Sunday, July 07, 2013

Just remember the War on Women has been happening for thousands of years.

This was taken fro ma tweet by Connie Schultz.
But if you think that his is a minority opinion shared only among certain Fundamentalist Christians than, like the guy said, you have probably not read your Bible.

That mysognist crap is EVERYWHERE. And modern men have NO problem using it t obully their women into submission.

"Hey, honey it's not like I want you to do obey my every command and raise my kids while i treat you like a possession. It's in the bible! You  wouldn't argue with God's will  now would you?"

Just in case you still doubt any of this, here let this Christian pastor straighten you out.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    There's a cute little article on Wendy Davis in People Magazine; after the Matthew Perry article. Really good issue this week; also has Joan and Melissa Rivers. Wendy says she made A's, but always got notes home from the teacher that she was "acting up"...

    Boy, could I identify - why is it that if boys act up it's kind of par for the course; but it's unacceptable for girls? Maybe things have changed since I went to school....

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      When my daughter was choked by one of her nephews when she was about ten y/o, she did not hold still - she hit him over the head, and when that did nothing, she hit him in his 'jewels'. That's when he went crying to his mommy. It was Christmas time, and a big family gathering. Virtually everyone was of the opinion that a GIRL(!) should be quiet and submissive, and not fight back.
      Needless to say, that was the last time we saw most of them. We left, and told her, she did the right thing, and to never, EVER let anybody bully her into anything she did not want to do, and to do what is right.
      She is an upstanding young woman, who can hold her own against any bully anywhere.

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Killing babies is never cute.

    3. Leland11:35 AM

      7:45? Please, name me one person in the abortion discussion who says killing babies IS cute!

      So very many people use the bible as an argument against abortion. Well, how about all the LIVING babies their so-called god ordered murdered by bashing their heads against rock walls? THAT'S the christian and jewish god for you!

      And how in HELL did you jump into the abortion argument over this jackass's ideas about what women should be like?


    4. Anonymous at 7:45:

      Define "baby".

      If you say fertilized egg, embryo, zygote or even fetus, then you get an F and go to the back of the line.

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    The Bible ALSO tells men to love their wives with great zeal.

    Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control ... Read entire text. (NKJV)

    Ephesians 5:23–33
    For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her ... In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself ... and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Read entire text. (ESV)

    1 Peter 3:7
    In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered. (NLT)

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      The BIBLE (the one Christians selectively quote) also gives rules about selling your daughter into slavery. It's chock full of great info.

      BTW, how is " also wives should submit in everything to their husbands..." a good example of "The Bible ALSO tells men to love their wives with great zeal." I think that contradicts your argument, but, hey, you probably don't care all that much about logic.

    2. emrysa8:46 PM

      right on, 6:10. I wonder why 5:13 doesn't mention the selling the daughters into slavery part?

      I love the quote "Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" - christ hated the establishment - and the church was part of the establishment. it's funny how these kinds of things are ignored to fulfill a myth.

    3. Maple6:05 AM

      Well, actually, the "church" didn't exist during Christ's time.

      SO much wrong with these fundies who are only doing/saying what their pastor tells them, for they obviously haven't the good wisdom to actually read, think and understand for themselves.

    4. There's ol' misogynist Saul raising his ugly head.

      Women submit.

      Women weaker.

      And the classic (that the right wing theocrats are using) that women do not have authority over their own bodies.

  3. If being homosexual was a choice, this would do it for me.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM


    2. Anonymous6:38 PM


    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      You're going to hell for sure now Lynne.

    4. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Perfect response!

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    You big fat pig. I and a million other women would have loved to stay home and raised our children and taken care of the household. Unfortunately, you and your ilk cant afford to buy underwear for anyone, including your self, so I have to work until infinity while you sit around with your friends and listen to right wing nut radio and tell people how to run their lives. I take care of the kids, feed your pie hole, and wipe your butt. You couldn't live without me working. signed the American Woman

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I could sure use a life that wasn't dictated by vacation and PTO policies. But, unlike the Reverend, a girl's gotta work.

  6. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Why hasn't Palin talked about the SCOUTS Prop. 8/DOMA ruling? I mean it is a *important* issue to her (dwindling) base.

    - Does RAM believe in marriage is only between a mam and a woman? If not, is RAM worried about a backlash if she says so publicly?

    - Does Palin believe in marriage is only between a mam and a woman? If so then why the silence on the issue?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      She's too busy blaming Obama for the Alaska heat wave and promoting her association with Santa Claus. She is sickening...that bit about "well, we're different ..we're Alaskans" is so stupid. Christmas is Christmas, you blockhead. Alaska is still a state. And people are people. Some dumber than others.

