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Image courtesy of a Palin-bots Facebook page. |
Several things are happening, I think. One is that some elements within the GOP base are in an agitated mood, spoiling for a fight, eager to make themselves look principled by constantly asserting the GOP is unprincipled. It’s similar to a quarrelsome marriage; every word one spouse says is interpreted in the worst possible light by the other. Sarah Palin and those like her are now disposed to attack the GOP, and perhaps even looking for reasons to break from it. But let’s be clear: It’s being driven by her/their frame of mind, not the heresies of the Republican Party.
The other thing that is occurring is that Palin and those like her have undergone a fairly dramatic shift in the last few years. One telling example is her reaction to Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency leaks. Palin has gone out of her way to defend Snowden and asserted that America is “becoming a totalitarian surveillance state.” This is a silly charge–and evidence that Palin has lurched in a much more libertarian direction since she enthusiastically agreed to be John McCain’s running mate in 2008.
It may also be that Palin, having quit after serving less than one term as governor, is simply not very serious about, or even all that interested in, governing. She does seem better suited to compose tweets and star in reality shows than to carry out the duties of governing.
But Ms. Palin is right about this: No one forces us to be enlisted in either party. She is free to leave the GOP at any time, for any reason. And there may be more than a few Republicans who hope she will, if only so that they do not have to spend any more time explaining to the rest of the world why the GOP, for all its shortcomings, is far more serious than Sarah Palin.
The author of this commentary, Peter Wehner, not only worked for the Reagan administration, but also the George H. Bush administration as well as his son, George W's, administration.
I certainly do not share his political viewpoints but do concur that having Sarah Palin leave the Republican party could only be seen as a positive. And while she's at it, perhaps she could take Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul along with her.
Not that I think it will help. The cancer infecting the GOP has metastasized, and simply cutting out these obvious pus oozing infections will not solve the problem for long.
Still, you have to start somewhere.
But but she didn't quit!!
ReplyDeleteAccording to Jthom26837 at c4p
"This weekend marked the fourth year Anniversary of Gov. Sarah Palin's Resignation. On this occasion, let us all celebrate. We raise our collective mugs of ale, nectar, wine, etc. to mark the point where she defeated the political barbarians. Sarah Palin simply refuse to do battle by their rules, therefore disarming them. infuriating them."
She DEFEATED them! See? She acted like a spoiled mean girl by refusing to play by the rules, and it infuriated them! She WON!!
Can you just imagine how she would deal with the rest of the world's leaders as president?
"mugs of ale, nectar, wine, etc. ...barbarians"
DeleteSounds like an overweight guy who lives in his mom's basement and spends ALL his non-C4P free time on live-action RPGs.
And they said Dungeons & Dragons wasn't dangerous. Don't let me get started on “tea," either.
DeleteOh I love a good smackdown. Can't wait to read her FB or twitter response. I'm sure she will go on Fox and will use every type of sexual innuendo she can fit in a 5 minute segment. Basically she will accuse the guy of having a small penis.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't seem to be getting on Fox... Notice???
DeleteNo, I don't notice.
DeleteI noticed. Sarah is gone back to hate book for her propaganda.
DeleteTrip to New York a trial run at another fail?
Soon the insufferable bitch won't be the only square yapping on faux news with only the host. faux will slip in another "guest" to give "opinions/bullshit" along with her tired ass. she won't know what hit her.
Deletecheck out the story about her tweeting about the worst band I've ever heard including ted nugent on wonkette..omg, you'll want to plunge icepicks in your ears after listening to them for 30 seconds...apparently the member, JD, big, fat, inbred redneck, idiot is her cousin..no wonder she thinks nugent holds a place in her panties if this is what she calls a "good" band....
ReplyDeleteShe almost single-handedly saved the Democratic majority in the Senate in 2012. Please don't ever change Sarah.
ReplyDeleteNo, the Republicans did that all by themselves talking about rape.
DeleteThe rest of the party didn't help itself, true, but I agree, history will show that the Palin wind played a major role in fueling the tide that brought us the likes of Sharron Angle, Christine (I am not a witch) McDonnell, and others. Wasn't it James Carville who called Palin the gift that keeps on giving?
Delete(Run baby, run!)
If it's possible, her followers may be more idiotic than her.
