Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The New York Daily News captures Sarah Palin's return to Fox News in pictures. Oh, my.

Courtesy of The NY Daily News:

Sarah Palin returned to the FOX News airwaves Monday morning, blasting Mayor Bloomberg for his "bizarre bucket list" of measures that deprive New Yorkers of their God-given rights and treating city residents like "a bunch of little babies." 

"Your mayor, bless his heart," she started before bashing him for trying to ban large soft drinks, institute tighter background checks for gun owners and she took aim at his recent proposal to recycle food scraps in the city. 

Donning a pink top, black mini-skirt with pink polka dots and snakeskin strappy high heels, Palin, 49, was warmly welcomed back to the conservative cable news channel. 

Her return segment included an interview with Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a chat with two captains from "Deadliest Catch" and a tour of a Winnebago parked outside the show's studio. 

Palin returned to the network after a five-month leave but she assured viewers that "she never went far." She says she's been spending time with her family and also revealed her newfound enthusiasm for hot yoga. 

Hot Yoga?  Nothing this woman does could be considered "hot" anymore.

Hmm, perhaps she meant "hot yogurt?"

Perhaps the best advice concerning Sarah Palin came from Jhn Oliver last night on the Daily Show, who made the startling claim that we could all just ignore her.

"She's now effectively quit quitting. She can't even commit to being uncommitted."

Yeah well that WAS pretty funny but seriously how do you NOT pay attention to a giant train wreck, covered in shit, careening across your television set?

I mean come on!

It would be like watching a giant meteoric plummeting toward earth. Yeah you realize that the light will probably burn your corneas but you still want to see it actually crash down to earth. Right?


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    As a TV presenter she stinks worse than last week's salmon.

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM

      So why the hell are they having her on? Since you are a TV presenter, what do you think??
      Ratings? Maybe for a week, but she is a joke. It's fantastic for Democrats though!! She looks like a cheap hooker. Is she really so dumb that she thinks she looks classy or even appropriate?

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      By hot yoga, she means the yoga classes in a heated room. There are a ton of yoga studios in Scottsdale, hot and other kinds! The formal name for it is Bikram yoga. To me, it really isn't yoga at all.

    3. Anonymous6:57 AM

      I think I will start going to Bikram studios in N Scottsdale with my little camera. I can't imagine Sarah being flexible enough to practice yoga. Does she wear her bazoombas to class? She might topple over..

    4. Anonymous7:08 AM

      She is doing "hot meth"! OMFG what a train wreck!
      And can she ever-wear shoes that fit? What a CLOWN! I'm surprised Fox didn't put the clown suit on her or the nose that's all that's missing on that bobblehead.

    5. Anonymous7:08 AM

      She looks like hell. I'm thinking at this point her "family" will never stage that intervention she so desperately needs.

    6. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I think it's wonderful that Queen Esther of the Trashheap honestly believes that she's presidential timber.

      Even better, no one around her is making any effort to control her mental illness.

    7. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Bikram yoga is pretty much controversial crap.

    8. Anonymous7:25 AM

      But Bikram yoga sounds foreign and confusing, for her viewers. Maybe Allah invented Bikram yoga. So much safer to call it "hot," since that's what she thinks it is, and will get those geezers hot just thinking about her in a pair of tights.

    9. Anonymous7:31 AM


      As someone wrote before,

      the Palin "family" is going to ride that old Nelly until she goes down on her knees - for the last time, that is.

      Then, they'll sell her to the glue factory.

      Even in death they can squeeeeeeeze the last pennies out of her.

      Maybe Wasilla will become Graceland of the North?

    10. Anonymous10:28 AM

      If she has made it through one real Bikram yoga class I will eat my witch's hat. Any yoga class, beyond those for absolute beginners, is strenuous; Bikram, which isn't crap and has its devotees, is especially not for the faint of heart. If anything she has stumbled through a baby yoga class or two and calls it hot yoga because she broke a sweat and/or was looking oh-so-hot in her tacky togs.

    11. Anonymous11:34 AM

      She looks like a streetwalker, in search of a lamp post.

  2. lostinmn6:21 AM

    If I saw those boobs coming at me I'd duck and cover. She really looks like a ho. Or a cheap tramp at the local watering hole looking for some action at closing time. Just hideous.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      from the pee pond:

      lyndaaquarius Laddie_Blah_Blah • 20 hours ago −
      I always remember that Governor Palin is shrewder than anyone.She's a politician and really excels at retail politics.Nothing she has done over these past almost 5 years has diminished her. She grows in stature and we grow to trust her more and more. She's changing the narrative,as they say.She never makes a false step.She's a brilliant strategist and a genius politician. Bit by bit,America grows more and more comfortable with Gov. Palin.


      them bitches be crazy!

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Sounds like something $carah would write herself, doesn't it?

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      That hhas got to be a paid sock.
      God, some Americans are jaw droppingly STOOOOPID!

  3. Looks like she brought the Belmont Girls to New York with her. Yup, she's a hot mess. I loved John Oliver's take last night. Unfortunately, it's too hard to look away from the train wreck that is $arah Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      In the second photo it looks like they are deflating in the heat, must be from that hot yoga she claims she does.

