Sunday, July 07, 2013

Rather than apologize to Wendy Davis for being an asshole, Rick Perry doubles down.

"Look there are three things I don't know about women. Anything, everything, and ..uh..I forgot the third one."
Courtesy of Think Progress:

Last week, Perry faced criticism from members of his own party for suggesting that Davis, who was born to a single mother and is a single mother herself, should have learned from her own life experiences to value “every life.” During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Perry clarified that Davis should be grateful her mother did not abort her because “[y]ou never know who’s going to be considered to be an extraordinary individual”: 

JOHN ROBERTS (HOST): In hindsight do you regret those comments and do you think that if you decide to run for president again in 2016, that those comments could hurt you with independent women? 

PERRY: Actually, those comments were meant to be a compliment to her for what she had accomplished in her life, and you think about where she came from, what she’s accomplished. And as a matter of fact, I would think that she’s very proud of that as well. My point was that saving a life and letting that life come to its fulfillment and all the good things that happened. You never know who’s going to be considered to be an extraordinary individual who’s going to make that real impact and life. And that was our point that we were making, and nothing else. Nothing more.

So I guess if the un-aborted fetus grew up to be a drug dealer, or a child molester, or a dipshit Governor from Texas, instead of an "extraordinary individual," that Rick Perry would have a different opinion on ensuring that EVERY viable embryo be born?

And of course this is just the latest volley in Perry's war on women:

This is just the latest in a seemingly never-ending assault on Texas women. In 2011, lawmakers decimated the Texas family planning program with a two-thirds budget cut that closed nearly 60 family planning clinics across the state and left almost 150,000 women without care. Soon after, they also barred Planned Parenthood and other reproductive health clinics defined as “abortion affiliates” from the Women’s Health Program (WHP), a state Medicaid program on which thousands of poor women rely. Governor Perry insisted that former WHP patients could find new providers and claimed there were plenty to bridge the gap, but that simply is not the case. Clinics across Texas have reported a sharp drop in patients, and guess that former WHP clients are receiving no care at all. 

Nobody wants there to be ANY abortions if at all possible, but the reality is that they have existed almost as long as civilization itself. And introducing restrictions which would close down clinics and restrict access to abortions when women may find themselves in a desperate life or death medical emergency is beyond callous.

You know during the Republican primary I used to simply think that Rick Perry was an oversize frat boy that was good for a laugh or two. But now I am beginning to REALLY dislike his ass.

My new fantasy is that Wendy Davis challenges him for reelection and fucking DESTROYS him, leaving nothing behind but a pair of cowboy boots and a half empty bottle of Grecian Formula.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    No, you never know who is going to be an extraordinary individual. That happens to include single mothers, unwed teenagers, prospective parents of a child with severely limiting disability and medical conditions, potential fathers who are not in a position to emotionally or financially support a yet to be born child, and existing siblings, whose existence may be undermined by a new baby that is just one more than can be supported by the family. Yes, all of these could turn out to be extraordinary individuals, if given the chance, if not burdened by that one last straw that takes the camel down. Perry and the GOP do not appear to care much for the actual living as they do the abstract. . .which they themselves will never be required to support. Especially as they are totally trying to pull the food stamp, ObamaCare, unemployment and welfare benefits out from under the ACTUAL LIVING AND ALREADY BORN>

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I have a hunch that the Republican/Perry agenda of removing contraception access, combined with wage suppression, the sequester, and the denial of healthcare and food benefits, also contributes to the rise in domestic violence. I know from personal experience that these things contribute greatly to the stress levels in poor and lower middle-class households.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Weird, Perry considers Davis to be "an extrodinary" woman while he sabotages what she single handedly accomplished.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      And calls it 'mob rule'. In GOP-speak, participatory democracy is mob rule; while control over every personal function of your life by the 1 percent is 'orderly', 'patriotic', and just what God intended. Like the Catholic Church, freedom of conscience, education and political power for women, and the advancement of the poor (non-hierarchical rule) are anathema to them.

  3. What’s next? Demand that every twelve-year-old girl have a hysterectomy so no egg is ever flushed? These people are nuts. Love Wendy Davis.

  4. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I don't like the guy either! Not very smart, but that has already been proven. Can you imagine him running against Hillary Clinton? Cracks me up even thinking about it...she'll make mincemeat out of him!

    She is one 'extraordinary' woman that is far more experienced than he! Wonder if he'll be able to admit it? Haha!

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    George W Bush, who has to be of the biggest morons in History, said Rick Perry was Dense.I guess I'll grudgingly have to giv W alittle credit. Very little.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Rick Perry makes George Bush look like Einstein.

  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

    You have to pass a test to drive...

    After Sarah, GWB and Ricky, and others, it is time for States to force candidates for Governor to pass a IQ test.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I so agree! Members of the U.S. Congress should be tested too. How about we include governors of each of our states? We know for sure that Todd and Sarah Palin would never have been elected as co quitter govs of Alaska!

      How about testing of members of state Legislatures across the nation? I'll wager many could not answer history, geography or civics questions.