ReplyDeleteThey win that title because they're paying her. But she might win back the honor when she's indicted and convicted of tax evasion, wire fraud, and for breaking federal and state election laws.
DeleteThat bitch, Sarah Palin, is too chicken shit to start a new party. Fuckhead narcissistic Sarah Palin just likes to see her name in the news.
ReplyDeleteShe does seem better suited to compose tweets and star in reality shows than to carry out the duties of governing. ________
ReplyDeleteShe may be better suited but she is a dismal failure at both. Include Facebook and her rodeo appearances.
If you read the comments of Sarah's fans, they hate just about everyone in the Republican party. We had a feeling that the Repubicans had tired of Sarah when they didn't include her in their 2012 convention. Palin never had the organization to do anything. She is incapable of organizing a third party. All that she is good at doing is firing up her base and fueling their hopes. In return, they send her money, which is the point of Sarah firing them up in the first place. She has a wonderful thing going, posting some facebook rants calling the President of the United States names, and planting enough comments on their blogs to make them think that she is going to run in 2016. Palin will run in 2016 all right, all the way to the bank.
ReplyDeleteIn the four years since she defeated the armies of darkness by quitting her job as Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin had several paths she could have followed:
ReplyDelete1) She could have cozied up to the GOP Establishment, met them at private seminars and at think tanks, and learned a great deal while ingratiating herself to the thinking powers-that-be in the Republican Party.
2) She could have made real money by, having cozied up to the GOP, gotten herself appointed to several corporate boards. By doing so, she would have made friends with capitalists and entrepreneurs, while traveling around the country and making connections with state and local GOP honchos.
3) She could have gone the way she did go -- making quick and easy money by winking and flirting, and always being a pit bull when it came to Democrats, and many Republicans.
Clearly, she chose #3. By doing so, she kept herself in the public eye, but often in the wrong way. Now that 2016 is a serious contest, she's being sidelined by the GOP Establishment that was happy to have her biting ankles when it suited them, but who want to put her back on a leash when they need to get down to business.
She'll fight and growl at their attempts to tame her, but she has no allies beyond a few pathetic bots. No one will fight to keep her around.
btw -- Commentary Magazine is home to fierce neo-cons, as well as the Israeli lobby. Clearly they think she could do real damage if she continues as she has been: the rabid attack dog, always spoiling for a fight.
Sayonara, Sarah. Shalom. Arrividerci, Aloha, Adios. Better get back to the halibut while the getting's good. We'll look forward to your book on Christmas in Alaska, and your recipes for Betty Crocker cookies-in-a-tube frosted with icing from a can. A family tradition?
Sarah's best chance was 2012, given the clown show of Republican candidates. (The only sensible one, Huntsman, dropped out). It's just my theory, but I think that Sarah blew it after the Arizona shootings. Sarah had been using graphic language to target candidates and reload. They weren't surveyors' marks; the were target signs. Roger Ailes told Sarah not to respond. Instead, Sarah issued her Blood Libel Video.
DeleteI think that was the end for Sarah and the Establishment Republicans. Her All American Family Vacation Bus trip was designed to show Fox that she had a big following and she could still generate excitement where ever she went. That's true. Sarah generated publicity by ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. She said that the message of the Statue of Liberty (Sarah wrote "Statute") was not to go making the same mistakes that the countries in Europe made. (Huh? The name says it all, "Liberty!") Yes, Sarah generated publicity but it wasn't flattering to her.
The other thing that Sarah did was to tease her fans, dragging out the ultimate announcement that, surprise, Sarah wasn't going to be running. Sarah didn't have much of an organization. She couldn't deliver the same speech that she had been giving for years, bowing her head over her notes to read a script that she should have learned by then. Now, Sarah is reduced to shouting from the sidelines via facebok and twitter. Right now, a serious presidential candidate would be writing a book on inspiring women in politics, on the changing role of the president through history, but not a hokey folksy book telling people to put the Christ back in Christmas while eating Sarah's tasty treats.
Well put. Bill Kristol, in spite of his colossal over estimation of $arah's political future and character did give her one good piece of advice after the 2008 defeat:
DeleteGo home, do a good job as Governor, and study up.
Naturally being an uncontrollable sociopath, she did NONE of the above.
