Friday, June 28, 2013

Sarah Palin chastises GOP because they "disrespect Hispanics" by offering them a path to citizenship and the opportunity to NOT have their parents deported back to Mexico. Yeah, what's wrong with you guys?

Courtesy of the Rita Moronic's Facebook page:

Please take a look at the article linked below to understand how the amnesty bill the Senate passed yesterday is a sad betrayal of working class Americans of every ethnicity who will see their wages lowered and their upward mobility lowered too. And yet we still do not have a secured border. (Because we in the GOP will NEVER be satisfied that the border is secure until there is an electrified force field that barbecues on contact every brown person who even THINKS about entering the  country.) This Senate-approved amnesty bill rewards lawbreakers and won’t solve any problems – as the CBO report notes that millions of more illegal immigrants will continue to flood the U.S. in coming years. (The CBO also said that an immigration bill will dramatically help the US economy. I guess SOMEBODY accidentally left that part out.)

Great job, GOP establishment. You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats (The who?) with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to “enlarge that tent” of which you so often speak. It’s depressing to consider that the House of Representatives is threatening to pass some version of this nonsensical bill in the coming weeks. 

Once again, I’ll point out the obvious to you: it was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politician must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks, and crony capitalists’ pork, and call it good. You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law. (Yes how could anybody assume that the Hispanic community does not want to alter a law that often tears families apart and has those working toward citizenship lost within a complicated system for years?)

Folks like me are barely hanging on to our enlistment papers in any political party – and it’s precisely because flip-flopping political actions like amnesty force us to ask how much more bull from both the elephants in the Republican Party and the jackasses in the Democrat Party we have to swallow before these political machines totally abandon the average commonsense hardworking (ie "ignorant") American. Now we turn to watch the House. If they bless this new “bi-partisan” hyper-partisan devastating plan for amnesty, we’ll know that both private political parties have finally turned their backs on us. It will then be time to show our parties’ hierarchies what we think of being members of either one of these out-of-touch, arrogant, and dysfunctional political machines. (I think Palin is threatening to quit the Republican party over this bill. As if they needed yet ANOTHER reason to make it happen.)

 - Sarah Palin

As you know I have lived in Alaska my entire life, much like Penelope Crusty-pants there, so let me share with you my experience with illegal immigrants and the Mexican American community.

I don't have any.

Well that is not entirely true. When I was seventeen I went to work for a well known Mexican restaurant in Anchorage, called La Mexicana.

The head bus boy there was this skinny kid whose name escapes me now, but he was a nice guy and a real hard worker, who took his job VERY seriously.

After I had been working there for about three months he and I were in the middle of a conversation near the bar, when he suddenly looked to the door, jumped up, and ran out the back. I never saw him again.

I later learned that the guy who had walked in was from immigration, and that my co-worker was not legally in this country. I also learned that he had been sending almost all of his money back home to his family, and that he lived in a shack with a bunch of friends, and ate his only meal of the day at the restaurant for free.  I remember at the time thinking that ANYBODY who had traveled all the way from Mexico, through the lower forty eight and Canada,  to work in a crappy little Mexican restaurant in Anchorage, Alaska, deserved to be given a pass. And I feel pretty much the same way now.

That is the sum total, while living in Alaska, of my experience with immigration, illegal Mexicans, and what happens to good, hard working people when the laws do not provide them a safe and reasonable path to citizenship.

And I am pretty sure that it is comparable to the experience Salma Hate-Attack has had with these subjects as well.

Sarah Palin weighing in about immigration is like Sarah Palin weighing in on appropriate wig maintenance, or proper sentence structure, or well...pretty much anything if you think about it.

But I guess somebody somewhere thinks that what she has to say is worth listening to, and we call those people...morons!

However the take away from this post is that if the Republicans play their cards right Sarah Palin may leave their party and stop trying to "help them." If I were in the GOP I would do everything in my power to make sure this thing passed as quickly as humanly possible.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I can guarantee you that Aunt Katie in Richland Wa has Hispanics doing her lawn duties every week!! and maybe even cleaning her big house on the hill... And some of them are most likely illegal.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      In the late 70's it was called "la migra"(sp) And maybe illegals or not illegals would come and work. Union-busting where as they were too afraid to vote for a union harmed them. My Sons father a USA citizen (but looked NA or Hispanic) was questioned by these fucks.(la-migra)
      This started in the late 70's and we are reaping, the Bangladesh levis made in mexico etc. we are reaping it now!
      In the 70's levis were made in SF. And i was part of that.
      After they started being made in mexico and other places and were crap.
      This country is fucked up with our capitalism.
      Really fucked up.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Uncontrolled capitalism

  2. Note the subtle (ha!) equivalencies:

    Hispanic Vote = Illegal Immigrants
    Working Class Votes = not Hispanic, so not illegal immigrants.