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I think she knows that her core audience thinks this kind of get-up is really attractive, and she, otherwise, is thumbing her nose at the rest of us. She loves taunting us -- the haters, libruls, immature people who don't have a life -- and may very well be playing to our audience, too. As long as she gets her name spelled right, she doesn't care how she gets in the news.

      I do believe, however, that as much as her Medicare Men's Club thinks she's hot, their wives know that Sarah looks more and more like a woman who doesn't care about them, but only about attracting their husbands and their husbands' SS checks. Sooner or later, many of her female base will fall away, because it's very hard for a woman not to feel that she's crass and tawdry, and how she doesn't care. THEY bathe, comb their hair, wear sensible shoes, and modestly display whatever bosoms the good lord gave them. Sarah's obvious disdain for dressing like a good "Christian" will eat away at her base.

    3. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Todd rilly compliments her, as he is still wearing the same pajamas he dressed up in for the Washington graduation a few weeks ago. What a classy fake married couple they are.

      He hasn't even combed his hair since Washington. He looks like the meth is getting the best of him, also, too.

    4. Ailsa9:57 AM

      "Sarah's obvious disdain for dressing like a good "Christian" will eat away at her base."

      I'm not so sure. Most televangelists populating the bible belt dress like pimps or whores. In fact, Sarah has some ways to go to outdo many of them; for example -


    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      "Sarah's obvious disdain for dressing like a good "Christian" will eat away at her base" ROFLMAO!!!! Bless your naive good little heart anon 7:33!
      The cheap tawdry skank has been dressing and talking like an idiot slut since America said thanks but no thanks, yet the fundie bigots luv her and keep SkankPac afloat.
      Some Americans are so STOOOOPID!!!

  4. Haha...LOL. Where have we seen that before? HER SHOES ARE TOO BIG!

    What a hag.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:47 AM

      My Native American name for Sarah:

      Two Big Shoes.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Three Fake Boobs.
      One on top two in the middle.

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    My favorite dancer at the local titty bar wears the exact same shoes...

    Wonder if they were a gift from(pimp)Todd.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Perhaps she performs her "hot yoga" in those shoes, with the assistance of a pole.
      That's what she looks like -- only she'd only be
      able to perform in a seniors' strip club, where all the clients were wearing at least bifocals, and are kept 15 ft. from the stage.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:46 AM

      I think Todd must now be in charge of wardrobe.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      It's hath yoga, not hot yoga

  6. OMG her outfit, just don't know what to say.

    1. No kidding! My jaw hit the floor when I saw that first pic. She has no sense whatsoever of age appropriate wear or what even looks good. Wow.

    2. No kidding! My jaw hit the floor when I saw that pic. That wretched woman has no sense of age appropriate dressing or what looks presentable. She's so messed up with this constant need to play the sex doll. Icky. And that her husband lets her do this or encourages her to do this...disgusting, the both of them.

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    As much as I hate to comment on one's appearance because it seems so...well...junior high and petty...I just can't help but cringe at this get up. She begs for attention with this one...the Belmonts are there of course and at least she combed the rats nest out of the wig for this appearance but, lord!, who let this woman into the studio wearing this horrid combo? Hooker shoes with pink polka dots?


    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      I know! I hate to comment on appearance as well..but its too funny for words!!!

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:45 AM

      I wonder what the fox friends thought when they saw her, I guess, "outfit".

      She looks mentally ill.

    3. "As much as I hate to comment on one's appearance because it seems so...well...junior high"
      Oh, go ahead. Her outfit is junior high, so why not?

    4. Anonymous8:02 AM

      How can you not comment on "outfits" of a fashion icon?

  8. Leland6:34 AM

    Geez, Gryphen, what generation are you? That is NOT a miniskirt! Miniskirts go AT LEAST half way up the thighs! (And I, for one, am extremely grateful she ISN'T wearing one!!!!!!!!)

    And second, the first picture is so damned disgusting it isn't even funny. She looks for all the world as though she KNEW the photographer was there (of COURSE she did!) and has obviously exaggeratedly thrown her shoulders back and taken a deep breath just to display her boobs!


    1. That is the NY Times description, not mine.

    2. Leland7:08 AM

      Sorry, but the description is just so WRONG!

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      It looked like a mini skirt when she sat down, since she hiked it up her thighs when she was on tv, rather than pulling it down to what modestly would dictate.

  9. Dr NO!6:37 AM

    Holy mounds Batman, her fake melon tits strapped on an anorexic meth-body on painfully thin leg-sticks with 7 inch fugly shoes is just so stupidz!!!!!

    Dressed for redneck excess is about all one can say.

  10. fromthediagonal6:37 AM

    If only Dolly Parton ("Honey, you have no idea how much it costs to look this cheap!") had copyrighted her look, she could now sue Palin for copyright infringement and whatnot...;)

  11. WakeUpAmerica6:39 AM

    Holy crap, that first picture! Can we all say, "Awkward! what a bizarre pose!

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM


    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Her mother always told her to stand up straight and throw her shoulders back. It makes your boobs look bigger and attracts men. And Sarah is all about that, isn't she?

    3. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Most of her photos show her in unnatural postures as she tries to emphasize her "assets." Try to copy any - all? - of contrived and unnatural.

