Friday, April 19, 2013

Time Magazine chooses its 100 Most Influential People in the World. They skip Sarah Palin, but they DO let her put her name on a piece written about Rand Paul.

Time Magazine has picked their 100 Mot Influential People in the World for this year.

Sarah Palin did not make the list becasue she is such a has been these days, but they DID give her the opportunity to have her ghostwriter write up a little ass kissing homage to Rand "What the fuck is on my head?" Paul.

Courtesy of Time Magazine:  

When the Tea Party movement wanted to send a message to the Senate in 2010, it elected a clear-sighted eye doctor from the Bluegrass State. In a D.C. too often defined by the venal equivocations of a permanent political class more interested in consolidating its own power than in upholding the Constitution or defending the common good, Senator Rand Paul is a voice of reason awakening the public to what must be done to restore our prosperity and preserve the blessings of liberty for future generations. His brand of libertarian-leaning conservatism attracts young voters, and recently he inspired the nation with his Capraesque filibuster demanding basic answers about our use of drones. I sent him some caribou jerky from Alaska to help keep up his strength on the Senate floor. There’s more where that came from for this bold Senator with 20/20 vision willing to take a stand for liberty. 

I cannot tell you the number of times that Palin dropped the term "Capraesque" in casual conversation while campaigning in Alaska or attending social events as Governor.

I can't tell you the number of times, because there were not ANY times!

The same holds true for the words "venal," "equivocation," and "consolidating."

In fact after reading over this I think that Palin's ONLY contribution might have been, "I done sent him some caribou jerky once!"

Is ANYTHING more pathetic than having to have EVERY single word attributed to you written by somebody else for fear that people might recognize the staggering depths of your ignorance?

I am not sure if I can think of one.

As for Rand Paul? Well he is a sad little POS whose racism. misogyny, and selfishness will keep him from EVER achieving any political office more impressive than that of a Constitutionally retarded Senator from Kentucky.

So of COURSE Palin is a huge fan.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    No wonder Time magazine barely exists anymore. Was Sarah Palin the only person on the planet who could write in praise of Rand Paul? Probably so. So why bother with Rand Paul; he is certainly not one of the most influential people in the world!

    Totally OT but last evening we saw the movie, "The Story of Pi," and recommend it to one and all although it is not a movie for children.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Hey Beaglemom, I think you mean Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      I'll bet you'd enjoy "Kon Tiki", a Danish film, based on Thor Heyerdahl's epic journey. My copy is in Danish with Spanish subtitles, but it still left me breathless!
      Just to make this post valid, I hate Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Anon at 7:06 am. You're right: "Life of Pi." I had been calling it "story" and saw the right name on the theatre marquee and then forgot again. Oh well. Thanks for clarifying. Still an amazing film experience.

    4. Read that book when I was a kid. Made me wanna built a raft and go across the Pacific. Luckily, I lived in Pennsylvania.

    5. Anonymous10:48 AM

      "Kon Tiki" was required reading when I was in school. Great book. Can hardly wait to see "Life of Pi" and "42". Love reading the commentary on IM.

  2. jcinco6:47 AM

    The Life of Pi? I bought it for my daughter who is in in college, she saw it, loved it & wanted to own it. Being the good mom I am I sent it in its original packaging...Saw 42 last weekend with hubby. One of the best movies I've ever seen. Back on topic, sarah remains a dumb fuck who would need a ghost writer to write a cogent letter to santa...perhaps she likes rant because he has that same high pitched, girly voice as tawd...

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      You said it all for me, jcinco!

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Dying to see that film. Can't seem to get out of my own way and watch. Probably when it's on my On Demand some rainy Saturday. Ho hum.

    3. And the same wigmaker? LOL

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      hrh: my thought exactly. Too d@mn funny.

      But maybe we should start a collection: the Sarah Palin Wig Washing Fund. A bipartisan show of support in the public good. I mean, seriously people, the greasy dead thing on her head is surely getting to be a health hazard.

    5. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Is Rand Paul another client of Wallow's? Good God, if I ever had that bad of a hair day, I wouldn't leave home. What a friggin pube-head!

