Monday, July 01, 2013

If Sarah Palin leaves the Republican party she has no place to go. To put it bluntly NOBODY wants her.

Courtesy of US News:  

Former vice presidential candidate and Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska, openly mulled leaving the Republican Party in a Saturday interview on Fox News, citing her "libertarian streak." The Libertarian Party, frequently a refuge for renegade Republicans, isn't sure that she would be a good fit – and the Reform Party, too, says it has "zero interest" in Palin. 

"[W]hile a few of Sarah Palin's views are aligned with those of the Libertarian Party, her pro-interventionist foreign policy, her support of the 2008 Republican-led bailouts, her loyal support of Big Government Republicans, her social conservative agenda and her lack of concrete backing for any serious downsizing of Big Government runs afoul of the Libertarian Party's goals and most Libertarians' views," the Libertarian Party's executive director, Carla Howell, told U.S. News. 

Palin could conceivably find a home in the Constitution or Reform parties - but the Reform Party, which had its heyday in the 1990s, is entirely uninterested. 

"The Reform Party would probably have zero interest in Sarah Palin," Reform Party Chairman David Collison told U.S. News. "The primary reason is that we are not really as closely aligned with the tea party as people would think." 

Collison said his party aspires to be viewed as centrist, and embraces activists affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement. "Palin would basically torpedo that," he said.

As if that was not bad enough I had heard in the past that even Alaska's AIP party was keeping their distance. Essentially Palin is  poison and just about everybody knows it.

And the misses just keep on coming for Palin as the Washington Post examined her claim that Hispanics are against an immigration bill and gave her three Pinocchios for being such a dumb ass. 

However Buzzfeed might leave the biggest mark on her punditry pinata as they discover that before Palin was against passing immigration reform which contained amnesty for illegals, she was for it.

Well she wanted people to pay attention to her again, and they certainly are.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Ah, US News is using my new favorite photo! HAHA

    She has no party to go to, and her pees are having a field day coming up with party names for her. She will win the presidency by millions you know.....

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      It's one of my favorite photos too! I've noticed that it is being used by more outlets now instead of the more flattering images they had used in the past.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      I wish I had that nose full of nickels. Her nose reminds me of a nice Jewish girl I once dated, except hers was not as big as sarahs. Sarah's schnozzola Reminds me of jimmy Durante. "good night Mrs Palin, wherever you are".
      I'm just a lonely girl
      Lonely and blue
      Nobody wants me
      Cuz I am a fool

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I see shades of Chucky (Child's Play) in that photo... how apropos.

    4. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Oh I think Palin was pretty clear about liking the "Freedom" party moniker. As a matter of fact, the "American Freedom" party has already been established and I'm sure they're eagerly awaiting her membership:

    5. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Names for Sarah's Political Party, that's simple. The Palin Political Party, or as my little kid used to say during toilet training, Pee pee pee.

    6. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Freedom Party is good- The Freedom From palin Party, I like it!

    7. Anonymous3:03 PM

      How about the KKK? She could wear a hood, cover up her herpes sores and her Botoxed face. Not to mention, her eyebrows could be half way up her forehead, and she could doff the wigsf she wore the KKK outfit.

    8. Baldy just "Twatted" this...

      "I sure respect Greta Van Susteren's work ethic, independence, and ability to stay on top of so many current events that viewers count on her covering. (Check out to see what she's keeping up with, just today!) I look forward to joining her tonight on her Fox show "On the Record" -- I'll be interviewed from Alaska (10pm EST, 6pm Alaska time). Greta's so good about inviting feedback; you have opportunity to sound off on

      - Sarah Palin"

      More hilarity ensuing folks! LOL!!!

    9. Anonymous3:39 PM

      It isn't the "Jewish" nose or any other physical feature, it's the gleam in her eye and the daggers in her smile that radiate two things plain as day: hate and crazy.

    10. Lucera4:41 PM

      Hey Gina M! Love your new avatar. It's less scary than the old one! Haha!

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I couldn't have come up with a better line myself-(and these are her SUPPORTERS!)

    From the pee pond:
    senator20526 BrianusBerkleianus • 3 hours ago
    "We have had the Whig party, now we need the "Big Hair""

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      I've always half suspected that Brianus is a plant. Perhaps this is one piece of evidence that proves the point.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      then they can hold the
      Big Hair Ball
      inaugural, of course

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Love the fact no party of any kind wants a connection to the - - - - -!!! She killed her own goose! Yea!!!!

  4. AIP doesn't want her? She's pretty much toast. Oh, but there is the Freedom Party, basically a party of one. That should work out well for her.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      I think you meant the Freedumb Party.

