Thursday, April 04, 2013

Tennessee Republican lawmakers all for school vouchers until they realize that Islamic schools can apply for them as well. Uh oh!

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are threatening to block Republican Gov. Bill Haslam’s school voucher bill over fears that Muslim schools could receive funding. 

The Knoxville News Sentinel reported on Monday that Haslam hinted that he would withdraw his bill after objections from Republican lawmakers that it was not broad enough and that the vouchers could be used by Islamic schools. 

Over the weekend, state Sen. Jim Tracy (R) had told The Murfreesboro Post that he had “considerable concern” that tax dollars could go to schools that teach principles from the Quran. 

Tracy, who is on the Senate Education Committee and identifies himself as a member of the Church of Christ, insisted that Islamic school funding was an “an issue we must address” before the voucher bill can go forward. 

“I don’t know whether we can simply amend the bill in such a way that will fix the issue at this point,” he said. 

On Monday, Tracy told the News Sentinel that his staff had determined that there was at least one Muslim-oriented school — Pleasant View School in Memphis — that would be eligible for vouchers under the governor’s plan. 

And state Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris (R) worried that an attempt by Sen. Brian Kelsey (R) to broaden Haslam’s bill from the bottom 5 percent of schools to every school in the state would only make more tax dollars available to Islamic educators.

So to be clear, schools that ignore science and indoctrinate your children into the Christian religion are fine, but if they ignore science and indoctrinate your children into Islam? Not so much!

"I don’t know whether we can simply amend the bill in such a way that will fix the issue at this point." Not without exposing your agenda to the world, and stomping on the Muslim communities 1st Amendment rights you can't.

These morons simply did not think through their plan to undermine the public school system and implement a plan to indoctrinate children. If they push through this voucher system they may soon have Islamic schools, Hindu schools, and even Scientology schools, vying for their state dollars.

But if they amend the program to block those other faiths from being able to participate they invite criticism, and undoubtedly very expensive lawsuits, which would most likely undermine the e3ntire program.

Damn I love karma!


  1. sally in MI12:48 PM

    I'm betting the Muslim schools teach science. And they sure as heck don't teach that humans rode dinosaurs to church. And what about synogogues? Yup, the GOP has screwed themselves. Again. Hey guys. How about you reread that Constitution thingy. You know, where it says "NO STATE RELIGION." Yeah, that part.

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Once again, Republicans are hoist on their own retard.

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I used to use the same argument when people bitched about prayer being taken out of public schools. I would ask them if they were ok with Muslim, or Hindu, or even Catholic prayers in school if they were to become a sizable portion of the population. Well, of course not!

  4. And I ask myself over and over, "WTF am I still doing in Tennessee?"

    1. Well, Ken, like me, you know there are still some good parts of Tennessee. At least, for now, the school vouchers are stopped.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Lots of good people live in TN and all around the South. Yes, there are bigots, and maybe more than our share, but they seem to be clustered in the more rural areas, where you might expect them to be. On their turf, they're not so bad most times. But their pastors and the knucklehead politicians get them stirred up and scare the shit out of them. They skew older, whiter, and more religious than average. But one thing I've noticed is that their racial bigotry isn't against their neighbors in rural areas that happen to be black. No, their fear is of those "city blacks". They hear about a few murders every week in Nashville or Memphis, and it seems surreal to them that bad stuff happens when you get a million+ people living in a county. More people equals more bad shit happening than in a town of ten or fifteen thousand. But the older folks still watch the 5 and 6 o'clock news, and think teh blah people are taking over the world. Bless their hearts. Seriously, no snark.

  5. Anonymous1:32 PM

    It's sort of like their stand on gun control.

    They're all cool with allowing everyone to get whatever firearm they can get their hands on, and open-carry is just being patriotic... until they realize that includes brown people.


    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Remember back in the 1960s when the Black Panthers (the real ones, not the half-dozen fake ones in Philadelphia on Election Day) were advocating carrying weapons in public?

      The right was all about increasing gun control legislation.

    2. Maybe we ought to try that again. It's always opposite day for Republicans. Obama ought to come out with mandating EVERYONE in America must buy (at reduced rate) a gun then maybe the Repubes will want gun control. That beats all the way the R's were for it before they were agin' it!

  6. lostinmn1:54 PM

    Well, good for them getting caught in their own duplicity. I can hardly wait for them to redo the law allowing only christian schools to participate. The lawsuits will come flying from every part of the country. These people should all have to read The Mysterious Stranger before they pass laws intended to do one thing and get another.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      I read this story yesterday and there were some Islamic schools that applied for vouchers but were intimidated into withdrawing their applications.

      Some of the comments noted that Scientologists may start to apply for them as well and that the church has a history of filing lawsuits and refusing to be intimidated. This just might get very interesting!

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      lol Scientology agin the Tennessee Redneck!

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    It figures that our local politicians in the state were not aware of what Louisiana had found out when they wanted to use vouchers and that Muslims could use them also. Don't know what rocks they are living under as I think TN, LA and NC are in a race for for who will be the #1 nuttiest state in the nation.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      The governor of the state is worried about how TN appears to the rest of the nation and even the world as they are trying to get jobs here from other states......kinda like how TX does it-giving corporations tax incentives-can't have TN appearing as one of the nuttiest states.

    2. nah. We want to out stupid Texas!

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Here is Flori-duh we are VERY upset that Tennessee and North Carolina are doing their best to steal our thunder! We're slipping - we haven't even had an anti-Sharia bill this year!

      Tom, in FL

    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      By damn, we Tennesseans are going to start standing our ground when it comes to being the biggest nut-crackers. Bring it on Texas. We'll show you what REAL crazy looks like! Florida, you're like a box of junior mints compared to our nuts. NC, stay home and keep your neighbors to the south company. Tenne-fuckin-see rules!

    5. Dumaz3:05 PM

      Make way for Indiana you pikers from TN, NC, LA, AND fuckin' TX! Our legislators passed the Vouchers for Everybody law just weeks ago. Was litigated in the IN State Supreme Court. Said it was a violation of Church and State but those judges said no 5-0. Hey, and another thing, our auguste governor is the former Shelli Bachmann's caucus member Mike Pence. Man! He's whiter than most males, looks almost albino! Two months ago the Republican super-majority ALMOST gave all us Hoosiers TWO, Count'em TWO transvaginal (super dildoes)ultra sound before allowing the Plan-B pill. Well, the ultra RWNJs were talked into only one Transvaginal ultra sound before getting to have an abortion!
      So take that! We out-nutted all you southern nutters!!

  8. our lad2:15 PM

    I live in Tennessee and the dumb-ass knobs here ALL go to eleven.

  9. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Why not a WICCAN school so kids can learn to love nature?

    1. Why not put all the Muslims in internment camps. Much like those terrible people from Japan during WWII. They killed almost as many people as those Muslims on 9/11.
      Or were they Iraqis? Doesn't matter. None of them are "white".

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Yeah, they all colored. Tha Mericuns gone hafta kick all there asses afore its all ober with. If you ain't white, you're a communist. And a librul too.

  10. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Assholes are behaving like assholes.

  11. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Senate Bill 132 would take away money from families who receive assistance should their child not be performing to the standards Mr. Campfield and his cronies find acceptable in school. In other words, it’s a proposal to cut welfare to families whose children perform poorly in school. Tennessee lawmakers have come under a lot of fire over this, including late night jokes from Jay Leno.

  12. LisaB25955:19 AM

    I laughed out loud when I read this yesterday. It really should make me cry, it's so sad there are people that stupid, but damn, it's so funny.


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