    And it's from there that we get:
    Sarah Palin = Bat Shit Crazy Racist Dingbat

    1. I noticed that too. Hispanics don't work. They don't count. Fuck you, Sarah Palin, you racist, bigoted, ignorant bitch.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sarah Palin is producing more hate now than ever before and it's got to go somewhere. Sure, the lion's share goes to Obama but she is so over-flowing with vile rhetoric that it's like an explosion. If she keeps up the hate speech and calls that could be interpreted as calls for violence she may fall into the Pamela Geller bin and be denied access into the UK ('course now that Thatcher is no longer available for a photo op....).

    You've got to wonder what McCain is thinking while he is trying to get the GOP to back the immigration bill and his little side kick is pulling out all stops to bash his efforts. He may remain loyal to her but she is not (and never really was) loyal to him.

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    She's holding a huge grudge against the GOP for not being invited to the RNC Convention. She's holding a huge grudge against John McCain for not being invited to his son's wedding. She's holding a huge grudge against "jackass" Democrats for voting in Barack Obama, not just once but twice. She's holding a huge grudge against the President because he is the President.

    It's time for the GOP to do what Steve Schmidt did to Palin after the election. so she couldn't give her speech....shut her down.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      One thing you can be sure of with Palin, with all of her hate she is not a happy person inside. I really mean that, how could anybody be happy. All she knows is how to be critical and not be positive. Not only that but she's seeing her favorability ratings sliding as well as the free money at SarahPAC. I have no doubt she came crawling back to Ailes inorder to keep her presence in the press and in front of the people.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Yep, pull the plug on the mic, turn down the lights, and leave her up there crying on the stage because she's such an awesome victim. Awesome. Yawn.

      Say G'nite Sarah.

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      SO presidential, isn't she? Can you visualize what a third party with her at the helm would be like? OMG.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      I think Sarah Palin will be dead at a younger age than normal. The hate and evil that is within her brain and body will do nothing more than harm her physically (as we are already seeing since 2008 - compare the photos to then and current ones!).

      Will some type of cancer get her? Wouldn't surprise me one bit! Drugs, eating habits, hate, anger and evilness are all she is about. Nothing positive, thoughtful, kind, loving or respectful is in her scenario EVER.

      Her silence will be golden!!!!

  5. Boscoe12:53 PM

    I'll make a dill with $arah®... when she spends a single day doing the kind of job that Mexicans cross our borders to do, I will officially give one half of a shit about anything she says.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Count me in with u, Boscoe. Together, we can give the equivalent of "a shit" about something she says.

      Then again, I don't think she could actually do any physical labor for two hours without expiring.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      she does - she's a whore....

  6. She is so angry, angry, angry, angry, all the time angry.

    But not for any of the political reasons she rages on about. She is so angry that she is a political nothing. She has fallen so far from the heady heights of the '08 campaign.

    None of the duly elected people working at their jobs care what the washed-up quitter has to say about anything.

    Ooh, you're going to leave the GOP and take your fapclub with you? Okay. Bye.

    She is too lazy, greedy, stupid, and self-absorbed to ever get any viable third party effort off the ground.

    However, I think she is perfectly capable of telling her dimwitted fans that she wants to start a third party, with, of course, no intention of following through. They will believe her and they will send her every dime they have.

    If she tried the same stunt she pulled the last time around, even her idiot cultists might wise up.

    1. Maple1:42 PM

      You got it, Nefer!

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Maybe her bots will feel sorry and write a check to her PAC with their best one-time donation ever.

      On the other hand, why does Sarah NEVER speak directly to C4P? Is she too good or embarrassed to even acknowledge them?

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Exactly right. And, while I wish Sarah Palin would just GO AWAY, I realize that her ignorant rants all show us just what an unhappy woman she is. None of her diatribes ever add anything to the political conversation. She's like a badly behaving four year-old who stages hold-your-breath temper tantrums every day or so.

    4. Anonymous2:07 PM

      One of her fans on FB urged her to run Libertarian but that won't go well with the Rand Paul crowd. She isn't a Libertarian she's a MALCONTENT!

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      That's what Creepy Chuck Jr. is for. They wet themselves all the same!

  7. Sally in MI12:58 PM

    Did Sarah just call me a 'jackass?' Hey, idiot, start your own party. Or are you and Toad back in the AIP again? But don't expect Ailes to bail you out, have you on his hatefest network, or keep sending you checks for your whines. He may not be fond of Democrats, but he does still like the GOP. Yo may have just cooked the goose laying your golden egg, honey. And you can take your namecalling and shove it. People like you belong in the trailer parks and bars, hanging out and whin ing about those DC politicians. People who talk like you do not deserve any kind of national platform to spew your crap from. You are a petulant little creep, and I hope FOx never has you on again.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      You're too kind, Sally.

