Thursday, April 04, 2013

In an attempt to differentiate herself from the OTHER children of the 2008 Republican candidates, Meghan McCain is launching a new reality show. Do you want to tell her, or should I?

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Meghan McCain will host her own show entitled "Raising McCain" on Pivot, a new cable channel launching in August. The show will follow McCain as she goes on the road, and film her interactions with guests. 

"I keep telling people it's like 'Meet the Press' meets 'Jackass,'" McCain, the daughter of former presidential candidate John McCain, described at Pivot's upfront on Wednesday.

Okay what is it with these Republicans wanting to get paid by having somebody film them while they do their laundry, get fat sucked out of their asses, and break up with their boyfriends?

Well to be fair it looks like McCain will have "guests" on her show, whatever that means,so maybe it will not fit the usual reality show formula. (Though I have to wonder if it will be like Bristol having her mother guest star on the show so that she could get paid as well? Couldn't you just see John McCain showing up to yell at kids walking across his daughter's lawn?)

But all kidding aside I am sure that McCain's show will have NOTHING in common with Bristol or Sarah's crappy reality shows which were filmed in Wasilla.

Wait, what's that you say?

She said that the show would be "uncensored" and "real." One example of an issue she would be interested in covering is the explosion of meth in her homestate of Arizona.

"The explosion of meth in her homestate of Arizona?" Sounds like Sarah and Bristol DID leave their mark on Arizona after all!


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Her degree in Art History should serve her well, interacting with ordinary people(!!) Not to mention her $50,000 a month allowance. She is another one who longs to be in the spotlight. There was a time when Tia Tequila was her BFF. Meghan has a mouth on her like a truck driver. One year she showed up for the White house correspondent's dinner. She has two tickets and brought two friends. When she was told she could only bring in one friend, she asked "Do you know who the FUCK I am?" Just like her Daddy, foul mouthed and entitled.

    1. BabyRaptor10:34 PM

      it takes a really small minded person to think badly of someone else simply because you disapprove of the words they use.

      So what if people swear? "Bad" words are a stupid concept that society needs to collectively outgrow. Words aren't bad because Mommy said so; words are bad when they're used to cause harm to someone. A person saying Fuck or shit or damn doesn't harm you. Nor does it say anything about the person using it.

    2. Anonymous4:59 AM

      I beg to differ. Using language like that in a setting surrounded by people she does not know said a LOT about this little rich bitch. No class whatsoever. In public everyone should watch their language. Lots of people are offended by the F word.

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Do you know who the fuck I am?
      Shows her ENTITLEMENT! (hear that, GOP?)

      I don't give a fuck if she swears.

      I care that she is a cold asshole and her dad is a scumbag criminal and her mom is a drug abusing asshole.

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Show your tits or go home, Meghan!

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    just to be a male pig, yes i'd ride that, and drink her beer

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Is it her tits that make you talk like that? :DD

    2. She’s only heavy in the chest. What’s wrong with that?

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I'll bet she has impeccable hygiene, smells all fresh and girl-y, and has smooth soft feet, too. She's a bit on the young side, but I bet she'd be a hoot to have a few drinks with and chit-chat. For about an hour. Maybe longer if she can hold herself together after a few shots without getting too obno.

    4. Unfortunately, some of us are really made that way. I quit wearing sweaters when I was in the 7th grade because of nasty little comments from the boys. And, that was many years before the well built girls of today.

    5. Anonymous3:47 AM

      Nothing to apologize or feel bad about, Diane. Nasty little comments from 7th grade boys aren't anything to gauge one's feelings about their attractiveness on--- not when those same boys can't even pay attention in class because they get a hard-on every time a slight breeze goes by or see a lingerie ad.

      Full-figured women are the bomb today, although too many people don't know that because of the power of the mass media in influencing the opinions of passive consumers. Meghan might be immature because of her age combined with her socioeconomic status that buffers her from many real-world issues of the 99%, but neither of those factors make her "dumb" or "ugly". She's intelligent and moderately attractive. Let's leave it at that.

