromthediagonal6:47 AM

      Randall... all of the above!

    3. I know, even if they are anti-abortion they have to be alarmed at how men think they have the right to tell us to risk death for a fetus

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      They are doing the RIGHT THING by doing what they are told, and not being OFFENSIVE and SLUTTY by making waves when the (male) adults have already spoken.

  10. Cialis, Viagra, Levitra... the list keeps growing as old men, past their prime, continue to demand drugs to keep them up.

    Old wives awaiting an end to their husband's philandering, now must endure the risk of STDs well into their golden years because of these wonderful erectile dysfunction drugs.

    But no morning after pills for you, girlie.

  11. If men got pregnant, the sex roles would be reversed and things would be pretty much the same. It's about power.

  12. Chenagrrl6:16 AM

    Or as Gloria Steinhem said famously, "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."

  13. fromthediagonal6:44 AM

    Oh, yeah! Viagra!

    Google Rise of STDs in senior communities, or any variance thereof and you will find reports that may just knocks your socks off...

    Remember The Villages, that planned community near Orlando, that hallowed republican place every regressive aspirant to power has visited? Or any number of the other planned upscale senior communities they haunt for votes?

    The rates of STDs are somewhere around double the national average!

    If The Villages, whose motto is "Florida's Friendliest Hometown", and its other upscale cousins seem more like "Hotbeds of the Swingin' Life", it is courtesy of those insurance covered performance enhancers. Just wait for the commercials... oh, nevermind!

    Oh, they just applied for an exemption to the nursing home regulations so they can build an on-site facility. They probably will get it from those they bought-and-paid. Rant over.

  14. Anonymous6:45 AM

    What happened to small government??? Small enough to fit into a uterus!! The religious right needs to be voted out now. I can't stand religion in our government. The gun lovers are afraid of background checks because it's an invasion of their privacy but it's okay for the government to tell a woman what to do with her body. I'm really starting to worry that our country is turning into a theocracy. Look at all the states making abortion almost impossible. I lived in Europe for awhile and they look at the bumpkins over here and shake their head. Especially when it comes to sexuality!

  15. SHARON7:08 AM

    Damn....I agree with all these comments, it's still a man's world. This entire Viagra/abortion/contraception argument screams of hypocrisy, but what else is new. Our society never blames rape or pregnancy on men....all we do is make sure there are boner and low T meds available for all to keep it all going forever. The result of the sex act is always the woman's problem, even choosing to give birth means single mothers struggling in our system to raise that child alone. It is hard to believe there are any GOP women, but consider their gene pool.

  16. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Gryphen, I read this comment to my mother, who is adamantly against abortion under any circumstances, and she cracked up and said, "That's true!"

  17. Beer flavor, maybe?

  18. It's all about the $$$$$. Someone please do a cost breakdown.....mucho dinero. Viagra, Cialis etc..... and I also wonder in the heart attack category how that all works for the fellas. BTW, I worked with a fella that took Viagra and had an erection for many many hours....wonder if he learned his lesson(he was very alarmed).

    1. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

      The "see your doctor if you have an erection that lasts more than four hours" warning doesn't go into detail on what needs to be done to "fix" the problem. My nephew is a drug rep, and showed us photos of the procedure. Lets just say it involves four or more strategically placed pretty damn huge needles to "relieve pressure" and drain spongy tissue, then a shot of muscle relaxer to get the sphincter to relax.

      I wonder how many men would take the chance if they knew what could happen?

  19. Anonymous2:09 PM

    It's all about money. Pfizer makes Viagra...

    Pzifer Lobbying in 2012:
    Total Lobbying Expenditures: $10,450,000
    Subtotal for Parent Pfizer Inc: $10,210,000
    Subtotal for Subsidiary Pfizer Animal Health: $200,000
    Subtotal for Subsidiary Alpharma Inc/Pfizer Animal Health: $40,000

    It makes me sick.

  20. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

    I agree with every single comment. The drug companies can't keep up with making "solutions" to "problems" that people used to chalk up to aging. They've made mega millions off of Women's menopause with hormonal therapy, and now are making mega millions off Men's andropause with Testosterone replacement, and pills to fix "hydraulic" problems. How men got along with regular sized condoms for centuries is beyond me, so now they've filled the niche with "Magnum" and "King Size" condoms.

    It's all about marketing, egos and profits.

  21. WakeUpAmerica8:18 PM

    I think it would taste like beer.


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