Sunday, June 02, 2013

How Charter schools keep test scores high. By eliminating those children who do not perform at the desired standards.

Courtesy of Wait, What?:  

Achievement First, Inc. the Charter School management company that runs more than two dozen schools in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island is notorious for “out-migrating” or “dumping” any students that don’t fit their “exacting” standards. 

While Achievement First likes to brag that their students do better on standardized tests than students in their neighboring district schools, they fail to reveal that the get those results by refusing to provide educational services to broad social-demographic groups within the community. In virtually every situation, Achievement First educates students that are less poor and they fail to take on their fair share of students who face English language barriers or need special education services. 

The harsh discipline program, which they start at the kindergarten level, is just one example of how Achievement First forces students out of their “public” charter schools. 

Although they claim to be “public” educational institutions, and are in fact funded with taxpayer dollars, no genuine public school would ever try or get away with the dubious education policies and practices that Achievement First engages in. 

In the latest news story about the massive number of suspensions of children aged six and under, the Hartford Courant looked at the data that was released last week by Connecticut’s Child Advocate. 

While suspensions were shockingly high in some urban areas, the magnitude of suspensions was the most extreme at the charter schools run by Achievement First, the charter school management company that was co-founded by Stefan Pryor, Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education. 

As the Hartford Courant reported over the weekend; 

“The incidence of suspension of kindergartners and first graders at Achievement First Hartford Academy last year was an estimated nine times the rate in Hartford public schools. 

Put another way, an estimated 11.7 percent of kindergartners and first-graders at Achievement First Hartford Academy were suspended last year an average of 5.4 times each. In the Hartford public school system, 3.3 percent of kindergartners and first-graders were suspended an average of 2.1 times.”

Now remember these are Kindergartners and First Graders we are talking about here. Children at the VERY beginning of their educational journey who are suspended in order to create a disciplinary record with whihc the school can then expel the student a year or two later, or create an atmosphere in which the parent become fed up and voluntarily removes their child helping the Charter school to keep those artificially inflated test scores and use them to advertise themselves as being more successful than the public school system.

Oh, and don't forget that our tax dollars pay them to victimize our children in such a manner.

And where does that now disenfranchised child end up? Right back in the public school system where he is now labeled as a troubled youth and has had the idea of education poisoned in his mind. Now it is up to the underpaid public school teachers to "fix" them.

You know I worked in the public school classroom for three years, and when we had children with behavioral problems we met with their parents and provided supports and sometimes a modified curriculum to meet that child's needs. Early interventions often meant that they were able to be more successful as they continued their journey through academia.

I only remember one child in the Kindergarten room I worked in being suspended and that was for striking another child with an object and hurting them on purpose. And THAT little boy came back and successfully finished Kindergarten as well as the rest of his  time in elementary school.

You know, because for us it was NOT all about test scores. For us it was about the children.

Remember them?


  1. And let us not forget that the charter schools are sucking money out of the public schools so that there is less money to support the students that are returned to the public school system.

    What does that mean?

    Less field trips. Less assemblies with guests like musicians from the local symphony, dancers from the local ballet or docents from the local zoo.

    It means no supplies for art. It means discontinuing band programs because there are no instruments and they don't have money to pay for a music teacher.

    It means deferred maintenance of the school so you have peeling paint, burned out light bulbs.

    And of course it also means that class sizes have to go up.

    There is no such thing as a free lunch.

    And charter schools are NOT a magic bullet.

    If your child is an English language learner, has any learning disability or has behavior issues, they will NOT be successful in a charter school. If you child has problems taking tests and doesn't score well, problems will be manufactured by charter school to convince you to take them out. That puts a negative light of school in your child's mind making it even more difficult for them to succeed back in public school.

    It's easy to keep your test scores high when you cherry pick your students.

    I might add this is all Reagan's fault. He had negative school propaganda manufactured and released called A Nation At Risk. Complete bunk. And it was exposed as such. But the exposure of the lie was suppressed while the lie itself is still being used by the right to paint a picture of failure in schools. (And let's not forget the "cut the fat" that still continues even though schools are down to the bare bones and starting to amputate limbs)

    Schools were never failing. They still aren't. But NCLB's unreasonable demands are designed to make it look like they are.

    Politicians need to get OUT of the education business. And the public needs to trust teachers as the trained professionals that they are.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      As a former School Board, member, I saw all this first hand -- NCLB stealing class time and resources, our local Charter School all but hidden with its results, but sucking hundreds of thousands of dollars from our limited budget to fund whatever they felt like doing. It's all part of the Republican's decades-long attack on public education -- plus vouchers for religious schools and support for for-profit colleges, like those run by Mitt Romney's friends. Go back to some of his speeches last year -- he all but was a commercial for his pals, and he had investments in these schools. A travesty.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      The idiocy of NCLB was that 100% of students were expected to be at grade level in reading and math by 2014.

      Factories that produce objects by machine don't achieve 100% perfection, but we expect teachers to produce children who, regardless of economic status, cognitive ability, fluency (or lack thereof) in English, or school attendance, are 100% proficient.

