Monday, May 20, 2013

Forbes Magazine asks, "Could Obama be America's best President?" Ooh, this is going to piss off a lot of people on the Right!

Here is a sampling form the article courtesy of Forbes:

Interview with Bob Deitrick, co-Author “Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box” (BBBB): 

Q- Bob, how much credit should Americans give President Obama for today’s improved equity values? 

BBBB – Our research reviewed American economic performance since President Roosevelt installed the first Federal Reserve Board Chairman – Republican Marriner Eccles. We observed that even though there are multiple impacts on the economy, it was clear that policy decisions within each administration, from FDR forward, made a clear difference on performance. And relatively quickly. 

Presidents universally take credit when the economy does well (such as Reagan,) and choose to blame other factors when the economy does poorly (such as Carter.) But there was a clear pattern, and link, between policy and financial market performance. 

Although we hear almost no one in the Obama administration taking credit for record index highs, they should. Because the President deserves attention for how well this economy has done during his leadership. 

Q- To which President would you compare Obama’s economic performance? 

BBBB- By all measures, President Obama has outperformed every modern President. The easiest comparison would be to President Reagan, who’s economic performance was superb. 

Reagan had the enormous benefit of two major factors: 

  1. a significantly better economy than Obama inherited, even if afflicted by inflation 
  2. and his two terms coincided with the highest performing demographic years of the Baby Boomer generation. 

Today’s demographics have shifted dramatically. The country is much older, with fewer young people supporting a much larger near-retirement age group. This inherent demographic fact makes creating economic growth monumentally harder than it was 30 years ago. 

Q- Bob, President’s Obama detractors liken the Affordable Care Act (i.e. Obamacare) to an Armageddon on business, sure to kill economic growth and plunge the country back into recession. Do you agree? 

BBBB- To the contrary, ACA levels the playing field and will be good for economic growth. Where previously only large corporations could afford employee health care plans, in the future far more employees will have far more equitable coverage. Further, today employees frequently are unable to leave a company to start a new business because they would lose health care, which in the future will not be true. 

One leading indicator of the benefits of ACA might be the performance of healthcare and biotech stocks, which are up 20-30% and leaders in the current market rally.

So did you get that? President Obama has out performed all previous Presidents by ANY measure and his Obamacare is GOOD for economic growth despite hysterical ravings by the Right Wing to the contrary.

Now Forbes magazine is not exactly known as being Obama cheerleaders, so this article is significant coming from them. (I can already hear their phones ringing off the hook as conservatives call to cancel their subscriptions.  Oh well, most of them are dying off anyway.)

Now if that did not make you gain a little more respect for the President perhaps this article from his former speechwriter will accomplish that:  

The handwringers and bed wetters in the D.C. punditocracy should know that Barack Obama will never be on their timeline. He does not value being first over being right. He will not spend his presidency chasing news cycles. He will not shake up his White House staff just because of some offhand advice offered to Politico by a longtime Washingtonian or a nameless Democrat who’s desperately trying to stay relevant. And if that means Dana Milbank thinks he’s too passive; if it means that Jim VandeHei will keep calling him arrogant and petulant; if it means that Chris Matthews will whine about him not enjoying the presidency, then so be it. He’ll live. 

Barack Obama understands his own limitations and the limitations of his office. He has made mistakes and he will likely make more. But this is a president who has seen the nation through many serious and consequential crises, and he has done so without losing the core of who he is or why he ran for this job in the first place. In the end, those are the qualities that will serve him well—the qualities that will serve us well—in the months and years ahead.

So, according to these two articles, President Obama has done an extremely impressive job thus far, and there is every indication he will continue to do so in the future.

Sounds good to me.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    He will go down as one of our best presidents and hopefully, will end up on Mt. Rushmore! The Republicans have tried everything they could to stop him having any success and they have failed!

    I personally think he is doing a fantastic job and I'm delighted I voted for him both times!