      Sarah isn't really for any political party. Sarah is for Sarah and no one else, including her own family.

      Dealing with other people is just something Sarah forces herself to do when she wants something. I really do feel sorry for those misguided few who are so disillusioned with their plight in life that they would turn to a snake oil saleswoman like Sarah for anything other than to pour them an XL cold sugary drink or to share a plug of tobacco.

      Sarah's a fraud, and almost all of her loyal followers will know that one day, some sooner, and others later.

      Considering she was the darling of a major political party that now completely shuns her, it is evident that tens of millions have already seen through her selfish little money-grab game. And more will follow those until it is Sarah by herself, and she knows the clock is ticking. That's why she is so angry at herself. She really blew it.

  8. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Todd Palin is part Yup'ik. The Palins are proud of their ancestry and they respect all people. Rest assured Sarah has a heart and she knows what is best, just ask her. How could she become the most popular first Governor of Alaska without the smarts and being up on these issues?

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Seriously?? What year is it on your planet?

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Thanks for the belly laugh!

      Oh, I'm sorry. We're you being serious?

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      "Reality. Try it."
      Google is your friend if you seriously are ignorant of the Palin's well-documented racism.

    4. angela1:26 PM

      Yeah she's Ms. Diversity. I remember when Radio Laura said the N word about twenty times and Palin told her to reload.
      And she was wonderful bringing cookies to starving Native Alaskans instead of being the governor and getting them real aid. And who could forget her in Haiti passing out cheap plastic shit and christian pamphlets with Franklin Graham to the poor Haitian earthquake victims?

      And the way she harps and bitches at people she has a heart of flint and a mouth like a longshoreman on leave.

    5. jcinco1:40 PM

      shut up bristle.

    6. Anonymous1:43 PM

      yay!! you got a new avatar!!!!
      congrats babe. so happy to read you without looking at that picture:)

    7. Anonymous1:53 PM

      LOL... whenever Saint Sarah's bigotry is shown, her minions pull out their "She married a minority, therefore she CAN'T be racist!" card.

      What is Todd... 1/8th Yup'ik? So laughable.

      He could be 100% Yup'ik, and it still wouldn't wipe away Sarah's bigotry.

    8. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Is that you RAM? Todd avoids his Yup'ik Heritage like the Plague. Sarah only uses Todd's Heritage for her children's Medical coverage. Sarah hates anyone who identifies with any Minority.

    9. Anonymous1:43 PM

      yay!! you got a new avatar!!!!"

      Yeppers! I changed it yesterday...have you clicked on it...she's a beauty isn't she! LOL!!!

    10. Anonymous2:08 PM

      "...the most popular first Governor of Alaska ...?"

      Did you even read what you wrote before you hit Publish? That sounds like Sarah writing her own bio for a donation e-mail. You folks, I swear... never mind. Proceed, Pee Ponders.

    11. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Dat u Krusty?

    12. jcinco2:23 PM

      bwahaha, bristle rivers..those palin b*tches are going to have start hating on Leno now...

    13. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Todd “What’s in it for us” Palin has no connection to the ways of the Yup’ik people with his “what’s in it for us” selfishness.

    14. Anonymous3:56 PM

      1:19 PM


    15. "...most popular first Governor of Alaska..."

      Seriously? Really? (rolls eyes)

    16. Anonymous4:52 PM

      We'll take your comments one at a time:
      Proud of their ancestry - yet the girls knew none of the skills of their grandmother on SPAK.

      She became the "most popular gov because a)AK is a young state, the list of govs isn't long and b) it's a very big, sparsely populated state. People never got to really know her. She could keep them at a long arm's length. because of a and b above, it's also a fairly informal state - she played puppet and had her the Toad to handhold her through all sorts of situations.

    17. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Don't forget her taxing of the oil companies so she could send out the doubled tax checks to all citizens of AK. That was about the time her inflated ratings showed up at RNC Central.

    18. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Why did Tawd have plastic surgery to look less "native"? Why did at least one of his children have plastic surgery to remove any trace of "Native" from her face?

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    This coming from the wife of a Pimp. What is more unpatriotic than being a Semi-Politician married to a Pimp?

