Friday, May 31, 2013

Mitt Romney planning to "help" Republican candidates in 2014. Is it too early to send him a thank you card?

Courtesy of TPM:  

As a first step, the former Republican presidential nominee plans to welcome 200 friends and supporters to a three-day summit next week that he will host at a Utah mountain resort. 

He is considering writing a book and a series of opinion pieces, and has plans to campaign for 2014 candidates. But he is wary of overdoing it. "I'm not going to be bothering the airwaves with a constant series of speeches," he told The Wall Street Journal, speaking from his home in La Jolla, Calif.

No no, I disagree. There is no such thing as "overdoing it."

Really the more Mitt the better in my opinion.

He should appear in campaign commercials, make appearances with as many candidates as possible, and perhaps even advise them on how to connect with the common man. (He was SO good at that!)

In fact this COULD be the Dem...Republican's secret weapon for 2014.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I suppose the Republican party thinks they have to bring him out again. Good for the Dems!!!

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    He's not going to be bothering the airwaves with a constant series of speeches? That sounds to me like he's saying he's not going to bombard the airwaves and cyberwaves in a preachy self-righteous tone like Sarah does.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    If publishers thought a Mitt Romney book would be welcomed by the public with open wallets, he'd already have signed a contract and be busy writing, or "writing," with the help of a ghost.

    He must think the audience for his hard-bound musings will wait patiently forever. Answer: no.

    Get off your duff, Romney, if you think you still have a place at the table. I see the chairs are shifting, and there might not be one left for you.

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Why I secretly recorded Mitch McConnell

  5. laprofesora1:25 PM

    Mitt Romney is nothing more than a bored rich kid who doesn't know how to use his $$$$$$$ to enjoy his life. If I had that kind of money, no way would I get involved in the dirty business of politics. Sad, isn't it, that he spent his life in pursuit of riches and it still doesn't satisfy him. He could use his wealth to fund charities, or like Bill Clinton support global initiatives. But being a Rethug he's not interested in anything but feeding his massive ego. Poor little Mitt has nobody to play with.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Entitled. Just like his "you people" wife.

  6. Guess he's tired of riding up and down in his car elevator (which even the President doesn't have, doncha know) while sitting in one of Queen Ann's Cadillacs.

    He still has delusions. Like $carah Payme, he's thinking he'll be nominated by acclimation at the next convention. Tone deaf. Clueless. Smug. Boring. Empty suit.

    But, still a handsome hunk at 66. (That and two bucks gets you a ride on the La Jolla beach bus.)

  7. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Todd wants to be Ann Romney's pimp.

  8. Anonymous2:19 PM

    LOL! See how fast the Re-thugs distance themselves when he calls. The guy is a "Grade A" dork.
    His book WILL sell a few thousand copies...all the Mormon toadies will be required to buy and read it.

  9. Anonymous2:26 PM

    In the 2 minute and 16 second clip that was posted everywhere yesterday of Ann Romney's interview with CBS This Morning, Mrs. Romney said "I" or "me" 19 times and "we" 13 times. And I probably missed a couple. I think that speaks volumes.

    A Fan From Chicago

  10. angela2:31 PM

    I'm pretty bored just reading about him. . . .
    Go on Mitt, you gotta have dreams; even if they are delusional.

  11. Anonymous2:32 PM

    FEC fines Michele Bachmann's campaign

    Rep. Michele Bachmann is not running for re-election, but the Minnesota Republican’s House campaign committee will have to pay the Federal Election Commission $8,000 in fines.

    The fines are a civil penalty for failing to disclose $208,502 in contributions and $206,499 in spending during the 2010 election cycle, new reports filed this week show.

    Read more:

  12. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Well, if you ever wanted to know how Queen Ann and her 6 boys eat, here's your chance!

    Ann Romney has a new book coming out this fall – and it’s all about what her family likes to eat.

    The wife of former presidential candidate Mitt Romney attended BookExpo America on Friday to promote her upcoming cookbook called “Romney Family Table.”

    In the book, published by Shadow Mountain, Romney “invites readers into her home and kitchen, combining some of her favorite foods with memories of raising a family,” according to a description online. “…Ann shares some of the tips that have helped her along the way, as well as the stories behind many of her favorite recipes—including Mitt’s Meatloaf Cakes, homemade ice cream, and Welsh Skillet Cookies.”

    1. Can't you just see her, apronned, hair pinned up, sweat dripping from her nose while slaving over a hot stove and not a nanny or cook in sight? What, you can't? Well, neither can we.

      The Queen has no clothes. FOS

    2. Anita Winecooler7:17 PM

      Mitt's Meatloaf Cakes? I never heard them referred to that before! Are they hanging from her Caddilac's rear view mirror?

    3. Anonymous1:27 AM

      You mean, the recipes her cooks use. They ate take out for the holidays.

    4. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Is she going to include the LDS staple, green jello and chicken?

    5. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Does it include take out Thanksgiving dinners? I don't think that Ann Romney is much of a cook. Maybe there will be hints about hiring maids and other kitchen help.

  13. Anonymous2:41 PM

    He wants to remain relevant and in the news, much like Sarah Palin. Her comment about whether or not she'll reenter politics being 'up to the American people' is laughable. the american people decided that Palin, McCain, Romney and Ryan were wrong for America. The American people were 'right!'

  14. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Once these people get a taste for the spotlight, even for a short time, they can't get enough of it and keep flocking to it.

    Mitt Romney ran for president for SIX years, and spent MILLIONS of dollars and still he lost BIGTIME.

    Americans voted and they've voted Romneys out of the picture more than once. I'm sure that they'll do it again. Who the fuck cares what he has to say? Who the fuck cares what she has to say? The assumption that he has any standing at all is a joke and yet he's threatening us with books and talks. STFU you classless jerks. You had your chance and we are DONE with you.

  15. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Oy vey, this is embarrassing. Leave it to desperate weirdo's like Sarah, Mitt.

  16. Anonymous6:08 PM

    11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway,_But_You_Do_Anyway

  17. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

    What a stroke of brilliance! Go for it, Mitt! Write that book and do a cd of you singing those heartful renditions of patriotic songs! Maybe get Donnie and Marie to do backup vocals!

    Can't wait for John Stewart, some jokes just write themselves.

  18. Anonymous5:11 AM

    His statement of not wanting to "overdo" it by "taking up the airwaves" with a lot of speeches is typical of Mitt Romney. At heart he is a lazy bastard. Remember that in the six years he was running for president Romney never bothered to think about foreign policy or domestic policy or anything other than looking pretty. He had not one clue by the time of the Republican Convention in 2012. His book will be nothing but quivers full of platitudes.

    Now Romney misses the attention of the attention of the campaign so he's willing to stand up and smile with his hand waving in the air while having his photo taken with one candidate or another. He'll hope that he never has to mention the candidate's name because he won't be able to remember it. That will be support from Mitt Romney - and it will cost each candidate plenty. I don't think Mitt Romney will appear for free - just like Sarah Palin. He's taking up grifting just like Sarah did. Gee, look what it did for her. Maybe one of his sons can be on "Dancing with the Stars" some day.

  19. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Obama's Data Team Totally Schooled Gallup


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