Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Daily Show sets their sights on the ridiculously bad coverage of the Boston marathon bombing. CNN essentially writes half of the bit for them.

Click image to play video

Hey do YOU remember when CNN was the most respected name in cable news?

Yeah me either!

Having to be shooed away by the police so that your reporters don't get shot while they try and apprehend the suspect is a new low for ANY cable news network.

"Hey you know that arrest you're trying to report on? Yeah we can't do it because you re in the damn way!"

Update: I took out the embed because apparently THAT is why Google keeps identifying malware on my blog.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I think CNN 'was the most respected name in cable news back when they were the ONLY name in cable news. And no, Fox, you have not taken over that mantle. The most (and dropping) viewers does not mean you are respected or truthful. Just rich.

  2. Where, oh where, is Walter Cronkite now that we need him?

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    During a recent hospital visit with two survivors of the Boston Marathon tragedy, a Marine who lost both his legs in combat shared a powerful, inspiring message of hope.

    "There are so many opportunities that are going to come your way," the unnamed Marine, who uses prosthetic limbs and is said to be a paralympian, told Celeste Corcoran and her 17-year-old daughter, Sydney, as they lay recovering together at Boston Medical Center. "This isn't the end, this is the beginning."

    Celeste, 47, had been standing with Sydney at the marathon finish line last week when one of two bombs exploded, severely wounding both of them. Celeste's legs were amputated below the knee, and Sydney suffered near-fatal shrapnel wounds.

    “I can’t do anything right now,” Celeste told the Marine from her hospital bed on Sunday, her legs still heavily bandaged.

    “Right now, yes. But I’m telling you right now you are going to be more independent,” he replied.

    According to the Los Angeles Times, the visit from the injured Marine and his words of encouragement brought comfort to the resilient mother-daughter duo. “They had a good day today,” Sydney's uncle, Tim Corcoran, told the newspaper. “Celeste was encouraged.”

    A video of the visit (above), captured by Celeste's cousin Alyssa Carter, was uploaded to YouTube on Sunday. In it, a tearful Celeste can be seen visibly cheering up, drying her eyes and even telling a joke that makes the room light up with laughter.


  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Comfort Dogs Help Provide Emotional Support In Boston After Marathon Bombing (PHOTOS)


  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    OT (or is it?)

    quote of the day from the C4P nutfactory:

    john norton posted in Open Thread -
    "My wish is tht the rest of the populace is as educated as we are here at C4P..."

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Yes, very educated that group is. This "educated" group is the same one that just last week spoke about "Valenzuela" and "Saudia Arabia". Their "education" knows no bounds and is sometimes only made evident by their glaring lack thereof, or maybe they're just not that good at Geography, or spelling.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      There's a movie about that scenario, john norton. It's called Idiocracy.

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Natalie Stavas, Boston Doctor, Ran Marathon On Broken Foot And Then Helped Bombing Victims (VIDEO)


  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    CNN’s John King: Boston Reporting Errors Were ‘Embarrassing,’ A ‘Shot To My Credibility’

    Reporter John King appears to be taking all of the criticism being hurled at CNN after a trying week covering the Boston Marathon bombings personally. King told Washington, D.C. radio station WTOP Tuesday that the whole situation is “embarrassing” and as a Boston native, it’s “a double kick in the head.”


  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    ‘Can You Stop Being A Jerk?’ Piers Battles GOP Lawmaker Who Wants To Torture ‘Scumbag’ Behind Bombings


  9. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Now Rand Paul Thinks It’s OK To Kill U.S. Citizens With Drones On American Soil?

    Remember when Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stood up on the Senate floor for nearly 13 hours in an ideological protest of the Obama administration’s hypothetical authority to use drone technology to kill U.S. citizens on American soil? Well, now he’s saying killing a certain U.S. citizen on some specific American soil in Watertown, Massachusetts last Friday may not have been the worst thing in the world.


