Thursday, May 02, 2013

3 in 10 registered voters believe an armed rebellion may be "necessary" in order to protect their liberties. Good job Fox News!

Courtesy of TPM:

Three in 10 registered American voters believe an armed rebellion might be necessary in the next few years, according to the results of a staggering poll released Wednesday by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind. 

The survey, aimed at measuring public attitudes toward gun issues, found that 29 percent of Americans agree with the statement, “In the next few years, an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties.” An additional five percent were unsure. 

Eighteen percent of Democrats said an armed revolt “might be necessary,” as compared to 27 percent of independents and 44 percent of Republicans. Support levels were similar among males and females but higher among less educated voters.

Not exactly surprising that the less educated are more susceptible to this kind of ridiculous thinking. Now perhaps you understand why the Republican party works do hard to undermine education in this country.

My first question while reading this is "why are these people even registered to vote?"  I mean if they think that that democracy has failed them, then why participate?

And THAT thought sort of led me to the conclusion that there is probably a higher percentage of Americans, who ALSO think that an armed rebellion will be necessary.

That is NOT a very comforting thought.

However that does go hand in hand with something one of my FBI informant pals told me, and that is that the militias all over the country have been growing rapidly, and that many of them are absolutely convinced that they will one day be involved in a firefight with the Federal Government.

The fact that they will be crushed like ants on a playground seems to have escaped them however, as many of them believe that during an altercation military members will switch sides and fight along with them.

The poll also king of alludes as to where this three percent are getting their information:

The poll also found that 25 percent of voters believe the American public is being lied to about the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting by people seeking to promote a political agenda. An additional 11 percent said they weren’t sure.

Yeah it looks like the Alex Jones contingent is bigger than we once believed.

Not exactly great news for the country.


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I imagine a large percentage of those who believe an armed "rebellion" is necessary, plan to watch that rebellion from their La-Z-Boy recliners. It'll be like their own live version of the History Channel.

    I also wonder how many believe Jesus is going to be part of that uprising. Seriously, a good portion are probably End Timers or Preppers, and are hoping their stockpiles of beef jerky and dehydrated potatoes are finally going to come in handy.

    The most troubling part to me isn't the rebellion that won't happen -- it's the people themselves who have been duped into believing the bullshit being spewed by Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Breitbart and others. Apparently, the First Amendment gives anyone the right to willfully brainwash, scare and hypnotize the weak-minded... and that's rather sad, because I particularly like the First Amendment.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I'd say that's Wall Street and Obama's fault

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Not good news for America, at all. Other world nations are alarmed at just how easily such a large segment of the U.S. population has been suckered into a state of perpetual fear & ignorance.

    Sad to see a country that has led the world in scientific advances be home to folks who would be content to welcome back and live in the dark ages.

  3. This will not end well.

    I wonder how long before "the questions" become: Are you now, or have you ever read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged? been a member of the Tea Party? argued in favor of succession?

    Sad thing for that crowd is, the Army is ready.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      I read Atlas Shrugged.

      It sucked.

      A better question is, Are you a fan of Ayn Rand?

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Ayn Rand's business manager saw that Ayn the Maker became the Taker and advised and insisted that she was enrolled in Social Security and Medicare. In her later years, she received those benefits and she needed that safely net support.

  4. I’ll take the cafeteria approach, choosing 911 Truth, New World Order Truth, Trig Truth, Curtis Menard Truth, and a few others. I ignore the Glenn Becks; I can do my own thinking.

    After the way Cheney led us into war with Iraq, nothing surprises me.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    A cross above "death to..."

    Jesus would be so proud.