      I think she learned these "tricks" when she entered the beauty pageants.

  12. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Everything about this woman is tacky. She looks like she should be hustling on a streetcorner.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Why would you think she isn't? One of the Johns fell to the ground when she made her pitch.

  13. Anonymous6:51 AM

    She makes sure her skirt hikes up when she sits down. Talk about "scraping the bottom of the barrel" Ailes did just that. No doubt there are young female interns at the studio who dress MUCH more conservatively than this tramp. Does she have a part time job pole dancing? Her legs look like two scrawny chicken legs, she should wear pants and cover them up. Jethro looks just as badly put together, also too. Wrinkled shirt, dirty jeans. I see a mutiny coming at Faux. Nobody will want to have to play nice with the screeching banshee.

    1. Yeah, cover those ugly, baggy knees.

  14. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The top photo may be my favorite Mrs. Todd Palin picture EVER. Belmonts standing at attention and pushing out in such a provocative way. Shoulders held back in order to enhance the fire power of the girls. Blackberry at the ready. 1980's Dolly Parton blouse and skirt...too short of a skirt for a woman of her age. Some of the butt ugliest, ill fitting shoes ever seen in New York City. And our gal acting like she's the belle of the ball. Hillbillies across America should rise up in righteous indignation at the damage she is doing to their reputations.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Forgot to point out the lizard-like tongue sticking out. Stay classy Sarah.

      A Fan From Chicago

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Too funny!

      I think Sarah bought Bette Midler's hick outfit from "Big Business"!

    3. Anonymous7:42 AM

      ROFL!!!! She should be the poster girl for the GOP for all upcoming elections. The dumb and dumber backwards to to the 80s party!!

      I stand with Sarah- 2016 !!

      ROFL 😀 what are the pee pond folk prattling about today? How beautiful and classy their fearless leader is. Just send a check to Sarah PAC!

    4. Anonymous7:44 AM

      A thousand likes!!!!!!!!!! Yay 6:51!!!!

    5. hedgewytch8:23 AM

      My God! It looks like she filled the "girls" with helium and she's tipping about on those ....shoes.

    6. Anonymous10:29 AM

      anon@823a: and imagine how disappointed she must have been to have learned she a few months too early for the big parade

    7. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Cindy to John McCain, if you invite that low class tramp to the wedding, I will cut off your old wrinkle dick. It was bad enough that I had to stand next to that stinky Bitch during the campaign. But no way will this family have anything to do with that dumb ass from now on. For Christ sake's John, look at that fucking outfit.

  15. Anonymous6:55 AM

    She looks like an old Barbie doll. Lets call her "Elder Barbie."
    Poor Sarah, if she wasn't such a mean nasty piece of garbage, I would feel sorry for her because she is clueless. She really thinks she's glamorous like Ivana, her idol.

  16. Anonymous6:57 AM

    What's with the "too big" shoes all the time? Does she actually think that, like her boobs, they will still grow?

    Get this lady a stylist.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      She should ask pimp daddy for a couple of those warsh rags to stuff in the toes of them pumps.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Get this Bitch a brain. Fuck the stylist.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      warsh rags

      The correct term is women cloths

    4. Either they are bustol's shoes or willow world's shoes.

  17. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Why do her shoes never fit? She always looks like she borrowed them from someone. Bristol? Miss Vida Boheme (To Wong Foo)?

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      That is curious. I want an answer!

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Probably from one of Toad's "working girls"

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    She can barely stand on her own. She's about to topple over. Her frail senior citizen body looks like it's reaching its expiration date. We should feel sorry for this woman.

    1. She can barely stand on her own. She's about to topple over. Her frail senior citizen body looks like it's reaching its expiration date. We should feel sorry for this woman.
      I'll save my pity for actual senior citizens whose Medicare she hopes to destroy, and younger people in need of medical care and insurance, who she is trying to destroy medically and financially by battling against Obamacare.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      It's only a matter of time before she falls.
      The post 2008 Palin always.. looks... cheap.
      When she tries to dress like a power player, she always fails.
      Bless her heart...
      The suit skirt is too high , the hair is too big,
      the jewelry is gaudy , the blouse is too revealing
      or the shoes are sleazy.
      Palin dresses herself like she buys
      her " women cloths " from
      an online site catering to prostitutes.
      Or a Democrat is styling her.
      I imagine the conversation must be something like this as she models her House of Hooker fashion:
      Trust me Sarah , you'll look gorgeous in those fakeskin 7 inch do me pumps at 7 am.
      You'll have Ted Cruz and Rush Limbaugh panting and drooling in no time .
      Ignore how Kate Middleton dresses, does she have a KatePAC ?
      Is anyone asking her to run for president ?
      Palin has become such a joke in how she looks, speaks and behaves that she may actually
      be the ultimate Manchurian candidate.
      Playing the far right wacko birds and FOX like a Stradivarius in order to help the Democrats.
      She'll do anything for the right price, just like her streetwalking fashion role models.
      Palin wouldn't last a day in corporate America ,
      heck even convenience stores, unlike FOX ,
      have a dress code.
      It seems like Palin is pushing every boundary to see
      how far she can go before even the chirpers turn on her.
      I think we'll be seeing crotch grabbing before long.

