Thursday, May 02, 2013

Netflix just lost Sarah Palin's business, and possibly all of her remaining supporters as well. Gee, how WILL they survive?

Courtesy of The Examiner:

Most major corporations avoid injecting themselves into controversial subjects like politics, but Netflix just couldn't help itself when it saw the chance to take a swipe at Gov. Sarah Palin. Last night, Netflix used its Twitter account to chime in on the #SarahPalinFilms trend, by referencing a movie about Nazis. 

The #SarahPalinFilms hashtag trend began Thursday as a way for Twitter users to take shots at the former Alaskan governor and Republican vice presidential candidate. Netflix's official Twitter account jumped on the bandwagon Thursday night by tweeting the hashtag and quoting the movie title "Iron Sky." Netflix also attached a photo from the film. 

"Iron Sky" is a low-budget sci-fi film in which Nazis from the moon return to Earth to exact revenge on America, now led by a Palin-like caricature serving as President.

Okay well I have to admit that I watched this movie awhile back, and though it was low budget, it WAS pretty entertaining.

Especially the character playing a Palin-like POTUS (Don't panic, it is all done tongue in cheek.). They show her riding a treadmill, using all kinds of Palinesque phrases, and essentially putting her needs ahead of everybody elses.

In other words a spot on acting job.

By the way the Palin POTUS is not technically a moon Nazi in the film, they just convert her and use her to take over the planet. Small quibble.

Of course this minor factoid did not stop the Twitter loving Palin-bots from getting all "wee-weed" up.

Yes because ONLY conservatives who like Sarah Palin pay taxes.

You get the drift. If Netflix did not take down their offensive tweet they were going to lose good taxpaying conservative customers to Redbox.

Well the tweet stayed up so I assume that Netflix has now been driven out of business.

What they are still up and running?

Gee, does that mean that MOST people consider Sarah Palin a joke, and that her left over raggedy band of paint eating supporters do not have anywhere NEAR the numbers it would take to threaten anybody into cowering before them anymore?

Yep, I think that is exactly what this means!


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Next stop... Houston on Friday. Maybe Sarah will bring out her "big guns" for the $10 ticket holders?


    10 a.m. — The seventh annual Women's Leadership Forum features conservative mega star and Fox News host Sean Hannity as its main keynote speaker. [River Oaks County Club, $200-$1000/sold out]

    1 to 3 p.m. — The NRA Leadership Forum is sure to be the main event with speakers like Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum and Jeanine Pirro. [GRB, $10/sold out]

    1. Balzafiar5:59 AM

      1-3 p.m.; the only one missing is Crazy Eyes Bachmann. What an opportunity!

  2. Anonymous4:16 AM

    How many of these people (including the women) sat through the movie with one hand in their pants before contacting Netflix to express their "outrage"?

  3. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Well, now that I know Netflix is "that" kind of a company, I plan to sign up for an account!

  4. Olivia4:24 AM

    "You don't want to anger your conservative base, who I'd wager are the majority of your customers." HAHAHAHAHAHA! That "conservative base" has no majority anywhere except in groups of untreated mental patients and the NRA, which is pretty much the same group.

  5. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Do they really think their dear leader sarah is THAT thin-skinned? Is she really so weak that the they must rally the troops and protect her from the evil Netflix?

    How sad their world must truly be.

    Can't watch HBO because of Game Change & Bill Maher, no FOX because of Family Guy, no CBS (Dave Letterman & 60 Minutes), no FOX News because they abandoned her, no Comedy Central, can't listen to NPR, can't read Time or Vanity Fair, no AOL... not to mention advertiser after advertiser on any of the aforementioned networks.

    Whew! And that's just the tip of sister sarah's Enemies List.

    How fun it must be to sit under their incandescent lights, listening to Mark Levin and watching endless loops of The Undefeated, while munching on Chik-fil-a sandwiches and drinking their Big Gulps. Oh sure, the family left them ages ago, but at least they get out once a month to the CVS to pick up their diabetes medicine, and "isn't that girl at the pharmacy counter nice? I think she smiled at me when she saw my tattered Palin 2012 button... or wait, was that a snort of derision?..??! I guess it's time to boycott CVS and go to Walgreen's".

    Above all, "I stand with Sarah".

    Apparently, because she can't stand on her own.

    1. Anonymous4:38 AM

      *Titter*....*tee hee*....Bawhahahahahahhaha!