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Its true, Gays and Women. Particularly since we are holding jobs that our returning troops might want. Just like the Korean War and WWII... just sayin...

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Look at that fat ass holding the sign. Typical white, belly hanging over the belt, repulsive bible thumper and likely a Republican! Yuck!!!

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Truthfully it looks like a younger RAM.

  9. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I wonder if that fat slob holding the sign has a wife?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I'm betting she is beaten nightly.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I'm not entirely sure if that is a man, he could very likely be a 'she.'

    3. Anonymous10:12 PM

      I think that sign is his excuse for not having a woman. See, she wouldn't mind me or submit to me so I told her to hit the road. (She ran away as fast as she could, too).

    4. I thought the same thing myself... also bewildered as to why Gluttony was absent from this sign?

  10. DetroitSam6:38 PM

    I recently that Rick Perry has a higher favorability rating among Texas women than among men.

    How on God's green earth is this possible?

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      They don't know this fact here:

    2. Anonymous9:27 PM

      I'd question who took the poll and what the questions were before believing 'their' outcome. I know many Texas women and they detest him!

    3. He has all his hair and looks like the Marlboro Man.

      Never underestimate the power of an 8th grade ONLY edumacation.

  11. And if you don't belong to a Christian Church and are not married? What a doofus that sign waver is! Kind of hard to be roped into their corral when I cain't be caught by matrimony in the first place. Guess that means I can exercise my free will in spite of people like him...for now!
    M from MD

  12. Smirnonn6:59 PM

    "Read the bible for details."

    You can find just about anything in the bible.

    The Bible allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9).

    Women are just as entitled to freedom and dignity as everybody else, including all races, sexualities, economic classes and political persuasions.

    Matthew 7:1, "Judge not that ye be not judged."

    This guy is judging women not worthy of full personhood. I'm judging him as a fat, misogynistic slob.

    1. The bible says you should be stoned for wearing clothing made of different threads.

      Shall the fashion police start checking fundies for cotton polyester blends?

      Oh, and we'll have to make it illegal to fish for shrimp or lobster. So much for the economy of Maine and the South.

  13. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Have been reading the biography of Mary, Queen of Scots.

    John Knox vilified sermons, publications and to her face...

    I think it has to do with fear; 'men of God' fear the procreative possibilities in women.

    To me, it makes Ms Palin's phony sermonizing that much more ludicrous. Her male followers have a sexualized passion for her leadership...

    Sarah Palin: setting back the advancement of women since at least 2008!

  14. Smirnonn7:02 PM

    Guess this guy needs to "read the bible for details."

    Seems gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins...

    1. The seven deadly sins aren't in the bible.

  15. Anonymous7:39 PM

    "...ironing etc. ... read bible for details..."

    Any chance the bible says it's men that have to clean the gunk out of the garbage disposal? Might be worth buying a bible just to off-load that nasty job on the hapless partner.

  16. yeah fat ass that is gonna happen....what the hell is wrong with these people..

  17. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I was truly shocked to read of the evil treatment of women over the ages, when halfway into Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code."

    I guess it was overwhelmed by the storyline and everything, but I sat down and hand copied the three pages which outlined how many MILLIONS of women have been tortured and murdered, usually in the name of some crackpot religion.

    Hopefully it can be Googled, as everyone needs to read that passage.

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      You can also get The Goddess Trilogy, a 3 part film (Goddess Remembered, Burning Times, and Full Circle) that was originally shown on PBS in 1994. It is created by Donna Read (not the one with the family TV series. This one is from Canada) and explains the 35,000 year history from the women's view, how religion and spirituality used to be, the horrific killing of millions of women just a few hundred yrs ago in Europe, and a look at things today, keeping in mind when you watch this 3rd part that in was made in the early 1990's. Lots more info on these 3 DVDs than in The DaVinci Code

  18. It's entirely possible that fat slob IS a wife, Anon @ 6:30.

    It's pretty pathetic when someone is androgynous looking like that. You usually think of Tilda Swinton or David Bowie when you think androgynous.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      And KD Lang. These are some seriously attractive people.

  19. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Like this ten sandwich eating son of a bitch is going to get any.

  20. Anonymous9:16 PM

    that is a guy..... yikes! no wonder he hates women looking like with that attitude probably doesn't exactly attract the ladies.... what an idiot

  21. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Not to that guy! Not in a million years!