  19. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The snake skin shoes match her scaly skin. Does she have skin cancer?

  20. Anonymous7:17 AM

    If you look on the Daily News site, she's not even wearing a slip under that skirt. Knowing her, she's probably "commando." What a SKANK.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      I noticed that too. She has NO class and her pathetic attempts for attention are obvious.. A see through skirt and leopard prostitute shows on live TV first thing in the morning.

      When is her next appearance ?

  21. Anonymous7:18 AM

    This picture needs to go viral. She looks like a worn out ho. The hilarious part is that she thinks she looks good.

  22. Anonymous7:20 AM

    tongue sticking out further than the boobs! dork alert! dork alert!

  23. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Yep, bring back birtherism... Bring Back Birtherism? GOP Rep. Says Congress Should Revisit Questions About Obama’s ‘Validity’


    Anything that brings back Trump's hair and Palin's feet is a good thing.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      They really are the STUID PARTY!

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I meant STUPID

  24. Randall7:22 AM

    Look at that first photograph.

    Now try to imagine world leaders taking her seriously.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM



      Imagine her trying to use her fake boobs to smooth over Syria.

  25. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Sarah Palin is a multi-millionaire, and she dresses a la thrift shop. I know, she is dressing to get attention, and she has succeeded, with big knock out breasts, a flimsy, cheap blouse with ruffles that are really out of place for a "serious journalist." I think that her shoulder pad slipped down her sleeve, too, but Palin doesn't notice anything. The shoes call out "stripper" or "hooker." That IS the look that Palin is going for, cheap and tacky, meant to attract attention. I think that it was Joe McGinniss who said that Sarah brought out the worst in the worst kind of people. That's her crowd, and she is playing for them. As John Oliver said last night, let's just f.....g ignore her.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I thought that was her black bra strap sliding down her arm. Also, too, the skirt is showing all but the top 3" of her thigh when seated. She looks like she should be hanging out in the Penn Station men's room.

  26. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Look at the Dolly Parton boobs in the first photo, then look at the disappearing boobs in the 2nd...does she have a hand pump, like impotent guys get implanted in their dicks sometimes? I mean, her cup size goes from A to GG in the same day. What a freak. And those shoes belong on a pole dancer, or her daughter.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      It's her bad posture in the second photo..

  27. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Omg paging doctor Ginam to diagnose!!!!!!
    Omgomgomgomg!!! That is the most pathetic piece of idiotic trash ever!!
    Can these photos be added to the Walmart shoppers video?

  28. Anonymous7:34 AM

    In that first pic she looks like a tranny.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      7:43 trannys have it all over grandma Walmart honey!
      Grandmart is in a category along with only one other person and that is Tammy Fay baker!! Tammy has to be her source of inspiration-bbbbaaaawwwwaaah!
      Oh Gina where are you?
      It is almost as if she dressed this way as a personal gift to Ginam!!!

    2. Yeah where is GinaM?

    3. *GinaM rushing in and plopping down in front of the computer*

      WHEW! Hey y'all! I'm trying to get caught up with Baldy's antics! But as our resident troll says...I was "vibrating" and "living life"!

      My daughter graduated from college this past Sunday (great Father's Day present for the hubby!) also met her boyfriend for the first time...my son drove down with his fiance who will make me a grand....*COUGH*...hold on a second...I can do this (comeon GinaM...you've been practicing saying the "G" word for two weeks now)...umm....my son's fiance is going to have a baby and I will be a "grandmmm" in December....aww damn...someone help me out here!


  29. Anonymous7:37 AM

    And I have to disagree -she does not look like a cheap hooked-too tacky, too old, too fugly!! Tranny hookers and all others still have it over the skank!!
    Jan brewer looks like the epitome in taste next to THAT which is probably why she lets her hang around. Brewer looks great next to skank!
    Bbbbbaaaaawwwwaaaahhhhh! Again, paging Ginam!! Come out and play!!!!

  30. Martha7:39 AM

    Look carefully at the pattern of the shinies on her skirt. That's right! She's grown a sparkly penis!

  31. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Behold the leader of the hard religious right!


  32. FJ Dandy7:42 AM

    Emergency! Emergency!
    Stacy and Kelly, please don't leave now! You've got a fashion disaster or epic proportions over at fauxsnooze!

  33. Anonymous7:48 AM

    We have an auntie in our family who does the same get-up. The kids are afraid of her — especially the eyebrows.

  34. Look at my boobies.

    Good God.

  35. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Jeeze, she's able to make her boob size fluctuate just like her old "pregnant" belly! Even in the same time of being photographed (above) they seem to grow from fairly flat to Dolly Parton proportions.

    They have a mind of their own. Obviously her ONLY brain.

  36. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I don't understand about the shoes. And this is not just about Sarah Pallin but about the sanity of any woman who would teeter around in heels so high and with platforms no less. How can they safely climb stairs or walk any distance on city streets? Any woman in a six-inch or so heel will look as if her shoes are too big because her toes are forced too far forward. The style is reminiscent of the Chinese practice of bound feet. Both bound feet and ugly "stylish" high heeled shoes keep women from walking properly and do damage to back, legs and feet in the process. Sarah Palin and most of the women in Hollywood are wearing shoes designed by men who hate women.