      Just for the record, I won't be watching her show unless she's hunting alligators or running a business making and selling duck calls. Meghan's manner of speech makes my eyes glaze over after a few seconds, but I haven't found her writing to be alll that bad at all, other than the fact that she is really more of a centrist Democrat than a Republican with an open mind. But just think of all of us who have had a few more years to live and learn about the world outside our own existence, and how different we often are from our parents political ideology today.

      Meghan has the fortune and/or curse of having a famous last name that has already opened some doors while opening her to scrutiny not often bearing down on a young person only a few years removed from college. She's a daddy's girl, and her daddy isn't exactly the statesman that he appeared we was becoming in the 90's leading up to 2000 in his run for the GOP nomination. Because John McCain's legacy is somewhat tarnished right now, I would expect her to become more humble soon as she recognizes the fragility of political celebrity.

      There's nothing wrong with disliking her behavior, but I think most of want to be fair in our judgement. I don't know if Meghan McCain is going to be a leader within her generation or just someone famous for being famous, but if we judge her by her ideas against her own peer group, she's not exactly dragging the bottom with the ship's anchor alongside some of the other "famous" kids of politicians (especially the half-termers). As I mentioned above, I do think that Meghan has shown some promise in the written word, and if she can focus on developing those skills and leave the narcissistic world of "reality tv" and "fame-whorin behind soon, she might be someone that does some good things that help more than her own bank account or Q-rating.

      I don't wish for her to be humiliated with her show, but I do hope it's a humbling experience that she can learn from and reflect on whenever she starts getting "too big for her britches". No , I'm not referring to the size of her ass or waist or boobs, but mainly the size of her head. It she uses her brain and develops her skills by working hard to add some value to her craft, only the truly shallow will criticize her body shape and point out every perceived flaw. But she will be a much more sympathetic figure, and possibly admired as well, if she focuses less on her looks and lifestyle and instead more on topics of substance within her journalistic field.

      I hope that Meghan is going to be successful and surprise most of us with her professionalism one day. But it seems she's off to a rocky start, and this reality show is not likely to help unless it's packaged to be unique and clever as a showcase for Meghan's ability to be a serious person and a big thinker. I won't even pretend that's likely in this case, but hopefully she can lean and grow from her mistakes. Americans are a pretty forgiving people to those who battle adversity with humility and sincerity. Good luck, Meghan.

    6. Anonymous12:47 PM

      " And, that was many years before the well built girls of today."

      Well built? By silicone! Crap how does she "See" over her tits?

      And she whines about being fat. Lay off the brewsky's bitch.

      She is just a big mouth rich bitch. Nothing special.

  4. Anonymous5:16 PM

    How does she see the keyboard past those Belmont Boobs?

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Meghan is a fiscal conservative, meaning she's rich and doesn't want anyone touching her money. Still, I think she'll keep her mouth shut about the Palins until her dad dies.

    Still, she has fame whore tendencies and don't be too surprised if she welcomes Sarah Palin on as a guest when her ratings start to tank.

  6. Please allow her to crawl. Please allow her some baby steps. That girl might have something major to offer if she has a chance.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Seriously? She has already written at least one book, has hosted an online show, run a blog, and guested on MSNBC and other shows numerous times. How many 'baby steps' is she entitled to?
      Or is entitled the key word here? If she had something major to offer, she wouldn't be demeaning herself with a reality show, now would she? She'd be working on making the GOP sane again.
      I admit, that would be a huge and thankless task, but at least she would be contributing something of value. This is the young woman who showed herself topless not that long ago.
      Baby steps? Nope, time for Meghann to act like a grownup.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Oh come on Darlene, she had her chance during the 2008 campaign and during the followup and she has nothing of substance to say. She is as she looks; a dumb rich blond with big tits and a fat ass.

    3. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Meghan McCain is part of a criminal enterprise and cover up. Having the advantage of a wealthy family and money (Mafia) doesn't build character. Why would anyone care what she says if she can't speak truth? Big tits are about all she has to offer any man. Sure, meth is a big problem in Arizona and Alaska. She will do nothing to get the whole truth told or do anything significant. She is using it as an allure to attract viewers. Gag.

    4. DetroitSam7:43 PM

      Allow her a chance?