      It's a completely absurd expectation and was designed to create failure in the public school system so that education could be privatized for the financial profits of education-related corporations.

  2. Bleeding heart librul. (And we love you for it!)

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I love the fact we have the internet and can get this type of information out to all Americans. It's amazing to see what has been hidden from us and how things are distorted for a particular benefit.

    Politicians need to stay out of education, women's bodies/reproduction and the U.S. Congress needs to work and stop taking vacations. They need to do so damned many things that they are ignoring and obstructing.

    Vote them out of office folks next chance you get - especially those Republicans holding major offices. They are not helping the poor or middle class. They are in it for money, the lobbyists that support them, etc. Their serving time should be limited/tenured.

    Can you tell they make me sick to my stomach? It should be noted that I obtained a wonderful public school education - went to college - had a fantastic career and am now retired and thoroughly enjoying it. What every American wants and works for.....but, it was accomplished all prior to this bullshit government we now have!

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    None of the Grifting, Mono-laden Palins would have gone 3 days in a Charter School.

  5. WakeUpAmerica12:58 PM

    The charter schools also discourage the physically or mentally disabled from attending as well. Depending on the state, charter schools often do not have to meet the academic requirements of public schools. Comparing their scores to the scores of the mainstream schools is like comparing apples to trains. None of this, of course, is new. This has been going on from the beginning. It's about fricking time that a national news outlet wrote about it.

  6. Anonymous3:21 PM

    This from a blog in Education Week, written by the 2009 National Teacher of the Year who was invited to observe a meeting where a group of people who were NOT in education were discussing the future of our school system.

    When he was FINALLY asked for his opinion, this is what he said:

    "I'm thinking about the current health care debate," I said. "And I am wondering if I will be asked to sit on a national committee charged with the task of creating a core curriculum of medical procedures to be used in hospital emergency rooms."

    The strange little man cocks his head and, suddenly, the fly on the wall has everyone's attention.

    "I realize that most people would think I am unqualified to sit on such a committee because I am not a doctor, I have never worked in an emergency room, and I have never treated a single patient. So what? Today I have listened to people who are not teachers, have never worked in a classroom, and have never taught a single student tell me how to teach.",+a+fly+on+the+wall

    1. But they stayed in a Holiday Inn.

      That is the mentality.

      People with money think, by virtue of the fact they they went to school once, think they are experts and know better than trained professionals.

      Just because you are a successful doctor or lawyer or used car salesman or CEO of any company or POLITICIAN does NOT make you an expert in education.

      That is the bottom line. We have amateurs dictating to the experts.

  7. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Public schools do it too. When I worked as an aide, the staff would get certain students exempted from testing because the student had difficulties reading, etc. And subsequently, that would keep their scores high.

    1. WakeUpAmerica5:21 PM

      All schools have that option in CA depending on what test you are referring to. It gives a level playing field among schools in the end. What isn't fair is for charter schools to push badly behaving children out. Then the public schools have to test them. These are often the kids who make Christmas trees from the bubbles on the answer sheet. I would like to know if more kids are being evicted from the charter schools in March and April. Traditional school wide testing for NCLB is done April/May.

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I would necer send my kids to a school who proudly calls itself "Achievement First"

    I want my daughters to grow up to be compassionate, open to the world and people around them. Not performance-driven, elitist, better-than-you people who will achieve everything, except being good human beings.

    1. WakeUpAmerica5:22 PM

      Well said.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      "performance-driven, elitist, better-than-you people who will achieve everything, except being good human beings."

      Those are exactly the people who ended up on Wall Street or as corporate CEOs and nearly destroyed our country.

  9. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Did you know that the state has private schools take those tests that determine a grade for the system in that state?

    I went to private school and about 100 of us there took the test that determined the A-F grade for the state in education.

    This is Florida.

  10. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

    I can't imagine the damage to a kindergarten aged child's psyche from being expelled from school. Our Public Schools have been under attack, head start and other similar programs have been slashed or eliminated. Classes in the "Arts" and Sciences have had their funding cut. Politicians need to learn that when they slash line items in a piece of legislation, it effects real people.

    Years ago, I volunteered as a teacher's aid at my daughter's public school. There was a shortage of certified teachers at the time, and the schools were allowing people with some college experience, or college graduates with no experience in teaching, child development, etc. to become teachers.

    To make a long story short, I was working with a child with developmental disabilities who was given several "labels". During a break in class, there was a commercial for 7 up with a hangglider over a lake. The student asked me what a lake was, and I explained "It's a body of water, like a puddle or lake, that's completely surrounded by land". After mulling it over, this child looked me in the eye and said:

    "You mean a lake is the opposite of an island?" I was floored and brought it up to the principal.

    Why doesn't this child have wrap around help? If you're labeling kids, mainstreaming them, and not giving them support, how can they possibly learn? The school got him the extra help he needed, and eventually learned coping skills to minimize the impact of his disability.

    What charter schools are getting away with is wrong on so many levels.


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