  10. Evelyn Waugh1:03 PM

    1) Sarah: you say that working class people in swing states voted for President Obama in 2012, thus ensuring his re-election. (Not the 44 pt. spread of Hispanics for Obama rather than Romney.)
    So, if they liked the Democratic candidate, who wanted immigration reform, why then is the passage of the Senate immigration bill going to turn these working class voters back to the Republican side? Your two ideas completely contradict each other.
    2) Lisa Murkowski voted "aye" on the immigration bill. Perhaps we don't have to look much further than that to find out a big reason why Our Sarah hates the bill.
    3) All immigrants are not Hispanic. You have made this mistake before. Highly skilled immigrants from many different lands will be helped with this bill, as well as the Mexicans that you all concentrate on, who will be given an easier path to do stoop labor on farms -- labor those working class Americans don't want to do.
    4) I hate to repeat myself, but "Democrat Party" is not grammatical. I know Fox and their friends have been pushing that usage in recent years, but the noun is "Democrat" and the adjective is "Democratic."
    Continue to use this word incorrectly, but most people will just think you're too dumb to know the difference. Feel free to show us your college degree in "communications" to prove that you know how to write grammatically.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Sarah is the perfect leader of a party that describes itself as the STUPID Party. Now that's one torch she can carry.

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Maybe she should google rule of law. Nah who am I kidding.

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Commonsense, hardworking? These are two words she knows NOTHING about!!Why does she have a known Pimp in the Picture with her?Nothing about this latest rant (debacle) make sense.Is she getting crazier? It seems like it.

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I would take one hundred illegals if Mexico would take the Tundra Turd. No, seriously.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      She's gonna start her own party. Palin's got a new grift. I guarantee that is the direction the bitch is heading.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Why would you shit all over our neighbor to the South? They're our friends.

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Yup, the PAH party, as in Pimps and Ho(s).

    4. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Pimphomaniacs Party?

  14. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Who does Sarah think is cleaning her pool, doing any landscaping or cleaning her McMansion in Arizona lol? Hint: unregistered Mexicans. All the people who bitch about unregistered workers need to STFU or be ready to pay 4-5 times what these poor workers are doing, without any benefits, for the white people.

  15. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Is Sarah Alaska's Paula Deen?

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Sarah can't cook.

      And she's too lazy to learn a trade and practice it to proficiency. Unless one considers moaning and groaning and bitching and griping to be her "skill set", because that's the only thing she does well.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      She sure roast a mean hot dog.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      But, Sarah is racist - just like Paula Deen!!! Sarah - to the 'first people' (Eskimos) of Alaska and to the black people of the State of Alaska! All done during her 'quitter' half term as gov of AK. Check the records up there! She is one evil, nasty woman and hell awaits both her and the 'pimp' Todd!

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Interesting photo. When was it taken?

    When Sarah was governor (you know before she QUIT on Alaskans)? So that means Todd is acting in his "official" capacity as Assistant Governor?

    Thanks for the reminder of how things used to be in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      That has to be during the campaign, because her hair is down and she hasn't ruined her face with plastic surgery yet.

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      4:21 So does that mean Todd was being the official "Assistant VP Candidate" in that photo?

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    There has to be more to this. Intended or not, this article is biased. I'm sure there has to be a view on how this might be perceived as disrespectful, I have one idea of that, since they would be in fact treated differently with chances and privileges others don't get. In a view her and I might be sharing, why treat them with these other chances others don't get if you view them as the same. Or maybe we should just use say garbage collection in Brampton and gather them all up. I want to hear more about this for sure. Either way though, I think that they have the right to live here and that immigration can not and should not be controlled.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      There are just no words for your post.

  18. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Or to do human trials on them with allergy therapy in Boise, ID or something. Force human trials. That's not humane, nor is it right, but it's a reality we face and it shouldn't be an option but still I wouldn't be surprised if the suggestion rises up when concerning "illegal" immigrants. but as far as I'm concerned, those who believe in "illegal immigration" are in fact the real illegal immigrants since they don't recognize the founding laws of this country.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM


    2. Karen in SoCal2:59 PM

      WTF are you talking about?? Are you suggesting that we have another Tuskegee-style experiment, only using immigrants this time? That is seriously f'ed up.

  19. Anonymous1:33 PM

    WOW, no blaming President Obama in her rancid rant? That's new! She must be losing her touch...LOL!

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Must scald her ass she can't get a response from POTUS, ever ever ever. So the blame is going to just about anybody on the planet who's ever pissed her off in the least bit.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM
      Must scald her ass she can't get a response from POTUS, ever ever ever.
      I think that is a huge part of her constant unremitting rage.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      New wig is too tight. It put her off her game.

  20. Anonymous1:35 PM

    The level of toxicity that comes from this woman is astounding! She must thrive on hate and anger the way she is always lashing out at something or someone. Does she EVER say anything positive or uplifting?

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law."

    You, Sarah Palin, disrespect the English language with nonsensical sentences like this one.

  22. Dinty1:38 PM

    Whatever she decides to do is a win/win for the Dems.