      There are many people who have worked and tried to prepare themselves for an opportunity like the one Miss McCain has been given. They will never be given the same chance as Meghan McCain.

      I have heard her on several talk shows and she did not come across as being that bright. Instead she came up short when trying to discuss the issues.

      Just like Luke Russert Mehgan got this job because she is rich and white.

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Ah, the reality show culture. Growing up seeing these shows must make everyone think their lives are interesting enough to be on TV. It seems in this age of reality TV, facebook, twitter and instagram tends to breed narcissism and people without boundaries.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Wait, Bristol did laundry?

  9. The difference in Megan and the Palins is that she actually does have a brain. No matter that her degree might be in "Art History", she is a graduate of Columbia University and she had to be pretty smart to get in. I have seen her on Rachel Maddow and she is articulate and pretty well informed. Before I get hate mail, I am definitely a very liberal Democrat. Looking at some of the previous responses, looks like the old white men of the GOP are commenting tonight.

    1. She’s not stealing from the old, infirm and addled. I may get e-bukes, but I say give someone like her a chance.

    2. WakeUpAmerica6:30 PM

      I agree. She's smart and articulate and still immature. I do admire her willingness to be her own person. She isn't afraid to stand up for her values or to disagree publicly with her father. I think that is an admirable quality even if I don't always agree with those values. I suspect she is one of the few Republicans who will stand up for women's reproductive rights.

    3. I agree with you. She might be able to actually pull off an interesting show. The times that I have seen her on talk shows, she has come across as very bright and articulate.

    4. WakeUpAmerica6:57 PM

      BTW, art history at Columbis (and many other universities) is rigorous. It's not like it is a degree in underwater finger painting or birdcage maintenance.

    5. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Meghan does not "have a brain", she is simply the entitled rich daughter of John Mccain who got into Columbia only through his good word. She's a "navel gazer" in the worst sense of the word. She might be a little smarter than Sarah, but not much.

    6. Anonymous6:02 AM

      You want intelligence and class?

  10. Anonymous6:11 PM

    If you have rich parents, anything is possible. W got into Yale and Harvard! In spite of showing up drunk for an interview at Yale, his father made a large donation to the school, and he was admitted. The U of Texas refused to admit him, his grades were too bad. Meghan is desperate to be famous. Riding her Daddy's coat tails onto TV.

  11. Anonymous6:22 PM

    There was some speculation about the photo of Bristol at the 2008 convention when she looked like this:
    To be polite about it, her breasts are far more swollen for someone who was supposed to be 5 months pregnant. Some people have suggested that for one reason or another, Bristol soiled the dress that she was supposed to wear, and they put her in one of Meghan McCain's dresses. Meghan, coming from a super-rich family, doesn't buy her stuff off the rack. Look at her figure. She needed things custom made for her ample top. When Bristol put on Meghan's dress, it was stuffed with some towels to make Bristol look even more pregnant-- or to prevent the dress from sagging. Compare the photos-- the bustline on Bristol and Meghan is exactly the same.

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Maybe the towels were to stop leakage? Very matronly shape.It has been said of Meghan "She has her mother's eyes, and her father's thighs" She also has her father's way with words, especially bad ones.

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Meghan was center stage to the fraud.

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      There must be several people that were involved with the Palins early on during the convention staging that must have some valuable info. It is amazing that someone has not "tripped" up by now. I bet Meghan never wore that dress again.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  12. mitchethekid6:23 PM

    OK Gryph. I am calling you out on this. This is me, Mitchethekid (google me) and as much as I follow your wonderful blog and as much as I agree with you; and as much as I have not posted in awhile, you are totally wrong about Megan. She has been spot on about her critiques of the Palins and at the same time balancing the defense of her father and her family. I hold her father 100% responsible for releasing the Krakin. That is the Krakin like Palin family into the American public. But now the Palin's are like the dance of the living dead. I am sure that you to would defend your parents as well. The Palins are yesterdays news. An impotent bottle rocket. A money grubbing, scheming family of white trash who tried to parlay ignorant populism into a business. They suck and their followers are even more delusional. But Megan has a point and a career. She is a college graduate and has a job that earns her a substantial income. As I said, the Palin family is substrate. Fuck them and their lies.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Who cares if Meghan found the Palins "beneath" her. Of course she did. A girl raised in the economic conditions and societal level that Meghan was would be found sadly wanting in societal judgement if she DIDN'T find the Palins absolutely cretinous and reprehensible. That being said, Megs herself is nothing more than a rich sorority sister that has not shown that she knows a thing about politics, it simply doesn't seem to stick in her brain. I understand the idle rich college grads seeking to do something with their time, just to stave off boredom, but I don't think this show will provide her with the success or acceptance she seeks.