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Ya. taking our guns away, FORCING people to pay for unnecessary healthcare, and all the lies and people died under him. Give him a medal for WORST PRESIDENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      The worst goes to the traitor Reagan who chose to conspire with Iran to delay the hostages release. He should have been executed for treason. And of course his presidency was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    With all that negativity and roadblocks President Obama has received from the white racists Republicans, he hasn't let them deter him one bit from his mission of making America a better place for all people in the United States regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Think about this. Bristol Palin voted for Senator Obama to become president in 2008 by not voting for the Palin-McCain ticket.



    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Did she have a reason, or did she just forget to vote in the most important election she'd ever face in her lifetime? Her mother running for vice president of the United States, and Bristol slept in?

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      4:49 I don't think that is the correct comment. Bristol didn't vote at all and told that to mother publicaly. She was rightly embarrassed. Before anyone hollers, I voted for President Obama both times!

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      I believe Bristol voted in the 2008 presidential election (at least she says she did). It was the 2010 midterm election when she publicly said she didn't vote.

    4. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Anom 5:33 read the comment again.

      Think about this. Bristol Palin voted for Senator Obama to become president in 2008 by not voting for the Palin-McCain ticket.

      Yes it is true Bristol Palin did not vote. No argument there.

      Bristol did not vote for her mother and John McCain because she forgot the most important election in her mother's life.

      It was really important to Sarah Palin, Sarah said it herself "I so don't want to go back to Alaska"

      So Anom 4:49 is saying by not voting for McCain she helped Obama.

      No need to respond since you don't understand the meaning.

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I am Anonymous 4:49 and I was wrong. Anonymous 6:38 you are correct. I stand corrected.

      Sarah Palin's daughter admitted Wednesday she didn't vote in the midterm elections."I did not send in my absentee ballots to Alaska," Palin told Inside Edition. "I'm going to be in trouble. Sorry, mom.

    6. Anonymous1:05 AM

      Levi didn't vote for Sarah, either. Like Bristol, he just didn't bother.

    7. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Wow...Anonymous 7:20....smug much? "No need to respond since you don't understand?". Pretty ironic statement given that you were wrong...

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I've wondered how much "people" pay to have shit like this written. The facts are overwhelmingly in opposition. I hate the media and I never use that word - hate.

    1. Seriously is there ANY air in that Right Wing bubble?

      And is that why all of you guys carry your own oxygen tanks?

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Wait, the Dow's up over 13,000.
      Wall Street traders are not sentimental. The stock values speak for themselves. The deficit's shrinking. Jobs are opening up.

      What is it that this person "hates"?
      And why would the writer even think that a positive, or negative, article can be purchased in almost any established journal?
      If that were so, the Koch brothers would be buying propaganda pieces from coast to coast, and "journalists" would be rolling in money, paid by the highest bidder.

      Obamacare, among the economic benefits it confers, will have a tremendous effect on the psychological well-being of the nation. No more worrying about not having the money to pay for a doctor in an emergency. Being able to leave a stultifying job and try something new because your health care is portable. College graduates can take a few years to get established, and stay on their parents' health plan until they're 27.
      As a Massachusetts resident, I can tell you that universal care (Romneycare!!! Thanks, Mitt) has not devoured the state in debt and cost, and everyone can receive care when its needed. We are a happier place because of it.

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Why would you put the word people in quotations. Are you suggesting animals did it? Or aliens?

    4. Anonymous6:15 PM

      4:49 PM BWAHAHAHAHA Another Right Winger with his Panties in a Wad about the Success of President Obama. You Dummy, when he succeeds, we all succeed.

    5. Anonymous6:17 PM

      What's wrong, 4:49 you can't handle the truth?

    6. Anonymous6:45 PM


      I don't really care who is responsible for this market surge but hey, I'll take it! Funnily enough I had sells and buys come through today; thing's I'd even forgotten about but it was a banner day in my portfolio and for that I'm grateful. I don't belong to either party and really don't care who's in charge as long as my bottom line looks good. YAY, thanks Obama?

    7. Anonymous4:56 AM

      @5:30: The Dow is over 15,000.

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The numbers speak for themselves, so the right wing idiots, can pout, stomp their feet, grit their teeth, and make fools of themselves all they want, but the American public is on to these jokers. All you have to do is compare your 401k's and/or investment account to 2009. Mine are back up, and even worth more than they were before the crash. My home value has rebounded, and I'm getting calls left and right for work projects...I even landed a new gig making $5-6 an hour more than I was with one of my part time jobs. Thanks President Obama!

