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"Sayonara, Texans. I am gettin out while the gettin is good." |
Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, announced Monday he will not seek another term as governor in 2014, a decision fueling speculation about whether he'll make another run for president in 2016.
"I make this announcement with a deep sense of humility and appreciation for the time and the trust the people of this state has given me," Perry announced at an event in San Antonio. "And knowing I will truly miss serving in this capacity because it is the greatest job in modern politics."
Some are saying that this decision foreshadows Perry's inevitable run for President in 2016, but being governor of Texas did not seem to hinder him in 2012.
NO I think the reason is more obvious than that.
I think he knows that Wendy Davis might be his challenger in 2014, and he is terrified to face the Democratic superstar.
Rick Perry runs away from a fight with a girl. Yep that's my opinion and I am sticking with it!
And I think that reason is given credence by the fact that his draconian abortion bill has attracted nationwide attention and appears to be in serious trouble with the pro-choice advocates outnumbering the anti-abortion protestors more than two to one.
It may yet pass, but once it does it will essentially signal the end of Perry's chances at reelection in Texas.
And as as for President? Yeah, not so much.
Rick is going to star in a reality TV show, then go on DWTS and finally become a Fox pundit.
ReplyDeleteLife be good.
Rick stayed past his expiration date. After he fails at getting the GOP nomination in 2016, Governor Goodhair will be offered an internship at 700 Club, as Pat Robertson's office is moved to the basement of the building, where the doors lock from the outside.
ReplyDeleteRick is definitely running. A friend of mine, a person deeply embedded in Texas politics, the whole special legislation was meant to help him with his street cred when he primaries. The whole GOP has shifted so far to the right that anyone who wants to be considered in 2016 will have to start running now and will need to outcrazy, outchristian and outlandishly get noticed. They will say Mitt was too moderate and that's why they lost, so they'll push far to the right again. Perry's move is being repeated by other GOP govs around the country, namely Wisconsin's gov Scott Walker, who just signed his own set of crazy legislation that has now been stayed by a federal judge. He's just kicked off his campaign. Wouldn't be surprised to see a Perry/Palin ticket.
ReplyDeleteYou mean the DUmb and Dumber ticket? Palin would have to run herself to make her at all credible, and she's too afraid of the press to do that. Perry will never be the nominee. He's like Santorum on steroids, without the speechwriters or the handicapped child. No, I think they'll lose big in the midterms, and then push Christie as dome sort of almost moderate. He's the only one who could go toe to toe with Clinton, but his bully side will come out and he'll be toast.
DeleteGryphen, you must have missed the announcement by Perry that security at the capital will be extremely high this time - to keep out the protestors.
ReplyDeleteThere is no IF the bill passes. It WILL pass!
Sorry to say that, but assholes will be assholes!
Rick the Prick is just getting ready to step aside and let his uglier, meaner Godawful Old Pricks buddy, Greg Abbott, tune up to run. FYI: Abbott is one mean sumbitch who is "Perry without the compassion and charm". http://juanitajean.com/2013/07/08/rick-perrys-big-announcement/
ReplyDeleteRick's not going anywhere that he can't keep his hand out, raking in more good old boy money from his crony capitalists and back pocket lobbyists. How do you think he got so freakin' rich while working only government jobs since his days as a Texas A&M "yell leader"?
The future governor of TX, and it won't be Wendy Davis more's the pity, is even more extreme than Perry. Think same assholery without the charm and drug addiction.
ReplyDeleteRick Perry became a multi-millionaire as gov. of Texas. He has worked in government his whole life and came from a poor family. There is no way this man should be this rich. If Rick runs again, its all about the money some big oil men will be handing over to him to put in his PAC. He must have had serious talks with Griftopia Galore about the PAC dodge.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the off-topic post but this is so fun: Fox News tries to combat the Rush Limbaugh "don't watch Fox News" comment: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/07/09/spinning-rush-limbaugh-fox-news-comments-taken-out-context/
ReplyDeleteIt may be more likely that he knows he will have a Republican challenger this time around who could beat him. AG Greg Abbott has been wanting the governor position and now sees his chance as Perrys' popularity is at an all-time low. Abbott is rumored to have an $18 million war chest already with more coming in. The powers that be in TX may have decided (after the 2012 Republican Presidential debate debacle) he would be vulnerable to a challenge from a Dem this time around and know that Abbott will be harder to beat. So, as much as we might wish it were that he was worried about losing to Wendy Davis, it is probably more likely he doesn't want to lose to a Repub. The gravy train is not over for gov goodhair, it is just going to be using another track.
ReplyDeleteThe rumors in my neck of the woods (North Central Texas), is that the "reason" Perry failed the 2012 bid was due to poor prep and distractions of his Gov duties (lol... no, really, people think that).
ReplyDeleteSo now that he has essentially unburdened himself (well, I suppose he could quit, but that's just STUPID)... anyway, now he can supposedly focus on the 2016 Presidential run.
Whatever. He won't win. Just get him the hell out of Texas and I'll be happy.
I'd LOVE to see Wendy Davis as Governor. Now THERE is a strong, intelligent, educated woman -- who DOESN'T speak in trite soundbites and actually knows her subject.
And in other news: SB5 (the abortion ban bill that Wendy filibustered) is up for voting today. It'll pass, as a filibuster is not possible this time. So that'll close 37 of 42 clinics that provide abortion services. More children will be born into poverty and unwanted homes (but with no aid from the RW after birth), more women will die trying to prevent giving birth to a child they're not prepared or equipped to provide basic needs for... and I suppose those that can afford a trip to Mexico will seek services there.
