Monday, June 17, 2013

Asked to name ONE investigation that Darrell Issa has handled appropriately and not politicized, top Democrat "can't think of any."

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

Cummings told The Daily Beast that the testimony, yet to be publicly released, shows the decision by the IRS to flag tea party groups seeking non-profit status for extra scrutiny was in fact the brainchild of a Cincinnati-based screening manager, rather than the political move coming from Washington Issa and other conservatives have called it. What’s more, said the Maryland Democrat, that manager is a self-described “conservative Republican” who volunteered that information to a committee investigator. “They didn’t ask him. He said he was.” 

Cummings—who has yet to receive a response to the letter he sent Issa Thursday asking for the manager’s full testimony to be released by this coming Monday—ripped the committee chair for first offering inflammatory allegations and then “scrambling . . . to find the facts to match the allegations.“ 

“It kills you,” said Cummings. “It not only hurts the credibility of the Chairman, but hurts the credibility of the whole committee, both Republicans and Democrats.” He claimed “a number of reporters” no longer trust Issa, and now feel obliged to check with Cummings “for the full story.” 

Asked to name one Issa-led investigation that had been appropriately managed and not politicized, Cummings paused. “That’s a tough question,” he said, later adding “I don’t want to say there were none, but I can’t think of any.”

You know I often refer to people like Darrell Issa as "assholes." But to be fair that would be an insult to assholes everywhere to continue to do so. 

The guy is so transparently partisan, and slimy, that he seems to be the very embodiment of every terrible characteristic that we assign to politicians.

I certainly hope that the 49th District in California is paying close attention, because I cannot imagine that they are happy with the representation they get from this douchebag.

 Well great, now I've insulted douchbags!


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    No, he's not just an asshole. He's also a thief, a fraud, an arsonist and a lying sack of shit. Sorry to be long-winded...I guess I could've just said he's a proud Republican.

    Isn't it amazing how those adjectives could also be used to describe Sarah? You'd just have to add something about fake tits, fake tan, fake pregnancy, fake marriage, fake college degree, fake birth certs for kid(s), fake expenses for per diem, fake clearance from ethics charges, fake teeth (dentures/veneers), fake glasses, fake hair. Come to think of it, other than her putrid smell which she can't deny and her pencil-dicked pimp husband, which she's afraid to deny, is there ANYTHING about the Quitter that is real? Just askin'.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      It is insanity when a crook - check Issa's criminal records, and his brother's and his business (mal) practice and you have to know that only folks as dumb as Rick Perry, etc. would have this man be on this committee - further it goes to show the caliber of committee members and chairman Boehnhead picks to run things!

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      1 real thing about Sarah Palin: She is a Buffoon with no knowledge of current events.

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    What If Sarah Palin Became President? New Novel Envisions ‘Christian Nation’ Theocratic Dystopia

    “They said what they would do, and we did not listen. Then they did what they said they would do.”

    That’s how the first chapter of a new alt-history novel called Christian Nation ends, beginning readers along a journey described as a “terrifyingly credible path toward theocracy,” led by President Sarah Palin after President John McCain unexpectedly passes away.

    The book, written by lawyer Frederic C. Rich and published by W.W. Norton & Company, is based on Palin’s famous 2010 remark that “America is a Christian nation.” Envisioning a Palin presidency, Christian Nation describes an alt-history in which “America’s Christian fundamentalists” gain power and transform the country into one in which “constitutional protections [are] dismantled” and “all aspects of life dominated by an authoritarian law called ‘The Blessing,’ enforced by a totally integrated digital world known as the ‘Purity Web.’”

    Aside from the book’s description on, scant details have been released about the plot, but it has already received two big thumbs up from various political organizations.

    “The scariest thing about Christian Nation is that it’s so plausible,” said Americans United for Separation of Church and State’s executive director Rev. Barry W. Lynn. “No violent revolution, no blood in the streets, is necessary for Americans to lose their freedoms—just a failure to defend the liberties that we often take for granted.”

    In another blurb, American Civil Liberties Union former president Nadine Strossen wrote: “This riveting novel should join Sinclair Lewis’s It Can Happen Here as an American classic… Please, read this book and then pass it on to six other people, making it into a chain letter for liberty.”

    Christian Nation is due to hit shelves on July 1.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Whoa! Now THAT'S a march straight into the gates of hellish nightmare!

      Creepy, but probably not off the mark much at all.

      To even give one thought to the possibility that she was that close the the levers of power, is such a horrific thought that I have to forcibly put it out of my mind. She could have wreaked such horror on this country...and the world with her theocratic visions.

      Once again, I'm so deeply grateful that Barack Obama came along when he did.

  3. I have the misfortune to be represented by this douche canoe. I'm in a very red part of Orange County and was recently redistricted into Issa's district. Ugh! We haven't had a legitimate Democratic candidate for a very long time (at least one with any money to campaign effectively.) I love where I live except for being surrounded by Teabaggers.

  4. Even his constituents (me included) DESPISE THIS MAN !!!

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Issa and Cruz are both natural born sons of McCarthy I'm sure. Nothing else explains their stupidity and hatred toward fellow Americans.

  6. Anonymous5:36 PM

    OT Gryphen, here's my link to a download (not a viewing) of the full Joe McGinniss clip (about 25 minutes). No one outside of Australia would be able to see it on the website so you might want to upload it to Vimeo or whatnot.

  7. Anita Winecooler9:15 PM

    Elijah Cummings is doing the people's work with dignity, tenacity and sheer honesty. Issa makes my skin crawl, and I endured having Rick Santorum represent Pennsylvania, my heart goes out to his Democratic constituents, they're being severely shortchanged and ill represented.

  8. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I think the term is "witch hunt," not hearings.


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