Thursday, June 06, 2013

I can't believe I am saying this, but the GOP needs to listen to "The Five" on Fox News and take their advice. (Because then they will NEVER win another election.)

Did you see that? Holy crap that's a lot of stupid!

So according to this brain trust on Fox what the Republicans need to do is either, find "cooler" candidates, according to Andrea Tantaros, find MORE conservative candidates, according to Eric Bolling, or simply start a new aggressive conservative movement at Universities where Right Wing students become the "bad-ass" on campus with their awesome youth attracting conservative ideals, according to Greg Gutfeld. (Oh and don't talk about "teh gays" because conservatives don't do that right.)

This might be the stupidest conservation I have listened in on since I overheard two preschoolers discussing about which Disney princess they most wanted to grow up to be. ("Snow White has dwarfs. All Cinderella has is talking mice. Use your brain Crystal!")

If Fox News is going to continue to be the PR branch of the Republican party, and THIS is the kind of advice they are giving, it is beyond clear that their days as a national party are over.

I don't know about the rest of you but whenever I start to question my level of intelligence I just spend a few minutes watching clip of these barely functioning morons and I feel like a damn genius again.

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I have 2 public high school students in the SOUTH, and I volunteer at the school at least 2x week, and I can tell you that the Republican/Christian/Holy Roller kids are NOT POPULAR!

    They are outcasts, never picked to represent the school. Not inclusive, which is what schools recognize they need to be to survive in this global world.

    The Republican/Christian kids are not in the higher level classes...they are average, and going to the easier colleges for admission.

    They don't challenge themselves (Bristol and Willow, I'm looking at you!) and will be left behind in the next 20 something job market.

    The question is, as a society what are we going to do with them? They will be a lower socio-economic class than their parents, as their skills are not needed and they don't seem to be adaptable to change. They refuse to admit that the problem is THEM and not US.

    It will be a big challenge for us as a country to have so many white, barely educated, religious young adults who don't fit into the system. Already, the high schools are gearing up for some sort of training for these kids, but it is not easy, as they don't fit into the bigger world. No company wants a ticking time bomb.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      They have chosen to shut down their minds and destroy their own curiosity and analytical skills. After a decade or so, when they lose out on the job market to higher-qualified and more information-savvy women, hispanics, blacks (whose college attendance numbers are rising), and asians, wow, will that be an interesting turn of events.

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    That was a whole lot of stupid. They don't trust facts even when they are thrown in their faces. The GOP old white men don't have a clue that young people, hispanics, women, and blacks (and some old people - I'm a 66 year old female) can see right through the GOP tactics of trying to make Obama look bad by trying to create scandals. They base all their comments on their own personal opinions. I am more dumbfounded each day that this continues to go on.

  3. from the same mentioned report, the College Republicans National Committee:

    they asked voters aged 18-29 to list Democratic leaders, they named: the Clintons, Obama, Kennedy.

    when those same respondents were asked to name Republican leaders, they listed: O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck.


    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      That's funniest thing I heard all day!

    2. Anonymous3:51 AM

      That's the saddest thing I heard all day. That these spewers of racist, homophobic and hateful speech are Repug 'leaders' says a WHOLE lot about where this country is now, sadly.

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM


    Kirk Cameron.

    That is all.

  5. One thing I love is that you recap all this stuff, and I don't have to listen/watch. Thank you so much!

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM


    2. Anonymous12:11 AM

      Lynne, try this site on for size:

  6. WakeUpAmerica7:28 PM

    "Youngsters" and "Why should we listen to kids who don't know anything?" Yeah, they're not arrogant or ignorant. No respect whatsoever for the intelligence of these college age people, and there it is. President Obama treats everyone with respect. Such hemorrhoids. After all, assholes have a purpose and are one pay grade higher than hemorrhoids.

  7. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I'm starting to detect a real TREND with rightwingers.

    They ONLY watch the Fox channel for current event misinformation and distortion.

    So, like Mitt Romney embarrassed himself all to hell over believing the lies about Benghazi which he saw on Fox, they spew out the very same malarkey when speaking ANYWHERE.

    And when its heard by ACTUAL people, they spot it immediately. So, even the conmen and women who "report" on Fox, appear to exclusively watch that channel, and end up sounding like this crew of nitwits.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      I think that's what is called a circle-jerk.

  8. Anita Winecooler8:00 PM

    There's a d among the five morons on that clip. Are they trying to make a point or pacifying each other's ignorance?
    We're almost at the empty nest stage, Two in College and one starting next year. College campuses are leaning democratic not because of any "cool" factor, they're leaning democratic because the democrats speak to and legislate the issues they care about the most, regardless of how they effect them personally. They're more socially engaged and knowledgeable about world events than when I was in college in the seventies and eighties. The Republicans have their fingers in their ears and imitating the "lancome lady"-"nah nah nah nah I can't hear you!"

  9. I vote Snow White. Cuz' I'm smarts!

  10. Anonymous3:49 AM

    "Right Wing students become the "bad-ass" on campus with their awesome youth attracting conservative ideals,"

    Awesome conservative youth in college are either socially awkward or have already sold their souls to a future in Wall Street.

    They also tend to congregate, en masse, at places like the Bob Jones & Liberty 'Universities' so they're only doing a circle jerk. Sorry for this image, but it does combine the reality of a closed educational ecosystem with a 'forbidden' sexual act. Hee hee.

  11. Anonymous4:40 AM

    i just finished reading "Atheist in the Fox Hole".
    Read it and get the inside scoop. Author was a "mole" at FOX for eight years and he tells all - including inside thoughts on SP.

    it's a clever book and would be a fun read even if it were not true.

  12. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Oh my. I saw this headline yesterday and thought "how stupid can it be?" Just watched it. Now I get the headline. Geez. Note to the Republican party, which is advise from moms everywhere: Just be yourself, and let the chips fall where they may. Because you ain't fooling anyone.

  13. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I heard some guy going off about "The Five" the other day. How it was the top rated show in its time slot.

    I always thought this was on in the dead air hours when most people were at work, which would make their audience the larger demographic of Fox viewers living in retirement homes, where it's the only thing on TV in the rec room, or people stuck at a tire store waiting for an alignment.

  14. Boscoe8:38 AM

    My mind is truly blown. It was stunning to watch this. I mean, their report NAILED IT. They have the facts right there in front of them, but their conservative brain orientation just WILL NOT allow them to absorb it.

    It is literally like someone told them "hey man, this GOP study indicates that crossing the street against the light is dangerous!", and after considered reflection they come up with this response: "yes, it's obvious that crossing against the light IS extremely dangerous, which is exactly WHY we need to cross against the light more often and more confidently so we won't get hurt!"

    -And to see them CONTINUALLY use Reagan as an examplar when it's clear to everyone with a brain that he could never gain the GOP nomination in this age of extremist right wing ideology, is simply baffling.



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