    2. Anonymous10:10 PM

      I agree with both Anon 8:21 and MitchtheKid. I don't think Meghan McCain is quite on par with other Republicans because she seemed very outspoken against the Palins as soon as the polls closed. But then again, as a socialite daughter with nothing to lose, it's not like she risked much of anything by calling White Trash trashy. It's kind of a limp compliment, to say ______________ (fill in the blank) is doing better or is better than the Palins, due to college education, career/job, etc. The Palins just don't set the bar very high in that regard. Some would argue there's no bar.
      Meghan McCain is not a political powerhouse OR following her father's footsteps. She is a product of her environment, and while I applaud her for not turning out worse (let's face it, she definitely could have), I also shake my head that she's flatly refused to open her mind for even a moment and try to learn more about other people. Republicans just don't have any empathy for other people. I've personally tried to deny this myself, tried telling myself that there are good people of all beliefs and creeds... but the fact of the matter remains that you can be a good person all you want; but if you're brainwashed to hate the poor, the underprivileged, minorities, immigrants, homosexuals, atheists (or any religion that's not YOU)... you're not a good person. Your ignorance is not an excuse. You can't just say, "Hey, nigger, stole anything lately?-- OH! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend. It's just how I was raised." You are hateful, intolerant, and you cannot be a good person.

    3. DetroitSam7:46 PM

      When did Meghan speak out about the Palins? She has made it a point not to talk about Sarah.

  13. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Sorry, Meghan sounds like a Valley Girl Airhead (with no disrespect intended for gals who actually live in the Valley-- that's not MatSu, it's near LA). I've seen Meghan on Bill Maher's show. Someone was discussing Nixon, and Meghan said that she didn't know about Nixon since she wasn't alive then. Paul Begala said that he wasn't alive during the French Revolution, but he had studied it and knew about it. Meghan is bored, a spoiled rich girl in search of a career.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Maybe "reality tv" is all she's got. Good luck with that....

    2. Anonymous2:58 AM

      I laughed at that Paul Begala remark, especially since Meghan looked like an idiot after that!Just another rich woman (she is hardly a "girl") thinking money can buy her everything. She was desperate to "make it" in Hollywood, followed famous women around to get her photo in the tabloids. Then her BFF Tia Tequila got herself into a mess with drugs, and someone warned Meghan to distance herself. Not to worry, the main stream media loves repubs. I wonder why she did not get a job with Fox?

  14. Bimbo's on ANY channel trying to look NOT LIKE bimbo's are the biggest BIMBO'S of them all !!!

    But just look at her mom !!! YAA HOO !!!

  15. Anonymous6:39 PM

    She's spending her political capital on sleasy realty tv show? I thought more of her... until now.

  16. WakeUpAmerica6:55 PM

    Here is another example of why the NRA is wrong about, "...for every bad guy with a gun, you need a good guy with a gun." Sad. One has to assume the police had guns.

  17. "get fat sucked out of their asses"...your killing me man..soda out the nose killing me!!..LMAO!!Thank You Jesse!

  18. Anonymous7:31 PM

    PASS. As will the REAL America.

  19. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "reality" doesn't have Meghan McCain in it

  20. Anita Winecooler8:27 PM

    She's got that sultry "Quick, take the picture, I can't hold my breath much longer with this corset under my bodacious ta ta's" look going on. She's book smart, but I don't think most young adults can "relate" with spoiled politician's kids.
    Then there's that private jet, louis voitton stuff.

    Hey Gryph... Do think she'll be able to keep her hair the same length from episode to episode like Bristol did?