    If she chooses to continue supporting the Republican Party she makes them look dumb to moderates and undecideds - advantage Dems.

    If she chooses to leave the GOP and form her own party she further marginalizes herself and fractures off a piece of the Republican base - advantage Dems.

    Her stupidity is irritating as hell unless you factor in the every leaf of word salad is pure gold for the Democratic Party.

    She had a chance to do something between 2008 and 2012 to improve her knowledge and prepare herself for bigger things, but her laziness and desire to make $$$ prevented that. She will never be able to get that opportunity back.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Sarah spent her "political capital" on pursuits of fame and fortune, fleeting celebrity, and now marginalized to flickering tweets.

      She won't be able to get another opportunity to be taken seriously in the mainstream of American politics. Her latest gig on Fox is simply proof of her falling status.

  23. Anonymous1:39 PM

    When was the above picture taken? I can't get the link to Rita Moronic's Facebook page. Where were they?

    Where was she and why is Todd always with her? It is creepy and does not make her look strong or independent? They overkill on the couples act. That makes it look fake.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      When was the above picture taken?

      Why that old picture with that quote? Whose idea was that to make her look so irrelevant?

      What are the aprons?

      Was she at a cooking school?

      She is reminding me of Paula Deen going back in time. She can't handle the here and now.

      Can you imagine if Bristol had a wedding and Sarah won control since Bristol is just a tool.

  24. I'd take a thousand.

    Do I hear fifteen hundred?

  25. Every time I read how wonderful it is that Sarah Palin will appeal to Reagan Democrats I guffaw.

    First of all, if "Reagan Democrats" were, say, 40 in 1980, those voters are 73 now . . . .

    Second, the study of a Detroit district that voted 63 percent for JFK in 1960 but 66 percent for Reagan in 1980 found that it was 60 percent supportive of Obama in 2008.

    Whether by death or enlightenment, "Reagan Democrats" are no more.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      She doesn't care about the math of how many are still left, she just loves to say the word "Reagan" at every opportunity.

    2. Yup. My parents were "Reagan Democrats" and if they were still here, they would be 93 and 88 respectively and teabaggers for sure.

  26. Anonymous1:47 PM

    So funny! The monster the Republicans built to take down Obama (fail) is now charging down the mountain threatening to flatten their village with her clunky stripper heels. Right now there are some frantic backroom conversations going on about what to do about their "Sarah Palin problem". Good luck with that assholes.

  27. Anonymous1:47 PM

    ALL OF YOU WHITE EUROPEANS are here illegally.

    Signed Little Rabbit

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Yep, I suppose Sarah's also talking down to the tater-diggin' rednecks like my folks that came over here to live in the agricultural South to work the fields to keep from starving. They got a ticket to ride in the cheapest passenger class in steerage on a boat to live the dream as indentured servants for seven years each (and longer in some cases) before they could ever start working to have their own pot to piss in.

      Sarah, just shut up talking about those things about which you know little or nothing. Your willingness to speak as loud as you do despite your general ignorance is insulting to anyone who has worked hard and diligently to better themselves and the lives of their families through education, strong work ethics, and self-respect & humility while maintaining respect for others.

      Most folks who can think for themselves who even pay a little attention to you know that you're just a distraction as dumb as a sack of hammers, but not nearly as useful. You're a tool with no purpose for good other than to make your political enemies look better by comparison to your immature behavior and lack of character or intelligence.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I agree Little Rabbit and I am of European descent.

  28. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Count on Sarah to use crass and vaguely sexual language:

    the "bull," "jackasses," and "we have to swallow."

    Also, as another poster noted, why, oh why, is Todd in that picture? He has never been elected to any office, and has no standing to speak on these issues. Of course he's free to speak as a private citizen, but not when he implies that he's got a special soapbox, courtesy of his wife's position. And it looks as though Sarah's too scared to show up without her armed sidekick.

    The picture is an old one, anyway -- Sarah hasn't looked like that for a couple of years.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Well he is the Grand Wizard of the AIP after all.

    2. Yes, I also noticed her crass sexual references. Ick.

  29. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sarah Palin weighing in about immigration is like Sarah Palin weighing in on appropriate wig maintenance, or proper sentence structure, or well...pretty much anything if you think about it.

    Brilliant G! You made me LOL here so I had to share that one with the 7 other folks on our office staff. It's like a chain reaction now. Yes, it's Friday afternoon and everyone here is usually pretty upbeat every day anyway, but as each reads that commentary I highlighted, we'll hear a chuckle, then another and another... haha

    Good one to close out our work week this afternoon!