    1. Chenagrrl8:50 AM

      Sarah has "Sex and the City" syndrome. Like many female tourists she teeters into town thinking that because Sarah Jessica Parker took a few running steps for the show, that it must be de rigueur for Manhattan. Not. For what real women wear, check the running scenes with women on "Law and Order." Also, watch Sister Sarry move, she looks like an 85 year old with a walker. There is no youth or vitality in her movements on those killers.

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Chenagrrl-don't ever use sex and the city in the same sentence with her!!
      Skank could never put together the fabulous ensembles from the show and even if someone dressed her-she couldn't pull it off!!
      Sarah Jessica Parker conveyed a ny fashionista with style even when wearing the most unconventional of her wardrobe pieces-skank has no style!
      SJP wouldn't be caught in those shoes as herself or while portraying Carrie Bradshaw!

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      My thoughts entirely. It is a nod to the old guys that she is subservient in the right situation. Remember: “she rocks that way” when she wants her way!

  37. Anonymous7:54 AM

    POOR thang! I see THE TONGUE is back in action in that first photo. Good on Fox for letting the world in on this POOR thangs condition. Peeps may have thought she was improving after rehab.

  38. My goodness! she looks so weird. I always thought it somewhat unnecessary to have a "stylist" - but Sarah needs to go on one of those "remake" shows - asap

  39. Most of us can look at a row of shoes and see the difference between ones you would wear to a high visibility job in which it is important to project knowledge, competence, and trustworthiness, versus the pair that you would wear to hit the club circuit for some sex and drugs.

    Not our little Duncerina, Dingdong of the North.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      McCain's staff tried to teach her how to dress on the campaign trail. She looked well turned out for a while.When she has to chose her clothing herself, her lack of taste shows. I hope Joan Rivers has something to say on Fashion Police about this fugly get up.

  40. Anonymous8:02 AM

    WTF IS SHE WAeARING???? How does one get to be 49 and not know how to dress themselves?

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      My first thought at seeing that picture (and it helps to be old like me):

      It's Mrs. Wiggins!

    2. Thank you so much for reminding me of her. You are exactly correct in your comparison. LOL

    3. Crystal Sage10:57 AM

      Exactly! Only thing missing is the enormous butt.

  41. Just picture the Zappo's boxes strewn around her house. Someone should tell her that their excellent return policy includes free shipping both ways, so helpful for a tricky to fit item like shoes.

  42. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Compare the busting out boobs in the first picture with Sarah Palin's modest rack when she was supposedly a few weeks from giving birth.

    Sarah Palin was not pregnant in 2008. She did not birth a baby in April 2008.

    Sarah Palin was nominated for Vice President of the United States when she was clearly mentally ill. It was treason.

  43. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I wonder if she borrowed that get up from Mansour.

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:26 AM

      OMG! That's an obscene image! I have to go now and bleach my brain.

  44. Anonymous8:08 AM

    As always your comments about Quitler are priceless, Gryphen!

    She can't really expect to be taken seriously in THIS cheap, tacky, unflattering rig, can she? I mean not by anyone who isn't turned on by that particular look.

  45. LisaB25958:11 AM

    Could Sarah please cool it with the patriotic jewelry?


    Really, does Sarah really think we're going to be all confused about whether she likes America if she doesn't have rhinestone flags covering her body?

    It's like a running joke---only less funny.

    Plus, I'm not a big fan of "flag merchandise." I don't like the idea of people making money off the symbol of my country. I feel the same why about rhinestone crosses on everything. It really disrespect what they represent.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Could Sarah please cool it with the patriotic jewelry? YOU LIKE AMERICA. WE GET IT. 

      Sarah should be more like her daughters.
      Willow and Bristol loves sex but they don't wear penises around their necks.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      8:58-- bad grammar and a really dumb joke. Can you imagine growing up with a mother like Sarah? Leave the girls alone. Yes, they are mean girls, but imagine with parents like that how they learned about the world, women, men and relationships. Your stupid joke doesn't even make sense and it isn't funny..


      YOU want us to think you LIKE AMERICA. WE GET IT.

      There. I can't believe she really likes America, no matter how many rhinestones she festoons all over her scraggly self.

    4. That insufferable aip bitch doesn't like the United States of America. Those pins, chains and belts are props, no different than her slinging around trig.

  46. Anonymous8:11 AM

    It is sad and uncomfortable to see how accurately Sarah's outer presentation reflects her psyche. Ugh...

    Here's info about Bikram Yoga, which, for Sara, is probably about keeping herself underweight.

    "Bikram Yoga is a system of yoga that Bikram Choudhury synthesized from traditional hatha yoga techniques and popularized beginning in the early 1970s. Bikram’s classes run exactly 90 minutes and consist of a set series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) with a minimum humidity of 40%, and is the most popular form of hot yoga.

    The intent of the high temperature is to warm up your muscles and enhance your body’s ability to function properly, both internally and externally. It allows for a deeper stretch and creates a cardiovascular workout with increases endurance and burns more calories. The heat also encourages your body to sweat out toxins and helps to increase the efficiency of the immune system."

