Saturday, June 29, 2013

I think this "Then and Now" picture kind of sums up why Conservatives really hate California lesbians.

Yeah, pretty sure she's right about that too.


  1. I think that’s a big part of the hatred. The men aren’t invited. They can quote Scripture all they want, but those signs tell the real story.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Miserable c__ts... I sure as hell don't need any more competition. And they KNOW what they're doing, also, as well, too.

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Love the irony of fighting for gays to be seen as equals to heteros...

    And she uses a slur to describe women?

    now substitute LADIES or Lady love?


    1. Anonymous8:22 AM


    2. Pussy is a slur?

      Gasp! Who knew?

      Is cock a slur?

      Funny, to me, being called a "lady" would be a slur . . .

      And "lady love" makes no sense at all as many men and women love pussy. And cock.

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Republicans blush when they hear the word 'vagina', so this is really an "in your face" way of telling them that their own hypocrisy and pretend-prude ways are not going to keep her from living her life vibrantly, going to Applebee's, and other fun shit like that; And the Repugs can stay at home and pout while fapping to pics of Mitch McDonell, Rick Frothy Mix Santorum, and whomever else helps em git it up.

      Pussy is a slang word. So is dick. Both can be used to deride another person, but they're not 'bad' words. They're just words. I happen to prefer pussy to dicks when I'm having sex, but neither word shocks my senses. Use either one appropriately in verbal foreplay with your partner, and see if you don't get a positive reaction. Seriously.

      Pearl-clutchers need not apply for membership at the IM Thinking People and Healthy Attitudes About Sex Extravaganza and Tire Care Center.

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    My iPad messed up.

    She could have expressed herself better, IMO.

    That sign could have been written by a frat boy.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Yes, it is really a shame she isn't behaving in a more ladylike fashion. Just kidding. FUCK YOU!

    2. Leland9:09 AM

      Accurate and to the point. What's not to like?

    3. Leland9:44 AM

      8:07, I just thought of something else.

      So what if this could have been written by a frat boy?! We are talking about EQUALITY here, not your ideas of decorum or politeness.

      Goosey Goosey Gander!

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Boys will be boys, right?

      Fuck You!

    5. Anonymous10:26 AM

      The word "pussy" is disrespectful to females. She could have correctly written "sex" instead. The vulgarity doesn't add to her sentiment. She's clever and funny, but she could have chosen a better synonym.

    6. Leland10:52 AM

      Why, 10:26? SHE'S female. Can't she call her parts whatever she chooses? In YOUR opinion the word is disrespectful!

      And I believe that since she was trying to piss off those who were - and are - trying to stop her from having her rights, I think using language to REALLY piss them off works quite well!

    7. "Females"????

      Female fish? Moose? Frogs?

      Do you mean women?

      Or are you threatened by women? Or by women being outspoken?

    8. Anonymous11:48 AM

      It's HER pussy. Can't she call it what she wants to?

      Sheesh. Only those who haven't seen one in a while would be complaining about the insult. And the shoe fits on many of the Repugs---because it's alll about about their attitudes, not their anatomy.

      If you're a dickless Guy who votes R, no pussy for you.---The Pussy Nazi

    9. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Good words choice. Remember, her target audience isn't Rhodes scholars.

    10. Anonymous3:31 PM

      11:48 The Crass One

      She isn't talking about her pubis, is she? She is labeling others. No matter how you try to rationalize it, it is crass, vulgar, and unnecessary. It is referring to females not as humans but as genitals. Kind of like the Congressman who referred to women as vaginas.

      So dear Nazi, it's about respecting one another. Her message is a good one; the expression on her face is priceless. Referring to sex as "getting pussy"" reduces women to genitals with legs.

    11. Anonymous3:55 PM


      She's talking about other women/their pussies.

      So no, she is not talking about her own pussy.

      And whatever genius came up with FUCK YOU as their response?

      Well, youcould probably write her next sign.

      Stunning intellect.

      Peace out, anal rager

    12. Anonymous7:06 PM


      Just to enlighten you, we are ALL genitalia with legs. Girls have a pussy and boys have a cock and balls; both of us have mouths and assholes, which also work for sexual pleasure. Get over it. Part of using slang for our genitalia is because it is sexy, it gets people hot and bothered. Talking dirty is as old as sexuality itself.

    13. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

      My IPad Messed up... now THAT'S funny!

    14. Anonymous8:04 AM


      You sound like a moron.

      Describe yourself as genitalia with legs and leave me and my pussy out of it!