And that was fortunate for the rest of us as she's now an undesirable for much of the GOP, most independents and libertarians, and 99.999% of democrats and progressives.
Only the ultra right Christian Taliban and the hard core Paylin bots want anything to do with her.
Thanks $arah, for playing 5 solid years of bad political poker.
You've ended up out on the street with just your sad sack sycophant boot lickers and a few militant weasel zipperheads who think you're god.
Thanks for opening your pie hole, and proving to the world that you really are a xenophobic ignorant fame whore cheerleader for the most divisive sector of the far right Christian Taliban.
When the GOP chooses their nominee in 2016 it sure as HELL will not be a failed VP roguey quitter with a pimp for a husband, and a faked pandering pregnancy.
The insufferable bitch doesn't have enough fans to make a difference in hurting the gop electric. Those days are long gone.
DeleteShe is the tramp who sits at the bar hoping she'll get picked up before the house 2 am lights come on.
If she keeps deteriorating mentally, I wonder if the GOP will try to block her twitters, tweets, and Facebook publications. I can't imagine how enraged with her some of the GOP powers-that-be must be at this point.
DeleteAfter all, they gave her $150,000 just for a stinkin' CLOTHES budget – and after she lost them an election that should have been an easy victory, they publicly 'made nice' and had no comment while she apparently lied to their faces about returning the clothes to them!!! The GOP, like Sarah, has a very long memory. I would wager that they do not take kindly to having one of their (formerly) coddled own turning around and publicly bashing and trashing them.
My dad called those "bar flies". And it wasn't a compliment.
Deletemestaticized? I think metastasized works better :-)
ReplyDeleteWill Sarah Palin quit the Republican Party and start a new party?
ReplyDeleteRemember this:
Sarah Palin says she is seriously considering a run for the White House, and she believes she could beat President Obama in 2012, the former Alaska governor told ABC News' Barbara Walters.
"I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and ... trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family, if it's a good thing," Palin said in an interview scheduled to air in full Dec. 9 on ABC as part of Walters' "10 Most Fascinating People" of 2010.
Asked Walters: "If you ran for president, could you beat Barack Obama?"
"I believe so," Palin said.
Sarah Palin is all TALK!
Heading over to the see of pee to read their comments about how evil the Bushies ad their advisors are. Theyll be really mad about this one.
ReplyDeleteThey hate everyone who is "establishment Republican," Karl Rove, the Bush Family, for some reason they don't like Rubio any more.
DeleteThey don't like Rubio because he's not white. They pretend it's for some kind of political reason but it's totally because he's Cuban.
DeleteThat Big Gulp should be Sarah's Big Middle Finger.... you know, the one Bristol was so proud to show off, after her DWTS Big Fail.
ReplyDeleteI read a few of the comments to this article (at Commentary) and had to sigh. Palin's minions are on the job discrediting the author: a person who they would have applauded and defended in days gone by. Anyone (and I do mean anyone) who attacks the queen will be met with by the sword. Even the likes of Ann Coulter have brought attention to this horror but the GOP fed the beast and will now suffer its wrath.
ReplyDeleteSame old c4p names. Gotta defend Sarah, because she's so fragile.
DeleteAnd maybe, just maybe, Sarah will notice a post and invite the author to a romantic candlelit dinner for two. She'll wear her "power bra" and best wig. Shortly thereafter, Sarah will announce her divorce from Todd.. and she and her new c4p lover can finally show their true love to the world. They'll adopt a new brood of kids (no brown ones!), and start a new family. People will be so in love with this new couple, that they'll vote her in as President (the first-ever write-in vote President!). All non-Christians and assorted brown people will be relocated, and America will once again be restored for We The (White Christian) People!
I think I just channeled virginiagentleman (or BriAnus).
Is that old coot still alive?
DeleteI have the perfect wedding gift for the happy couple...the skunk my neighbor shot tonight.
DeleteThe whole neighborhood reeks.
@Anon 5:26 PM
DeleteGood one!... and I love the "Power Bra"
Unfortunately, she is no more sorry than the rest of the GOP establishment.
ReplyDeleteFuck this guy's article.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP higher ups have all the ammo, bombs and closet skeletons they need to totally shut Sarah up for good.
Why they haven't is my only question.
Collateral damage.
DeleteSarah harms herself and the hard religious right.
DeleteNo one else is fazed.
