Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Taiwanese animators mock the American media coverage of the Marathon bombings.

Ouch that's going to leave a mark!

Still, they're not wrong.


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    spot on and absolutely right. The entire farce was a joke. They did EVERYTHING wrong.

    Suspect #2 was found only after the search was called off. and he was 100 yards from where they pretended to search. They looked at the front of houses, but not the back yards or the garages.

    When the fella' reported a bloody person was passed out in his boat, cops descended like swarms of ants. They shot the boat more than 200 times and suspect #2 was not armed.

    He's in a coma now, unable to speak. He was probably in a coma then.

    Gawd only knows what they did to the brother, but the first reports of beaten, tazed, stabbed and shot were HOURS before the news reported it.

  2. Pat in MA6:19 AM

    Got your tinfoil hat on securely this morning I see.

    Much of the media coverage was insane, I grant you that. Especially CNN with their 'brown skinned arrested suspect' and holding up pressure cookers as props. As to some of your other points -

    Authorities admitted the search perimeter they set was about 2 blocks short. And how the hell do you know where they looked?

    There are photos of suspect #2 climbing out of the boat. Pretty remarkable for someone in a coma.

    Suspect #1 charged the cops guns blazing while HIS BROTHER RAN HIM OVER with the car he escaped in.

    EVERYTHING wrong? The amount of materials investigators have found suggest they were planning more attacks.

    Climb back under your rock you asshole.

    1. Thank you, Pat.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Thanks, Pat, for straightening @5:21 AM out; although, I doubt if it will do much good. Idiots like that will go right on reciting the same old garbage over and over again no matter how wrong it is.

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Pat in MA6:19 AM

      Post proof of him climbing out of that boat. I doubt you can, because we saw the guy lying flat on his back with tubes attached to him at the scene, the the ambulance. There is no way he could have climbed out of that boat, in the condition he was in.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      photos of the unconscious man climbing out of the boat.....that's a hoot.

      what a bunch of garbage

    5. Dis Gusted12:30 PM

      I suspect that the photo of the man climbing out of the boat is the interrogator. If you look close you can see a multitude of bullet holes in the boat already.

      I don't see how they could have missed unless they are really lousy shots.

    6. Anonymous2:12 PM

      VIDEO: Final Moments Of Boston Bombing Suspect’s Capture

    7. Pat in MA2:20 PM

      I believe they used stun grenades. And here's a link to photo:

      There were also reports that the suspect was swearing profusely in the ambulance, again remarkable activity for one in a coma...

  3. SHARON7:40 AM

    I learned along time ago NOT to watch used to be the go to channel for "news", not commentary. MSNBC has proven to be accurate time and time again....for those GOP nimrods that don't like the liberal take on politics, you can still rely on them to report current events accurately. When the news divisions on every channel made the decision for profit over information...this is what you get. Entertainment disguised as news..Ted Turner must be sick what they did to his innovative idea of a 24 hr "news" channel. Pete Williams was the voice of reason and called a hero? I am sure he is not pleased with that label, he was a professional journalist reporting what was verified, and that is what MSNBC does consistently.

  4. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think one of the networks said it was a North Korea stealth missile, equipped with pressure cooker warheads, that struck Boston.

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Yeah, no wonder there are so many conspiracy theories cropping up on every incident.

    I realized I've come to rely more on FACEBOOK to hear news, than radio or tv...which is a frightening situation. (If someone posts something wrong there, you can count on 47 posters to follow, correcting it.)

    Actually, that also applies on THIS website, doesn't it?

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      It's like them reporting that the living suspect in the bombings is answering questions - writing them! I don't believe it for a minute. The guy was in critical condition, is on a breathing machine, has major damage to the throat area and is in intensive care. He has had surgeries, is doped up majorly and would be in no condition to provide answers to anything!

      I've been there - in ICU and you go/come in and out as to reality and basically don't remember much of anything for awhile.

      I don't believe what the government/media is throwing at all of us regarding this matter at all. I'm sure the government feels as though they have to show us they are doing something immediately because Americans want 'immediate' answers.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Now that was hilarious! As a person that doesn't watch any of the cable news networks, but read enough about their crap programming on the internet to know that I shouldn't ever ever watch ANY of them, this just helps me realize I've made the correct decision.


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