  5. Anonymous8:19 AM

    When I make friends, whether hetero, or homo, I look for attributes and qualities that are good for the common good. I know that the gay/lesbian community are just as good citizens, responsible, kind, and want to set good examples. When I see this display here, it serves no good purpose for the gay community. It's like 'girl's gone wild' posing with their bikini tops off, on some beach party.

    There are lots of monogamous gay couples that would be offended to be boxed in with the above immature and disgusting display.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      I am, and I wasn't. Seems pretty funny to me.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Thanks 9:05 - I groaned a little, but sometimes you have to speak boldly, like Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Yes, but they don't live their lives for a cause 24/7, no matter how strongly they feel about equal rights. Sometimes we make statements as individuals that don't have to reflect on every peer we have in every demographic category.

      People can have differing opinions without assuming another individual is speaking for an entire group. If anybody asks me about Sarah Palin, I tell them she's a grifting, money grubbing whore that is the biggest fake christian of all time. My wife disagrees on one point there in that she says that I can't really know what's in Sarah's heart toward her Creator, and to cut her slack on that. I respect my wife's opinion, and that's all good. But she knows that I'm not speaking about OTHER moms, politicians, wives, etc when I assign those values to Sarah that I perceive from her words and behavior. But I can be more polite, which is really what she's taught me (my wife---sure as hell ain't Sarah). And yeah, I was a first boy once but wasn't clever enough when I was 19 or 20 to make a poster like that. I was more concerned about chasing skirts to be protesting, unless it was an all-women's rally.

  6. Now see I saw this as a big FU to those trying to tell this young woman how to live her life, and a declaration that they could never control her personal life, and that now they can no longer restrict her ability to express her love openly and legally.

    Besides I live with a young woman and know that this is not exactly something that she would find demeaning in any way. Quite the opposite in fact.

    1. Leland9:10 AM

      Amen, Gryphen! I agree!

    2. Agree 100%, Gryphen.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      I don't think it's demeaning, just crass.

    4. Anonymous12:04 PM

      10:23. Okay, that's cool. That's your opinion and I respect it. Thanks for expressing your differing opinion respectfully. Crass might be a word I would use as well on another day. But today, it hit my funny bone and I laughed.

    5. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Yeah, crass works.

    6. Anonymous6:58 PM

      "Crass" is one of those words from an earlier generation, taught by people like "Miss Manners". We've moved beyond that kind of crap now, into a brave new world. Get used to it.

      Note: I'm always polite to older people that still buy into this sort of etiquette. Hell, I had to go to classes in my last year of secondary school that taught us about silverware propriety and what plates to use for what course of a meal, so really, I feel you pain, I just also feel that we need to free ourselves from that kind of crap.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

      I thought both photos were funny. They're adult women using humor and expressing their sexuality in a similar manner as men.
      It doesn't look like they're at a formal dinner or honoring dignitaries, then I could see people getting their undies in a knot over.

    8. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Your daughter is entitled to her opinion just like I am.

      Her support or not of the signs only means that SHE feels that way.

      She is not a token for women, gays, young people, blondes; etc.

      One person, one opinion.

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Geez you guys, try having a sense of humor. Humor has been known to reduce blood pressure and provide all sorts of benefits to the human body and psyche.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      And laughter releases those endorphins in the pleasure center of your brain that make you feel 'good'. If you don't believe me, go somewhere in your house alone like the bathroom and, while looking in the mirror, make yourself laugh. Loud and continuously for about 30 seconds. If you have somebody who will do it with you, even better--- you can do the same, but laugh at one another. It sounds stupid, sure, but see if you don't feel better, less stressed, just kind of tingly for a few hours. It'll change how your entire day goes. It's hard to be cynical and negative when you feel 'happy', and laughing sets off the chain of events that will artificially elevate your mood.

      Try it. And then tell all those that you see having a bad day to try it. Sounds stupid but it works, and it's cheaper than cocaine, and less wear and tear on the knees than running 10 miles to get a similar effect from 'runner's high'. If you've ever trained for long distance running, I'm sure you've felt the effects, too.

      Have a great weekend, IMers!

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      So a black and a Jew walk into a bar


      Where's your sense of humor??

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Red alert: Sarah on Fox after the break.

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Now THIS is the stuff of nightmares. Stephen King ain't got nuthin' on this scenario!

    Our theocracy nightmare: President Palin’s martial law

    It is obvious in retrospect that only an external attack like that on 7/22 could have saved the Palin presidency. Without it, would any of what followed have happened? I doubt it. The Democrats would have recaptured both the White House and Senate that fall. The culture wars would have simmered on, but the evangelical movement’s momentum on the path toward political power would have been lost. I would be installed in my corner office downtown, practicing law. I would probably have children with Emilie. I might be having dinner with Sanjay tonight instead of sitting here with people I really don’t know, trying to remember and record all that happened since then.