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      It's not Free to *her* supporters. She makes them pay a Stupid Tax to her PAC, and then she thumbs them in the eye by not running for any office. So Free Dumb is an oxymoron for her supporters.

  5. Lucera1:06 PM

    Maybe Ailes DID know what he was doing. Certainly has been entertaining and what a distraction Palin has been. More people are finally realizing what an air head she is. Lol!

  6. Anonymous1:08 PM

    She's never been for amnesty. She's been for legally ways of obtaining citizenship.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      ...says an anonymous poster with no proof.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      To clarify, so you support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?

      "I do because I understand why people would want to be in America. To seek the safety and prosperity, the opportunities, the health that is here. It is so important that yes, people follow the rules so that people can be treated equally and fairly in this country." Paula Deen Palin

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Hey 1:08 pm

      Amnesty is a legal way of obtaining citizenship.

      Read above slowly and let it sink in.

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Hey 2:29pm

      No one said amnesty WASN'T a legal way of obtaining citizenship. You seem to assume it's the ONLY way. There are other paths to citizenship. Maybe you could ask some of the several million people who have done so already.

      Let that "sink in".

    5. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Hey 2:29PM

      Perhaps rereading the original will help you:

      "She's never been for amnesty. She's been for legally ways of obtaining citizenship."

      There is a very clear implication to most readers that amnesty is not a legal way of obtaining citizenship.

      Nothins in my response indicated it's the only way. Again read the following slowly:

      Amnesty is a legal way of obtaining citizenship.

      Let that "sink in".

    6. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      "legally ways of obtaining citizenship"

      Pretty much sums it up. Time to go back to hair school!

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    What's she sitting on?

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      her penis

    2. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      A sit and spin

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      It ain't Todd's then. She'd fly off like a 45 record on a 78 rpm LP. Ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little. And it ain't motion sickness either.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Most politicians join a political party as a symbiotic relationship -- the party helps him or her in their ambition, and the politician works with like-minded party members to jointly get across their particular message. There's often room for leeway for one side or another, in differing circumstances.

    These parties all know that Sarah Palin wants only to be the head of the Sarah Palin Party. She'd owe no allegiance to her equals; she wants only disciples and bots, who will worship her and send her their money. She's not a joiner. Remember? She's a maverick. That only gets you so far, in any community. You have to be able to play well with others.

    Of course, she'll denounce such mutual cooperation as "crony capitalism," or what happens within "private parties." But, really, she's incredibly bitter because just about everyone has figured out her game, and they don't want to have anything to do with her.

    Cue Sarah having more and more temper tantrums, until there's no one left but a few C4P camp followers whose empty lives are filled by their blind allegiance to this bizarre dominatrix.

    1. Lucera4:50 PM

      Throw in that the few C4Pers are on the public dole cuz SarahPac sucked them penniless, 1:28. Can't wait to see that.

  9. Just when you thought she couldn't do anything stoopider..........

  10. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Very few care what party Sarah Palin is in. In fact, a great majority would just prefer that she choose any party other than theirs. She's tainted, toxic, and damaged goods. If she were more intelligent, she wouldn't be as much fun to watch. But the real theater is watching the Peebots and other low-intel supporters who still send her their monthly tithe, thinking that she's already the president of this fine country, the Teabagger States of Uh Mericun White gun--luvin people who are no way, no how, not gay even a little bit. But that's too long of a Party name for a bumper sticker. So just Teabaggers will have to do. Teabaggers Love Sarah 2008, 2012, ...

  11. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Above picture of Palin is pure EVIL!

  12. Anonymous1:56 PM

    If Palin makes a show of leaving the Republican party (unlikely, this was just some blah-blah she shot off in an interview), there isn't any question of her actually joining some other party. The MSM takes her too seriously with this will-she-won't-she stuff. The only party she's interested in is SarahPAC.

  13. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Ha. Maybe this news will finally wipe off that smug flat-nosed scrunched-up witchy look off of her botoxed face.

    What's next for Sarah? Writing that tell-all about how she was 'forced' by McCain to pretend she delivered that DS baby.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      blow-hard McCain had no clue about the fake pregnancy and had only heard rumors of Bristol's pregnancy in February. Huh what? Bristol was pregnant in February??? oh yeah....

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:47 PM

      Were the rumors about Bristol's first, or second pregnancy?

  14. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Palin, party of one!

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM


  15. Anonymous1:58 PM

    It's NOT her party and she'll cry if she wants to.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Exactly what I was singing in my head too!