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    This morning's paper (Traverse City MI) had a story about how the UN conspiracy has come to nearby Leelanau County. Two county commissioners there accused the Traverse City Chamber of Commerce and the Traverse Area Economic Development Corporation of being part of the UN's "Agenda 21" conspiracy. Imagine the surprise of the Chamber of Commerce president and the managing director of the region's Econ. Devel. Corp. at being accused solely because they want the county's continued cooperation on a strategy for jobs and economic growth in the region! Not only were they accused of being part of "Agenda 21" but at the meeting the County Commission disbanded the county's long-standing econ. devel. corp. and refused to cooperate with the regional plan. Two county commissioners, both women, who are clearly besotted with Glenn Beck are today responsible for setting a county and an entire region reeling to the past in just a few minutes. Scary, isn't it?

    It's not a UN conspiracy we have to worry about in this country it's a far-right crazy conspiracy. I would never have thought that the Leelanau County Commision would be so insane. I know they are conservative but I always thought that they are just old-fashioned rural conservative. Now I know that they are Beck-a-crazy and the problem is that they wield power. We should be very concerned. When conservatives in this country accuse others of "conspiracy," they are simply covering up what they are doing. It is a conspiracy: it goes on every day in the Senate and the House, in state legislatures across the country and now in county commission meetings as well. And we cannot forget the school boards either. There is a conspiracy for sure, but one from the right.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      It's real! I am being held in a FEMA reeducation camp... in shackles.

      Every day we get water boarded by the CIA and FBI.

      They try to get us to confess that we donated to SarahPAC.

  7. Anonymous7:37 AM

    How did that guy get Todd's jacket?

  8. lostinmn7:56 AM

    I don't think that number is any surprise. Most every poll I've seen measuring people's displeasure with abortion, blacks, hispanics, chinese food, gay marriage, socialism, obamacare, etal has that same percentage of haters in it. Somewhere between 25-30% of this country are evangelical racist, homophobic women haters. And yet they call themselves patriotic and lovers of the constitution. Oh, it's about the same number who used to love Sara. When you figure she's even lost much of her mouth breathing base you know she's swinging from the stripper pole and is down to her pasties and g-string. Something's gotta come off sooner than later. I'm heading for the exit before I get stampeded as the last of her followers flee the site of her saggy boobs, gum chewed nips and whatever she's got down there south of the border. Hate to think of it either covered or bald

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      comeon......Trying to eat dinner here.

  9. SHARON7:59 AM

    I read an interesting article on the Daily Kos last week that got me thinking. What if Lincoln had actually let the South secede? Nothing has really changed in the root beliefs that caused the Civil War....this country is still the Union and the Confederacy, not Democrat vs Republican. How much more advanced would the Union have much richer and safer? Education, technology, minority/womens rights, healthcare, gun laws....I could go on and on. It is a fact that the south contains the most welfare states and contribute the least in federal taxes....a drain on the rest of us.
    They could have exactly what they want...religion is the law, all white men in charge, guns for everyone, no abortions no matter what, no work safety regulations, no food stamps or unemployment insurance, healthcare (obesity capital of the country), anti gay everything, again I could go on and on. Imagine Rick Perry & Sarah Palin being in charge....their dream team in the capital of Texas.
    It happened in the Dakotas, Virginia, Korea, Russia...we live in 2 different countries, it is a fact, we should let them leave. There would be a clear choice for those living where their beliefs are in constant conflict, an end to this gridlock ruining all our lives. Think about it.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      No significant civil rights bills were passed until 1965.

      "The Senate is the South's revenge for Gettysburg." LBJ

      Arizona almost became a swing state in 2012. Mississippi may become blue before Texas.

      I live in the South and love it. The racism is real, everywhere, and out in the open (believe me, it's easier to fight against it this way). So is the humanity. The racists are walking on eggshells. Sarah Palin is loathed. Both of my state's senators support President Obama. Plus, I love the irony. There is nothing funnier than watching Ole Miss rednecks kissing African-American asses for football recruiting purposes.

      It is bad in the South, worse than you can imagine, but it is not as unbearable as most believe.


      Ignore the ignorant.

      You will be shocked at our politeness.

      Even the employees at McDonald's will be polite to you.

