Friday, May 24, 2013

Boy Scouts of America vote to allow gay scouts. But once they become adults they are out of there!

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

The roughly 1,400 voting members of the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) National Council voted 61-38 percent Thursday to end the ban on gay youth participating in the program, but reaffirmed their policy of mandatory discrimination against LGBT leaders and volunteers. 

The move — suggested by the national leadership as an attempted compromise — represents a modest step forward, but still comes as a disappointment to the thousands of Eagle Scouts,1.8 million petition signers, and the 56 percent of Americans who want the BSA to end its anti-LGBT discrimination. 

While the policy change will permit openly gay Scouts like Ryan Andresen to receive their Eagle Scout awards, it will still prevent openly lesbian parents like former Cub Scout Den Leader Jen Tyrrell from volunteering with their parent’s Scout units. 

BSA President Wayne Perry wrote, in a USA Today op-ed Wednesday, that allowing LGBT leaders “would have conflicted with the majority of our partners, 70% of which are religious organizations, and would have disrupted our ability to deliver Scouting.” But in the same statement, he noted, the organization was “unaware of any major religious chartered organization that believes a youth member simply stating he or she is attracted to the same sex, but not engaging in sexual activity, should make him or her unwelcome in their congregation.” 

This admission and the rule change seem to contradict the BSA’s long-standing rationale that “homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the requirements in the Scout Oath that a Scout be morally straight and in the Scout Law that a Scout be clean in word and deed, and that homosexuals do not provide a desirable role model for Scouts.” By finally admitting that being LGBT is not, itself, incompatible with being “morally straight” or “clean,” the justification for excluding adults purely on the basis of their sexual orientation seems to now be reduced to “some religious organizations prefer discrimination.”

"Some religious organizations prefer discrimination." They are talking about you Mormons!

Personally I think this is yet another approach to reparative therapy where the assumption is that if the kids are encouraged to do "real man" like activities, while restricting their access to gay role models,  it will cleanse them of their gayness.

The same idea is what is behind the emphasis on sports, and the desire to keep professional athletes from coming out of the closet. After all how could a gay person have athletic ability, or enjoy banging their bodies agonist other men on the football filed, or grappling with them on the wrestling...wait.

Of course it demonstrates a lack of understanding and empathy to assume that gay kids don't like sports or camping, and that exposure to those activities will somehow "drive the spirits of gay-dom" out of their bodies.

However I applaud the Boy Scouts for at least opening the door enough to allow some kids who do not fit their cookie cutter image of what a moral American boy should be.

However if one of these gay scouts should suddenly come out as an Atheist? Oh hell, that's when shit gets real!

Oh well, our day will come. Count on it!


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Kids aren't stupid. They know which kids will become banned adults. The Boy Scouts organization wants to inflict as much damage as they can on gay youth, all in the name of supporting religious sensitivities.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Today's gay scout will be tomorrow's gay scout leader.

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Boys Scouts of America just has to "solve" this gay "problem" with bent logic because they're so much more careful with the boys entrusted to them than, say, those evil Girl Scouts troops.

  4. Pope Francis Says Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics.

    1. That, and two bucks gets you a ride on the subway.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Boy Scouts - gay - OK, but not their leaders. Makes absolutely no sense! It will change in that regard too - it'll have to or the Boy Scout population will decrease as time moves along.

    They'll start their own organization that does the same thing! There are always ways around these idiots who profess themselves to be religious. My ass!

