Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Pat Robertson explains why "miracles" tend to happen in other countries like Africa, but not here in the United States. Spoiler Alert: It has to do with education.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

Today on the 700 Club, a viewer asked host Pat Robertson why miracles such as “people raised from the dead, blind eyes open, lame people walking” seem to “happen with great frequency in Africa, and not here in the USA?” Robertson first responded by joking it is “because those people overseas didn’t go to Ivy League schools.” 

But Robertson was actually serious. 

“Well, we are so sophisticated, we think we’ve got everything figured out, we know about evolution, we know about Darwin, we know about all these things that says God isn’t real, we know about all this stuff,” Robertson lamented, “in many schools, in the most advanced schools, we have been inundated with skepticism and secularism.”

So if I may paraphrase a little, the reason that we don't see God performing miracles in America is because we are too highly educated to be fooled by things easily explained by science, and the reason that they still occur in other places is due to the ignorance of the populace.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Okay, I REALLY need to stop agreeing with Pat Robertson! Not exactly good for my reputation.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    What a tool. Fuck cataract surgery, pray to Jaysus so that he may cure your blindness in his all forgiving glorious righteousness! (Pass the plate, donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.)

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      On my drive to Fla for spring break, I kept praying for a Starbucks in SC and GA and North FLA. I believed Jesus would find one for me. I claimed the Starbucks in Jesus' name, like a good prayer warrior.
      He didn't.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      I've done the same thing when I had to take a leak. Instead of a service station, God planted a couple of bushes right off the interstate that gave me excellent cover. See, that proves that God works in mysterious ways. It was a miracle because, I mean I REALLY had to go badly after drinking 3 or 4 beers.

    3. Anonymous2:12 AM

      someday you will regret this but it will be too late !

  2. 1. What evidence is there for these miracles in Africa? If they happen all the time over there, I think eventually we would hear about them.

    2. Robertson undercuts his own argument by saying America is too secular. Yet....he believes in god and lives in America. So which is it?

    1. Olivia5:55 AM

      Go to a fundy church that sends out missionaries and you will hear all about them. Don't forget to bring cash to pay to keep them miracles coming.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Agreed, Everyday Freethought 4:31!

      The only evidence American fundies have for these miracles is the word of whoever tells them the story!

      I am reminded of Thomas Muthee, that African minister who "anointed" Sarah Palin years ago. He had stories about his battles with a local "witch" in Africa who was casting spells and causing trouble, and how he drove her out of town and then crime rates went down. But investigators could find no evidence any of that even happened.

  3. Randall4:31 AM

    OH crazy old Unca Pat...

    Hey Pat! Do you know the difference between toilet paper and the curtains?

    No? Well, that's why you don't get invited to more parties you crazy old bastard!

  4. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Pat wants the US to be like Africa ... where they stone "witches" to death, kill albinos, are trying to make laws that homosexuality is punishable by death and believe that raping a virgin will cure your HIV.

    If only the good "Christians" in the US were as ignorant as the Africans... life would be good for Pat and his friends.

    1. Leland4:52 AM

      You left out forced female genital mutilation! Over 140 MILLION women have gone through it!

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Hasa Diga Ebowi

      (google it!)

    3. Anonymous5:43 AM


      please please please go to this link and enjoy! This is what Ugandans really think about god.

      Hasa diga EEbowai

    4. Olivia5:57 AM

      Ah, yes... traditional Christian values... and the good old American way, of course.

    5. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Cause nothing offends God more than a woman having the capability of more than just conception. The horror that a woman could possibly enjoy sex.

  5. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Pat is the son of a long sitting deceased U.S. Senator from Virginia (A. Willis Robertson).

    Pat went to Yale for his law degree.

    It is ok for Pat to be highly educated, but he needs his supporters (donors) to be dumb as bricks.

    People with thinking brains do not support these religious grifters.

  6. Anonymous5:38 AM

    That is classic.
    My mom used to tell me my intellect was "of the devil"

  7. Anonymous6:13 AM

    In Sunday School, I remember being told a story where an African was cornered by a Lion and the African remembered Jesus and prayed out loud for saving. The Lion went away. I believed.

    Until I turned 12 and started thinking for myself.

    Sarah Palin, Reaganing, says "Trust, but verify." and that is exactly what I do. Funny huh Sarah?

  8. Now I understand why the dumbing down of the U.S. is so important to them.We need more miracles.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    And UFO's land out somewhere in the countryside where no one sees them-- as opposed to landing in a big city with thousands of witnesses.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      UFO's have all agreed to land only in Arkansas if possible, and only in other very red states, otherwise. Only baggers enjoy the "alien probe" of having a satellite dish and other hardware stuck up their ass for observation by The Greys. No not teh gays.

  10. Is he still alive?


    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Because Benny Hinn needs the competition?

  11. Anonymous8:28 AM

    To ALL religious people reading this...

    God nor Jesus ever said you need to send money to TV preachers like Pat, Billy, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, etc.

    Just keep your money and read your bible and all will be fine.

  12. This is the same self righteous psychopath that said Hurricane Katrina happened because people denied intelligent design. As if most people knew what that meant?
    Pat Robertson is one the most evil persons ever. Years ago I had a foretelling dream about Robertson. I felt something sinister in him. Watch out for him, people. He just might be the devil incarnate.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Isn't the christian anti christ supposed to "sneak up on them" wearing the guise of someone they would never suspect? Seems like there are lots of versions of their anti christ running around these days stealing all their money and promising them a fairy tale.

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Let me see if I've got this correctly - Pat Robertson has now explicitly said out loud, publicly, that stupid, blind, unquestioning "faith" ("we know what we know, so don't bother our simple heads with pesky FACTS!") is the path to better religion and more miracles.

    Boy, has good ol' Pat ever managed to twist things around. See, God gave intelligence (that which separates humankind from other animals) to man (and woman, of course) - but Pat has now officially stated that the best way to worship Him is not to use it!

    In what universe (or even in which bible school) could such screwed-up logic make the slightest bit of sense??

  14. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Robertson's pronouncements such as this one would be silly and amusing if he weren't such a deeply evil person. I keep on my desktop a 700 Club video showing him saying the Haitian earthquake was a punishment from God because the Haitians had been in league with the devil when they freed themselves from slavery from the French slaver-planters in the 1790s and when they later defeated Napoleon's attempt to re-enslave them. (Robertson had his dates, and Napoleons, wrong in his statements. As he told this hateful, evil story he exclaimed, "True Story!")

  15. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I am far from a Pat Robertson fan, but there is something to the idea of living in faith vs. living in knowledge. Hard to explain in words, it's experiential. The two conflict with each other.

  16. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Pat Robertson is irrelevant to the 21st century. I don't see why anyone should listen to him other than his core audience.


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