Sunday, July 28, 2013

Second biggest broadcaster in the country to drop both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity by the end of the year. Now THAT'S a reason to celebrate!

Courtesy of Politico:

 In a major shakeup for the radio industry, Cumulus Media, the second-biggest broadcaster in the country, is planning to drop both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations at the end of the year, an industry source told POLITICO on Sunday. 

Cumulus has decided that it will not renew its contracts with either host, the source said, a move that would remove the two most highly rated conservative talk personalities from more than 40 Cumulus channels in major markets. 

Yep it is getting harder and harder to market Right Wing blowhards whose audience is dying out by the hundreds during station breaks.

Good riddance to bad trash is what I say.

Yep the future in this country is both bright and progressive.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Don't get too excited, Gryphen. I hate to say this, but this is just a typical pissing contest between two media outlets where one wants more money than the other one is willing to pay. But in the end, they will come to terms. They really have no choice, and both sides know it. They're just each trying to drum up public support in the meantime.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Uh no... I don't think so! Do some more research into advertisers pulling out.

    2. Anonymous12:42 AM

      rush is not going anywhere until he retires or dies. 445 is exactly right. he will always have a large following and will always find broadcasters. hannity has much less 'talent' and audience history- it is possible his career could peter out.

  2. In the long run, hate is bad for business. Bless their hearts.

  3. Leland5:04 PM

    Oh, I don't know about that. The far right xtians seem to be going great guns.

    I will admit, however, that it will be short lived since they are losing members left and right due to that hate preaching. It's just not fast enough for me.

    And hate has historically been good for business as far as those wanting to foment war and ugly conditions are concerned - like arms dealers.

    But I know what you meant. Eventually it comes back on them.

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Yes, freedom of speech is being blocked one station at a time. Thank goodness there is the internet, where a person can blog to their hearts content, and get info out to the public that the major networks refuse to mention.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      "info" LOL. Fuckwit.

      Hannity and Limbaugh have lost most of their audience already and it won't get any better for them.

      They and you are yesterday's hatebots.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Yes, what the world needs is more Right-wing lies and fake scandals and more racism. Your ilk has nothing else to offer.

      You also have the right to shut up and fuck off.

    3. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Who is 'blocking' freedom of speech here?

    4. Sally in MI5:39 PM

      Freedom of speech? Is that what you think Rush and Hannity are about? Sorry, hon, but they are about ratings and money for their dropout selves. Neither cares about the truth nor whether they are creating a divide the size of the Grand Canyon in this country. And I assume your internet connections are Breitbart, Rushbo, Hannity and Fox, with a little Newsmax thrown in on the side? Good luck finding one true statement on any of them.

    5. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Dear, oh, dear. Please read the Constitution.

      "Freedom of Speech" allows citizens, in most cases, to say whatever is on their mind. They won't get shot down in the public square for opposing the government.

      "Freedom of Speech" does not mean that a newspaper, magazine, network or blog is required to disseminate someone's opinions.

      There are billions of dollars of conservative money that would back these has-beens if they thought there was a purpose in doing so. As would advertisers. It appears that fewer and fewer people want to hear from Limbaugh and Hannity. You can be sure that some others of their ilk will step in.

      Both these men are free to go to other stations, to start their own networks, to blog, tweet and otherwise let their speech go free and openly to the public. But, if they public doesn't want to listen to them, there's no requirement that we do so.

    6. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Well explained 6:14

    7. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Thanks for that Constitutional refresher. Clearly our ignorant friend needed it.

      And I thought that all the people like 5:04 who listen to Rush and Hannity were staunch supporters of capitalism. Shouldn't they be thrilled that capitalism is working just as it's designed to in this case?

      Lose your audience, pull your money. Easy peasy!

    8. Anonymous1:49 AM

      Please tell me the next step will be removing Rush from American Forces Network. He should not be broadcasting to US troops. Unless the whole idea behind having him spout his racism is to rile up the troops. They have to wonder WHAT they are fighting for, when they hear the big, fat, much married blowhard dissing their Commander in Chief. He is a disgrace to the country. Remember, he did not serve because he had a pimple on his extra large posterior.

    9. Anonymous2:30 AM

      Freedom of speech has nothing to do with a company or business and their right to set policy, or to fire or reprimand employees, dumbass. It's that "free market" thing you morons are always paying lip service to and pretending you love. If someone is paying you 20 -30 million dollars a year you're supposed to be bringing money in, not losing it. Limbaugh and Hannity are bleeding advertisers with their constant insults and hate toward the American people and the government we have chosen. What is it with you dick-bag right-wingers thinking you should be paid millions a year without respecting your employers or following any rules?

      It's like the whole birth control thing...our government gives the church over 70 billion dollars a year, and they sure do love freeloading off of the rest of us, but if they're asked to follow some rules they go ape-shit and screech about a war on the church. You greedy fucking taint-sniffing imbeciles sure do love to get that fat ass check while acting like you are above having to play by the rules. Why are you guys such greedy, whiny, stupid bitch-baby pussies when you have to face the consequences of your actions? Go fuck yourselves. This country is sick of your filthy hate merchants insulting us and getting rich doing it, while pointing fingers and blaming others for their vitriol and stupidity, and constantly whining about how the poor millionaires of this country are just SO downtrodden. Good riddance to these assholes, and YOU can go eat a bag of dicks, fucktard.