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I started in scouting when I was around 1st grade. I continued until I was 20 and joined the USMC. I became an Eagle Scout in 1983. Last year I sent my medal back, I figured if this org. wants to be a dinosaur, I'm done w/ them. I had at least 2 guys in my troop who I knew were gay, but it never mattered to me. It made my mom feel icky (LOL), but never for one second did I think it was wrong for them to do all that we did right alongside me. It's about time, but too little, IMHO

    Tap Duncan

  7. Being atheist is the new gay. Come of the closet and join The Force for Reason.

  8. Speaking of the Utah Cult; remember, folks, the second "m" is always silent.

  9. ibwilliamsi12:35 PM

    Gryph, I feel the need to address this issue from an insider's point of view. My grown son is an Eagle Scout and I was active in his Troop. After he was an adult and no longer eligible to belong to BSA as a member, I continued on as District Eagle Advancement Chair primarily because there is a big push by the Mormons to take over Scouting, and they were RUINING it by enrolling every 11 year old boy in every Stake in an LDS Troop. That is NOT what Scouting is about. It took 7 years, but with a lot of work on my part I finally got the District to stop allowing the LDS boys to do all of their Eagle projects on LDS property (not really a "community" benefit) planned by adults.

    The requirement that most people associate with religion in Scouting is "Do you believe in God or a Supreme Being?" The answer must be "yes", but your supreme being can be a tree or a salmon. There is no religious requirement excepting by those who want to pervert it.

    In so far as the acceptance of gay Scouts, out Troop would NEVER have excluded a boy because he was gay or for any other reason. There is nothing in the Scout Handbook that says that a Scout couldn't be gay. It said that a Scout must be "Morally Straight". This was written over 100 years ago and clearly referred to lying, cheating, stealing, drinking, etc... It's something that LDS and other religious zealots perverted. Because the rules regarding gay members has been clarified, and because there has been a strong push for decades to have "two deep leadership" to avoid abuse by adults, it won't be long before the religious zealots lose the battle over gay leaders as well.

    This is a big win on the battle on the war on hate. It doesn't win the war, but it won't be far behind. Abandoning Scouts or saying that "This is not enough" at this point won't help.

  10. Anonymous12:37 PM

    This will be the end of the boy sodomites.

  11. Balzafiar1:49 PM

    @ibwilliams, you wrote:

    "It said that a Scout must be "Morally Straight". This was written over 100 years ago and clearly referred to lying, cheating, stealing, drinking, etc... It's something that LDS and other religious zealots perverted."

    Thanks so much for that from an insider. I'm not a Scout but I understood clearly what the intent of the "morally straight" term was intended to mean -- which has nothing to do with orientation. I have for a long time been trying to educate people who comment on that particular term as to its real intent, usually without much luck; they just don't believe it.

    One of the projects I have in mind is to research the Scout oath since its beginning to help better explain it to people and hopefully wake them up.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      @ibwilliams, Thank You for a reasonable assessment. As a recovered Catholic,I cant help wondering why the current BSA cant just say,"no sex". I dont agree with that,but it simplifies it for simpletons.Very CYA. mermaid Michele

    2. ibwilliamsi5:10 PM

      Balzafiar, the meaning of the oath would be a good research project. Sometimes the zealots will also use "physically strong" as the anti-gayz, because "AIDS and STD's". Of course, that is ridiculous, too, and not what they meant.

      This is a really good place to start research. It seems to reflect accurately what my Troop was working with 15 years ago. All of the handbooks have printed an explanation of the oath over the years, and none have mentioned sex in any way. It's not surprising that the people who misinterpret the Bible also like to misinterpret the Boy Scout Oath. In any case, I think that the tenants of the Oath are basically good, so long as I can have a salmon or a tree for my supreme being. ;)

      "To keep myself physically strong"

      Take care of your body so that it will serve you well for an entire lifetime. That means eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly to build strength and endurance. it also means avoiding harmful drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and anything else that can harm your health.

      "mentally awake"

      Develop your mind both in the classroom and outside of school. Be curious about everything around you, and work hard to make the most of your abilities. With an inquiring attitude and the willingness to ask questions, you can learn much about the exciting world around you and your role in it.

      "and morally straight"

      To be a person of strong character, your relationships with others should be honest and open. You should respect and defend the rights of all people. Be clean in your speech and actions, and remain faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you practice as a Scout will help you shape a life of virtue and self-reliance.


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