  30. Anonymous1:52 PM


    Martha Northington, 74, forcibly arrested by officers at Texas Capitol

  31. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Sarah should read up on the demographics of this country, hispanic votes ARE the USA's middle class

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Sarah believes Hispanics are lower class, poverty-stricken, lazy, living off welfare, liberal, never pay income taxes and therefore not worthy enough to be granted citizenship in "her" country.

      But one of her husband's ancestors was a real life, honest-to-goodness Alaska Native, so no way does she have a single bigoted, racist bone in her body. Also, too, Glen Rice. /s

  32. Randall1:58 PM

    I find it ironic that those who shit their pants over illegal immigrants (think Mexicans) coming to America and taking our jobs
    ...have no problem whatsoever with our Corporate Masters "outsourcing" those same jobs overseas.

  33. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Stop the immigration bill in the house

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Stop the PIMPING and Baby Making in Sarah Palin's house.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      FUCK OFF.

    3. Ooh, our illiterate doesn't know what the little dot on the keyboard is for troll is here. What a moron.

  34. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Sarah has ONE, singular Sarah-invented view of the US. If ANYONE disagrees with her or displeases her, she'll make their life a living hell (or at least Twitter nasty things about them).

    Sarah makes NO apologies. To apologize would be to admit a mistake. And since Sarah is the closest thing to Jesus we have, she is infallible.

    This is why previously-endorsed candidates, friends and colleagues are so often tossed under the bus. No one can live up to her views except herself. In this way she keeps her minions thinking that SARAH is the ONLY person who can save the US.

    Remember when her supporters loved Rubio? Herman Cain? Allen West? Kelly Ayotte? McCain? Sean Hannity? Oh, the list is too long to continue. Nevertheless, she's fickle. Either someone disagrees with her and makes the "Enemy List" or they commit the horrendous act of A) Besting her in something or B) Taking the spotlight away from her.

    I have no idea why her supporters can't see through her, and SEE her true AGENDA (Hint: Money & Fame). I shake my head and actually feel pity for that C4P crowd. Bless their hearts. One day, they will wake up and realize that they've been snookered by a very vindictive con-woman.

    She's not a savior, she's not a prophet. No amount of Old World Latin can polish that turd. She's a con-woman, plain and simple. Pretty much the same as the "GOPe" she's always whining about.

    Preaching to the choir, I know.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      You only empower her, if you let her get to you. POTUS handles her perfectly. He treats her like the annoying gnat that she is. A gnat can't harm you, just pester you. Once you get tired of the gnat, you just swat the life out of it. She does not matter, she is a mental midget, not worthy of a response to her bullshit. So I say, get a can of Black Flag, and when that Bitch gnat comes around again, spray her dumb ass.

  35. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Sarah Palin Verified account @SarahPalinUSA

    "Obama Calls Rubio to Congratulate Him on Immigration Reform" ...Hope it was worth 30 pieces of silver.

  36. imnofred2:11 PM

    Wrong again with the facts. What else is new?

  37. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Palin again goes after Rubio for "selling out" and compares him to Judas.


    "Obama Calls Rubio to Congratulate Him on Immigration Reform" ...Hope it was worth 30 pieces of silver.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I'm amazed that the Republicans 'biggies' are not coming after her! Says a lot of their party. John McCain has never countered her - what a wimp!!!! Why aren't they leaking things about her? Do they want her to speak as she does to create trouble for President Obama? The Republican party is going down in the upcoming election - there is no doubt about it. More and more are coming out against them and Congress is now in the teens as to approval. They should all be voted out of office and new younger people be voted in w/tenures so that they don't become multi-millionaires.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Sarah Palin is not being covered in the media - just on FOX.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      3:00, she's become a wall of noise, all of it predictable, forgettable, laughable and stupid. Nobody pays attention to her the way we do. I think even comedians are bored with her. I'm just sticking around for the final humiliation of the Assclown Quitter.

  38. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Note that Sarah may have changed her last name to

  39. "jackasses in the Democrat Party"..did she really say that??..she is such a dumbass

    1. She's so tacky, "bull", "jackasses", "make us swallow", she is such a sexual pervert.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Yeah Sarah, calling us names really wins people over to your cause, whatever that is today...send money? Again?

  40. Anonymous2:33 PM

    What Adderall Does To Your Body

    Isn't this one of Sarah's drugs of choice? Makes sense with her failing physical shape, tongue protrusions and more.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Sarah needs an intervention. What is wrong with Ailes?

    2. Anonymous8:43 PM

      I truly think he wants her to melt down right on live Fox TV. Can you imagine the ratings for the replays?

  41. Anonymous2:36 PM

    See Ya Bitch, don't let the door hit you in the crack of your boney ass.

  42. Anonymous2:48 PM

    She's writing her own material again. It won't be long until the whole country is laughing at another of her malapropisms (google it) or Dogberryisms (gotta celebrate Shakespeare or whatnot).