  16. Wow, that's gotta sting!

  17. Anonymous2:08 PM

    She'll go the way of Fred Thompson. Reverse mortgage commercial.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Let's compare Sarah to another failed VP candidate, Bob Dole. Maybe she could get a gig promoting Viagra. All she has to do is stick out her tongue, wink a bit and make some suggestive motions.

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Yeah, and then she takes a Big Gulp. But she couldn't take another money shot or then she'd have TWO WONKY EYES.

  18. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Yikes! And the Washington Post is so conservative!!!

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      The comments aren't very friendly either

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM

    She resembles a laughing hyena in that photo

  20. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Suppose that Sarah turns her back on the Republicans, cursing them and telling their secrets as she leaves. Thre isn't much political future as part of the fragmented Tea Party, and now, she may not have anywhere to go. Sounds like a whistle blower who blew his whistle too hard, complaining about an invasive government listening to its private citizens. Now, he doesn't have anyplace to go, except for a country famous for listening to (and following) their own citizens and visitors.

  21. Anonymous2:31 PM

    If only there were a Lie-bertarian party, she'd fit right in. Oops. Nevermind, she already belongs to that. She's a Republican.

  22. The Millerites?


  23. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Me thinks Tundra Boo Boo got a chin implant .

  24. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I tried to contort my face into her horrendous pose and it really felt strange.try it. That's no act folks this bitch is pure evil. Thank god McCain lost. Oh yeah, fuck you John McCain!

  25. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The name of Sarah Palin's new political party.. The Wigs!!

  26. All this prattle about a third party is just a means of shearing her flock again.

    "Please give, we must have a third party." And the dullards will.

    She will never follow through because she is too lazy, greedy, and stupid.

    I think that if she tried the same will-she-won't-she tease from a couple years ago, even her brain-dead followers might catch on, so this. Third party. Oh, please, give, so we can explore this possibility. Right. Sure.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      3:08 She will never follow through because she is too lazy, greedy, and stupid.

      I worry that her handlers will not be lazy and stupid.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Oh please! That screeching harpy will never run for any office because she'll never survive the scrutiny, she faked a pregnancy and created a false patriotic christian persona to appeal to mouth breathing ugly Americans, she's said and done nothing but mind boggling stupid shit since, etc,and etc.

  27. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Right now #PalinFreeDumbParty is trending on Twitter. Cannot believe she is dumb enough to actually come up with this moniker for a party run by's so apropos that her total lack of self-awareness & insight is astounding! She wants the party and we're giving it to her - with her appropriate name on it. After all, she's the one who created it! No one wants to be associated with this Tranny Grifter Lunatic from Lake Lucille at this point.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      And can't you just see the bumperstickers...
      Sarah Palin: Putting the dumb in Freedumb

      Hell maybe I'll make 'em and sell 'em. Or at the very least buy one. Who's game?

  28. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I know you all have been waiting for the Brianus's take on this:

    (there was quite a bit more, but I really, most of it was just the usual blathering.

    I would like to end and conclude this brief piece by presenting again an image that, IMHO, well expresses the ideal of ORDERED LIBERTY that would be the soul and essence of a proposed Constitutional Freedom Party.
    We are constrained by an objective moral order, laid down by our Creator.
    Within that order, we are FREE to do whatever we want with our lives, to go wherever our talents and abilities and energies may take us--and the possibilities are infinite.

    It is like a painter and his or her canvas.
    The canvas has its boundaries and constraints. But, within the boundaries of that canvas, the painter can create ANY portrait of beauty that he or she desires.

    Indeed, we may compare the canvas of the artist to the canvas of our souls.
    With the paint brush of Free Will, we can paint lasting and eternal images of beauty and truth on our own precious souls, I think that Sarah has wrought and accomplished this ideal in her own life, in her own beautiful soul.

  29. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Palin threatening to leave the Republican Party has become a yearly event like the swallows returning to Capistrano.
    Or cicadas in the summer.
    Palin threatened to go third party in 2009, 2012 and 2013.
    The difference is that this is the first time the national media
    has noticed and actually pinned her down to leaving
    and forming the Freedumb Party with Mark Levin
    and no doubt, Rush Limbaugh.
    The Republicans in the House and Senate will continue to outrage the far right because the far right can never be placated.
    I think Palin made a huge blunder by promising to vacate and form the Freedumb Party
    the next time the Republicans
    do something she doesn't sanction.
    The clock is ticking...

  30. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    Just when I thought her goose was cooked, she surprises me with this genius move! She's got us where she wants us! (If what she wants is us laughing our asses off while pointing at her)

  31. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Leave Bitch


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