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Yes and you gain perfect posture and flexibility. Skank does not do any yoga on a regular basis. There is no way that plodding hunchback is a yogi.
      Said by a lifelong yoga practitioner.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      It also makes your skin nice and leathery.

    3. Anonymous9:47 AM

      8:45 yoga in a hot room does NOT make your skin leathery. If anything it helps your skin...

    4. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Anon@832a: this yogi had the exact same reaction. No way, no how could she get through a Bikram class, or any other remotely serious yoga class. It's her half-marathon BS all over again.

    5. Anonymous11:04 AM

      8:45 snarc? Because yoga doesn't make skin dry and leathery-hot or not. In fact yoga like all exercise gets oxygen and blood flowing to skin and other organs.

  47. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Haven't read any of the responses yet, but that first picture simply is a HOOT!!!

    Also, too: 'Hot Yoga' is the latest craze. You do yoga in a hot room (100*+). Not for the faint of heart from what I have heard (quite literally, since you CAN faint because of the heat... :/)

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      'Hot Yoga'- as anyone died yet? The leader has a sex problem, too.

      Costco Pays Well and Soars, While Walmart and Others Pay Peanuts and Sink

  48. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Thrust out those boobs, Sarah! That first photo cracked me up! What an idiot! Amazing how in some photos the tatas are large and in others she hardly has any!!!

    Shoes too big - tan all screwed up - yikes! Train wreck!

  49. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I want to know what her "fans" are saying about her appearance. Where is our very funny writer who posts here their comments and her responses to them. I'm sure she will have some fun ones today,

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:24 AM

      Calling Gina M! Where are you Gina?!

  50. Holy crap! That was by far the WORST picture I have ever seen of her.

  51. THANK GOD ... for our sakes, our eyes ... she did not take a step to her right and stand on that grate a la Marilyn Monroe. We don't want to see ... I can't even finish the sentence, just thinking about it is giving me the weebie jeebies.

  52. Anonymous8:34 AM

    LMAO!! Just clicked onto the NYDaily News link from another site and BAMMMMM! Palin jugs are out there in NYCity and they can be seen clear across the Nation and to anyone who is standing on her front porch can see 'em too!

    Here I thought I'd send a heads-up, no make that a "boobs-up" alert to Gryphen but he beat me to it.

    Is she kidding with the size of her new "rack"?
    Guess the 2009 Belmont Stakes pair of boobs just weren't big enough for her so she decided to up her cup size to "Mega-Mug Cup-Gulp" size.

    What a laughingstock of the country she is.


  53. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I agree with John Oliver. I've seen enough of this train wreck. For some reason, this is playing in my head: "Well, when she talks to all the servants
    About man and God and law
    Everybody says
    She's the brains behind pa
    She's sixty-eight, but she says she's twenty-four
    I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more."

  54. Anonymous8:44 AM

    OMG her skirt is totally see through - no slip underneath it - in the first photo you can see her bony legs and I refuse to look closer to see whatelse might visible ewwwwww !

    An idea for a photo collage
    Side by side with the staged couch photo the other day where she was flat chested and now her chest is HUGE -- and underneath 2 photos of her flat "prgnant" belly and one with the square pillow under her shirt ... with a caption "Sarah Palin still stuffing things under her shirt"

    or I'm sure others can come up something much more clever for a caption

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      OMG her skirt is totally see through - no slip underneath it -

      Who is going to lighten that up like they use to do for her belly shots? Egads! Don't encourage the droolers.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      ......oh my, you can see her legs through that skirt - they are the legs of someone suffering from starvation....anorexia, bulimia, meth/drug abuse....what is your poison Sarah?

      All you need to do is enlarge the photo to see the evidence.

  55. Anonymous8:45 AM

    This is exact image her base wants to see. She delivers her "perfect Christian" and "Patriot" word-salads while dressed as the dirty, naughty girl of their dreams.

    Now isn't THAT something we want to continue passing on to our young, impressionable girls? She makes the Miss USA pageant look like a Mensa meeting.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      True, what a terrible terrible message for young women everywhere. Become anorexic, get big fake tits, belittle and degrade men while mentioning their intimate body parts, wear stripper clothes and cut everyone down in a nasty tone... And you too can get paid a lot of bucks. It's sickening. How do Christian women on the right defend stupid hooker Sarah?
      Instead, they tell women on the left they are jealous and ugly. Look at that tweet to Joan Walsh.
      If I was a true Christian (which I'm not), I would NOT want my girls exposed to Sarah at all. And really, think about her poor daughters. They are a product of THIS, and I feel sorry for them. I don't think we should attack her kids. I sincerely hope one or all of them wake up one day and see what sick, dysfunctional narcissts their parents are and get away and get help! Unfortunately I don't think any of them have the insight, smarts or self-esteem to do that... It will be very interesting to see what those kids are like in 10 years...it's very sad IMHO.

  56. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Look at Sarah Palin's goofy expression. I guess Sarah is going for Barbie's old grandmother look, you know plastic face to go with her plastic titties.


  57. OK- Jesse, she has sunken low enough, I think is it finally time to ignore her. She looks like a prostitute, whereby she reveals that, indeed, she is a prostitute. She's a street walker and it's time to "Walk on By..."

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      ....but she only charges 2 bits.

