Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pro-2nd Amendment police chief eloquently responds to critics via You Tube. I'm kidding, he acts like a lunatic and fires off automatic weapons. (NSFW due to language and stupidity.)

This courtesy of the You Tube page: 

The chief of a police department in Schuylkill County has posted a video on YouTube laced with vulgar language. The video has shocked many who have seen it, but the chief says he did it to prove a point. 

Gilberton Police Chief Mark Kessler is creating debate among some residents and the officials who run the borough. Chief Kessler posted a video on YouTube. 

It features the chief using profanity and firing automatic weapons. 

We reached Chief Kessler by phone in Crawford, Texas where he is vacationing. He said he posted the images because he believes First and Second Amendment rights are being eroded. 

"I have always been pro-gun and always will be in pro-gun and I don't have no apologies to make. I expressed myself and that's the way it is," said Kessler. "I chose to use profanity to get someone's attention in that video. To wake people up and say 'hey, if you don't stand up for your rights, you're going lose them.'" 

The video is all over the internet and as you can imagine word in Gilberton is spreading fast. We showed the video to several Gilberton residents. 

"To have somebody that's supposed to be protecting us and to have and fire a weapon like that, I am just shocked," said Jean Franklin. "I am just dumbfounded!"

Just when I wonder whether or not I am depicting the gun nuts with language that is too stereotypical somebody like this guy comes along. 

I don't think I have EVER written anything as damaging to the image of the gun enthusiast as what this video just demonstrated.


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Who the heck vacations in Crawford, Texas? Even George W. Bush has abandoned that charade.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      This is what happens when hateful thugs run amok.
      first sarah palin paints cross hairs on all dem headquarters, Gabby get shot a nine year old girl and a judge are killed among others and nothing happens to her.
      "you lie" joe willson should of been arrested.
      SS goes and visits Ted nugent who threatens our POTUS turns out they are protecting people like this, palin for example and her pimping husband.
      And on and on.
      This guy should be arrested asap by the secret service. On politiscususa apparently he made another video where he threatened Nancy Pelosi. Who's been ranting about Nancy lately?
      Why sarah palin on twitter.
      Arrest all their asses and fire all the secret service that lets these scum get away with this shit.

  2. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Who would vacation in Crawford TX? Except for George W. Bush's fake "ranch" I don't think that there is anything there. Did this guy go there to stare at George's ranch or at the brush piles he used to make?

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    This guy is deranged!

  4. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Okay, now I've watched the video. This guy comes from Pennsylvania (where I'm from originally). I still don't understand why anyone would "vacation" in Crawford TX.

    I hope he loses his job. He was probably drunk and/or high on drugs when he made his little film but he should not be allowed, armed with a gun, anywhere near any human beings or even near any animals. He is clearly dangerous and stupid, a losing combination when someone is in charge of a police station. I hope that the good people of Gilberton are smarter than their police chief and that they retire him quickly to Crawford TX.

  5. Anonymous4:34 AM

    This is what happens when someone gets the shit kicked out of them throughout middle and high school for being a jerk.

    He's still a jerk, but now he has weapons.

  6. Sally in MI5:13 AM

    Crawford? Did Bush hire him to clear brush with a semiautomatic? Or maybe Bush is teaching him to ride a bike while armed (you know, like the SS guys who follow Bush around on our dime?) Or maybe Cheney came down and they're out hunting? The guy is worried about his rights? Maybe he should be worried about his sanity and his job. You don't show how scared you are by swearing a blue streak while showing off your home arsenal of military weapons and then going away. Frankly, I'd not be surprised if his home is robbed while he's gone. A lot of home invasions take place when robbers know people will be gone (they post on YouTube or FB) and know that there are weapons to be had. Smart guy that sheriff.

  7. Anonymous5:21 AM

    You should google this guy and you will find entries starting a few months ago when he formed his militia, oops, I'm sorry, his "Constitutional Security Force". There is a good post by Hunter at Daily Kos which reveals that Kessler once shot himself accidently, thinks that the Sheriff's Department is out to get him (including mysterious helicopters flying around), and thinks that it's only ok to murder federal agents with just cause, as determined by him. To say this guy is paranoid is an understatement.

    1. AKRNC2:14 AM

      Kessler not only shot himself prior to this video but he did it in a bar while drinking with his friends, becoming really loud and getting into a fight with other bar patrons. It's quite telling about the people in this small town that they have now made him the Chief of Police as this happened prior to this recent appointment.