      THAT was HILARIOUS! Best part...

      "Above all, "I stand with Sarah".

      Apparently, because she can't stand on her own."

      Good old Baldy...she starts my morning off with a good laugh instead of oatmeal! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      When Sarah is asked to pull her own weight, she tends to pull a lot of things down with her.

      She can't stand on her own, have you 'seen' her shoes?

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      In those hooker shoes - not surprised.

    4. Anonymous1:26 PM

      let's face it, sex sells in Hollywood so they are going to go with the more attractive political party if they want to sell a movie. So of course they would not use a liberal..seriously could a liberal women pull off hooker shoes? I think not!

  6. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Netflix has a "conservative base" that tweets. Delusional narcissists, aren't the P-bots?

    1. Anonymous4:47 AM

      You said a mouthful! The delusion is very STRONG with Baldy's Bots...this was just posted a while ago....

      David Zimmerman • 5 minutes ago −
      Did Sarah Palin's demand that Obama put a stop to the military's suppression of Christian expression get any traction anywhere?

      *Giggle*....*Snort*....*Guffaw*....Muahahahahahahahaha! My goodness...this much laughing in the morning can't be good for ya...can it? LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Yes Gina this much laughing in the morning is good for you when the laughter is pure joy at watching the "army" of palin bots struggle daily with their irrelevance!!!!

      Palin's ship of fools is sinking faster than the titanic did and the only purpose she/they serve is to provide a comic lesson in public idiocy!!!!

      Laugh and keep laughing in the face of their all consuming hatred!!!! Anyone who worships at the skanky feet of scarah deserves to be ridiculed!!!

    3. Leland7:25 AM

      Too bad we can't get it to sink as fast as the Lusitania!

  7. fromthediagonal5:05 AM

    I like to begin the day with a chuckle, and this one serves well! The Texans received a double dose of love. The pose of the guy on the left of the picture seems to recapture Rick Perry's college picture. Oh yeah!

  8. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Don't tell me Sarah Palin's Army of 5 is thin skinned like their Assclown Facebook Crybaby.....

  9. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Hahahaha, no, really? Iron Sky is already a bit of a cult flick, the $P clone was added to poke fun at Americans. It started as a crowd-sourced production, so if you had $100 you get in as a stake owner. Once they reached several hundred thousand dollars, Finnish TV, Australian, and German (yes, they went there!) money filled in the remaining holes.

    Having better production values than some big money movies in my opinion, this was actually started several years before the last election, so the inclusion of $P as a caricature was a given.

    The irrelevance of the Palin clown parade continues...

  10. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Gee, Netflix didn't produce and make the movie. They are just the messenger. They are just hard workin business tellin it like it is. Don't they know that Track battles the Iranians so that they are free to make 1st Amendment commercial appeals?

    Here is a Zombie film that has a Sarah Palin character, Sister Sara:

    Horror actress Denise Duff plays Sister Sara:

  11. Sarah Palin had some powerful supporters. Her followers were vicious. Even Ann Coulter said it was risky to not fully support Palin. Her biographers couldn’t get interviewed.

    But now she’s shown her ass so many times, and so many people have commented, that safety-in-numbers kicked in. When Netflix, who survives on consumer goodwill, feels free to mock her, she’s done.

    I think Shailey Tripp is safe enough now. I respect her bravery. People can show support by buying her book.

    I’d still like to know the truth about the Trigs.

  12. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I just added the film to my instant watch cue for this evening.


  13. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Go Netflix! Just for that, I will watch the movie.

  14. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The movie is fake, because it does not have Todd working as a pimp.

  15. For those of you who are now planning to watch this movie, let me tell you that the movie does not take itself very seriously and neither should you.

    It is campy for campiness sake and you will find yourself groaning as many times as you will find yourself laughing.

    It is WAY over the top, but then that is what it set out to be.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      That's good enough for me! I'm running to the store for popcorn today... I love campy, groan-worthy films!

      Palin's fans should take this one lesson from Obama: Learn to laugh at yourself. If you don't believe me, just watch any one of the last 5 WHCDs.

      Oops, I guess they'll never know... because sarah won't let them watch a WHCD. Awww. Too bad.

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      I would hope the whole moon Nazis thing would be the first clue for most people with a brain. I'm sure there will be conservatives that take it seriously though.