  22. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I don't think this is one of Jesus' parables, but nonetheless it's true:

    There once was this married guy, John, who had similar ideas to this Neanderthal Preacher that he expressed to his wife through his words and his behavior. Some people can change on their own, but others need some gentle persuasion. His wife decided he was the latter, and cut his dick off, drove away with it and threw it out the window of the car. You might say that Lorena was through dicking around with John.

    Preacher man, imagine how you'd feel if you woke up tomorrow morning, walked into the bathroom to take a leak, and realized you were as anatomically correct as a Ken Doll who never tapped Barbie after all those years and dune buggy rides. Would that be a good day for you?

    Problem # 2 with no dick: how can you satisfy your wife when she's hot and horny and you got no package? Don't waste my time with some stupid-ass putz answer. Only one answer --- you can't, so you shoud be stoned to death.

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      This guy's belly hangs over too much for him to have seen his package in YEARS. If this IS a woman, how does her husband "get to her lady parts"?

    2. There once was a wife who was treated like chattel by her husband. She was worked day and night, criticized, told how to vote and that she had no authority over her own body.

      The wife objected to being treated like a child or worse, like property.

      So she did the dishes, washed the clothes, did all of her chores. She made delicious, elaborate meals from Julia Child's cookbook every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, urging her husband to finish his plate lest there be leftovers not worth reheating.

      And at night she was so tired, she slept on the couch. EVERY NIGHT.

      She also voted for her own best interests in every election because she knew her vote was secret and she could just LIE to her husband.

      Eventually her big, fat husband died of a heart attack and she was left a wealthy widow with no one to tell her what to do.

      And she lived happily ever after.

      The moral of this parable is: treat your wife well and stop reading the bible and you'll live longer.

  23. Anonymous10:18 PM

    No wonder that guy can't get a date. He's been holding up that sign for days now, and nobody has offered to submit to him or wash his dishes.

    1. Anonymous1:55 AM

      Yeah, not even his mother.

  24. Not sure of anything that would willingly bed down with that...but I'm quite positive it doesn't have a pulse.

  25. 'DON'T BE A WIFE'! That way the Bible doesn't apply.

  26. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I grew up in evangelical land--Colorado Springs in the glory days of Focus on the Family.

    My (dominionist high school) principal, who also taught history, claimed that "the decline of the United States" could be traced to 1920, when women became able to vote. He once said to me, "It's too bad you're so intelligent, because as a woman you won't be able to do anything with it except, I guess, raise smart kids." (I said to him, "Well, according to your own belief system, God gave me intelligence. By saying it's a waste for a woman to be smart, you're implying God made a mistake." He shut up quickly.)

    Our pastor used to preach that a woman's role is not just to have a hot dinner ready when her husband gets home from work, but also to dress up, put on her nice jewelry and high heels, etc., so he feels really special. Many people in that church were wealthy enough that wives did not have to work, and the thinking was that if you were really committed to being a stay-at-home wife and mother, you would make it work no matter how much you had to stretch your finances (while giving generously to build the massive new sanctuary the pastor wanted, of course).

    In our church, women could not teach coed Sunday school classes to kids past eighth grade, because of the so-called biblical prohibition against women teaching men.

    This church had more than 1K members, so it wasn't some tiny fringe group. I knew people who attended far more conservative churches than ours.

    I think it's important to note, though, that there is disagreement among more mainstream Christians about these biblical passages. Many scholars see them as cultural and/or specific to certain situations, not intended to be universal prohibitions.

    1. Leland11:40 AM

      9:47, do YOU want to try to convince these fools about your last paragraph?

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Leland, 9:47 here. HELL, no! I just like to remind myself that there's a whole segment of non-evangelical Christianity that's actually sane.

  27. Remove everything the self-appointed apostle (that never met Jesus and was never one of the 12) every wrote from the bible and let's see what's left.

    Then eliminate the Old Testament since Jesus gave us two commandments to replace the original 12: Love God, Love they neighbor.

    So you can eliminate a lot of misogyny in the bible by just getting rid of the Old Testament and Saul.

    And let us remember who created the bible in the first place. No, it was no God. Nope, not Jesus either.

    It was men. None of it was written at the time. It was written later after being passed down by word of mouth. And there are plenty of books that never made it into the bible. Who decided what would be included and what not? Why, MEN. Men with a political agenda. In some cases, men who wanted to make sure that women were suppressed and subservient, little more than property (or chattel).

    Consider using the research process or even pretend you're a reputable journalist. Three independent sources. Otherwise, it's hearsay, not fact.


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