      He's also very friendly with Orly Taitz and plans on marching on Washington, D.C. while armed, despite being told that wouldn't be allowed, because he doesn't think rules apply to him.

  8. Chenagrrl5:26 AM

    If I were a resident of Chief Kessler's burg, I would be concerned enough about his judgment that I would want him removed. He has serious responsibilities to all members of the community. If he insists on being a cowboy he could end up costing the community a lot of money. He's not bonded to be a gun nut.

  9. Beldar J Conehead5:26 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, that's kid's stuff compared to the latest in an endless parade of egregious misdeeds committed by this so-called President Obama who you apparently and inexplicably hold in high regard.

    Now, I don't claim to understand exactly why the president should be removed from office for presenting a 67 year old letter to the leader of a country we attempted - long ago - to bomb back to the stone age, but if we can't trust Fox News to command our outrage, who can we trust, I ask you? Who CAN we trust?

    I hope you and all your little buddies at your defunct blog will go over to and sign the petition demanding that Obama be impeached, imprisoned and executed, not necessarily in that order.

    First Benghazi, now Lettergate!!! IT NEVER ENDS!! At this rate, he'll be nuking random Amercian cities with black helicopter drones before the end of the summer!!!! (In case you didnt know: you can always tell it's an important scandal when the suffix 'gate' is attached to a word associated with the misdeed)



  10. I love how this "pussy" doesn't allow commenting on his YouTube page. He's too afraid to "man-up" and hear what others think of his tirade. I hope the citizens of Gilberton tell him to keep his sorry ass in Crawford & never come back.

  11. Anonymous6:16 AM

    The last weapon this fool is firing is a full-auto Glock 18 capable of firing 1200 (count 'em 1200!!) rounds per minute. They are only available to law enforcement which is obviuosly the only reason this asshole ever got into law enforcement. He needs to be fired immediately and all of his micro-penis compensators confiscated from him. Only an idiot would ever hire this guy for a position in law enforcement ever again. Hit him where it hurts. Take his toys away. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Okay, so then my next question is, if that model of weapon is only available to law enforcement, must they be purchased by the department, or can any Barney Fife go buy one on his own dime? If they can only be bought by the department then he should be fired for using department owned gear for personal and political reasons. If it can be privately bought by any law enforcement officer just because they have a badge, then this guy is a poster child of why that should not be allowed.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Times a thousand.

      Unasked question: wonder what this guy's profile is for domestic violence???? Can't imagine it's a pretty one.

    3. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Why is a gun like that even made? Why would law enforcement need a gun to shoot 1200 rounds per minute - who do they plan to use it on? And don't the bullets cost a lot of money? So if he is actually using departmental equipment - how much did he just shoot up in his vanity spot, and who is paying for it... I know stupid question.

    4. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Actually, that's a great question. I don't know anything about the cost of ammo, but I imagine he went through hundreds of dollars of ammo in those videos. If it can be shown that he used tax funded money to pay for those bullets, then he has an ethical/legal problem. The mayor defends his "1st amendent rights", but not so if he used public money to fund it!

  12. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I don't use profanity, but I sure got an education on "Go F&ck Yourself 101"

    Who would want that guy protecting the community? He's in need of anger management and some kind of desperate counseling.

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Okay, we'll try this again for the slow learners (are you paying attention Chief Kessler?).

    The First Amendment does NOT guarantee that there will be no repercussions from being a complete and total raving lunatic asshole on several videos that you post on a public website. It prevents the federal and state governments from establishing laws that would abridge your right to scare the crap out of everyone in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states (of which I am a resident, by the way) .

    It says nothing about preventing the people of your town from firing your sorry ass for being a crazy, dangerous, out-of-control, violent nutcase who should not be within 300 yards of anything more lethal than a water pistol.

    Are we all clear on this now???

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      He must have attended the Sarah Palin School of Constitutional Law. She has invoked the First Amendment when ever she has been criticized for saying bat crap crazy things. Apparently her critics aren't allowed to use their First Amendment rights. And she also cited the First Amendment after Dr. Laura used the n word then had to "retire". No one is denying Sarah or this guntard their rights. If he loses his job, it won't be the guvment per say, it will be the people in his town who pay his salary who get rid of him.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Agreed. Someone who does not agree with his beliefs, shocked by his foul mouth and is considered a liberal deserves to be shot and killed is what he is implying. On top of that - this guy is a POLICE CHIEF!! He has said and shown his idea of justice and I cannot imagine him NOT being fired.