    It's wonderful that Sarah has taken this opportunity to put her inner ugly down in writing. I love it when she attacks the GOP who gave her everything she has. This is "not preaching to the choir" in a different direction, is it, Sarah?

  43. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Sarah Palin - again acting as though she knows 'something' about this subject is comparable to her being an 'energy expert' and stating the new pipeline in Alaska was under construction when she was on the campaign trail w/McCain. The pipeline is still NOT under construction and she has been proven, in Alaska, not to know a damned thing about oil/gas.

    She's a friggin' idiot and does nothing more than create trouble. She didn't write that statement! She is one horrible, evil, ugly woman that should be taken to trial for so, so many reasons. Where are the FBI and IRS? It's way past time the woman, and her pimp husband, were made to account for their illegal behaviors in Wasilla and Alaska.

  44. Anonymous3:03 PM

    So, to Sarah the democratic and Republican parties are "private?" What does that mean? That SHE is excluded? SHE is not invited to these "private" political parties?

    Well, I really think Sarah Palin should start her own political party - of those "commonsense" type folk who don't have a clue how our government works to keep our nation afloat.

    Please Sarah break away and truly go rogue... You CAN'T quit half way through now....

  45. Anonymous3:03 PM

    "Great job, GOP establishment. You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill..."

    1986 IRCA. Ronald Reagan. Amnesty.

    Hey, Sarah Palin! Please define 'Reagan Democrats' and then explain why Reagan's amnesty bill didn't offend them.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

      I loved her fetish revealed

      Elephant and Jackass Bull.

      She's so eloquent and educated!

  46. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 [Ronald Reagan - President 1981-1989]

    “legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt. About three million illegal immigrants were granted legal status”

    That Sarah Palin is not very smart.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Yes. Especially since this has been pointed out to her before and a number of GOP tea party types have been bashing on Reagan's amnesty bill lately. Maybe her ghostwriter is fed up and purposefully trying to shine a light on her stupidity.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Maybe everyone is walking out on her. She is stuck with a few family loyalists. that toxic family can't hold up much longer, too much crazy hanky panky to hide.

  47. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Dear Sarah Since we all know you read the comments. I am sick and tired of your lunkheaded comments, you are witless twit who knows absolutely nothing about immigrants. If you did you would know that legal immigrant absolutely hate the current system because it is so full of red taped and royally screwed up. Then again you truly don't care except it gives you sometime to whine and bitch about which seems to be the only thing you are actually capable of doing. Why don't you run off and raise your children so at least one of them gets into college or teach your grandchild some manners.

  48. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Sarah Palin to speak in Baldwin County

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      They will love her in Dixie.

  49. Pat in MA3:30 PM

    Sarah you blooming idiot, do you have any idea what is actually in the Senate bill? Of course not, that would mean you would have to READ. So much easier to start spouting "amnesty" like you did "death panels." I know facts are a foreign concept to you, but here's what's in the bill regarding the path to citizenship.

    There a fines to be paid, criminal background checks, people given provisional status are NOT eligible for most federal benefits including health care and welfare, after 6 years you can renew your provisional status for another six years for $500. After TEN years, you can apply for a green card if you've been paying your taxes, meet work requirements, LEARN ENGLISH, AND pay a $1000 fine. You make it sound like when the bill passes "poof" there will be 11 million new citizens!

    OK, OK, I know that was a lot for your to read, Sarah, so let me say it this way: FUCK OFF!

    Read more:

  50. Anonymous3:33 PM

    As we all know, a few of the posters at C4P are RAM posting under other names. They have been urging other bots to leave the GOP if they don't support Palin.

    They have the C4Pers following along in the mindset. Today, Palin is amping up that threat. I see a third-party bid in our future.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Oh I HOPE she does it!!!!

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Good sign that they are all suicidal.

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Sounds like the second coming of Jim Jones to me. Go ahead bots, drink the Kool-Aid, its good for you. But wait, send me and Todd your checks first. Thank you Suckers.

    4. Anonymous8:41 PM

      I think she and Toad are back in the AIP. I do hope she's ready to hand her PAC books to the FEC. And I hope someone on her PAC payroll knows enough to register her for every state primary, not to mention she'll have to prove her birth in several states now also too. Could have been fun, but she's too lazy to follow through. Will not happen.

  51. Anonymous3:33 PM

    So how did they lose "working class voters in swing states"? Could it be their hatred of unions and working class people in general, and their fawning servitude to the 1%er assholes who they shower with tax breaks?


  52. Pat in MA3:40 PM

    Oh and Sarah? Since you're so fond of bring St. Ronald Reagan into the picture at every opportunity. President Ronald Reagan appointed Justice Anthony Kennedy(who has been at the center of gay rights decisions for a decade)to the Supreme Court.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:22 PM


      Where's Sarah's Birth Certificate?