  10. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Senate Republicans Just Voted To Defend Boston Bombers’ Right To Legally Buy Guns

    The coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing has been a banquet of jumping to conclusions before all of the facts are in, with a side-order of peripheral attempts to connect the tragedy to unrelated political issues. There is one such connection, however, that is undeniable: days after the bombing, the Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted to defend the rights of the Boston bombers to legally purchase firearms, including assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and including the weaponry that was used to kill one police officer, and wound another, during last week’s manhunt.


  11. Anonymous10:39 AM

    ‘It’s Over For Them’: Don Imus Blasts CNN’s Boston Coverage, Goes After New President Jeff Zucker

    While CNN may have pulled off good ratings with their Boston coverage, the network has been widely been criticized for the inaccuracies in reporting the story’s developments. Don Imus joined the crowd on Tuesday, remarking on last week’s “absurd and frustrating” coverage. He called out CNN specifically, even going after its new president, Jeff Zucker.


  12. Anonymous11:02 AM

    OT but here's one you'll like:

    Presented without comment:


    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      A Rhawnhurst, Pennsylvania couple on probation for the 2009 death of their toddler son from pneumonia is accused of letting a second child die of a treatable illness, opting to pray rather than take the child to a doctor. According to the Associated Press, Herbert and Catherine Schaible are fundamentalist Christians who are accused of allowing their 8-month-old son Brandon to die after days of diarrhea and breathing problems because they believed that God would heal him.

      The Schaibles were four years into a 10-year probation sentence resulting from the death in 2009 of their 2-year-old son Kent from bacterial pneumonia. As part of their sentence for an involuntary manslaughter conviction, Common Pleas Court Judge Carolyn Engel Temin ordered the Schaibles to seek regular medical attention for their surviving seven children.

      Philadelphia Judge Benjamin Lerner said at a hearing on Monday that the Schaibles had “grossly and disastrously” violated the primary tenet of their probation last week when they allowed their ninth child, Brandon, to die last Thursday.


    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Someone dropped the ball. Those children should have been taken away from those stupid, neglectful, murderous parents. Those poor babies died because the people who were supposed to take care of them were complete morons.

  13. Anonymous11:03 AM

    can you turn off autoplay? it is a pita.

  14. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Hey Gryphen, that weird malware message is happening again when I use Chrome. I'm using Firefox to post this. Just thought you might want to know what's up.

    1. Yeah discovered that the Daily Show embeds are triggering that.

      I took it out but it will still give a warning for awhile until Google deems it safe.

      So irritating.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      For what it's worth and fyi, the message I'm getting using Chrome at 4 pm pst is that op-ed news.com, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page.

  15. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I'm waiting to hear that a red state congressional has claimed that the victims of the Boston tragedy were "asking for it."

    Followed by an "apology" in which the idiot states that he had no intention of letting anyone injured, or anyone related to those who lost their lives, to have heard him say that.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      As soon as any victim or victim's family member starts talking about gun control, some elected asshole will tell them to fuck off. Then the elected asshole can say he apologizes for his "timing" or he's sorry if someone got offended.

  16. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Does it get any sicker than this? What a fucking tool! I swear these people want to fuck their guns, literally they are so attached to them that they would be happy to sodomize themselves just to make a point. FUCKING SICK DEMENTED ASSHOLES!

    And then when he gets pushback he says 'Lighten Up'? Like people with a brain in their head are WRONG for calling him out? DISGUSTING!


    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      It's nothing but a fetish.

  17. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I just got the malware warning...4:22 Eastern

  18. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Why would they shut down a major US city for ONE crazed teenager with a gun?? Is Chicago shut down daily? This who thing is bizarre. Why would we demonstrate how easy it is to Al Queda to shut us down? One of their stated goals is to bleed us dry economically. Well how much did the Boston shutdown cost? I thought Boston was "tough". Why do they all hide inside when ONE deranged teen is on the loose? Come on. Its scary how no one is talking about this.