      How about giving each and everyone of them the test to become a U.S. citizen. We'd all want to see the results, of course!!!!

    2. Anonymous10:06 PM

      And just to be fair to all of them, we need to include questions from the Bible just to see how many of them have actually read it all the way through. and not just their favorite quotes or just the Old Testament, but the whole thing. Probably wouldn't hurt to have a few questions on creationism, too, so they don't accuse us of bias. Any other ideas about what else should be on the test? Like maybe questions about the US Constitution.

  7. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I've never liked Prick Perry, yet have had to deal with his bullshit for more than 10 years. He is an embarrassment to the state of Texas. Low paying, minimum wage jobs far exceed other jobs he's crowing about creating here. Please don't judge all of us by his reputation, I didn't vote for him. He has no respect for women, is not an advocate for education and is just a blowhard whose pockets are lined by the ignorant religious right and people like the Kochs. TIME FOR A CHANGE...WENDY HAS MY VOTE!

  8. Anonymous4:22 PM

    How much bullshit can you stuff into an Armani suit?

    Rick Perry

  9. jcinco4:28 PM

    So is money boo boo going to tweet well wishes to SOS Kerry's wife who is critical condition? She's got some bad timing when it comes to flinging her monkey poop hate around....I doubt if we'll hear a peep as when Gabby was shot all stupid sarah cared about is whining about what a victim she was..dumb twunt...

  10. Randall5:54 PM

    Conservative Republicans act like abortion didn't exist before Roe vs. Wade - but that is just not true.

    Roe vs. Wade saved millions of lives.

    Pass legislation to force the sperm-donor to PAY for all expenses concerning the pregnancy and the nonsense STOPS.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Amen!!! Great idea!!

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      " for all expenses concerning the pregnancy..." is a good start, but women have many non-financial reasons for wanting an abortion.

      A woman may not be emotionally or physically able to carry a baby to term and either care for it or try to get it adopted. A woman may already be overwhelmed with other children. The fetus may have defects the woman is unwilling to inflict. The woman may not want to invest enormous physical and emotional cost in a RAPIST's baby. And many other valid reasons.

      The woman that is most directly affected by the outcome is the BEST person to make the choice.

  11. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Gov. Oops wants to control women so he can get his little surge of sexual pleasure. Gov. Oops doesn't give a damn about fertilized eggs in women's bodies.

    WHY, WHY, WHY doesn't one of these idiot interviewers ever say "so why is a stupid unrelated man like you better at deciding than a woman who has a DIRECT interest in the outcome?"

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Why doesn't an interviewer just ask the obvious question:

      You are happy to let wealthy women fly to Canada/Europe for safe/affordable abortions. Why do you want to control only poor women?

  12. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Thank you Gryphen for caring about this, it is very important to women.

  13. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Yes, Rick, you never know who's going to be an extraordinary individual...but we do know that you will never be anything more than a stupid fool. In fact, I'm trying to think of one GOPer who could be considered extraordinary. Thinking...thinking...

  14. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

    You put the word "Governor" in front of some people's names, and they regard themselves Einsteins! I feel badly for Rick Perry's mom. While Embryo Rick attached, another Perry fetus destined for greatness didn't.

    Screw you, Rick. warping Wendy's situation to fit your warped world view shows how stupid you are.

  15. I was sitting home alone one night in L.A. watching Tom Brokaw on the 7 o'clock news. It seems there was an earthquake that left nothing but a panama hat and a pair of old Greek shoes.

  16. Didn't some right wing hypocrite Republibagger suggest that Obama's Mother should have had an abortion? Because, you never know if your child is going to grow up to be President.

  17. Anonymous1:59 PM

    interesting. but Wendy's a liar who used her husband to pay the bills she PRETENDS she struggled to pay, then discarded him when she was done using him. abandoned him, just like her kids, when it was convenient. I think she just worships convenience. abortion is all about convenience, is it not?

  18. Anonymous2:03 PM

    given how severely wendy used/abused her husband jeff, one wonders exactly how she became #1 in her class. to someone as ruthless and lizard-cold as she, I have a pretty fine guess.

  19. Anonymous3:19 PM

    funny, jeff davis, the abandoned husband who spent his 401k on Wendy's law school education (and her now famously dumping him THE DAY AFTER he made the last payment) - want the truth? Jeff is the true selfless, struggling hero here, not horrible her. he served someone he clearly loved, and she crapped all over him. he's the one with the great story, not the nasty lying wendy. Pochahantus II.

  20. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Best comment above: just imagine if the tables were turned. Imagine for a moment that Jeff Davis had crowed about how hard he had it, how he struggled as a single parent, and made good, etc., and it turned out that he spent his wife's 401K on his law school education then dumped her the day after she paid the debt off. That he dumped his kids mid-divorce cause it wasn't a convenient time for him. He would justifiably CRUCIFIED by you and the media and be considered the total ass that she obviously is. typical lefty hero = an ass who took advantage of others' kindnesses, then bragged about how she struggled. When she didn't.