    Virginia Voter

  6. PalinsHoax5:02 PM

    Just ask children and babies. They KNOW that President Barack Obama is absolutely the best.

    I am so proud of this president - President Barack Obama. Thank God, Dogs and Babies that he was elected twice for the presidential office of the USA !!!

    1. Anonymous1:06 AM

      You're right about the babies. They're no fools.

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Sarah Palin said today on her FB page that global warming is crap because it is snowing in Alaska. She doesn't know the difference between climate and weather. Today, a mile wide tornado killed 51 people at this time. Yesterday tornadoes killed two people in oklahoma. How DARE she interject her bullshit into what is going on. Thanks Alaska. You are a beautiful state and a beautiful people, but this bitch is a pox on society. I wish she would just shut the fuck up. Any chance of that happening?????

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      That was Saturday, we had snow here on Saturday 5/18 and Palin talked about it. Today, it is 61 at my house and the snow is but a memory.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Maybe we should give politics a rest tonight out of respect to those affected in Oklahoma. I am.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Those poor people that live in Tornado Alley. I hope this isn't as bad as Joplin MO in 2011 when 158 died.

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Walter Lippmann, before the 1932 election, said that Franklin Roosevelt had a second-class mind but a first-class temperament.
    Barack Obama has a quick and agile mind, with deep experience in the law. He also possesses an inner core of strength, humility, and conviction that has served him and us well during these really rough years.

    Do most of us, especially little children, see his special gifts? I think so. His quiet confidence and ready smile have carried him, and us, a long way.

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Gryphen, I think it is important to note the specific distinction being made in the article is ECONOMICALLY the best president...

    Not that I don't think he isn't the best president ever, because I do, but I think that if we don't make that distinction, it isn't representative of what the article is articulating, and makes him vulnerable to attacks.

  11. Anonymous5:53 PM

    PI feel like these last few weeks have been a study of TeaPukeLiCons wanting to see if any of the sh*t they throw against the wall will stick, and since nothing so far has stuck, they dig out the old story from last July, that the IRS was targeting them, conveniently forgetting to mention that actually quite a few progressive groups got scrutinized, too.

    GASP!!! The IRS actually doing their job and checking on tax exempt statuses of political groups? What HAS the world come to?!?!

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Supposedly, a few of those groups are putting together a class action suit against the IRS.

  12. Olivia6:11 PM

    Barack Obama will undoubtedly go down in the history books as the best president we have had so far, if only for the regal manner in which he handles the racism and obstruction.

  13. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Barack is POTUS and the stock market has been going crazy and I LOVE IT! Not sure if he is responsible but if he was running again I'd vote for him! What a day it has been, wow, recovered some really bad losses today. Thanks Obama!

  14. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Any normal person, whose mind is not warped by Fox channel fear and hatred broadcasting, has been able to easily detect exactly how good for the nearly dead American economy, Obama's policies have been.

    One of the only valid criticisms of his domestic issues performance, is that he does not try to take credit often enough; and that he appears to pander to those who hate him, way more than seems necessary.

  15. It's about time someone mentioned how good a president Barack Obama is, has been, and will continue to be until his 2nd term is up. He'll be one of the great ones, for sure.

  16. It is amazing that Obama has accomplished anything in the face of such bloody-minded obstructionism that he has had to deal with from the very start. However, I do not like to dwell on what he could have done if he had had real adults in Congress to work with...makes me kind of sad how much harm the Right and their Corporate masters are doing to this country and its people.

  17. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "He will not spend his presidency chasing news cycles."

    Tell that to Planned Parenthood and Shirley Sherrod.

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Pigford was a big deal. Cost old Andrew his earthy existence. Can't say I'm sad.

  18. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    This is why so many people voted for him in the first place. He's both smart and wise, qualities that are rare in politicians. While the media's whipped up in a frenzy, he's working hard and staying above the fray.
    What I like most about President Obama is his laser like focus on making things better for the middle class. That Graphic says it all!

