Tuesday, May 28, 2013

President Obama and Governor Chris Christie back together again.

Oh look Christie even dressed up like the President. How cute.

Courtesy of New Jersey.com:  

President Barack Obama has returned to the Jersey Shore. More than six months after touring the area with Gov. Chris Christie in the wake of Hurricane Sandy's destruction, Obama and Christie are surveying the Shore's recovery. 

The president landed at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst at 11:08 a.m. 

After a few hours with the governor, Obama began speaking at Convention Hall in Asbury Park around 1:25 p.m.

You know I'm not really a big fan of Christie's, and I hope that if he decided to run in 2016 that Hillary crushes him like a bug, but still it is nice to see at least ONE Republican who likes to be photographed with the President.

Besides I KNOW that it drives the Right Wing crazy, and that Wallas puts a smile on my face.

(H/T to the Obama Diary for the video.)

Update: It looks like New Jersey had Obama fever today.

Yeah NO wonder Christie stayed close to him all day long!


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    You sure can tell that Christie is losing weight.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Yes, and he looks so much healthier. I'm from NJ and approve of how he respects the President but I'm not voting for him. He's got a nasty temper and he is a conservative looking out for his big rich friends.

    2. Anonymous3:22 AM

      I don't know about that, he still looks like a fat fuck to me. I would bet anything he will gain it back and more once he stops his supposed diet.

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'm glad that President Obama is so young, he will be a big huge thorn in the side of the Republican party for a long time to come! Conventions, campaigns, speeches, et al...that makes me howl with laughter.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      I believe that is one of the reasons why they try so hard to demonize him, they are jealous (lol)of his charm, grace and popularity. They have no one that comes close to those traits in their party and with their current personality disorders, they never will.

    2. True, that!

      Nobody in the GOP comes within miles of President Obama's gravitas, grace, and charm. And even boner-pill shill Bob Dole knows it.

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I think they really do like each other. Neat!!! Fun to look at their smiling photos. Too bad the majority of the Republicans aren't as neat as Christie.

    1. jcinco3:18 PM

      agreed. I certainly don't agree with Governor Christie on may issues but I do respect him.

    2. Anonymous11:13 PM

      . I'm glad that Pres. Obama found a good friend from the other side of the fence. I respect Gov. Christie as well

    3. Anonymous3:23 AM

      Christie is the ultimate in political opportunist. He will make nice faces at anyone to get what he wants. Do not be fooled, he is as vicious as a cornered wild animal with a vile temper.

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      3:23 -
      I suspect that Christie realizes how popular this President is and is gambling that being seen with President Obama will do more good for him with NJ residents than harm.

      As grateful as I am that he strongly advocated for his state's residents after Sandy, I also don't trust him, and agree that he can be nasty and evil-tempered. I've heard too many stories about how he's exploded at people questioning his decisions and how disrespectful he can be if you disagree with him.

  4. Christie looks healthier! Good on him for his weight loss commitment.

  5. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Christie's highest political office will be gov of NJ. The GOP dislikes him and the Democratic Party doesn't trust him. Photo ops with the POTUS are for his scrapbook.

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Don't forget. Christie may pose with the President when he wants something, but he is still anti-worker, anti-public education, and anti-woman. I trust him about as much as Boehner or McConnell or the GOP Governors..i.e., not at all.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      I totally agree. He is being political savvy. He knows he won't have a chance at reelection if he showed disrespect and acted like the assclowns in his party.

  7. O/T...Gryphen did you see that Joe Miller filed papers to run for the Senate?


    1. Girlfriend! I KNEW you'd be first with that one!

      Irrelevant thought: How does Joe Miller always manage to look half-shaved?

  8. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Christie's the only one out of the bunch whose mother taught him any manners.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Yep, I agree. It's almost funny how much credit he's getting just for showing common decency and respect when the party of so called "Family Values" isn't showing ANY signs of common decency.

    2. Leland1:41 AM

      Is he the only one whose mother taught him manners?

      Or is it that the others had mothers that TRIED to teach them manners, but failed because the assholes didn't have the courtesy to LISTEN to her.

    3. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Hardly, it is simply a facade he uses when he wants something. I would not call it manners, more a manner.