  21. Hey crazy troll @1:59...2:03...3:19...ANNDDDD 4:24PM...why are you on this OLD ass Wendy Davis thread talking to your self?

    Is that you Krusty the Bedpan? What up fool? Too scared to post your ramblings on the Baldy post? Why are you hating on Wendy? You jealous that she doesn't smell like piss?

    Poor stupid ass one wants ya on IM's so you're reduced to trolling old ass threads! Well have fun stupid! LOL!!!

  22. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Gina, is that really your nose? I never associated looks with politics before, but I get it. I get it! ps - I was worried no one saw my posts, but now I feel much better. refute my arguments, if you can. of course, you can't. Wendy's a lying dope/user. you know it, you just don't mind cause she's YOUR lying dope, like Fauxchahantus. Sad that. Truth is King.

  23. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ the dumbass troll 8:48!!

    In the words of Baldy Louise Heath Palin.....


    When you figure that out...ya stupid fuck...then I'll "refute" your arguments!

    So...go...scat troll....ya got some homework to do....I'll be waiting.....LOL!!!

  24. Anonymous10:11 AM

    First, let me acknowledge the unfairness for me to be anonymous, and critique your appearance. I do appreciate the bravery it took for you to post that picture of yourself, and to be frank, I'm not much to look at either, but I married very well, as I'm a fun and decent fella with a work ethic (not yet punishable in America, but soon). You know what's important to me here? That you are so marvelously able to entertain yourself and crack yourself up, causing yourself wonderful mirth. Someone has to do it! Listen, I know you're wrong about everything and all, but I still wish you a good, happy and healthy life.

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM the ugly troll that lives under IM's comment section said....

    "I'm not much to look at either!"

    You said it troll....not me!'re a different troll from the one that was whining about Wendy Davis. For some strange reason...ya remind me of that half dead old goat at C4P named "He'sNoVirginiaGentleman1"'s it hanging "milady"!


    PSS....fuck off troll!

  26. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I seem to have upset you. Same troll. Same position on the Lying User (Wendy). I will have to ask you to use civil language. Perish forfend my delicate ears hear such harsh expressions, particularly from someone whom, I'd have to guess, has never been kissed.

  27. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Gina, where do you live? Want to meet for lunch? I bet we'd have fun. We might not agree to much, but I know that under all that unkindness and bluster is a real person, with good, if misguided, values. I've converted a lot of haters. Not with love, but with honesty.

  28. Anonymous1:57 PM

    STFU old man and go take another breathing treatment before ya pass out over the can't hang here if your "delicate ears" can't handle REAL talk!

    You're a troll....and a lazy ass troll at that!

  29. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Nunya of your business where I live dumbass. Plus I don't have lunch with TROLLS! Your funky ass smell tends to turn my appetite! LOL!!

    PS...kindly fuck off now! LOL!!

  30. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Gina, you seem a trifle obsessed with me. Real talk, that's funny. More like real cruelty, real meanness, real uncaring, real sad, real lonely, real angry, real frustrated. But you're right about one thing: I am as funky AS HELL. Beyond your dreams. But not in your paleface vernacular, amiga. I'm talking uncut. You wouldn't understand. Now tell me to f off again, lonely girl.

  31. Anonymous9:24 AM it IS you...the half dead old goat "He'sNoVirginiaGentleman1" from the land of Sea of Piss!

    What happened old man...did the OLD lady take ya off the computer because you were getting too "excited" looking at 2008 pictures of Baldy Palin or did you sneak and look at the big boob porno version of Baldy? You can tell me...we're friends now! LOL!!!

    You're such a stupid ass troll! One more thing....

    FUCK OFF......LOL!!!

  32. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I admire your spunk.

    Now wipe your chin.

    Or salt your sandwich.

    Ha ha.

    I still think we should meet. I could really help you. The world is a much bigger, more wonderful and diverse place than you imagine. Come on now, girlfriend. Step up. I don't bite.

  33. Anonymous2:20 PM

    btw, I don't get any of your references. Virginia Gentleman? Baldy Palin? Sea of Piss? All quite over my delicate and sensible little ol' head.

    If we don't speak again today (you keep coming back for more), have a great weekend.

    I know it's lonely out there, but remember: you only need one (to love). You can do it, babe. One step at a time. Step one: turn off the computer and go outside, where da fellas at.

  34. Anonymous2:20 PM and Anonymous2:16 PM...the same stupid ass troll.

    Awwwww...ya poor little troll! I guess you don't get it yet? I'm helping YOU out!

    See the sign that Gryphen post about the trolls?

    By the time I get done with you won't be able to move out of your chair....the size of your thighs will be ginormous!


    PS...ya know what's comin.....

    FUCK OFF! LOL!!!

  35. Anonymous3:35 PM

    my thighs are shrinking...........

  36. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Gina, did you see where Wendy told the media that her personal story is now "off limits?" Gee, I wonder why. Maybe cause it's a lie? That she's no hero, but a lowdown user and liar. Obviously this site is a lie as well, it's not at all interested in the obvious truth about Wendy's life story. Just another cog in a big lie. Congrats on that, blogger. Well done.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.