    2. Leland3:04 PM

      10:06, you are so right. I live in the south also. Grew up here, in fact. It is beautiful country and has SOME wonderful people. Of course, I was raised in a highly educated town that was essentially "taken over" by the highly effective people DuPont brought in from all over the country and moved it somewhat out of the ignorant uneducated culture that existed prior to 1952.

      You are also right in saying that SP is despised. Here, too - especially those who have been disillusioned by her. I was shocked to actually hear one of our racists laugh at one of the remaining die-hard tea-baggers in the company from which I retired!

      I thought it was almost as good as when EVERYBODY laughed at the top boss when he tried to explain that evolution was all a lie and the fossils were fake because the rocks would have crushed them! They literally laughed in his face. (Trust me, though, some PAID for that, ignorant shit that he is. My state is a right to work state. The half that laughed the loudest were gone in two weeks.)

      My state is trending blue, also, and my senators are looked at askance by the more intelligent in their party in Congress. (Not that there are that MANY of them, though.)

      Unfortunately, a lot of the die hard evangelicals control the churches and spread hate louder and stronger the weaker they get and the more young they lose because of it. They seem to be too stupid to recognize it is their own preaching driving them away.

      And yet, even there hope shines BECAUSE the young are leaving the churches in droves.

      So, as 10:06 says, Come. Visit. Laugh at the idiots and enjoy a slower pace of life where people actually wave at each other as they pass on the road or who actually pull off the road when a funeral drives by.

      Just be VERY careful who you trust!

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Will Queen Esther be leading the charge, dressed in a tank top, silver breastplate, running pants and hooker heels? I know she can't shoot, but think of the morale boost for the idiots with the guns behind her!

  11. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sarah wouldn't be leading anything. She's be bringing up the rear. Or, better yet, tweeting out orders safe in her bunker.

    (but I bet she could convince Bristol to lead the charge in her stead...Bristol will do anything for a little media coverage).

  12. Anonymous8:43 AM

    117 of the most mind boggling, insane Republican moments during the past month alone

  13. The big question to ask these folks is: "Then what? After your 'revolution' what form of government are you going to put in place? Are you planning on reverting to a city-state model? Anarchy? Theocracy? What's the plan?"

  14. OverMountainMan10:48 AM

    When it comes be ready, Aim true and shoot, Shoot them dead ! Sadly thats all they understand and they believe in their hearts and minds that they are the only ones who are weaponized, With the Military behind us Americas real patriots will make short work of their militias, Then watch them whine as they're tried and punished for treason.

  15. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The song by Crosby, Nash and Young “Teach Your Children Well” is entirely spot on. Teach your children as they will one day will need the skills and ability to rationally respond to their environment in order to be functioning members of society. No longer is it possible in the U.S. to find a low skill job or company that will take care of your children cradle to grave. The people we see in this article are angry and disillusioned and are drawn to some extremely dangerous conspiracies that they believe caused them to be in the life situations they occupy. Low information and low IQ make for a very scary tinder box. It reminds me of the situation that created the Third Reich.

  16. Caroll Thompson1:50 PM

    Are these kooks being led by Chicken Hawk Ted Nugent? That wouldn't surprise me.

    All I can say is, if crazy folks start shooting anywhere near where I am living, they can expect to face down the barrel of one of my many guns.

    I am a Democrat, a U.S. Navy Veteran and I am locked and loaded (and unlike the Chicken hawks, I don't miss when I fire a gun). Anyone who takes up arms against our government can expect many folks just like myself to ensure that does not happen.

  17. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Curious to know the sampling polled, geographics, and how many.

  18. Leland3:20 PM

    Click on the blue TPM at the very top of the article.

  19. Anonymous3:24 PM

    What's really scary is that they may be right about some of the Military "switching sides". A very large portion of the Military are recruited Christian Fundamentalists. The "Fundies" have a big toe hold in ALL of our Military branches !

  20. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Confederate Flag, and much more.
    It has been fun in a crazy and creepy type of means!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.