But then I suppose that's the price women must pay for letting men have unprotected sex with them. The evangelicals in Texas must be so proud.
And what will happen to the men who get these women pregnant in the first place? Someone answer that for me. Seriously.
"...the people of this state has given me," People "has" given him?
ReplyDeleteAnother child left behind and from Texas like the last one.
Perry will be replaced by Greg Abbott, who is even worse. Whether or not he decides to run for Pres, [p]Rick will spend the next year doing "grassroots fundraising," aka being a shill for Fox News. He will also no doubt continue to be one of the most deeply closeted men in the state of Texas. What a hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteJulian Castro will kick Abbotts butt and be the next Governor of Texas. Rick won't run again because he is too afraid about getting beat by a "brown" person. And yes, Rick plans another Presidential run, but not because he thinks he can win, but to line his pockets, or as my husband calls it "the Ron Paul retirement plan"
DeleteHead Figure Head by Glen Maxey should be required reading. Rick Perry is indeed in the closet. Unfortunately, I read that Julian Castro won't run. I hope Abbot doesn't win!
DeleteAll I can think of is watching the Republican debate in November, 2011, with the infamous Perry "oops" moment, with the dead air hanging on forever, then Ron Paul trying his best to help out Perry with a few prompts.
That moment will be replayed endlessly if and when he tries to run. The look of dumb stupidity on his face when he couldn't remember his mantra of THREE things he didn't like about the Federal government. And it will only be repeated in another fashion if he tries to ad lib again in 2016. It remains to be seen how low an IQ the right wing will accept in their candidate.
The idea of Palin and Perry -- yes, dumb and dumber -- is too delicious to contemplate. God hasn't yet designed a hand big enough to work as a cheat sheet for either of these bozos.
Here's Palin's latest screed:
She plans to take over Hollywood! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't think he'd find a whole lot of backing for another run at POTUS, there are so many potential candidates yet to embarrass themselves on the national stage. I'm betting there's a lot of money wherever it is that he's going.
ReplyDeleteSomeone PLEASE tell Rick that dying his eyebrows and hair jet black just emphasises his wrikles. It does not make him look younger. Jeb Bush has a son named George, who is running for office in Texas. I wonder if Rick is stepping aside for another Bush? Surely the people of Texas have had enough ridicule for electing stupid people, please not another Bush. These people LOVE to be on the taxpayer we;fare rolls, don't they? Are they afraid they are not smart enough to make it in any other capacity?
ReplyDeleteIsn't he already getting retirement income on top of his salary? I think he wants to make sure he can get as much as possible, while the taking is easy. Who knows what draconian measures they will have to institute after he is out, and if he is grandfathered-in, they cannot take it away from him.
ReplyDeleteWhen asked by by reporters why he was not running for Governor, Mr. Perry replied there were three reasons:
ReplyDelete"Firstly, my good people of Texas, I want to spend more time with my family. Secondly I would er, and er... I want... ooops, I can't remember. Soooorry."
The poor sap can't even remember his second reason. Sigh. And you thought it couldn't get any worse...
And even though he is now a "lame duck" Governor, he is finishing out his term. My, what a novel idea!!
ReplyDeleteAdios, MOFO!
ReplyDeletePoor Ricky... Even the Klan is turning on him.. They believe that Ricky hasn't done enough to promote white power !!
ReplyDeleteTexas has digressed 100 years since he's been Guv. And the people now around him in state politics have made it WORSE !! Wonder if the Alaskan Monkey Queen saved him a slot in her mountain fortress ??
As a lifelong Texan, for the first time I can thank Perry for something! Adios Slick Rick, we won't miss ya!
ReplyDeleteAnyone else look at Rick Perry's worn-out face and think "screaming alcoholic"???
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'
Yes! Little Ricky and House Leader John Boner have the same glassy-eyed look about them.
My comment is 'way off topic, but about our favorite AK/AZ commuter, the Wasilla Wendigo (I love that name!).
ReplyDeleteThis article gives photographic evidence why we all think she wears wigs these days.
Sometimes in the past 4+ years it's been pretty obvious she has worn hair weaves, and along with her dubious eating habits, her hair must have been falling out by the handfuls (that happened to me for a few months when I was severely anemic, also when I had to take a blood thinner).
Governor Moon Moon needs to GO, preferably before another emergency session is squandered on ramming through his pet human rights disaster...
ReplyDeleteRick Perry looks like a used car salesman, a salesman of very used cars.
I wouldn't buy a set of tires from that shyster.
DeleteHe's ALreadY and HAS BEEN collecting retirement benefits from the state on TOP of his ~salary~ he might as well get the hell out of office.
ReplyDeleteHe can't even count to three.
Okay, I'm going to dip my toe into the shallow end of the pool, but I must say Sen. Davis has the warmest, most genuine smile. She looks like she'd be the coolest boss every.
ReplyDeleteIt would make my day so bad if the reason for this was Wendy Davis.
ReplyDeleteI think someone's ego got bruised big time by a petite woman in pink sneakers. He made enough of an ass of himself during the debates and it's been downhill ever since. He brought this on himself with how he took Wendy's story and warped it into pro life word salad.
ReplyDeleteWrite a book, play some golf,
Retire to that ranch with the painted stone and make self portraits while in a bathtub... you'll make a FORTUNE. There's always Wife Swap.