  58. I have just one question...in the first picture, whose hand is up her bum to make her stand like that?

  59. Anonymous9:20 AM

    You know how in your town or city there's the mall with Nordstrom, maybe Macy's , or Dillard's, and the usual Gap, American Eagle, etc, then there's that "other" low rent ghetto mall with the no name stores selling hoochie prom and wedding dresses, patchouli, and weird wireless services? Well that's probably where Sarah got this get up...at the Fashion Warehouse where everything is under $20, and the Gussini shoe store with all shoes under $29.95. This clueless idiot is totally lacking in self awareness. She's like my two year old niece who insists on wearing Disney princess outfits to preschool...BUT SHE'S TWO.

    Virginia Voter

  60. Anonymous9:23 AM


  61. Anonymous9:38 AM

    She looks about as fresh as mint in the bottom of your grandmother's purse and about as appetizing.

  62. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Look at the wrist on the man standing next to her. Now compare the width of his wrist to the size of Sarah's calves. They are the same size.

    Anorexia much? That poor woman is killing herself.

  63. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Wtf is wrong with the New York Daily News? Sounds/looks more like a trashy tabloid. I thought New York has more class than that!

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      NYC has everything. Palin is in low class only.

  64. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Seriously, she looks like a washed up crack ho. I wonder if Ailes be paying her in fiddies.

  65. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Has she had a stroke? It looks like the right side of her mouth is droopy.
    And she is not aging well. Her face is getting very jowly.
    She could still be attractive if she sought to look like a well-maintained 49-year-old. But she's trying to look you, and ends up coming across as a bad - and pathetic - impression of a 25-year-old.
    I'm embarrassed for her.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Too much Botox will do that to a face also, too.

  66. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Roger! Roger!

    I got my implants, can I come back to FOX?

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      We know how Scarah is, this really does make you wonder about Roger. I can see Murdoch being bored and just letting them self destruct for the sake of his amusement.

      I didn't realize Roger was that far gone. too bad Judith Regan got paid off and didn't write her tell all.

  67. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Hmm. How much did those tacky ass shoes set back her sucke--, er, supporters?

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      It is hard to tell but she no doubts buys the cheapest if she can't get something for free. That may be why she wears shoes that don't fit? Wherever she gets her shoes they are probably made by child or slave labor in China.

  68. Anonymous10:06 AM

    So I am wondering how much time it took Sarah to get into that get-up. No shower-check. No shampoo-check. She'll already saved about 10 minutes. Throw on wig-check. Smear on some cheap make-up-check. Adjust the Belmonts and conceal pump-check. Pick out a pair of panties from the dirty wash-check. Throw on the hideous shirt and skirt and tacky accessories-check. Strap on the strappy *#@%-me stilettos-check. Walk out the door. Total time needed to achieve this look: less than 8 minutes.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      She is so freaky no one noticed Todd is still sleeping in the same rags as weeks before. He must be so busy with her outfits he has no time to groom himself.

  69. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Crack Granny hits the Big Apple. I wonder if the Fox News employees hid all their valuables when she entered the building?

  70. So its true then... Satan is able to enter and find your weakness during yoga. Thanks to Pat Robertson for clarify this perplexing vortex known as Sarah Palin.

  71. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The most pathetic pretend politician of all time.

  72. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Only someone on drugs would appear in public like that thinking they look hot.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      You nailed it. Ditto for her fake hub.

  73. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Lest there remain ANY doubt. Sarah Palin is a shape-shifter, a DEMON.

  74. Anonymous10:28 AM

    She appeals to the lowest of the lowest. Even some churches are seeking ways to decrease the amount of garbage in our cities. Seattle has a well-organized garbage sorting system that has been in effect since the early 2000s (at least!). San Francisco restaurants take advantage of a system by a company to pick up kitchen scraps, which are then sorted and sent to an enormous composting company.

    Palin is not only callous she has missed the mark. There is no way she is running for anything ever again. Her base consists of people who throw their garbage out of their vehicles on rural roads and are proud to have done so. They believe like petulant children that it is their right to do so as "Amerkins."

    Most people in the U.S. do not and will never own their own compound on Lake Lucille, enjoy the fantastic benefits of Alaska Native health care or a had a husband with a sought-after $125,000 part-time job on the North Slope. (And, that is a pretty small salary up there!) For her whole adult life she has been out of contact with real people who live in towns and cities with real-world problems. In fact, she doesn’t have the capacity to even imagine these problems let alone come up with answers.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      She will run... from the Feds, hopefully soon. On Fox News would be perfect.

  75. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The word on the street is that she smells as bad as she looks. How appropriate for a Pimp's Wife.

  76. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Stand With Rand > Sarah Palin · Okay Sarah Palin, you have a new follower!

    So Sarah has a new Facebook follower and if you select his avatar it belongs to.....

    Why it's another loser.......

    It is Rand Paul!

    Is Rand running for 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate against Sarah Palin? Or will Rand pull the old McCain suicide play and have Palin as his running mate?

    Rand Paul's facebook address title includes "Stand With Rand 2016".... ummm interesting he added 2016.