  21. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "How cool am I? Look at me blogging on my bed with my tousled hair and my tight sweater and my red nails and my post-coital beer. I'm so cool I give myself the shivers."

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Do you remember she kept a blog on the campaign trail? It seemed alright at the time. It was just another way to get out the propaganda. Now these dumb "reality" shows are just another tool for propaganda. Sell these liars, cheats, charlatans and goof balls as real. REAL PROPAGANDA.

      No thanks Megster. Your as much a gangster as your great grandpa.

  22. emrysa9:54 PM

    is that some attempt at looking sexy? cause really she looks like cheap shit. boobs that extend into the next room are always cheap and cheesy. emphasize the boobs when you've got nothing else...

  23. Gryphen-- I'm sure you've heard that President Obama is turning over 5% (about $20,000) of his Presidential paycheck back to the Treasury Department. When I first read one of those articles (, an aide to McConnell claimed that the Senator donates "a substantial amount" of his paycheck to the treasury "every year". Not necessarily due to the sequester, they just said "every year."
    In other articles, however, I find that aides refuse to comment whether he donates anything at all. It seems like a very easy thing to check--- and additionally would be very telling in what the Republican Senator considers "substantial," and whether the Senator returns jack shit to the Treasury, period.

  24. Grrrr !11:15 PM

    A reality show with Meghan McCain spouting Republican talking points should be called "Rack and Ruin."

    An example of Ms. McCain's political insight:

    "I’m the daughter of one of the most long-standing senators in politics and I have been given every opportunity that anyone could possibly dream of. I was given those opportunities as a result of the hard work from both sides of my family. What struck me more than anything is that for the first time possibly in history, people aren’t being given the same opportunities that my parents and grandparents had."

    Yes, Meghan, THAT'S what poor people look like.

  25. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Raising McCain? Will it feature John Rich's abhorrent song of the same title that he, Rich, so generously 'gave' the country in 2008??

  26. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Deep down I think Meghan dreams of becoming a reality star rather than any sort of serious thinker. She does have some progressive ideas and seems willing to engage in discussion but she really does appear to have a future as a pundit. Her would-be political career will, I believe, always be tainted by the fact that she has never spoken out on the absolute foolhardiness of putting Palin on the ticket NOR her father being the most vindictive LOSER of a presidential race. Sure, he's her dad and she loves him, but she should not ignore the fact that he has been nothing but obstructionist and dishonest since 2008 and that he is not a true patriot. She should at least distance herself politically and not be afraid to do so if her beliefs are sincere (kind of like Ron Reagan does so eloquently.) Moreover, what really does she have to offer? Will she just bore us to death or will she sink to the depths that the Palins have? I just believe that she is floundering and doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up. I've watched Abby Huntsmann on MSNBC and SHE certainly seems to have what it takes. Of course, Jon Huntsmann is FAR more respectable and credible than McCain. Like father, like daughter? I hope NOT, for Meghan's sake.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Abby Huntsman got Meghan's dream job. I quit watching The View because of Elizabeth Hassle Back and thought Meghan would have been a good choice to fill that seat. Now the only way I would watch that show if it was revamped as the Whoopie and Joy Show

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  27. Anonymous5:43 AM

    THe meth comment is going too far. You're still making victims out of people whom you've made a living slandering.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

      The meth comment was being conservative, when you're poor, loose, and do drugs you're a crack whore.

  28. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Meghan's chest has the same look as Bristol's at the RNC. What a coincidence.

  29. Anonymous9:06 AM

    When her mother was stealing drugs from the children (alleged charity) Meghan was a foul mouthed brat that even her aunt or a close friend was disgusted with how spoiled she was. Cindy was neglecting her, and the child was not to blame but she has been entitled since an early age. Very foul and nasty about it. They may have sent her to etiquette school? The Senator had to admit he wasn't around much, no family values with them. It is all a front. Very dysfunctional family that had money to cover everything up. His children with the first wife were better off. The Mafia Princess money couldn't buy them decency.

  30. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Don't any of these people ever get real jobs? Like teaching or nursing or being a social worker or working in an office or anything? Is there a whole generation that thinks they should be on television because people recognize their last names? I don't think this country could be "dumbed down" any more. We have sunk to rock bottom.


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