  16. Anonymous7:02 AM

    So they want to boycott every outlet for Sarah Palin satire? The woman about whom the jokes write themselves? Let's see, that will be all of the major networks, Youtube... oh hell, they'd better just leave the country for someplace where English isn't widely understood so that when she says or tweets stupidities nobody notices and therefore nobody mocks. Problem is that even then they may have some maddening Palin mocking to put up with.

  17. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hey did anyone else notice how President Obama JUMPED to respond to Sorry Sarah's demanding tweet yesterday...NOT. I can't find ANY press on it in the usual places, either, so it looks like no one took her little foot stomping hissy fit seriously. Has anyone seen mention of it anywhere? I check HuffPo, Politico, Mediaite, TPM, they usually carry her twattings and facebookings, but nada. What a dolt she is. Tantrum throwing little shit.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Once AGAIN she jumped the gun. Holy moly, does she require 24/7 personal supervision now? Batshit crazy broad!

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      One of these days she may actually realize you can't spend your days throwing your own feces and come out smelling like not-shit.

    3. Ut oh she doesn't like being ignored. The insufferable bitch will now get progressively batshit crazy so she can get the attention she thinks she is entitled to. More boobs, more skank.

      This will lead to a faster all out public breakdown. Yippee.

    4. Irishgirl11:19 AM and the old hooah got it wrong. She is looking like a right fecking edjit now. There was no truth to the stuff she was tweeting about.

      The Friendly Atheist has the full story at

  18. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Lets be clear, Sarah does not have a conservative base. Most conservatives and tea partiers don't want to see her run for anything. She has her little cult following but that is it. Who cares if the get pissed off

  19. Anonymous7:27 AM

    14 comments over at C4P. This is the funniest one. I can't stand it anymore. We need mental health treatment in this country! Sarah getting $10 a ticket. A big fall from the bendy straw days. ha ha

    The internets are going to be on fire on Friday. I can see liberal heads exploding already. Front page on every news source. Politico will have a field day. Of course they will say she's irrelevant with their next breath. Maybe Netflix will live stream it LOL

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Maybe sarah can demonstrate one of those cute Crickett rifles. The kind that belonged to that 5-year old boy who shot and killed his 2-year old sister with it.

  20. If Netflix had the slightest concern about losing the accounts of Palin's 1/2 dozen delusional Peebots, they would have had a prepared a scripted incentive to offer the complainers. Not one Peebot who reported on their call to cancel their subscription mentioned any attempt by Netflix to retain the account. They are just as irrelevant as their Quitter Queen!

  21. Anonymous7:37 AM

    We were goingto cancel ou Netflix account, but now will keep it active. Go Netflix!

  22. Anonymous7:47 AM

    OT I really have to say something about Alaska's homegrown author, Chuck Heath Jr. I think that his 15 minutes have been up long ago, and it's time for him to close his Facebook page, and take the rest of the books that he's trying to sell over to the recycling center. And, why is that man teaching children in Anchorage?

    Here are a couple of examples: In his Facebook page today, Chuck repeats Sarah's post about a soldier spreading the word of Christ in the military. Let's be clear. There is no proselytizing in the US military, no promotion of any religion, period. The story comes from Breitbart and has no credible sourcing. That didn't stop the Journalism Major from reporting it as fact, stamping her foot and demanding action from the president right now, today (yesterday).

    Chuck has picked up the story, writing: "Don't they see the hypocrisy in these actions? When they placed their hand on the Bible and swore an oath to serve this country... was that just for show?" Actually, Chuck, there is no bible or any religious book used in the official swearing in ceremony. I've look at dozens of photos of swearing in ceremonies:
    where the people just raise their right hand and repeat what the officer is saying. Here is another picture: I can't say this any louder than this, THERE IS NO BIBLE USED IN SWEARING IN CEREMONIES IN THE US MILITARY!!!

    Chuck says that he is an author, so that means that his writing can be criticized. Here is an example:
    "My dad called me last night and told me he got another shipment of the book we wrote (Our Sarah) from our publisher." Here is a better way to write that, Chuck. "My father received another shipment of our book, "Our Sarah." If any of you are interested....." It's understood that the books would come from the publisher, and you don't have to explain how you learned that Chuck Sr. got some more books. He could have sent an email, or dropped by your porch, but the only important thing is that he has more books to sell, so please buy them. I can't imagine how this guy is teaching kids in school. Calling himself an author is as big a joke as his sister calling herself a journalism major.