    6. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Aqua-Buddha will totally fuck your hair up for life. Causes the wonky-eye and serious body odor as well.

  3. Randall6:55 AM

    You KNOW you should re-think your positions if you find Sarah Palin in your corner.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Good grief. That wonky eye is really looking EVIL.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    PERFECT! This will perpetuate the public's association of Rand Paul with Sarah Palin, and hers with him...just two loser narcissists with hair issues

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Talk about being painted into a corner... Sarah will be the kiss of death for this dumbass as well. Look at her legacy of failure which is well into its 3rd generation that she's fucked up while serving her own selfish needs. Oh well, it couldn't happen to a more well-deserving dickhead like Rand. Bagger. Nuff said.

  5. Cracklin Charlie7:03 AM

    OMG, that picture of the Palin made me laugh out loud!


    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Look at that wig and those cheek implants. Madam Sarah.

      Meanwhile, her drooling fans (those of them who still exist) and masturbating the sight of her sucking on that straw.

    2. PalinsHoax9:02 AM

      I have to laugh at Palin's enormous nostrils. Man they are huge !!

      Of course, maybe they are so huge to help fill that empty ginormous head of hers, for it certainly is not filled with any intelligence, empathy, kindness, decency, or sensibility.

      Palin - Just an empty-headed bobble head with huge nostrils !!

  6. Evelyn Waugh7:10 AM

    I used to work for Time Magazine. You can be sure that, whatever was submitted, it was edited for space, grammar, style and information. Probably had to be rewritten at least twice. It also would be a good bet that her ghostwriter included the corny 20/20 vision and clear-eyed eye doctor thing, along with all the two-dollar words and allusions to Frank Capra, who was a denizen of the Hollywood that Sarah has so often denounced. Plus, "liberty" -- bold, blessing, etc. -- trite and banal.

    Rand Paul isn't influential -- he's just been in the headlines, which is why Time selected him for this year's list. They added Sarah Palin's by-line in order to sell magazines, not because they thought she'd write anything worthwhile.

    I think the University of Idaho should take back the diploma it gave to Sarah, if it did, in fact, grant one to her, based on her total inability to use the English language, written or spoken. It makes a mockery of their communications and journalism departments in which she supposedly majored.

    Sarah must have overnight-expressed that caribou jerky in order for it to get to the Senator in time for his filibuster. We'll be able to track the "postage" expense the next time her SarahPac submits its reports to the FEC.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      I'll wager that the U of I cringes every time Palin is associated w/them...I also doubt seriously she obtained any type of a degree from them! It has never been proven - much the same as the birth certificate for the child she never birthed!!

      She's a fraud and liar - proven time and time again.

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Yea, these two are peas in a pod. Capraesque my ass!! Champion of the underdog?? Right. These two are only out for one thing!! Themselves. While they gin up the misbegotten and claim they are for the common man they line their pockets with millions from their corporate masters. Disgusting.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      I initially read it as 'CRAPraesque'

      My selective dyslexia sometimes shows the truth!

    2. You too?...whew I thought I was the only one!

  8. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Boy she is an UGLY woman......inside and out.

    I don't believe for a second that Palin wrote that. Only the part about the moose jerky.

    I will never buy and issue of Time again.

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    And this is why I canceled my subscription to Time a long, long time ago.

  10. Anonymous7:14 AM

    LOL. I heard that on the radio and I thought they said Kafkaesque!!! Way more appropriate!

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The editors of Time knew what they were doing on this one.

    Sarah is political poison.

    Time is taking a socially acceptable shit on Rand.

    Anyone who believes Rand isn't pissed about being associated with Sarah Palin is a fuck'n liberal.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Don't blame Time. Rand Paul picked Sarah Palin. Time traditionally has the people on their most influential list choose the person they want to write the homage.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      7:19 I agree with you - I'll betcha that Paul is ticked to have Palin associated w/him. He knows she is nothing more than the kiss of death!

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    She fancies herself a kingmaker, and he imagines himself as the next POTUS. Maybe they'll be on the ticket together, hah!

    TIME didn't do either one any favors. Makes you wonder if the editorial board didn't decide to take these two out of play with one stroke, so that the grownups in the room could get serious for 2016.