  19. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Record-Breaking Majority Of Americans Now Believe Same-Sex Relationships Morally Acceptable

  20. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The number of Americans who view the Republican Party unfavorably has hit a record high, according to a new poll released by CNN on Monday, despite scandals that have plagued the White House over the past few weeks.

    The poll found that 59 percent of respondents view the GOP unfavorably, a record that has only shown up one other time in the poll's results since tracking began in 1992.

    The Republican Party's net favorability ratings are down 8 points in the past two months. The amount of respondents viewing the GOP favorably fell from 38 percent to 35 percent, while the number of people who view the party unfavorably climbed five points, up from 54 percent in March.

    The only other time the party's favorability ratings have been this low came in the aftermath of the summer 2011 fight over raising the nation's debt ceiling.

  21. emrysa8:54 PM

    yeah this is a great pic... as a huge fan of the matrix, I think it is quite fitting - had to add to the old fb page. obama is kicking their asses all over town and they can't stand it! defeated by the black man - repeatedly! rofl

  22. Anonymous8:59 PM

    GOP scandal-mongering making Obama more popular, GOP most unpopular in CNN polling history

    The media and Republicans may be screeching about President Barack Obama's scandals, but the American people are seeing through the bullshit.

    CNN reported on Sunday that 53% of people questioned in the survey said they approve of the job the president is doing, with 45% saying they disapprove. The president's approval rating was at 51% in CNN's previous poll, from early April. The two point rise was well within the survey's sampling error.
    The new numbers indicate that Obama remains popular, with 79% of Americans saying the president is likable.
    But it's not just Obama. The Democratic Party went from a 46-48 favorable-unfavorable rating a month ago, to 52-43 in this latest poll. That's a net gain of 11 points.
    As for impeachment-screeching Republicans? They're DOWN a net eight points from 38-54 a month ago, to 35-59 this week.

    It turns out that:

    * The American people just don't think that it's the worst scandal since Watergate that Obama called the Benghazi consulate attack an "act of terror" as opposed to a "terrorist attack".

    * The American people just don't care that the IRS spent extra time looking at the applications of political groups—none of which had their applications rejected, mind you. (Well, except for that one liberal group.)

    * The American people can't be bothered to care that some reporters were spied on, after the GOP spent the last decade pushing for increased wiretapping powers in the name of "national security". This is exactly what Republicans wanted. No one believes they're really that outraged about it now.

    So after the president's supposed worst week ever, with Republicans jumping in glee at the scandals, we find that the president's popularity has inched up, the Democratic Party's popularity is significantly up, and Republicans, at 59 percent unfavorable, are at their highest unpopularity level since CNN started polling the question in 1992.

    Way to go, sherlocks.

    1. The 'Business Insider', is also reporting on the CNN report.

  23. Full blown war going on over at the pee pond open thread.

    *grabbing popcorn*

  24. Anonymous10:24 PM

    A top liberal SuperPAC in the 2012 election had undisclosed financial ties to the private equity firm Bain Capital — something that some people close to the group say interfered with its core mission of attacking Bain veteran Mitt Romney’s business record

    1. Anonymous1:08 AM

      I firmly believe everything I've ever read on Buzzfeed - especially Buzzfeed's indentification of the Boston Bombers. Yup.

  25. Anonymous10:49 PM

    This is a bit off topic, Gryph, but I have to put my two cents in. I met Sarah Palin once on an Alaskan cruise. She was charming and engaging and more than willing to take pictures with us. But what really struck me was, and I'm almost embarrassed to mention it, well, she had a bad smell. If any other readers have had a similar experience I would like to hear about it.

  26. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Sarah Palin smells like poo.

  27. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Brad was asked once what was it like. He said it was glorious but it smelt bad.

  28. Anonymous12:27 AM

    From a Canadian prospective following American politics. Barack Obama will go down as the most influential president in the history of America. You can't expect presidents from the past to top this man.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:48 PM

      If you maple leaves are really nice, when the President finishes his term, and Michele finishes her two terms, we might let him move to Canada, and he can be your Prime Minister.


  29. And here is another article in 'Bloomburg'. A conservative leaning, business magazine, that worries that the 'Obama Scandals' could actually be hurting Republicans. The comment section is also a good read with some intelligent posts going back and forth.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.