    But 7/22 did happen. It was truly horrible, and the American people were understandably scared and angry. 7/22 opened a door, and Sarah Palin walked through it.

    On July 24, 2012, President Palin, for only the second time in the history of the republic, declared martial law over the entire country. Instead of appearing alone in a televised address from the formality of the Oval Office, she addressed the nation from the situation room in the basement of the White House flanked by all the Joint Chiefs of staff, with Vice President Sam Brownback and top consultant Steve Jordan the only civilians present. Her speech was direct and forceful. After 9/11, she said, our enemies had counted on our weaknesses. They knew of our preoccupation with rights, laws, and political correctness of every sort. They counted on it. And what did we do? We acted true to form: no profiling of Muslims; continuing to welcome Muslim immigrants; hauling terrorists into federal courts as if they were common criminals; and having some of the brightest legal talent in the country come to their defense. “No more,” she said. Nearly seven thousand of our fellow citizens died because of it, hundreds of thousands more were heartbroken, and six American cities were still smoldering. This was a war. Islamic fundamentalists were our sworn enemies. each of the eighty-one terrorists had been welcomed to our country like the millions before them seeking freedom and a better life. But they had betrayed us and used our freedoms against us. Thousands more were doubtless still in the country plotting the same betrayal. She swore to find and deport or punish every last one of them. Every one. Nothing would stop her.

    The president reported that the Joint Chiefs, her cabinet, and all her advisors were unanimous in their advice that fighting this war here in the homeland required a declaration of martial law. The protections of the Constitution were not intended for our enemies, she said. Moreover, this was a war to be fought by soldiers, not policemen, and when the terrorists were caught, they needed to be tried in military, not civilian, tribunals. Nothing else mattered. She would devote her presidency to this and only this. The emergency and her duties as president required her full attention. She would not conduct a normal political campaign. She would appear at her party’s convention but would neither debate nor travel the country for public appearances in the run-up to November 6. This was not, she said, a time for politics. If the American people chose to reelect her, her promise was simple: she would eradicate all the other Islamists lurking here in the homeland and keep out any new ones. That was it. She hoped everyone understood her priorities.

    LOTS more nightmarish stuff:

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I'm sorry. Am I on the wrong thread? This is the book review thread, or did you just try to hijack the conversation?

  10. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Classy. Not.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Hit a nerve did it?

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      The vulgarity hit a nerve, but I suspect you think I am anti-gay. I totally support her sentiment. I'm not into having my lady parts labeled that crassly.

  11. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Three of my dearest friends are gay. They are into naginatajutsu, the tea ceremony, and all things Japanese. They also happen to be three of the best looking women I have ever seen. I'm talking trans-cultural, breathtaking perfection. When we walk into a restaurant, everyone looks. At them, not me.

    Nevertheless, I am one of the luckiest men on the planet. These three are always setting me up with girls they know I will like.

    I get my share.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Glad to know you aren't threatened.

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Even if I looked like George Clooney I think she'd still get more pussy than me.

    You go girl!

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor anymore? I think she's hysterical! Here kitty kitty.....

    1. Leland10:47 AM

      10:26, I couldn't agree more.

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Typical vulgar lesbians
    That nobody can like

    1. Leland3:40 PM

      She is obviously not complaining about NOT getting any, so what's YOUR problem?

      Ever hear of Moms Mabley? One of the funniest comedians ever to grace the stage - and she was also one of the most vulgar. (Kind of like Redd Foxx.) I guess you wouldn't want to be around her either. Great. Don't go near her. (I'm being facetious here. She's long dead.) My point is a person can be vulgar and be EXTREMELY popular.

      Personally I have a fair number of friends who happen to be lesbians. A few of them are actually quite crude and vulgar when they want to be and I find that absolutely hilarious - which is what they are shooting for at the time. And from what I can see (and many others here can as well) her message is getting across quite well.

      Oh. And from what can see, there's only ONE being discussed here. Where did you get lesbian (plural?) Go back to your pew and shut up.

      So I repeat: What's YOUR problem?

      I believe the phrase is "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." (And I can pretty well guarantee you ain't mother mary so don't try to pull THAT one on me.) You don't like members of the LGBT community? Tough. Don't associate with any of them. I'm quite certain they would be extremely happy to NOT have to listen to your shit.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.