    10. Anonymous2:36 AM

      Oh yeah, you DO know the government is who made it possible for you to annoy the shit out of decent, sane people all over the internet, right? There's nothing about the internet in the constitution bitch so get the fuck off of it you fucking hypocrite

    11. Since you're stupid and ignorant, Anonymous 5:04, go back and read 6:14 again, or finish reading it, or get somebody to help you sound out the big words.

      Freedom of speech does not guarantee you a platform, and it does not guarantee you an audience. It does not guarantee that there will not be consequences to your words.

      You morons profess to love the constitution so much, but are completely ignorant of what it actually says.

    12. Anonymous7:16 AM

      So, it is ok, for a business to operate the way they want... as long as it is silencing the Right Wingers, but then when a right winger is the business owner, they cannot run it the way they want? Such as bakeries not providing, and supporting gay marriage when they provide plenty of other bakeries (less and more expensive), for them to go to that are nearby.

      Way to be a hyprocrite!

    13. Anonymous7:42 AM

      See this is what happens in the Free Market that your ilk are so keen to champion. When something loses its potential to make money, companies remedy the situation by getting rid of things that cost them to lose profit. It has nothing to do with free speech.

      Besides, neither of these vile creatures give a flying fuck about you. All they want is your money. They earn that money by telling their audience to go buy products (or whatever service they provide) from the companies that advertise on their show. You do what they say while rush and hannity sit in their multimillion dollar homes, that sits in a gated community and laugh their fat asses off about how stupid the people are that listen to them. They don't care about this country or you but you can bet your ass they do care about money. They will do whatever it takes to get that money even if it means stirring up hate or just flat out lying to get you idiots riled up about nothing.

      Sure, they will thank you for your support but you can't come to the party because you are not one of them. See how that works.


    14. Anonymous7:54 AM

      7:16, you are thicker than a tube of potatoes. See, when business owners take sides on any type of debate, they set themselves up for public backlash whether it is right or left leaning. It goes both ways. Please try and keep up. Better yet, just go away.


  5. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Maybe their shows can be replaced with some unknown neocon asshats that we're not sick of yet. Rush really used to be funny to listen to when he was more witty than sarcastic and used humor instead of hate. He was an asshole about Hillary but funny about Bill C, mysogynistic and partisan but he used to talk about other things than just politics so I listened to him in the afternoons driving between sales calls, because my customers listened to him and we could laugh without the decisive political talk. Maybe it's the drugs that reduced him to his true racist self, I don't know.

    Hannity has been a snot- nosed prick ever since I first listened to him. I can only listen to him for short segments, because he's so blatantly dishonest in his presentation. Frankly, I'm glad that he's almost always on the other side of an issue than I am, so I wouldn't have to be correcting his lies that would undercut the veracity of my own positions.

    Bottom line: Both are shitheads, and Hannity is the worst by far.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      And Hannity is DUMB! Dumb as a brick!

    2. Anonymous1:52 AM

      Both of them think they are SO popular. Time to face reality.

    3. Anonymous2:52 AM

      He's ugly as fuck too, with that big fat fuckin' meatball he calls a head always always tilted back on his fat neck, looking down his nose with those beady little eyes of his, wearing a permanent smug smirk. As if he has ANYTHING to be smug about considering he's got the IQ of a bag of doorknobs. He's totally insufferable in every way. When he gets together with Tundra Twat Palin and they start their whine-fest disguised as an interview, it's enough to drive you to suicide. Fuck all of these mouth-breathing psychotic assholes.

  6. Such is the nature of free market capitalism. When you become more of a financial liability than an asset, the corporate world will discard you like yesterday's inflammatory, propagandistic faux news.

  7. Christmas in July! Ho Ho Ho!!!

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Enough about $arah. Limbaugh/Hannity thread.


  8. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Well, there is it. They've been inciting hate and discord and people are starting to see it for what it really is. The fact that President Obama is still being blamed for everything and not given any reasonable credit, now in his 5th year, tells on their bitter envy and racist attitude.

    Limbaugh and Hannity try so desperately to keep up the momentum of railing and accusation hurling; and it's not having an effect anymore. People are tired of living in their hate-world of blame and unprovoked attack on a White House that's been doing the business of the people.

    The psychological warfare that Rush and Hannity have been using has plateau'ed and even the right-fringe working people can't live in the negativity and hopeless non-ending hate. Hate hurts and it has a way of being too much even for the hate-lovers. Even hate-lovers need time to cool off. They've realized hating every day and watching it ooze out of Hannity's pores make them unproductive and unhappy.

    1. Anonymous1:55 AM

      Amen to THAT!! Hate has made them both rich, but do they enjoy those riches? Rush has to BUY wives, 4 so far. I read that he stays confined in his mansion in Florida, apart from his trips to visit little brown boys in the Dominican Republic!!

  9. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Wonderful news! Now if their fans want to listen to them spew hate and lies, they can pay for that privilege, just like Glenny Beck's minions.

    Where I live (North TX), there are no fewer than a dozen right-wing radio programs, scattered all over A.M. radio. The number of left-wing radio programs? Zero.

    And no, NPR doesn't count.

    1. Anonymous1:57 AM

      9:44 his explains why Texas is in the mess it is in, then. Listening to those two, with no sane alternative is called brain washing. Time to step forward into THIS century, instead of living in the past.

  10. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Those pics are just way too much hideous for one post, man! lol


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