    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      From Rand Paul's fb page:

      Stand With Rand! Rand Paul For POTUS In 2016! —  with Rand Paul, Senator Rand Pauland Rand Paul 2016

  77. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Is she wearing Willow or Bristol clothes? over paded boobs to top it all. No dress sense whats so ever.

  78. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Well she taught her daughters to be whores, so why not continue her trade? She has the look that Todd requires of his Prostitutes.

  79. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Fake boobies ✓
    Raquel Welch wig ✓
    Piper's clothes ✓
    Stripper shoes ✓
    Stupid talking points ✓

    I am ready for my debut Mr. Murdoch....

  80. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I am not a Palin fan but I have to admit this is Sarah Palin's most sexiest picture with her tongue sticking out.


  81. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Usually, as I am a firm believer in the advice John Oliver gave, I skip over your many posts on Sarah Palin, as I am just plan tired of her. Today, you got the best of me and I read it all. You realize, of course, it is you and our fellow liberal bloggers and pundits who cannot stop yourselves from obsessing about Palin day and night, week after week, month after month, year after year, who, far more even than the right wing, give Palin the juice to keep on going long after she should have disappeared.

    But then, she keeps you going, too.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      "obsessing over her"
      please substitute obsessing with laughing, that would be more accurate statement....

  82. Anonymous10:54 AM

    first pic ; skank is flat out, unequivocally, fukin' retarded

  83. Anonymous11:07 AM

    And the women of Hollywood are insanely jealous of her. Look at her, at almost 50 years old. Not a visit to the eye-tuck specialists or enhancement specialists of Beverly Hills and she looks better than most of the actresses in La-La land. How unfair it all is!!

    It's true. What I wouldn't give to look like that photo above.

    Juuuuust kidding, sarah/palin45potus. hahahahaha

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Really, no work done... botox and fillers for sure and a possible breast enhancement.....

  84. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Most major cities require residents to sort their trash into recycle, garbage, yard waste with food scraps. Seattle and Portland have been very successful and give compost to gardeners. Alaska did not improve it's environmental stewardship under 1/2 term gov Palin. The landscape is still littered with paper and plastic strewn among the broken snowmachines and 4 wheelers. There are probably Taco Bell food wrappers mixed in with used condoms all over the grounds at the Wassilla compound

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      taco bell wrappers and condoms...... still laughing..... great comment!

  85. Have to post, and then will go back and read

    She's doing the "Bend & Snap" from Legally Blonde
    http://youtu.be/X-4tIs00NvM in that first picture...ROMALFO

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Hahaha, exactly! Gawd, she's so transparent.

  86. Anonymous11:11 AM

    WTF is wrong with this Bitch? No pride or self-esteem. In her mind she thinks she is hot. She is a hot mess. Most hookers dress better than this. She is a low level Ho in Todd's pimp business. Get some pride in yourself, you big dummy.

  87. Anonymous11:13 AM


    MUST listen to Howard Stern take down Pea-head Palin down:

    Audio: Howard Stern defends New Yorkers against Sarah Palin’s ‘bunch of little babies’ comment:


  88. Ok, her skirt looks like a piece that has a polka dotted top. Is her skirt rolled?

    she looks like she is trying to stick out her fake chest to garnish some attention. Where are all the people?

    Another hot steaming mess from the fraud of Alaska.

  89. Anonymous11:28 AM



    Maybe Sarah Palin thinks she is a male snake?

    Male snakes also use their tongues as part of a courting ritual, that is, the process by which they figure out if a certain female snake is interested in mating with them. The male snake jerks his body around, snapping his tongue in and out, and if the female ignores him, he knows to keep looking for a suitable partner. If she responds favorably, he's found his mate.

  90. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:38 AM

    Sarah has achieved the ultimate. She now looks like a drag queen playing Wayland Flower's "Madame" dressed as Sarah Palin. Classic!!

  91. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Looks someone at a Tenderloin tranny bar's Laverne and Shirley night.

  92. Anonymous11:42 AM

    All I can say about that first picture is...Oh for Christ's sake can you try and push your chest any further?! This woman is a embarrassment to all women.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I love how the right wing mean "girls" think she's so purty and wears great "cloths"! LOL!!

  93. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That is one desperate-for-attention old woman...

  94. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Reminds me of the iconic picture of Marilyn Monroe standing on the air grate in the lovely white pleated skirt and it blows up revealing her lingerie.

    Except in this case, Palin stands in the sun in a cheap black teen skirt and reveals the degree to which she has fallen. Somebody get that woman to taco bell ASAP.

  95. Anonymous12:10 PM


    Stoneyjack • 6 hours ago
    If W.B. Yeats were alive today, he would write this about ogres such as Oliver:

    Once, when midnight smote the air.
    Eunuchs ran through Hell and met
    On every crowded street to stare
    Upon sweet Sarah riding by;
    Even like these to rail and sweat
    Staring upon her shapely thigh.

    sarah for president? Who needs brains when you have shapely thighs?

  96. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I guess you sleep with pimps, you end up dressing like a whore.

  97. Anonymous12:18 PM

    What happened to her boobs? In the top pic she is full on knockers up. In the bottom pic they are flat and lumpy and the left one looks like it has gone to live under her armpit. What a disgusting piece of excrement.

  98. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Again with the too big shoes that clearly belong to someone else.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.