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"Whoa, I said yes to wetbacks and pochos, NOT faggots!" |
Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, a co-author and key proponent of the Senate immigration bill, said he will revoke his support if an amendment is added that allows gay Americans to petition for same-sex spouses living abroad to secure a green card.
"If this bill has in it something that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said Thursday during an interview on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."
Yeah the Republicans might be ready to reach out to the Latina and female community but let's not get crazy.
You know what they say about those that exhibit the most virulent homophobic behaviors don't you?
I'm looking at you Mr. Combover!
You may have to explain the word pocho to some of our younger friends.
ReplyDeleteLike me. (And I ain't so young!)
DeleteThe republicans are doomed if they continue to fight their culture war. Aside from their shrinking base of Fox News viewers, the country has moved on. People want jobs, not wars on women, gays, latinos, and scandal mongering. Their 2010 mantra of jobs, jobs, jobs? They can't even do the job they were elected to do. Hope everyone is paying attention for the 2014 midterms.
DeleteGuess the math-challenged Sarah realized she couldn't "jump out of the comfort zone, and broaden [her] reach."
DeleteUnfortunately, her reach isn't as long as her ginormous lobster hands. So she's jumped back into the conservative cesspool to continue to simply preach to the choir.
And this piece of sh*t wants to be president? What's he going to do if he ever succeeds and he has to represent ALL of the US citizens? Ignore them like every other stupid president? (Read that as almost every president after Carter - except the current POTUS!)
ReplyDeleteNAH! He'll probably fight to RESTRICT OR ELIMINATE every single advancement made along the human rights angle - including for women.
I am so damned hopeful that Bachman is right when she says there won't be another repube president if the party keeps it up!
I never noticed the comb-over, thanks for pointing it out. He'll have a very high forehead soon, and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
ReplyDeleteI have always questioned Rubio fans' description of the man as handsome. I mean, what is handsome about dead eyes, shapeless rosy mouth... and a comb over? But all that could be overlooked if he had core beliefs or principles. But, alas, our Marco is but another soulless GOP hack who thinks he's Presidential timber. I see a lot of extreme thirst in his future as he fumbles his way into the spotlight.
DeleteDaily Show guest host John Oliver tonight took on the social progress (or lack thereof) towards gay marriage rights in the United States and around the world. Between mocking Pat Robertson‘s odd phrasing and the rumors of a “gay lobby” at the Vatican, Oliver saved his sharpest barbs for the violent anti-gay protestors taking to the streets in France, marching in gaudy pink grab, leading Oliver to ask, “How is it that France’s anti-gay protests look so much gayer than our pro-gay protests?”
ReplyDeleteOliver first tackled the Boy Scouts allowing gay scouts but not gay leaders, meaning that it’s okay to be in the scouts when you have gay urges “up until the age where they can act on them.” Oliver also mocked Robertson for declaring that gay people want to “do sex” with each other, while sharing his sympathies with an unsatisfied Mrs. Robertson.
But overseas, where people are “famously more enlightened” than Americans, France is erupting with anti-gay violence. Oliver explained that they’re just trying to protect the sanctity of marriage, which in France, is “one man, one woman, and her sister once, and her maid, and the college-age friend of their daughters who stayed for them of the summer.” Oliver also noticed how flamboyantly the protestors dressed, and asked, “How is it that France’s anti-gay protests look so much gayer than our pro-gay protests?”
Oliver also mocked anti-gay laws in Russia which would sentence people promoting homosexuality to prison (because “nothing reduces instances of homosexuality like a lengthy jail term”), and the Pope’s admission that there is a “gay lobby” in the Vatican. Though quite frankly, Oliver said, “the whole building is basically a Liberace fever dream.”
Watch the video below, courtesy of Comedy Central:
LGBT Pride Month Reception at the White House
ReplyDeleteNothing more needs to be said.
What is wrong w/these Republicans? Are they purposely trying to lose their seats in the next election cycle? Sure sounds like it! Women and gays (across the nation) are going to reject them.
ReplyDeleteFrom your keyboard to Gawd's monitor.
DeleteMixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter Josh Thomson took to his Facebook page on June 10 to pose a controversial question, "Should you be allowed to marry whoever you want? Before you answer that, should u be allowed to have more than 1 wife?"
ReplyDeleteThe question lead to a lengthy discussion, resulting in Thomson comparing marriage equality to polygamy, pedophilia and incest and insinuating that R&B singer R. Kelly would attempt to marry young girls.
As Towleroad points out, Thomas chimed in when a friend asked, "Should you be allowed to decide what other sound-minded adults do with their lives?"
He responded:
Religious Views Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender People Revealed In New Survey
Man, are these guys deaf?
ReplyDeleteHe and Rob Portman are against ENDA, so Rob's fine with his son being gay, but perfectly ok with him being discriminated against in the work force and housing. Hypocrites
ReplyDeleteI never noticed the combover, but you're right!
The GOP is on the wrong side of the majority of issues the Voters have demonstrated over and over they want.