  13. I would subject SP to the same kind of quiz I give students I suspect plagiarized a paper: define "venal," "equivocation," and "Capraesque."

    1. MimiC, I love your comment.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

      Me Too! And make her use each in a complete, cogent sentence. Wash her hands in goo be gone and make her wear blinders, she could copy off the person behind her's desk with that eye!

  14. Anonymous7:42 AM

    It appears that another commonality between Sarah and Rand is the fact that neither of them uses shampoo or a comb. They both look sloppy -- not at all like anyone who might aspire to be a leader.

    1. Both could use a hair school graduate.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

      Gee, hrh, wonder where we could find one?

  15. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Sarah is sucking on the straw while remebering the night with Glen Rice

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      The straw is too skinny to be compared to Glen Rice. Perhaps more to Todd (but not that long!) - goes along w/Toad with her goofy look! Horrible photo of her!

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Sarah, please remember that Ayn Rand libertarians are atheists, and reject any religious practices. Please square this view with your "Christian" fundamentalism. You can't be one as well as the other.
    Your "Christian" followers want to force everyone else to adhere to their narrow views. Libertarians don't want to preach to others about private matters, especially and including sexual freedoms.
    Please choose one of these views, Sarah, and denounce its opposite.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Oh no. You're asking her to ready for an explosion somewhere in Alaska or Arizona..

    2. WakeUpAmerica11:22 AM

      Sarah Palin isn't a Christian. She is an opportunist. Big difference.

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Yes, a Chriportunist.

  17. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Is ANYTHING more pathetic than having to have EVERY single word attributed to you written by somebody else for fear that people might recognize the staggering depths of your ignorance?


    The thing that's more pathetic is to have EVERYTHING that is written have to turn around to be about yourself. She/the ghost writer can't even compliment Rand Paul without adding a cutesy little Alaska reference to what SHE sent him.

  18. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anon 7:19 Exactly!

  19. Have the authorities started hunting her by helicopter??

    They’re ready to seal Monkey Mountain…

  20. Anonymous8:34 AM




  21. Anonymous8:38 AM

    It took Sarah Palin 6 colleges and 5 years to get one degree.

    No way that billy knows what those big words mean. The woman is an idiot and can't even spell those words.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I doubt that wig wearing bimbo can't even spell Alaaasska without healiecopter Todd.

  22. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "Paul, since my ghost writer wrote those things about you, can I have a photo op with you?

  23. Anonymous8:55 AM

    The Tea Party is so 2010 .
    It's gone out with a whimper .
    Their signature events , heavily promoted anti tax rallies ,
    were big flops this year.
    The Tea Party Caucus in the House is defunct.
    It's now become just a scam, primarily fleecing seniors out of
    their Social Security checks using the hook of Tea Party.
    Limbaugh uses the Tea Party to sell his tea,
    Palin to get donations to her PAC
    and the other groups to enrich themselves.
    A photo from their major anti tax rally in Boston this past Saturday is here-
    I see more people on line at Costco.
    Palin's gushing over Paul reads like a 14 yr old girl's love letter to Justin Bieber.
    I see Palin and Paul use the same wig maker , Merkin and Co.

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Rand did SarahPac give you $5, 000?
    Then Palin is not into you and just wanted her name printed in a magazine since nobody else is interested in her.

    Makes her feel relevant.

  25. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I can't tell you the number of times, because there were not ANY times!

    Errr… Zero is a perfectly good number. You did tell us the number of times—albeit with a circumlocution—in the very sentence where you said you couldn't.

    Centuries ago, I've read, zero was banned in Greece, but times have changed. More about its history in Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea.

  26. Anonymous9:57 AM

    "100 Mot Influential People in the World"

    To get on that list, one must first learn to proofread though.. ;-)

  27. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Excuse my language, what kind of fucking idiot is Sarah Palin? She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

    Palin gets her ghost writer to submit her ass kissing letter to Time magazine for 100 Most Influential People but the dumbass forgot about this:

    “Time magazine, I think there is some irrelevancy there, to tell you the truth,” the former Alaska governor said Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” “I mean consider their list of the most influential people in the country and the world, some who have made that list — yours truly! that ought to tell you something right there regarding the credence we should give Time magazine and their list of people.”
    -Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      To highlight how stupid Sarah's is, her comment should be added as an update to this post

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Hah! I remember that. Palin's such a dipshit dimwit it boggles the mind.