    1. You need another layer of tinfoil.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      What's scary is your complete lack of common sense.

      The police did their job and lost someone in the process. No civilians were hurt. Get a grip.

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Anon at 1:31 pm. They locked down Watertown and Boston to keep the suspect from escaping by car, by bus, by train or by plane. Remember he and his brother had already hi-jacked a car the night before and had engaged in a massive shoot out before the older brother was killed. No one in Watertown or Boston suffered as a result of the lockdown and I don't think that anyone has complained about it either. The authorities knew that the younger brother was armed, they feared that he had more grenade-type weapons and/or that he was wired himself. They also did not know if anyone else was working with the brothers. In the opinion of all sensible and sane Americans, the authorities acted prudently. In the end the authorities succeeded and they got the suspect, alive. A national/international manhunt would have cost far more in dollars and fear and consternation; what happened on Friday was a bargain in comparison. So, anon at 1:31 pm, grow up and get over it.

  19. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

    CNN is too far gone to recover. They commiserated with the "boys" who raped the victim, posted photos and videos of it, and never apologized nor walked back the story. Their coverage of the bombing almost looks like an SNL skit, they're stuck on stupid.
    I wonder how long it'll take for Anderson and Soledad to jump ship and join a "real" news show?

  20. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Fox News' Audience Is Literally Dying: Is Roger Ailes' Grand Experiment in Propaganda Doomed?

    There are certain demographic realities that can't be ignored.

    In the annals of Fox News, October 2012 will likely stand out as a shining moment. Buoyed by a wave of Republican optimism about Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, the network seemed tantalizingly close to realizing one of its key ideological goals: ousting President Obama from the White House. Renewed enthusiasm among conservatives was, in turn, triggering record-high ratings for much of the network's programming and helping it to beat not just rival news competitors MSNBC and CNN during prime time, but every other TV channel on the cable dial. What's more, the prospect of an ascendant GOP come January meant Fox News might soon return to the era of access and prestige it enjoyed in Washington during the presidency of George W. Bush. The future looked so bright that News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch signed Fox News president Roger Ailes to a lucrative four-year contract extension, even though the 72-year-old Ailes's existing contract wasn't due to expire until 2013.

    Then November arrived, and with it reality.

    Fox News's shellshocked election night coverage, punctuated by Karl Rove's surreal meltdown upon hearing of Obama's victory in Ohio and, thus, the election, capped off a historic day of reckoning for the network and conservatives alike. Chastened by defeat, Republican politicians and right-wing pundits have subsequently been grappling with the repercussions of the caustic tone and incendiary rhetoric their movement has adopted. This ongoing debate about whether broadening conservatism's appeal requires new messages or just new messaging has ignored the 800-pound gorilla in the room, however. Noticeably absent from all the right wing's public self-criticism is any interest in confronting the potent role played by the Republican Party's single most important messenger, Fox News.

    Standing at the epicenter of the network—and any new Republican Party groundswell—is Ailes. A former political operative of President Richard Nixon, Ailes has inextricably intertwined his professional and political pursuits since founding Fox News in 1996. Indeed, the network chief functions as a kind of proxy kingmaker within the party, frequently meeting with Republican politicians to offer strategic advice. He is a regular confidant of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, and at various times, he (or a network emissary of his) has counseled 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Gen. David Petraeus on their potential future. "Ailes," says former Reagan White House economic adviser Bruce Bartlett, "is quite open about offering his free advice to Republicans.... If you visit New York City, you go see Roger Ailes and kiss his ring. It's like visiting the Vatican. My guess is that there's a lot of back-and-forth between Ailes and whoever is at the pinnacle of power in the Republican Party."

    To keep relying on a shrinking number of elderly, white and male subsets of the public, whether to win elections or win ratings, has become a strategy of diminishing returns, however.



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