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM


      Even if it's a facade, who cares? The whole point of manners is to behave politely in certain situations even when we want to throttle someone. We've all been in that position at some point. And we demand respect for the office of the President. We have been complaining continuously about the treatment Obama has gotten from the right; let's teach our kids that we can totally disagree with each other and still behave like adults.

      Hopefully, bad boy Christy will try to continue his journey into adulthood, so let's not chew him out for it.

    5. Anonymous5:32 PM

      8:04 -
      The problem with his facade is that it only seems to be in place with President Obama. He is known for being extremely rude and nasty to anyone who questions his decisions or even asks him for clarification of his policies.

      This article is written by one of the people Christie is supposed to be serving, and gives examples of his boorish behavior:

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Ok now, let's not make fun of their friendship, we all complain that no one treats the president with any respect from the 'other side'. Christy can be a real ass sometimes and I don't agree with any of his politics, but we should be commending him for respecting the office and having more manners than the rest of his party..

  10. Anonymous7:49 PM

    To be honest Gryph, I think you need to start looking at another Democratic candidate for 2016. Hilary Clinton will not win it for the Dems in 2016. 1st, she is getting to old, 2nd, there are sour grapes from Americans within the Clinton family, their money, Monica Lewinsky, and not to mention the republicans are crushing her on this Bengazi thing. Dems need to bring out someone else for 2016 and forget about Hillary Clinton. She won't win it.

    1. Dinty3:01 AM

      We don't do "the runner-up" nominee, that's a Republican play (think Romney, McCain, Dole, Bush Sr.), and that's exactly who Hillary is, the runner-up.

      I'm leaning O'Malley for 2016, but my own status as an Irishman from Maryland (who has friends on O'Malley's staff) may be clouding my judgement on this.

    2. Nice try. Find me a voter under thirty who gives a damn about Monica Lewinsky.

      Republicans "crushing her" on Benghazi? Please. She wiped the floor with them.

      I am not entirely sure I want Clinton. I was solidly for Obama by the end of the primary season. I am willing to see if a new young face comes up quickly, but if Clinton is the nominee, I will assuredly vote for her.

  11. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    Yeah, Christie "Warmed up" to President Obama when his state needed disaster relief and CHRISTIE's Own Party gave him the middle finger. Christie's a two faced hack. First he dissed POTUS at the GOP convention, then got to meet his all time idol, Bruce Springstein only because he schmoozed the President.
    I'm glad the President made this trip. The merchants at the shore have a short window of opportunity to make a profit, and with the impact Sandy caused, they need all the Public Relations they can get.

    We met Christie once on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, the man's got a huge ego, a nasty attitude and he treats the tourists like they have leprosy. You never forget being treated poorly just because you're not one of his constituents.

    1. Anonymous3:24 AM

      And here we have a winner!

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      From all the stories I've heard about him, he doesn't treat his constituents too well either!

  12. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Christie is ONLY sticking close to President Obama to get disaster money (which of course NJ qualifies for and would get regardless of who the govenor is), and as a photo op to fool the moderates so he gets re-elected - he is a poison for our state (NJ) but unfortunately seems to have fooled too many into believing he has been doing a good job -- he has used this disaster and his photo ops to hide all his dirty dealings - to name just a few things - NJ has lost a ton of jobs because of him, he has turned over our state lottery to his foreign contributors so the proceeds no longer benefit the state but make his rich friends richer...and much much more

    I love NJ - we desperately need a democratic or independent to run this state - the republican poison that is taking over is heart breaking

    1. Sharon9:27 AM

      I agree with your comment and I truly believe if Jon Corzine wasn't such a dirty crook Christie would never have gotten elected. I was born and raised on the Jersey Shore and the politics have always been a joke to us...you have a small state so diverse between industry, beach tourism, farming, gambling...North Jersey controlling it all. Christie is a true Republican as dirty as they come, but he knows the main appeal of the beach communities which is all he cares about to get re-elected. Bruce had him figured out years ago, I am surprised he didn't show up in Asbury, his home town...he still lives there. I lived and raised my 2 daughters in Pt Pleasant Beach for 15 years and was thrilled to see Obama walking on our beloved boardwalk...I wish I had been there.

  13. Chenagrrl5:04 AM

    As one who hates to see overweight people struggle to move, it was a joy to see a little real bounce in Christie's step.

  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I like and appreciate the respect they have for each other. Like both of them!!! Too bad the rest of the Republicans don't act like Christie!


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