  23. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I have Netflix's streaming service. When I tried to get my co-workers to sign up (who are older and conservative, in other words "the base"). They were confused by it. Most older Americans still watch t.v. A few of them order Netfilix's DVD mail service. But I am certain that the majority of the market is young people who do not give a sh*t about Sarah Palin. She is not cool, not hot and really, really dumb.

  24. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Cool. Just signed up for Netflix as an FU to saruh and her band of mouth breathers.

  25. Anonymous8:14 AM

    If Netflix only wants 51% of America's business, then they've made the right move!

    Yeah, so they had better back down, so they can get 49% instead!

  26. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Netflix is the best. They get a lot of bad press, but their customer service is FANTASTIC. I'm sure if you call them up, they will joke around with you around Sarah Palin. I for one am upping my subscription.

  27. I love how these nuts believe that 51% of the population is on their crazy side. Fifty-one percent and still lost the election by a landslide. Yeah right.

    I bet netflix gets more business.

  28. Of course, it never occurred to any of you left wing sophomoric peabrains that the goal of a business should be to gain customers, not lose them. The anti-Palin shot was unnecessary, and will cost them customers. I guess Netflix thinks they're Microsoft, eh?
    I, for one, will not drop Netflix, but only because I enjoy the movies in the mail and the streaming. I can't help it if their marketing people smoke crack.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      You just proved all the Palinbots and their threats wrong.

      And you are wrong about Netflix. It is successful enough to start it's own programming - House of Cards, Hemlock Grove and Arrested Development. It is the "Microsoft" of the DVD and streaming service.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      I think they gained more customers than they lost. It wasn't really an anti-Palin shot. It was just a bit of fun. And just think of all the publicity they got! That has got to be good.

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      In order to lose customers, Netfilx would have had to insult someone who means a great deal to others. That person is not Sarah Palin.

      Marketing people know what they are doing. Trust me, for a multimillion dollar company, they don't hire just any marketing staff. ;)

    4. Frank_D11:30 AM


      Look y'all MJ "Ugly Old Horny Goat" Sheeple has a TWIN! And it looks like he got a thing for the bald headed...manly faced...questionable smelling....METH head Baldy Louise Heath Palin! LOL!!!

      Thanks "Frank_ D" for the snickers...but it's time for you get your old out of touch ass on outta here...your rust is showing! LOL!!!

    5. jcinco1:48 PM

      What rock did you come slithering out from under frank? Is drudge down?

    6. majii3:11 PM

      Uh, Frank, some of us who post here are real conservatives who know that Palin doesn't know the simple things she should know. If she wants liberals, conservatives, and independents to stop ridiculing her, she should know what she's talking about before she tweets or posts BS on Facebook. Just because some Americans don't know that the things she tweets and posts on FB are lies, it doesn't mean that we don't know that they're lies. Freedom of speech works both ways--she's entitled to tweet and post lies on her FB page, and we're allowed to analyze them and respond. Even one of her so-called close friends, Greta van Susteren, felt the need to set the record straight about the White House Correspondents Dinner. We're not responsible for anyone who now feels cheesy because they allowed Palin to mislead them. I think it should be a warning to them to be careful before they jump to defend anything Palin comments on.

    7. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Frank you are smelling Sarah Palin's unwashed
      'crack'. Take your nose out of her ass and come up for air. You just explained why most of the Palinbots will not drop Netflix. So Frank go back into your dark hole and eat your Greasy Chik Fil A sandwich. While you are at it, wash off the Palin Stench. Your old ass is probably one of Todd's Clients.

  29. Anonymous12:58 PM

    As both a Houstonian and a Netflix customer, let me say... Please don't paint all of us with the same brush! There are many of us here who despise both the NRA and Palin. Unfortunately, my city will be inundated with them both this weekend. So, guess I will stay home and watch Netflix!

  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    The haters who fear Sarah I down arowed them
    Boom taste my nightstikc!

    I love it when the flying monkeys find something new to boycott - it leaves them more time to trawl the net for items unflattering to their queen, so we never miss out on a good laugh.

  31. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    Notice the full parking lots and throngs of conservatives at 7-11 buying up big gulps?

    Yeah, Netflix must be shaking it it's boots!

  32. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Sarah will you be wishing Levi a Happy Birthday on your Facebook?

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