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Dumbfuck Sarah, trying to drag President Obama down to her level, but now it's someone she "likes" so YAY! You can totally believe Time Magazine now! lol

  28. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Rand Paul will never win - having Palin support him is the kiss of death - but, he'd not win anyway!

    I'm so delighted they didn't show Palin in the top 100 AGAIN. She's a has been and flunky!!! No doubt about it!

  29. Janice10:52 AM

    Wow, to think she did not make this list, get invited to Margarets funeral or get invited to the RNC National Convention.

    And she thinks Obama is a loser?

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Sarah Palin is a friggin' doubt about it!

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Well, I mean, he can never match her success, only being the most powerful man in the world who crushed the Republicans twice, decimated Al Quaeda's leadership, and is loved and admired by most of the civilized world and all. He can't match her record as a half-term governor laughing stock of the world moron who is a shitty parent and doesn't even bother to bathe when she makes public appearances! You know he is jealous!! Michelle too! BWAHAHA

  30. Anonymous11:11 AM

    She sure is aging fast.

  31. Anonymous11:35 AM

    venal equivications, capraesque!!!!! Reminds me of when my daughter was in high school and discovered Roget's Thesaurus. She just randomly added big words to her essays and book reports to impress the teacher. I thought it was funny and got a kick out of it - she went on to college and beyond where she learned to use words appropriately and judiciously but many unskilled writers like Sarah's ghost writer continue the tactic - trying to fool people with dollar words when honesty would do just as well.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:36 PM

      Wasn't it during Randy's capraesque filibuster that he talked for thirty minutes about how bad he needed to pee?

  32. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I want to know why President Obama and Boston didn't call Sarah Palin to handle the terrorist bombing? As Commander In Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah has the know how to catch these perpetrators. Sarah could of used her Alaska hunting skills as well as her training she received from the US Army during her tour of Afghanistan.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Sarah could of advised the Boston Police to organize armed Alaskan pilots in small airplanes to hunt these bombers from the air. This incident could of been over in hours.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Fuck you guys trying to make fun of our Sarah. The United States was never attacked by Russia on her watch as governor.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      Wouldn't that be like waterboarding? Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

  33. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Yea, Sarah Palin the Queen of the Tundra!!!

  34. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Look at those eyes in the Big Gulp sucking photo; those things are all over the place! I can't figure out why she hasn't had her strabismus corrected. It's a very simple procedure. As vain as she is why not just get that fixed? To me it is the main thing that takes away from her face, it's really hard to get past it. I had a track coach that had the "wondering eye" and really, it just was too distracting and most times I wasn't hearing what he had to say but was watching that "traveling eye". New tits, possible simple face tightening, but yet, no fixing of the googly eye....I don't understand her.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Pretty freaky, now that you mention it. Could it be something other than amblyopia, I wonder? She looks positively deranged.

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Why doesn't she consult "Dr." Rand Paul, opthalmologist?

  35. Anonymous3:20 PM

    President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and the Honorable Gabby Giffords made the list. The dumb ass pig from Wasilla, nowhere to be found. She will however lead the list of the 100 most Stupid individuals on the planet, so all is not lost BITCH.

  36. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

    They both use Paul Revere's wig maker. Funny how she's moved from stalking photo ops with copses, and Randy is what she picks to leech off of.

  37. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Hair Club for Men reject. Did this idiot get a hair transplant with Andrew Deadfart's pubic hair onto his nappy head? Do something with... THAT! It's disgusting. Just like Sarah's thinning bobblehead.

  38. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Anchorage should take a lesson from Boston.
    Anchorage needs to place video cameras on their street corners and their houses of ill reput so they can catch the low life man who preys on single struggling mothers and turns them into prostitutes.

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Didn't he move to Arizona?

    2. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Did he retire from the business?

    3. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Some say he's laying low until the heat dies down. Once a pimp always a pimp.


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