How many times does Sarah Palin have to hang herself before people like you believe she is finished?
Seriously, I'd like to know.
Waschilla De Vile, aka the Paylump, does nothing but mudslinging and contrived controversy (only when it allows her to grift).
ReplyDeleteNice to see so few comments on the threads about this evil wicked grifter.
ReplyDeleteOnce the "haters" go, she is done fer shur.
I concur with your statement "nice to see so few comments" about Sarah Palin. Maybe Gryphen will see the light and put his talents to better uses than posting about Sarah Palin's failures in everything from wigs to political maneuvers.
DeleteKeep Sarah in the spotlight. She is political poison who, unwittingly, makes the Tea Party look like a gaggle of ass clowns.
DeleteSage Democrats rejoice in the Sarah Palin freak show.
Sarah once was the worse thing to ever happen to the Republican Party. Now she is the worse thing to ever happen to the fundies.
Agree with 114a. Palin and her hillbilly brood have become an albatross in 5" platform shoes around the neck of the Republican party. They put her there. The least we can do is help keep her there.
The only thing they got right in the above photoshopped (AGAIN!) pic of her as a fake Statue of Liberty is the breast size.
ReplyDeleteIt's very unpatriotic to defame the statue that way. Pathetic. she doesn't want anyone's tired and poor, especially in masses.
Whenever Palin invokes anything Reagan, I roll my eyes. Reagan ramped up the national debt from billions to trillions during the time he was president. The debt was so out of control after Reagan and Bush Sr. that Clinton actively worked to whittle the debt. And, funny thing! Clinton did whittle it quite effectively. Sarah Palin was about 16 years old during the Reagan administration. Funny, she doesn’t remember this! And furthermore, As governor of California Reagan disassembled the mental health safety net, including any care for Down syndrome people. It was shameful. But, I guess I can’t expect she would make any effort to look at his record — it is a lot easier to just parrot the talking points on the teleprompter or her hand.
ReplyDeleteYep palin can start her own party. The secessionist party.
ReplyDeleteDislike of Palin is such a gut churning reaction that it can actually break up a relationship.
Thanks for that laugh! Loved it!
DeleteI read the article: Moronic.
ReplyDeleteThe premise is that sarah palin actually knows something about politics-which is presumably why he decided to waste time writing this.
He repeats something Palin said- which is asinine in itself. WHY pay attention to a quitter mouthpiece? Regardless...
He immediately points out the inconsistencies of what palin writes today and what she professed to believe in the past.
Of COURSE she is making false comparisons to Reagan- she knows NOTHING OF REAGAN or his policies! !
That would have required Sarah to give a shit about NATIONAL politics when this woman could barely g give a shit about her own town.
The mythology that Sarah knows ANYTHING about politics or governing is the biggest lie of all.
So. Why did this guy even write this?
He wrote it to the neocon audience who reads Commentary Mag that might feel a tinge of loyalty to Palin because she is so anti-Obama and because she has supported some *establishment* candidates when she was instructed to do so by Koch's AFP. The idea is for the neocons to cut ties with the *extremists* who have muddied the water for the GOP with their extreme hate rhetoric.
DeleteThey have to be viewed as more centrist to be viable in future national elections. The smart bomb throwers on the RW will tone it down unless they're talking directly to an audience that needs a little red meat, and even then, they will be nuanced. Sarah doesn't understand nuance, so she will be left on the curb if she doesn't cooperate. She is being tested by Ailes to see if she can make the transition into a more supportive role for the GOP on Fox. If she doesn't support the Republican brand, she will be given shitty assignments during low-viewing audience time slots. But he had her tied up and harnessed for the moment, minimizing the damage she can do to the GOP for now.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is our REAL president and she's the only reason this country is worth living in. If Obammer didn't have Queen Esther to tell him what to do, there's no way a community organizer like him could manage to run this country. After all, she STILL has much more executive experience than Obammer and Old Joe combined!!!
Wait and see what happens in 2016!!! Palin/West 2016
ReplyDeleteyou should be living life idiotically and vapidly over at the seaopee not hanging out here with us truth tellers. Go back and take your meds and make sure you stay in your little bubble of delirium where you can't hurt yourself. Skank will NEVER get near the whitehouse and neither will you.
I think 6:50 was snark . . . .