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      I want to see her U of Idaho diploma. Seriously. I bet it's honorary and it was given to her after she'd been long gone from Moscow, ID. Ooh, isn't it just totally Orwellian that she wants to claim that she graduated from a school in Moscow. And her oldest daughter grazes (and dances!) like a cow.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      No one in Alaska even knew she supposedly had a college degree. It only came out when McCain put her on his ticket - no proof was ever shown (even though asked for by many) and upon talking to professors at the various colleges she attended - none even remembered her in their classes!

      I seriously doubt she has a degree. She's too damned retarded!

  53. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Screw The Gay Stuff: Sarah Palin Fights To Uphold Sanctity Of Traditional Terrorism

    While we here in the librulsphere have not yet finished dancing on the graves of DOMA and Prop 8 and lulzing with Nancy at the tears of Michele Bachmann and all the other butthurt conservatives who are rending their garments and crying SO hard because when Jesus said love thy neighbor, they think he stage-whispered “except the gay kind,” some conservatives have a different reaction. That is, none at all. Nope. Nothing. Nada. Gay marriage, you say? Nah, never heard of it. No evil chuckling from Pat Robertson. No whining from Rick Man-on-Dog Santorum. Why, it’s almost as if they are too busy curling up in the fetal position somewhere dark, mumbling argle bargle (that’s an official Supreme Court term, natch!) about Jesus and end times and shit.

    But never fear, the half-term governor is here to word salad at us! Just, you know, not about that.


  54. What a simply dreadful creature she is.

  55. majii4:46 PM

    Cruz stood on the Senate floor earlier this week and admitted he "hasn't had time to read the immigration reform bill." He's not the only one. Add Palin's name to the list of GOPers who are making a lot of noise but who haven't read the bill. Only in Palin World can one look upon a group of people being denied something by the likes of her as a compliment.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Isn't it amazing that these idiots don't even read the Bills and will still vote on them. Vote them out of office next chance you get - especially Cruz, McConnell, and Cantor.

  56. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I think that we should all be encouraging Sarah to run on a third party ticket. She will have as much chance as Ralph Nader and Ross Perot. And, she will be the spoiler for Republican candidates. Please run, Sarah, head up the Tea Party, and don't forget to insult all of the Republicans who stuck out their collective necks for you in 2008. I bet that they are so so sorry about your VP candidacy. A couple of rude speeches will never get you into the White House, not even on a tour.

  57. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Sarah wrote that Facebook post to stir up her fans. She needs the money and the attention. She will never do anything that involves hard work, never.

  58. Anonymous5:30 PM

    ... And for THIS photo-op, $he and the 'First Pimpdude' selected a few non-white workers, to make her point that $he knows some Latinos also, too...

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      That is an old photo of them....they both look much younger and the 'pimp' Toad is heavier now and his face is much fuller.

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Yeah--the photo seems to be from her "governor" days. Her drug problems weren't as bad and she had handlers to keep her looking presentable. She's got her ol' "co-governor" sitting right there with her to protect her from all those scary dark people.

  59. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM

    Oh this bitch should talk. What work ethic have her "natural born" kids shown? Track got Sarah's husband's fishing business, then proceeded to ground it and destroy the netting. Bristol got mono, shook her groove thang, had unprotected sex over and over and over and over because she lost her "moral compass", ended up pregnant and never married. Four failed reality shows, a gig with Candies, Abstinence advocate, book writer, and the sorriest excuse of an entitled single mother with no job.
    Willow, hair school graduate and entrepreneur who started a business debt free, according to Baldy.
    Willow, in reality, admits to being Tripp and Bristol's babysitter, companion, and live in housekeeper, no job.

    Sarah has no clue what these immigrants face to become citizens. They have to learn english, pay fines and jump through hoops for ten or more years. They value family, they take jobs "Americans" feel are "beneath them". They study their butts off, value education and support their entire families. They pay taxes and own businesses.

    As a child of a first generation immigrant family, these people disgust me. Sarah should take her death panels, amnesty and blood libel and shove them where the sun don't shine.

  60. Sorry, Sarah.
    I think the Hispanic community is quite capable of deciding for themselves whether or not the Senate immigration bill is a display of "disrespect".

    Once again, the Whining Wannabe from Wasilla demonstrates that if she wants someone's opinion, she will gladly give it to them.

  61. Sorry, Sarah.
    I think the Hispanic community is quite capable of deciding for themselves whether or not the Senate immigration bill is a display of "disrespect".

    Once again, the Whining Wannabe from Wasilla demonstrates that if she wants someone's opinion, she will gladly give it to them.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.