Sunday, July 14, 2013

Final thought of the day.

Yeah me too Professor, me too.


  1. I have had that same thought many times...

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Me three.

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Me, too, also.

    OT - God's most recent tweet is also quotable:
    God ‏@TheTweetOfGod
    Imagine if your boss had a son and as long as you hung out with him you could treat people in the office like shit and never lose your job.

    Also OT- The Newsroom

    I'm re-watching the 8/19/12 episode to get in the mood for the new season beginning in 20 minutes.
    I forgot they were ahead of the time -- writing about NSA data-mining and use of private contractors among other topics I wished were covered in depth and with integrity by our actual news.

  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Sometimes I feel like a weirdo for getting so outraged so often.

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Since I rarely take the opportunity to shoot the intolerant, ignorant Tea-Tards with one of the firearms in my cache of weapons, I suppose I should get at least *some* credit for being a little tolerant.

    God knows how often those idiots make me want to spray a few hundred rounds of lead at their feet to see if they dance as badly (and heavy-footed) as Beef-o-getti Palin, the older fat daughter of the Quitter.

  6. Anonymous7:19 PM

    The tea party nitwits can show up with guns but look at what is happening to peaceful protesters!

    1. Leland7:22 AM

      Sorry. Comes up as "Page does not exist".

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Yeah, I always think it's bizarre when I'm called intolerant for not tolerating an intolerant person.

    Am I supposed to tolerate assholes who hate people who are gay or Black, etc.. Am I supposed to tolerate assholes who believe atheists shouldn't be US citizens? Am I supposed to tolerate assholes who think Trayvon Martin deserved to be shot because, as a black male, he was obviously up to no good?

    Nope, I will not tolerate their asshole, intolerant attitudes.

    My favorite thing is when we are called out because liberals are supposed to somehow tolerate ALL people and ALL opposing viewpoints.

  8. Anita Winecooler10:24 PM

    So very true!

    But I taught my kids that a better word than tolerance is acceptance. We're no better nor worse than anyone else.

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM

    it's been a while since the tundra twat on twitter has reared it's ugly head.
    Does anyone think that maybe, just maybe, Senator Begich put it in it's place and it is feeling backed in a corner?
    I know....before the trolls say so, I am obsessed with train wrecks.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.