  14. Drunk, stupid, and dangerous...hiding behind his guns and thinking he's a big man.

    I wouldn't want to live in a town with this nutcase in any kind of authority.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Taking your comment and paraphrasing Dean Wormer, "Dangerous, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

  15. Anonymous8:22 AM

    His points are nevertheless 100% correct
    Obama is rapidly taking away our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.

    1. @822

      If you mean this nonsense as satire, may I suggest you throw in a "BENGHAZI!!!!!" or two to let everyone know you're not just another RW comment troll?

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      You're an idiot. Proof? And make sure your proof is what Obama initiated and not Dubya.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Yes, please, give me specifics where the Federal Government under Obama, has attempted to take away first and second amendment rights. I have a thing for facts not just accusations thrown around willy nilly.

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM

      To anonymous 8:22

      You couldn't possibly be more more incorrect. Gun laws are looser than they have ever been in the history of this country. More guns, and more dangerous (and unnecessary for any earthly purpose other than penile enhancement) guns are owned than ever before in the history of this country. There are more mass murders, and more accidental gun woundings and killings, than ever before in the history of this country.

      Every year in America, on average, 33,000 people die, and about 60,000 people are injured, from gunfire, and many of them are children. Guns greatly increase not only homicide and negligent homicide rates, but also suicide rates, especially in rural areas. If you think these statistics are not affecting your health insurance premium rates, then I've got some swamp land in Florida I'd like to sell you.

      Here is a site with substantial statistical information about gun injuries and deaths:

      America has the loosest gun laws in the world. Recently, the Republicans in Congress voted that even people with questionable terrorist backgrounds should be able to have access to guns without any background checks. It also believes that people who are alcoholics, drug addicts, or who have mental illness should have easy access to guns without any background checks. They actually believe that people with these backgrounds should be able to SELL firearms and ammunition. These same Republicans have taken away much of the government funding that would normally monitor facilities such as the Texas fertilizer plant that exploded. As you may know, fertilizer is used to make bombs. These same Republicans are also against regulating the sale of other powders that are a favorite bomb-making material. It's just not possible to claim that you are against terrorists and terrorism and then take these positions: it is simply not possible.

      Here are some more facts about the dangers of this kind of thinking:

  16. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Yet another microdick gun nut.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Microdick gun nut
      That has a nice ring to it. Mind if I use it? Throw it around the internet a bit?

  17. Anonymous8:36 AM

    What a man! He must have an enormous penis.

  18. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The only thing he has proven it that he is not fit for duty in a public office

  19. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I found this when I googled his name.

    This was posted in the comment section.

    July 26, 2013
    Call Chief Kessler’s cell phone number 570-205-0585 and let him know what you think. Also call the Mayor Mary Lou Hannon here and let her know also Gilberton Borough Office–(570) 874-4790.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      She's a fool also. You know she had to have told him to STFU after the first video. Shows how much control she has over her police chief since he made this video. Not surprised, men like him wouldn't think to highly of women in control. She's probably too scared to fire him.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Just read an article with her response. She won't fire him because he is the only one on their town police force. So he is the Police Chief of a force of himself. Obviously, the town is covered by the Sheriff's Department for the county. She is saying he is protected by free speech. Uh, I think when he gets to the point where he pretends to shoot Nancy Pelosi, all bets are off

    3. Add the Pennsylvania Attorney General to your list of people to contact:

  20. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This man belongs in an insane asylum, in a straight jacket. He is totally out of control.

  21. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Here's Mr Crazy's website:

    Whois tells me it's only been registered since early February of this year. Obviously Obama's reelection put him over the edge.

    And that stupid mayor, Mary Lou Hannon, is as nutty as he is. In fact, the town is crazy, and deserves both of them.

  22. Anonymous3:23 PM

    If you ever wondered how a man would behave if he was born without a dick... this is it.

  23. hauksdottir3:54 PM

    It may be possible for the Chamber of Commerce to eventually act after the citizens realize that their property values have fallen (would you want to buy a house or business there?) and the merchants have suffered a lack of visitors. Loss of cash flow usually gets their attention.

    Once the press leaves, all that will be left is a distaste for the area. Any family or business thinking about relocating to Gilberton is going to not only Google, but check social media. I wouldn't even drive through the town, but avoid it entirely.

  24. Anita Winecooler7:29 PM

    Note to Jean Franklin:

    If you haven't yet, please move out of town asap. Not that I don't agree with you, but the man does have anger issues and a badge.


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