Monday, April 15, 2013

Things that Liberals are doing to take away your liberty.

Oh yeah, we are horrible people!


  1. Sally in MI2:52 AM

    There needs to be one for Consevatives:
    Ensure that everyone has big guns so we feel 'safe' walking in the neighborhood or driving our cars.
    Ensure every egg gets fertilized and every fetus has a vote
    Ensure that the Founders' intent of a Christian state is realized through a constitutional amendment
    Make English the national language
    Send illegals home to preserve jobs for Americans
    Teach creationism as fact
    Allow oil and gas companies even more tax breaks and access to private and public lands so they can build more pipelines to carry Canadian sludge to our gulf
    Allow more tax breaks for the wealthy so they are free to create jobs if they choose not to send our money to the Caymans
    Turn schools, hospitals, road-building, bridge repair, the miltary and SS and Medicare over to for-profit companies, as this wors so well with current health care needs and charter schools
    Declare the Koch Brothers Emperors
    Make any ALEC suggestion the law of the land immediately
    Ban all contraception to ensure women's health and Godly purpose

    (OK, I'm scaring myself now.)

  2. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Yes, I'm sorry for this man's family and him - but uhm, the irony:


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It just goes directly to their thighs.